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本文(2018年秋人教版新目标七年级英语上册Unit3(第5课时)Section B 3a_SelfCheck课时练习(含答案))为本站会员(好样****8)主动上传,七七文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知七七文库(发送邮件至373788568@qq.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

2018年秋人教版新目标七年级英语上册Unit3(第5课时)Section B 3a_SelfCheck课时练习(含答案)

1、Unit 3 Is this your pencil第五课时 Section B (3aSelf Check)A 基础起航 .根据句意及首字母或中文提示填写单词。1He has two nice _watches_(手表)2Are these _dictionaries_(字典) yours?Yes, they are.3I lost my _notebook_(笔记本). Where is it?4I am sorry I cant _spell_(拼写) the long word.5I find a _set_(串) of keys. Are they yours?6His father

2、 teaches PE. in No.1 Middle School.He is a good teacher_7There are many books in our school library_8You can email_ me at 267661 .9Welcome_ to my home, Jane. Come in, please. Thank you.10I often lose_ my keys and cant find them.单项选择。( A )1.Whats this? Its _ eraser and thats _ school ID card.Aan; a B

3、an; anCa; a Da; an( C )2.Is that your notebook, Jenny? Yes, it is _Ame Bmy Cmine DI( A )3._, is that Helens key?No, hers is yellow.AExcuse me BThank youCSorry DAll right( C )4.Call me _ 15867809832 if you miss(想念) me.Ain Bon Cat Dfor( C )5._ do you spell “eraser”?ERASER.AWhat BWhy CHow DWho( B )6.Ar

4、e _ her parents?Yes, they are.Athis Bthese Cthat Dthem ( C )7.Thank you _ your help, Linda. Awith Bof Cfor Dat( D )8.The ring is my mothers and the watch is _, too.Ashes Bher Cshe DhersB 语法扬帆 .阅读理解。Look at these things. This is Mr. Wangs ID card. And this is Jims watch, and thats Marys key. Ginas no

5、tebook is over there. Look! Whats that on the floor? Oh, its a gold ring. Its Jennys ring. Its very nice.( C )1.This is Mr. Wangs _Anotebook BkeyCID card Dwatch( B )2._ notebook is over there.AJims BGinasCJennys DMarys( A )3.Is this Jims watch?AYes, it is. BNo, it isnt.CYes, he is. DNo, he isnt.( C

6、)4.Is Jennys ring very nice?AYes, she is. BNo, she isnt.CYes, it is. DNo, it isnt.( D )5.Mr. Wangs name must (肯定) be on his _Aring BwatchCkey DID card.用所给单词的正确形式填空或根据上下文填写合适的单词。(每空一词)Hello, boys and girls. 1._My_ (I) name is Helen White. This is my schoolbag. Its 2._green_ (green). I like the color

7、very much. Oh, whats this 3._in_ English? Its 4._an_ English dictionary. How do you 5._spell_ (spell)it? Its DICTIONARY. Is that a ruler? No, it isnt. Its a key. That is my pencil box. You can 6._find_(find) a ruler, two pencils and three pens in it. Where 7._is_ (be) my ID card? I 8._lost_(lose) it

8、 in the morning. My name is on the 9._card_(card). I must find it. Call me 10._at_ 8889998. Thanks.完形填空。My name is Jack Hill. My Chinese teacher is Yang Bin. He_1_ from Shanghai. He has _2_ children, a son and a daughter. _3_ are twins. The son is Yang Shang. The _4_is Yang Ying. Mr. Yang and his so

9、n _5_ in Nanjing, but his wife Chao Feng, a doctor, is_6_ Shanghai. Mr. Yangs daughter is in _7_. She is a college student in London. Yang Ying and I_8_ to the same college. We are classmates and we are good _9_. I teach her English and she teaches me _10_( C ) Bam Cis Dare( A )2.A.two Bthree

10、Cfour Dfive ( C )3.A.We BYou CThey DThese( B )4.A.son Bdaughter Cfather Dmother( D ) Bam Cis Dare( A ) Bon Cat Dfrom( B )7.A.China BEngland CJapan DCanada( D )8.A.lose Bfind Cask Dgo( B )9.A.brothers Bfriends Cstudents Dteachers( B )10.A.English BChinese CJapanese DFrench.单元写作指导。写前品读Lost

11、I lost my ID card in the school library yesterday afternoon. I must find it. My telephone number is 8463022. Please call me. Thanks.TonyFoundI found a black watch in the Classroom R202 yesterday afternoon. Is it yours? Please call me at 13543271980 or email me at .Mary任务一:阅读两则启事,完成信息表。things wholost

12、 1._an_ID_card_ 2._Tony_found 6._a_watch_ 7._Mary_phone number or email addressother informationlost 3._8463022_ 4.where: _in_the_school_library_5when: _yesterday_afternoon_found 8._13543271980/_ happy_92__9.color: _black_10where: _in_the_Classroom_R202_11when: _yesterday_afternoon_任务二:寻物启事和失物招领的基本格

13、式和必备信息是什么?怎样用英语表达?格式与必备信息 寻物启事 失物招领1. _抬头_ _Lost_ _Found_2._丢失或找到的物品_ I lost my.Is this your.?Are these your.?I found.3. _联系人_ My name is.Call.或署名4. _联系方式_My telephone number is.Call me at.Email me at.任务三:为了更快找到失物或主人,可以添加哪些信息?物品特征,丢失时间、地点,附加照片等。 写作实践按要求完成下面的寻物启事和失物招领。寻物启事:本人 Stacy丢失一本红色笔记本。我的联系方式:电话

14、:1596607883;邮箱地址: stacy123 。 非常感谢!招领启事:在操场捡到一串钥匙,请找 Peter领取。Peter 在 201室。_Lost:A_notebook_My_name_is_Stacy._I_lost_my_red_notebook._Please_call_me_at_1596607883_or_email_me_at_stacy_123_._Many_thanks!_Stacy_Found:_A_set_of_keys_Are_these_yours?_Ask_Peter_for_the_keys._Peter_is_in_Room_201._猜出画线单词的中文意思及词性,并收入自己的小词典。读 后 词 汇 拓 展college n大学,学院