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【新教材】人教版(2024)七年级上册英语Start Unit 1 ~Unit 7全册教案

1、【新教材】人教版(2024)七年级上册英语Start Unit 1 Unit 7全册教案Start Unit 1 Hello教案教材解读本单元是由三个日常对话和一篇字典页码两种不同类型的语篇组成。第一个对话是七年级学生开学时在校门口遇见,并互相打招呼。第二个对话是一名教师在教室里和同学们互相问候,学生们也互相打招呼并询问对方姓名。第三个对话是两个互不相识的学生在教室里互相问候询问姓名及姓名的拼写;另外两名熟识的学生在教学楼遇见打招呼并简短交谈。字典页码是字典的一页截图,主要是A字母和B字母开头的单词查询。本单元的核心语言主要围绕增进与同学之间的了解,共同开启英语学习的新旅程展开,如介绍新教材的

2、单元的组织架构(unit、starter unit、section、conversation)、打招呼(greet、start、bell),以及询问姓名(spell、may)等。四个语篇涉及不同的语篇知识。第一个和第二个语篇以问题“How do you greet people”大问题进行主题意义探究;第一个对话语篇以日常口语交际为线索组织信息;第二个语篇以“老师学生”、“学生学生”为角度向同学介绍了如何得体地和别人打招呼;第三个对话语篇分别以陌生人、熟人如何打招呼呈现了如何问候;第四个语篇是字典的一页截图,学生通过探索如何使用字典查单词,为学生接下来的学习奠定基础。围绕中心话题“打招呼”来设

3、计不同的任务,让学生通过“Learn by doing,Learn by using”来完成。单元课程标准要求1.词汇:unit, greet,spell, start, conversation,bell, hello,how, do , you , people , good , morning, class , my, name , over, goodbye , what,your, what, where, here, are, nice, meet, may, have, can ,call, me, too, fine, thanks , great, that, the, le

4、t,us, go, bye, time, for,good morning, good afternoon, good evening, your name,my name,thank you ,etc .2.句型: Good morning/afternoon/evening! Whats your name?How do you spell your name?How are you?I am fine,thanks./I am OK.Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you ,too.Its time for class.3.认识新教材设计板块,创编一段对话,

5、在不同场合能和新认识的朋友、老师打招呼,积极交流,意识到在人际交往中主动打招呼、礼貌展开对话的重要性4.能正确认读、规范书写26个英文字母,理解常见字母缩略语和字母排序在日常生活与学习中的常见运用,学会区分字母的音。5.能在小组合作中,借助英文词典学习英语,能参加班级查字典大赛的评比。教法导航1 以任务型教学作为课堂教学理念、利用整体语言教学法、情景教学法、交际教学法等. 2在教学中创设切实可行的任务型教学活动、突出交际性.3教师为主导、学生为主体、任务为根底,注重实用性.4引趣激趣策略,创设情景调节气氛,引发激发学生兴趣.学法导航多读善思,小组合作、探究、学习交流.课时分配第1课时: Sec

6、tion A (la -2d)第2课时: Section A(Pronunciation1-4)第3课时: Section B(1a-2b)第4课时: Section B(Project1-3)Period 1 (Section A 1a2d)授课时间_实有人数_缺席人数_缺席原因_【课时目标】1. 重点单词:unit,starter,section,greet,spell,hello,how,you, people,good,morning,class,my, name,is ,over2.重点词组:good morning/afternoon/evening,my name,your na

7、me3.重点句式: Good morning/afternoon/evening! Whats your name?How do you spell your name?4.向同学介绍教材中七个主线人物的名字,并能认读、书写,了解教材单元的构成。5.能听辨且掌握26个英文字母的发音,规范书写26个英文字母。6.创编一段对话,能使用“Hello”,“Hi”或“Good morning”等表达问候他人或对他人问候做出应答,介绍自己并询问对方姓名。【教学重难点】1. 让学生在不同的情景下使用不同的打招呼用语,增进老师和同学之间的了解.2. 使用简单的问候语和告别语完成简单的对话.【教学过程】Step

8、1 Warming upPlay an English song“Hello”.Then ask students “Do you like this song?”If I say hello to you, what should you say to me?Now, lets practice.I say hello.You say hello.Okay?T:Hello!Ss:Hello!You can also say “hi”.Now I say “hello”, you say “ hi”.T:Hello!Ss: Hi!Step 2 Practice.Now say “ hello”

9、 to your partner.Then ask students one by one to act out.Step 3.PresentationT:If I say “Good morning! What should you say?S1:Good morning! T:Youre great.If I say “Good morning”! you should say good morning to meIf I say good afternoon, you should say good afternoon.I say good evening.You should say

10、good evening.Step 4 Pair work.Ask and answer with your partners.Use“ Hello, Hi, Good morning.Good evening.Good afternoon.Then ask some groups to act out in front of the classroom.Step 5.Listening.Play letter song to students.Then ask students to say the letters one by one.Step 6.PracticeLet students

11、 write 26 letters.Then ask some students to show out.Step 7 work on to 2b.Listen and circle the letters you hear.Step 8.Listen to 3 conversations, fill in the blanks with the correct sentences in the box.Then ask one students to check the answers.Let students read three conversations in their group.

12、Step 9.Group work.Divide students into some groups and practice greeting your classmates. Now can you make a conversation like 2a.I will give you 3 minutes to make your own conversation.Then I will ask some groups to show out in front of our classroom.Step 10.SummaryAsk students to look at the black

13、board, then ask students what we learnt today.Step 11.Homework.1.Repeat the conversation of 2d2.Write26 letters correctly and pronounce them clearly.3.Greet each other by using “Good morning”, “Goodbye”.【拓展延伸】【板书设计】Period 2 Section A(Pronunciation1-4)授课时间_实有人数_缺席人数_缺席原因_【课时目标】1.重点单词:26 letters,where

14、 ,here.PLA, VR, CD,PRC,UN.2.重点词组:good morning/afternoon/evening,my name,your name3.重点句式: Hello/Hi,Good morning/afternoon/evening! 4.能按照字母所包含的元音音素归纳26个英文字母的读音。5.能够认读下列缩略词:PRC, PLA, VR, WHO, UN并理解其意义。6. 能够唱诵字母歌,探索多感官利用学习英语的途径。【教学重难点】1. 在不同场合能和新认识的朋友、老师打招呼,积极交流,意识到在人际交往中主动打招呼、礼貌展开对话2. 26个字母的正确发音,尤其是含有相

15、同因素的字母。 【教学过程】Step 1ReviewLet students greet to each other.Step 2Listening1.Pre-Listening.Ask students some questions to prepare for the listening.How many letters are there in English.Do you remember we have learned yesterday.Can you read them?Then ask some students to read 26 letters one by one.2.

16、While-listeningTask 1.Listen to the 26letters. Find them on the keyboard.Task 2.Practice 26 letters with a partnersStep 3.Listen carefully.And repeat the letters.Guide students to listen for details, Pay more attention the pronunciation of 26 letters.Especially the letters with the same phoneme.Step

17、 4 work on 31.Let students look at the pictures of three.Do you know the whole name of it? I will show you how the abbreviation are from. PLA: Peoples Liberation Army of ChinaPRC: The Peoples Republic of China2.Listen to this letters, match them with the pictures. Step 5 Listen and sing the letter s

18、ong.Have you ever listened to English songs? Who is your favorite English song or favorite English singer? After the students answer the questions, the teacher guide the students to sing the worlds most famous ABC song.Step 6 Summary1.We know that it is important to find the letters on the keyboard

19、quickly.2.We know how to divide the letters in different groups.3.We are able to know the meaning of PLA、VR、PRC、UN.4.Lets sing the song ABC and find a proper way to learn English.Step 7 Homework1.Do the exercises in students book.2.Greet your classmates and read your conversations.3.Listen carefully

20、 and read the letters fluently.4.Search for more information about your favourite English songs【拓展延伸】【板书设计】Period 3 Section B(1a-2b)授课时间_实有人数_缺席人数_缺席原因_【课时目标】1.重点单词:be, are, nice, to ,meet,may, I,have ,can, call, me ,too, am, fan, thank, great, that, the ,light ,us ,go ,bye.2.重点词组:my name,your name3

21、.重点句式: How are you?Nice to meet you.Nice to meet you, too.How do you spell your name.Im great/fine/OK,thanks.Lets go to class. 4.获取对话中的交际用语的问答,梳理、概括日常交际用语的用法,借助可视化图形呈现结构化知识。5.基于准确得体使用开场语和告别句等与人互致问候与简单交流,关注英语姓名构成的方式,与中文姓名做适当的比较。6.规范书写出与陌生人和熟人打招呼的对话。【教学重难点】1.掌握重点单词和短语.2.创编一段对话,在不同场合能和新认识的朋友、老师打招呼,积极交流

22、.【教学过程】Step 1ReviewWe have learned how to greet people, do you remember the expressions? Please tick the expressions that start a conversation. Please finish it on your textbook.Step 2PresentationLets come to what we are going to learn today. Lets look at the pictures and tell me who they are. Read

23、the conversations and underline how people greet each other.Step 3Read the conversation in 1b again. Find the responses in the box. After that, share your answers in class.Step 4Please list the ways that how to start a conversaiton.Step 5Role play the conversation with your partner. You will have 3

24、minutes to practice with your partner.Please come to the front and show yourselves.Step 6. Complete the conversations below. Lets check the answers. After that, role-play them with a partner and come to the front to show yourself.Step 7Summary1. We should know how to start a conversation.2.Summarize

25、 the expressions that start a conversation.Step 8 Homework1.Recite the conversaiton and practice with your partner.2.Finish your task paper.3.Make up a new conversation if you know a new friend.【拓展延伸】【板书设计】Period 4 Section B(Project1-3)授课时间_实有人数_缺席人数_缺席原因_【课时目标】1.能够熟悉英文词典中单词排列的基本规律,并理解词典是学习英语的重要工具。2

26、.能够按照英文的字母顺序在词典中查找单词,并找到单词的解释、例句等信息。3.能够在小组中积极与同学沟通,参与小组合作,并以小组为单位共同完成项目展示。【教学重难点】能在小组合作中,借助英文词典学习英语【教学过程】Step 1 教师按照学生程度及兴趣爱好混合分组,每组4人,并由学生推选一名组长,每组或没人准备一本双语英文词典。教师设计并按照班级人数打印项目学习工作表和组内成员互评表。Step 2 教师向学生介绍项目学习的目的、方法和预期的学习成果。Step 3 学生小组内分享他们使用词典的经历。Step 4 教师通过多媒体或实物展示介绍英语词典的种类,如英英词典、英汉词典、汉英词典等。Step

27、5 学生观察活动1中的图片,并完成以下任务:1. 圈出图片中蓝色的单词。2. 讨论单词以什么顺序排列。3. 思考以字母a开头的九个单词是以什么顺序排列。4. 讨论图片中单词的解释、例句、图例分别是什么。Step 6 教师邀请三名同学分享小组讨论的结果。Step 7 完成单词排序的小游戏。Step 8 教师组织学生小组合作完成活动3,最先在单词后正确写出词典页码的小组则获得胜利。Step 9 学生小组讨论在哪些情况下需要使用词典完成任务或解决问题。Step 10 各小组进行分享展示。小组根据合作完成任务,以某组选择的任务为例:在外国旅游去饭店吃饭时,发现饭店的菜单都是英文的菜谱,这让一些看不懂英

28、文的中国游客在点餐时有困难,我们想要让菜单升级为图文并茂或中英文对照的新菜单。学生需要使用词典查出菜单中不认识的单词,弄清楚菜单上菜品名称的意思,为菜单绘制或运用电脑设计合适的图片,并加上中文的翻译,菜单升级后将会使不会英语的中国游客更加方便地挑选到自己想吃的食物。 小组活动过程中可以通过绘画、图文排版、图片色彩搭配、中文表述得体、准确等思考过程进行初步的跨学科学习。Step 7Summary1.Learn how to use a dictionary.2.Find the words in a dictionary as fast as you can.Step 8 HomeworkDes

29、ign a poster on how to use a dictionary effectively【拓展延伸】【板书设计】教学反思_【新教材】人教版(2024)七年级上册英语Starter Unit 2 Keep Tidy教案教材解读本单元主题属于“人与自我”范畴,涉及“自我管理”是由三个日常对话、一个颂歌、一个项目任务“猜谜游戏”所组成。第一个对话主要围绕开学后同学的新物品展开的问答,如询问新书包、新自行车、新裤子的颜色等。第二个是艾拉和母亲之间的对话,艾拉找不到新的帽子,妈妈最后告诉艾拉在书桌下面,并告诫艾拉学会保持房间整洁。第三个对话是艾玛和父亲之间的对话,父亲找不到眼镜,结果艾玛发

30、现在父亲的头上。颂歌主要针对语音教学部分,围绕元音字母的本身音展开,描述了天气好去放风筝的故事。项目任务主要让学生猜出班级物品的摆放位置,以此操练询问物品位置的句型。单元的核心语言主要围绕物品的特点、位置以及自我管理展开,涉及物品的名称,如一些名词(bottle、eraser、key、thing)、如询问物品的相关信息的特殊疑问句,如(What do you have in your schoolbag?、What color is/are.?、Where is/are.?、Is it a ruler?)等、如回应感谢(Youre welcome)等。两种不同的语篇涉及不同的语篇知识:对话语篇

31、以问答的形式为线索组织信息;颂歌语篇以事件发展的时间顺序组织语篇。旨在培养学生学会描述物品位置、颜色及特点,学会自我管理,整理好个人物品及房间的整洁性。单元课程标准要求1. 词汇bottle,eraser,key,thing,need,keep,tidy,in,schoolbag,cap,ruler,pencil,red,green,blue,yellow,orange,black,white,brown,they,trousers,put,bed,desk,chair,cat,shoe,box,of,on,under,find,not,new,room,sorry,glasses,see,t

32、hem,wait,minute,ow,head,welcome,her,nose a cup,a hat,a bottle,an eraser,in your school bag,on the desk,in the box,under the bed,my new cap,need to do sth,on your head,a red cap,a pair of,a piece of paper,2. 句型:What do you have in your school bag?I have a cup. What color is the cap? What color are th

33、e rulers? A school bag is on the desk.3.创编一段对话,与同伴角色扮演,谈论所拥有的物品、位置及其他特点,阐述能够整理个人物品的重要意义。4.能正确认读五个元音字母,认识并能默写元音字母在开音节中的音标,学会区分元音字母在单词中的不同发音。5.完成一份汇报,内容包括自己拥有的物品及其位置,并思考保持房间整洁的重要性,交流提高个人管理能力的计划。6.能在猜物品比赛中,以问答的形式描述物品及其位置,最终能正确描述或竞猜物品。教法导航1.游戏化教学利用角色扮演、模拟打扫等游戏形式,让学生在轻松愉快的氛围中掌握相关知识。2. 情景模拟通过创设真实的生活情境,引导学

34、生运用所学知识解决实际问题,提高语言运用能力。3. 合作学习鼓励学生分组讨论、互相检查作业等,培养团队合作精神和自主学习能力。学法导航1.多读多听:通过朗读和听力训练,提高语感和语音语调。2.勤于实践:在日常生活中积极运用所学知识,如主动打扫房间、参与环保活动等。3.注重积累:定期复习巩固所学知识,通过做笔记、制作单词卡片等方式加强记忆。课时分配第1课时: Section A (la -2d)第2课时: Section A Pronunciation第3课时: Section B(1a-2b)第4课时: Section B Project Period 1 (Section A 1a2d)授课

35、时间_实有人数_缺席人数_缺席原因_【课时目标】2. 重点单词:keep,tidy,in,schoolbag,cap,ruler,pencil,red,green,blue,yellow,orange,black,white,brown,they,trousers2.重点词组:a cup,a hat,a bottle,an eraser,in your school bag3.重点句式: What do you have in your school bag?I have a cup. What color is the cap? It is yellow.What color are the

36、 rulers?They are blue.4.获取腾飞、亚明和彼得在对话中关于询问物品和对应颜色的信息,完成句子。基于主题,角色扮演腾飞、亚明和彼得所拥有的物品、颜色,并内化询问和回答物品信息的语言表达方式5.运用相关的语言表达方式,与同伴角色扮演自己所属物品及颜色,阐述整理个人物品的重要意义。【教学重难点】3. 会用目标句型询问物品和对应颜色。4. 介绍自己的物品及其颜色。【教学过程】Step1 Leading in Today we are going to learn starter unit 2 Keep Tidy, Section A what do you have? Pleas

37、e look at the picture and see what we are going to learn. Look at the picture and match the things with the names.Step2 Pair workPlease work in pairs and talk about what you have in your schoolbag.Step3 Deal with 2aRead and colour the words and match them with the pictures. Step4 Work on 2bLook at t

38、he things in2b. Talk about what colours they are. Find out the differences between them.Step5 ListeningListen to the conversations and colour the things. Listen again and complete the sentences. Check the answers together.Step6 Role playAccording to the mind map and try to role play the conversation

39、 among Teng Fei, Yaming and Peter.Step7 Work in groups and talk about the new things you have and make your own conversation.A: I have .B: What colour is it/are they?A: Its /They are .Step 8.Summary1.We know how to ask and answer about the new things in your schoolbag.2.We are able to talk about the

40、 colors of the things3.We are able to make up a conversation about ourselves.Step 9.Homework.1.Listen carefully and read the telescript fluently.2.Finish your task paper.3.Search for more information about what you have in your room.【板书设计】Starter Unit 2 Keep TidyPeriod 1 (Section A 1a2d)1.Keywords :

41、keep,tidy,in,schoolbag,cap,ruler,pencil,red,green,blue,yellow,orange,black,white,brown,they,trousers2.Key phrases:a cup,a hat,a bottle,an eraser,in your school bag3.Key sentences: What do you have in your school bag?I have a cup. What color is the cap? It is yellow.What color are the rulers?They are

42、 blue.Period 2 Section A Pronunciation授课时间_实有人数_缺席人数_缺席原因_【课时目标】1.能拼读和默写元音字母的音标以及正确拼读其在单词中的发音。2.能够在单词朗读中发现元音字母发本身音的规律,根据规律拼读单词。能够唱诵歌曲,尝试借助拼读规则拼读单词。【教学重难点】3. 在不同场合能和新认识的朋友、老师打招呼,积极交流,意识到在人际交往中主动打招呼、礼貌展开对话4. 26个字母的正确发音,尤其是含有相同因素的字母。 【教学过程】Step 1Today were going to learn about vowel sounds. Lets listen

43、 and repeat. Please pay attention to the sounds. What is the pronunciation of the letter a e i o u in a wordStep 2Please write the sounds of the letters in your notebook.Please circle the words with the sound in each group. Lets check the answers together. I will show you the rules about vowel sound

44、s.Since we have summarize the rules about vowel soundsStep 3lets listen and practise reading the words.I will show you some words, please work in groups and try to read them. We will have a competition to see which group reads correctly.Step 4. Lets listen and read the chant loud. Can you find out the law in the chant?Please pay attention to the vowel sounds.Step 5 SummaryWe have learned the vowel sounds and the rules in the words.We are able to read the chant and know how to pron