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本文(人教版2024年新教材七年级上册英语starter unit 1 -unit7重点短语句型清单)为本站会员(清****年)主动上传,七七文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知七七文库(发送邮件至373788568@qq.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

人教版2024年新教材七年级上册英语starter unit 1 -unit7重点短语句型清单

1、人教版2024年新教材七年级上册英语starter unit 1 -unit7重点短语句型清单STARTER UNIT 1 Hello!1. starter unit 过渡单元 2. sit down 坐下3. make up 编造 4. each other 互相;彼此5. start a conversation 开始对话 6. thank you 谢谢你7. go to class 去上课 8. good morning 早上好1. ts time for class. 上课时间到了。2. Whts your name? 你叫什么名字?3. How do you spell your n

2、ame? 你怎样拼写你的名字?4. How are you? 你好吗?5. Nice to meet you. 很高兴见到你。6. May I have your name? 我可以知道你的名字吗?7. Oh, thts the bell. 哦,铃声响了。8. Lts go to class. 让我们去上课吧。STARTER UNIT 2 Keep Tidy!1. keep tidy 保持整洁 2. talk about 谈论3. wake up 醒来 4. get up 起床5. fly a kite 放风筝 6. ride a bike 骑自行车7. come on 快点8. a pair

3、 of 一双/对9. wait a minute 等一会儿10. on the head 在头上11. under the desk 在书桌下面12. on the chair 在椅子上面 1. What do you have in your schoolbag? 你的书包里有什么?2. What colour is it? 它是什么颜色的?3.Dont get up too late! 不要起得太晚!4. Oh, here it is. 哦,它在这儿。5. You need to keep your room tidy. 你需要保持你的房间整洁。6. Icant find my new g

4、lasses. 我找不到我的新眼镜了。7.Youre welcome. 不用谢。8. mmas dad has a pair of new glasses. 埃玛的爸爸有一副新眼镜。9. Where do you put your things? 你把你的东西放在哪里了?STARTER UNIT 3 Welcome!1. tomato plants 番茄秧 2. apple trees 苹果树3. in the yard 在院子里 4. in the sun 在阳光下5. tell jokes 讲笑话6. have fun 玩得开心 7. on the farm 在农场里8. many kin

5、ds of 许多种类的 9. look at 瞧;看10. black and white 黑白相间的1. What are these/those? 这些/那些是什么?2. What animals does Helen see in the yard? 海伦在院子里看到了什么动物?3. You can see many kinds of animals. 你可以看到很多种动物。4. How many ducks does my uncle have? 我叔叔有多少只鸭子?5. Another duck is behind the big tree. 另一只鸭子在大树后面。6. Do you

6、 see that red house? 你看到那栋红色的房子了吗?7 Thats myuncles home. 那是我叔叔的家。8. What else can you see on the farm? 你在农场里还能看到其他什么?UNIT 1 You and MeSECTION AHow do we get to know each other?1. make friends 交朋友 2. get to know 认识;了解3. each other 互相;彼此 4. how old 多大年纪;几岁了5. full name 全名 6. last name 姓氏7. be from 来自

7、8. in Class 1, Grade 7 在七年级一班9. class teacher 班主任 10. first name 名字11. a lot /very much 很;非常 12. hot pot 火锅13. personal information 个人信息 14. pet cat 宠物猫15. in the school band 在学校乐队 16. Chinese food 中国食物17. in the same class 在相同的班 18. live with 和一起住19. Mapo tofu 麻婆豆腐1. How old are you? 你多大了? m 12 yea

8、rs old. 我十二岁。2. She likes Chinese food a lot. 她很喜欢中国食物。3. Mr Smith, this is my new friend. 史密斯先生,这是我的新朋友。4. What/Which class are you in? 你在哪个班级? m in Class 1, Grade 7. 我在七年级一班。5. Whs your class teacher? 你的班主任是谁? Is Ms Gao. 是高老师。6. What is Ms Gas first name? 高老师的名字是什么? Hui. 慧。7. Are you Peter? 你是彼得吗?

9、 Yes, I a./No, m not. 是的,我。/ 不,我不是。8. Are Meimei and Peter in the same class? 梅梅和彼得是在同一班级吗? Yes, they are. / No, they aret. 是的,他们。/ 不,他们不是。9. Where is Mr Smith from? 史密斯先生来自哪里? Hs from the US. 他来自美国。10. Tom and I are both in the school band. 汤姆和我都是学校乐队的成员。SECTION BWhat do we need to know about a new

10、 friend?1. Beijing roast duck 北京烤鸭 2. year (s) old 岁3. speak Chinese 说汉语 4. after school 放学后5. play the guitar 弹吉他 6. would(d) like to 表示愿意、喜欢7. write to 写信给 8. South Africa 南非9. beef noodles 牛肉面 10. play basketball 打篮球11. every weekend 每周末 12. first step 第一步13. take turns 轮流 14. pick out 挑选15. intr

11、oduce to 把介绍给1. I live in Singapore with my big family. 我和我的大家庭住在新加坡。2. She even speaks some Chinese. 她甚至说一些中文。3. I often play it with my friends after school. 放学后,我经常和我的朋友们打它(网球)。4. Do you want to be my friend? 你想做我的朋友吗?5 Id like to be your friend. 我想做你的朋友。6. Please write to me. 请给我写信。7. What is yo

12、ur favourite food? 你最喜欢的食物是什么?8. We have a pet cat too. 我们还有一只宠物猫。9. I play basketball every weekend with my brother and my friends. 我每个周末都和我的哥哥和朋友们打篮球。UNIT 2 Were Family!SECTION AWhat is your family like?1. think of 认为;想到 2. a family photo 一张全家福3. come in 进来 4. pingpong bat 乒乓球拍5. play pingpong 打乒乓

13、球 6. every day 每天7. fishing rod 钓竿 8. a lot of/lots of 大量;许多9. play the piano 弹钢琴 10. very well 非常好11. Chinese chess 中国象棋 12. very much 非常13. play the violin 拉小提琴 14. have fun 玩得高兴1. What do you think of the family? 你觉得这个家庭怎么样?2. He spends a lot of / lots of time fishing. 他花很多时间钓鱼。3. She can play it

14、 really/very well! 她能把它(指钢琴)演奏得很好!4. They have some nice ping-pong bats. 他们有一些漂亮的乒乓球拍。5. Do you play the piano? 你弹钢琴吗? Yes, I do.No, I dont. 是的,我弹钢琴。 不,我不弹钢琴。6. Does your mother have a piano? 你妈妈有一架钢琴吗? Yes, she does.No, she doesnt. 是的,她有。 不,她没有。7. Whose caps are these? 这些是谁的帽子? Theyre my grandparen

15、ts. 它们是我祖父母的帽子。8. He is really funny, and he often makes us laugh. 他真的很有趣,经常逗我们笑。9. She is short, and she has long brown hair. 她很矮,有一头棕色的长发。10. Im not tall or short. 我不高也不矮。11. We are all different, but we have a lot of fun together. 我们各不相同,但是在一起玩得很开心。12. Do you have any sisters or brothers? 你有兄弟姐妹吗

16、?SECTION BWhat do you like about your family?1. a photo of 一张的照片 2. on the left 在左边3. on the right 在右边 4. at night 在夜晚5. in the middle 中间;中部 6. next to 紧邻;在近旁7. go hiking 远足;徒步旅行 8. a family tree 家谱9. a little 一点儿 10. watch films 看电影11. family members 家庭成员 12. help each other 相互帮助13. all of us 我们所有人

17、 14. favourite grandchild 最喜爱的孙子/女15. read me a story/read a story to me 给我读一个故事1. How many people are there in your family? 你家有多少人?2. Hees a photo of us. 这是一张我们的照片。3.Im the one with the pink hat. 我是那个戴粉色帽子的人。4. She always reads me a story at night. 她总是在晚上给我读个故事。5. They often sayIm their favourite g

18、randchild. 他们经常说我是他们最喜欢的孙女。6. Fred is Jack and Sarhs son. 弗雷德是杰克和萨拉的儿子。7. Next to him is my mum. 他旁边是我妈妈。8. We love and help each other. 我们彼此相爱,互相帮助。9. Ses beautiful and has long hair. 她很漂亮,留着一头长发。10. Ses a bit quiet but very smart. 她有点儿安静,但很聪明。UNIT 3 My SchoolSECTION AWhat is your school like?1. di

19、ning hall 餐厅 2. in front of 在前面3. across from 在对面 4. sports field 运动场5. put up 张贴;搭建 6. at the back of 在后面7. teachers desk 讲桌 8. in the lockers 在储物柜里9. smart whiteboard 智能白板 10. reading corner 读书角11. next to 挨着 12. art building 艺术楼13. school hall 学校礼堂 14. teachers building 教师楼1. The teacers building

20、 is across from the school hall. 教师楼在学校礼堂的对面。2 Its between the teacers building and the science building. 它在教师楼和科学楼之间。3. There are 40 student desks in the room. 在房间里有四十张学生课桌。4. I sit in the middle of the classroom. 我坐在教室的中间。5. Theres a smart whiteboard next to the blackboard. 紧挨着黑板有一个智能白板。6. We put

21、up important notices there. 我们在那里张贴重要的通知。7. We put our things in the desk drawers. 我们把我们的东西放在课桌抽屉里。SECTION BWhat fun things do you do at school?1. at school 在学校 2. do exercises 做体操3. how about 怎么样;如何 4. bye for now 再见5. thanks for 因而感谢 6. answer the question 回答问题7. raise the flag 升旗 8. a special way

22、 to do sth 一个特别的做某事的方式9. most of the time 大部分时间 10. sounds fun 听起来有趣11. similar to 类似的,相像的 12. modern buildings 现代化的建筑13. many kinds of 很多种类的 14. different from 与不同15. interesting places 有趣的地方1. Thanks for your email. 感谢你的邮件。2. Every Monday we raise the flag there. 我们每周一在那儿升旗。3. ts a special way to

23、start the week. 它是开启一周的特殊的方式。4. Every week, we change seats. 我们每周调换座位。5. How is your new school different from your old one? 你的新学校和旧学校有什么不同呢?6. We spend most of the time in our classroom. 我们花大多数的时间在教室。7. ts my favourite place because there are many kinds of food. 它是我最喜爱的地方,因为那儿有很多种类的食物。8. How is Pet

24、rs school similar to yours? 彼得的学校跟你的学校有什么相似之处?UNIT 4 My Favourite SubjectSECTION AWhy do you like this subject?1. good with 灵巧的;善于应付的2. help sb with sth 帮助某人做某事3. listen to 听;倾听 4. good at 擅长5. next class 下一节课 6. learn about the past 了解过去7. work hard 努力工作 8. make the class interesting 使课堂有趣9. plants

25、 and animals 动植物 10. feel special 感觉不一般11. wake up 唤醒 12. get up 起床13. look at 看 14. think of 认为 15. be late for 迟到1. Ella desnt like history becaus its hard. 埃拉不喜欢历史,因为它很难。2. Pters favourite subject is PE becaus its exciting. 彼得最喜欢的学科是体育,因为它令人激动。3. Why do you like it? 你为什么喜欢它? Its interesting to le

26、arn about the past. 了解过去很有趣。4. My favourite is maths because I am good with numbers. 我最喜欢的是数学,因为我对数字很在行。5 Its difficult for me. 那对我来说难。6. Can you help me with this subject? 你能帮助我学这个学科吗?7. Look at the time.Lets go to class! 看一下时间。我们去上课吧!8. I have a bicycle, but I often walk to school. 我有一辆自行车,但是我经常步行

27、去学校。9. She likes to listen to music and draw pictures. 她喜欢听音乐和画画。SECTION BWhat can you learn from different subjects?1. in the future 将来;未来 2. work out 计算出;解决3. in class 课堂上 4. a lot of new songs 许多新歌5. all kinds of 各种各样的 6. maths problem 数学题7. feel like 感觉像 8. be from 来自9. this term 这学期1. I have ar

28、t and geography today. 今天我有艺术和地理课。2. Do you like music or maths? Why? 你喜欢音乐还是数学?为什么?3. Music always makes me happy. 音乐总是使我快乐。4. We learn about different animals and plants. 我们了解不同的动植物。5. He lets us play all kinds of interesting instruments. 他让我们演奏各种各样有趣的乐器。6. It feels like magic and is really fun. 它

29、给人感觉像魔法而且非常有趣。7. I want to be a singer in the future. 未来我想成为一名歌手。UNIT 5 Fun ClubsSECTION AHow do you choose a school club?1. play Chinese chess 下中国象棋 2. musical instrument 乐器3. read with feeling 有感情地朗读 4. climb trees 爬树5. art club 美术俱乐部 6. drama club 戏剧社7. play pingpong 打乒乓球 8. good idea 好主意9. play

30、the drums 敲鼓 10. join a club 加入俱乐部1. Can you play Chinese chess? 你会下中国象棋吗?2. Can you read these words with feeling? 你能有感情地朗读这些文字吗? Let me have a try. 让我试试吧。3. What club do you want to join? 你想加入什么俱乐部? I have no idea. 我拿不定主意。4. eres some good news! 这儿有一些好消息!5. Our school wants to start a music club.

31、我们学校想设立一个音乐俱乐部。. Id love to, but Icant play any musical instruments. 我很乐意,但是我不会演奏任何乐器。7. Linda likes to play the guitar and the violin, too. I like to watch her play.琳达还喜欢弹吉他和拉小提琴。我喜欢看她表演。SECTION BWhat can you learn in a school club?1. act out 表演 2. at home 在家里3. interested in 对感兴趣 4. more than 多于5.

32、 fall in love with 爱上 6. take photos/take a photo 拍照7. tell stories 讲故事 8. read maps 看地图9. cook for my family 给我的家人做饭 10. you name it 凡是你说得出的(应有尽有)11. right under your nose就在你眼皮底下 12. make new friends 交新朋友13. open your mind 开阔你的思路 14. visit nature parks 游览自然公园1. Im good at telling stories. 我擅长讲故事。2.

33、 I often act out stories with my brother at home. 我经常在家和弟弟一起表演故事。3. Join us in Room 303 at 4:30 p.m. on Wednesdays. 周三下午4点半到303室来加入我们吧。4. Its more than reading. 它不仅仅是读书。5. Books can open your mind and make you think. 书籍可以开阔你的思路,让你思考。6. Come to the library on Tuesdays after school and fall in love wi

34、th books. 周二放学后来图书馆,爱上书籍。7. Can you take good photos? 你会拍好看的照片吗?UNIT 6 A Day in the LifeSECTION AHow do you spend your school day?1. make use of 使用;利用 2. take a shower 淋浴3. get dressed 穿衣服 4. brush teeth 刷牙5. have/eat breakfast 吃早饭 6. do some reading 做一些阅读7. on duty 值班 8. get up 起床;站起9. go to school

35、 去上学 10. go home 回家11. play basketball 打篮球 12. do homework 做作业13. go to bed 上床睡觉 14. stay at school 待在学校15. play sport 做运动 16. have class 上课17. music club 音乐俱乐部 18. after dinner 晚饭之后19. before breakfast 早饭之前 20. at weekends 在周末21. bothand. 和(两者)都22. watch a film 看电影23. for a while 一会儿1. What time do

36、es Mike usually get to school? 迈克通常几点钟到学校? At 7:30 a.m. 在早上七点半。2. What do you do after that? 在那之后,你做什么? Sometimes I play basketball. 有时我打篮球。3. Well, you know the saying, “Early to bed, early to rise!” 嗯,你知道那句谚语:“早睡早起!”4. What do you do in your free time? 你在你空余的时间做什么?5. After school, he usually plays

37、 ping-pong for a while. 放学后,他通常打一会儿乒乓球。6. How can you make good use of your time? 你怎样才能充分利用你的时间呢?SECTION BHow different are peoples daily routines?1. daily routine 日常生活 2. listen to music 听音乐3. walk to school 步行去学校 4. prepare sth for 为把某物准备好5. get home 到家 6. talk with 与说话7. in a small village 在一个小村庄

38、 8. in the field 在田野里9. go to work 去工作 10. ice hockey 冰球运动;冰上曲棍球11. a 10-minute walk 10分钟的步行路程 12. be from 来自13. part of the world 世界的一部分 14. look at 看15. know about him 了解他 16. police officer 警官17. get off work 下班1. I live with my parents in 我和父母一起住在2. After breakfast, I walk to school. 早饭后,我步行去学校。

39、3. Each lesson is 45 minutes long, and there is a break between lessons. 每节课时长45分钟,课与课之间有一段休息时间。4. At 9:30 its time for me to go to bed. 在9:30,我该去睡觉了。5. Then I prepare my schoolbag for the next day. 然后我为第二天准备我的书包。6. The afternoon lessons begin at 12:30 and finish at 2:15. 下午的课程12:30开始,2:15结束。UNIT 7

40、Happy Birthday!SECTION AHow do we celebrate birthdays?1. shopping list 购物清单 2. every year 每年3. buy sth for the party 为聚会买某物 4. birthday cake 生日蛋糕5. for example 例如 6. a pair of shoes 一双鞋子7. be from/come from 来自 8. go ahead 随意9. a surprise party 一个惊喜派对 10. have a nice day 度过愉快的一天11. have a sale 进行促销活动

41、 12. a pair of 一副13. National Day 国庆节14. CPC Founding Day 中国共产党建党纪念日15. PLA Day 中国人民解放军建军节1. When is your birthday? 你的生日是什么时候? ts on 23rd November. 11月23日。2. Can I ask you some questions? 我可以问你一些问题吗?3. How about a surprise party for them? 给她们举办一个惊喜派对怎么样? Good idea. Lts go and buy something for the p

42、arty. 好主意。我们去为这个派对买些东西吧。4. Can I help you? 我能帮你吗? Yes, please. 是的,麻烦你了。5. We have a sale today. 今天我们有促销活动。SECTION BHow do you make your birthday meaningful?1. make a wish 许愿 2. blow out 吹灭3. next time 下次 4. take photos 拍照5. open birthday gifts 打开生日礼物 6. under the tree 在树下7. on the door 在门上 8. plant

43、trees/plant a tree 栽树9. make a cake 做一个蛋糕 10. good idea 好主意11. something different 一些不同的事情 12. help sb (to) do sth 帮助某人做某事13. a symbol of 的标志1. My family and I take a photo together under the big tree in our village. 我和家人在我们村子里的大树下一起拍一张照片。. Id like to watch it grow with me. 我想看着它和我一起长大。3 Its a great idea to plant a tree for your birthday. 为你的生日种棵树是一个好主意。4. Then I make a wish and blow out the candles. 然后我许愿,并吹灭蜡烛。5. Next time, I also want to do something different. 下次,我也想做一些不同的事情。第 17 页 共 17 页