Lesson8: First, Second, Third,1. Numbers,This is a race.,Li Ming is the first. The girl is the second. The boy in red is the third.,race- 比赛,Lets count.,Count: v. (动词)数,1 one first,2 two second,3 three third,4 four fourth,5 five fifth,6 six sixth,7 seven seventh,8 eight eighth,9 nine ninth,10 ten tenth,11 eleven eleventh,12 twelve twelfth,Lets count.,Count: v. (动词)数,1月 January first,2月 February second,3月 March third,4月 April fourth,5月 May fifth,6月 June sixth,7月 July seventh,8月 August eighth,9月 September ninth,10月 October tenth,11月 November eleventh,12月 December twelfth,