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本文(人教版(2024)七年级上册英语Unit7 Happy Birthday! 语法知识点复习提纲与学情评估测试卷汇编(含答案))为本站会员(清****年)主动上传,七七文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知七七文库(发送邮件至373788568@qq.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

人教版(2024)七年级上册英语Unit7 Happy Birthday! 语法知识点复习提纲与学情评估测试卷汇编(含答案)

1、人教版(2024)七年级上册英语 Unit 7 Happy Birthday! 语法知识点复习提纲与学情评估测试卷汇编Unit 7 Happy Birthday! 语法知识点复习提纲一、单词1.birthday 名词,“生日”- 解析:指出生的日期- 例句:Today is my birthday. (今天是我的生日。)2.month 名词,“月;月份”- 解析:一年中的 12 个时间段之一- 例句:January is the first month of the year. (一月是一年中的第一个月。)3.January 名词,“一月”- 解析:一年中的第一个月- 例句:My birthd

2、ay is in January. (我的生日在一月。)4.February 名词,“二月”- 解析:一年中的第二个月- 例句:February is a short month. (二月是个短月。)5.March 名词,“三月”- 解析:春季的第一个月- 例句:The weather is nice in March. (三月的天气很好。)6.April 名词,“四月”- 解析:春天的月份之一- 例句:April showers bring May flowers. (四月雨带来五月花。)7.May 名词,“五月”- 解析:通常是气候宜人的月份- 例句:May Day is on May 1

3、st. (五一节在五月一日。)8.June 名词,“六月”- 解析:夏天开始的月份- 例句:Children like June because of Childrens Day. (孩子们喜欢六月因为儿童节。)9.July 名词,“七月”- 解析:夏季炎热的月份- 例句:We often go swimming in July. (我们经常在七月去游泳。)10.August 名词,“八月”- 解析:暑假期间的一个月- 例句:August is a hot month. (八月是个炎热的月份。)11.September 名词,“九月”- 解析:开学的月份,秋季的开始- 例句:The new t

4、erm starts in September. (新学期在九月开始。)12.October 名词,“十月”- 解析:金秋时节的一个月- 例句:National Day is in October. (国庆节在十月。)13.November 名词,“十一月”- 解析:接近年末的月份- 例句:Thanksgiving Day is in November. (感恩节在十一月。)14.December 名词,“十二月”- 解析:一年中的最后一个月- 例句:Christmas is in December. (圣诞节在十二月。)15.happy 形容词,“愉快的;高兴的”- 解析:形容人的心情或状态

5、- 例句:She is very happy today. (她今天非常高兴。)16.old 形容词,“年老的;旧的”- 解析:用于形容人的年龄或物品的新旧程度- 例句:My grandfather is very old. (我的祖父年纪很大了。) This book is old. (这本书是旧的。) 名词,“聚会;晚会”- 解析:人们为了庆祝某个特殊场合而举行的活动- 例句:We have a birthday party. (我们举办了一个生日聚会。)18.first 序数词,“第一”- 解析:表示顺序中的第一个- 例句:January is the first mon

6、th of the year. (一月是一年中的第一个月。)19.second 序数词,“第二”- 解析:顺序中的第二个- 例句:February is the second month of the year. (二月是一年中的第二个月。)20.third 序数词,“第三”- 解析:顺序中的第三个- 例句:March is the third month of the year. (三月是一年中的第三个月。)21.fifth 序数词,“第五”- 解析:第五个- 例句:May is the fifth month of the year. (五月是一年中的第五个月。)22.eighth 序数词

7、,“第八”- 解析:第八个- 例句:August is the eighth month of the year. (八月是一年中的第八个月。)23.ninth 序数词,“第九”- 解析:第九个- 例句:September is the ninth month of the year. (九月是一年中的第九个月。)24.twelfth 序数词,“第十二”- 解析:第十二个- 例句:December is the twelfth month of the year. (十二月是一年中的第十二个月。)25.twentieth 序数词,“第二十”- 解析:第二十个- 例句:Today is my t

8、wentieth birthday. (今天是我二十岁生日。)二、短语1.happy birthday (生日快乐)- 解析:用于祝福他人生日- 例句:Happy birthday to you! (祝你生日快乐!) old (多大年纪;几岁)- 解析:用于询问年龄- 例句:How old are you? (你几岁了?)3.birthday party (生日聚会)- 解析:为庆祝生日举行的聚会- 例句:I have a birthday party every year. (我每年都举办生日聚会。) + 月份 (在月)- 解析:表示在某个月份- 例句:My birthda

9、y is in May. (我的生日在五月。)三、句型1.When is your birthday? (你的生日是什么时候?)- 解析:用于询问对方生日的时间- 例句:When is your birthday, Tom? (汤姆,你的生日是什么时候?)2.My birthday is on + 日期. (我的生日在)- 解析:回答生日的具体日期- 例句:My birthday is on June 5th. (我的生日在 6 月 5 日。)3.How old are you? (你多大了?)- 解析:询问年龄- 例句:How old are you, Lily? (莉莉,你多大了?)4.I

10、m + 年龄. (我岁了。)- 解析:回答年龄- 例句:Im twelve. (我 12 岁了。)四、语法1.序数词- 解析:表示顺序的数词,如 first, second, third 等。- 构成规则:- 一般在基数词后加 -th,如 four - fourth。- 特殊变化,如 one - first, two - second, three - third, five - fifth, eight - eighth, nine - ninth, twelve - twelfth。- 以 y 结尾的基数词,变 y 为 i 再加 -eth,如 twenty - twentieth。- 例句

11、:This is my fifth book. (这是我的第五本书。)2.日期的表达- 解析:年、月、日的表达有多种方式。- 例如:“月 + 日,年”,如 May 1st, 2024;“日 + 月,年”,如 1st May, 2024。五、时态本单元主要涉及一般现在时。一般现在时的解析:- 表示经常发生的动作或存在的状态,也表示客观事实或普遍真理。- 当主语是第三人称单数时,动词要发生相应变化(一般在词尾加 -s 或 -es);当主语是非第三人称单数时,动词用原型。例句:I like birthdays. (我喜欢生日。) Her birthday is in July. (她的生日在七月。)

12、六、生日祝福语集锦1.Happy birthday! May all your dreams come true and you have a wonderful year ahead! (生日快乐!愿你所有的梦想成真,未来的一年美好无比!)2.Wishing you a very happy birthday filled with lots of love and joy! (祝你生日快乐,充满爱和欢乐!)3.May your birthday be as special as you are! Have a great day! (愿你的生日和你一样特别!祝你有美好的一天!)4.Happ

13、y birthday! Hope this year brings you many amazing memories and adventures! (生日快乐!希望这一年给你带来许多美好的回忆和冒险!)5.Best wishes on your birthday! May your life be full of sunshine and smiles! (祝你生日最美好!愿你的生活充满阳光和微笑!)6.Have a fantastic birthday! May all your wishes come true and you be always happy! (过一个奇妙的生日!愿你

14、所有的愿望都实现,永远快乐!)7.Sending you lots of love and good wishes on your birthday. Enjoy your special day! (在你的生日为你送上满满的爱和美好的祝福。享受你的特别日子!)8.Happy birthday! May your days be filled with happiness and your heart with love. (生日快乐!愿你的日子充满幸福,心中充满爱。)9.Wishing you a birthday that is as sweet as you are! Have a bl

15、ast! (祝你生日像你一样甜蜜!玩得开心!)10.May this birthday be the start of an amazing year for you. Happy birthday! (愿这个生日是你精彩一年的开始。生日快乐!)人教版(2024)七年级上册英语Unit 7学情评估测试卷时间:100分钟 满分:90分一、语言知识运用(共35分)I.从每小题所给的三个选项中,选出一个正确答案。(10分) ( )1When is the Beijing 2022 Olympic Winter Games?Its February B.on )2.Thi

16、s morning we have_classes,and the _class is Chinese.A.first;three B.three;first C.third;first( )3_?Im thirteen years old.A.How old are you B.How are you C.How do you do( )4Happy birthday,Tom! A.The same to you. B.Thank you! C.Happy birthday!( )5.We have a sports game _December 12th in our school.A.o

17、n C.about( )6Is this book?Yes,it is. Look, his name is on it.A.Bob B.Bob C.Bobs( )7_are you, Michael?0h, Im 14 years old.A.How many B.How much C.How old( )8.December is a cold in Xian. But lots of people still take a trip there.A.month B.week )9.Diana is very_, so she has no time to have

18、 a trip.A. nice B.fat C.busy( )10Mom, can I go to the party with Alice this evening?OK. A.Here you are! B.Im fine. C.Have a good time!II.从方框中选择正确选项。(方框中有一个选项与对话内容无关)(5分)A.Do you have a party every year?B.Nice to meet you.C.Is your birthday in August?|D.You are welcome.E.How old are you?F.When is you

19、r birthday?A: 11 B:Nice to meet you,too.A:May I ask you some questions?B:Yes,you can.A: 12 B:Im eleven.A: 13 B:Its on June 14th.A: 14 B:Yes,I do.A:Thank you!B: 15 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. III. 根据所给对话,填写适当的内容,使其完整、通顺、正确,每空词数不限。(5分)A:Hello! My name is Gina.B:Hi!Im Bill. Nice to meet you.A:Nice to meet you,

20、 too. 16. ?B:Im eleven. What about you?A:Im thirteen. 17. ?B:Its on July 4th.And you?A:18. .B:Oh,today is August 9th.Your birthday is tomorrow(明天). 19._?A:Yes,I want to have a birthday party.Can you come to my party?B:Oh,yes. 20. .A:Youre welcome.IV.根据短文内容,从每小题所给的三个选项中,选出一个正确答案。(5分)Jenny is twenty y

21、ears old. She is 21 actress. She always gets up at seven oclock. She has breakfast at seven thirty. She 22 many good friends. Every Saturday afternoon they come to her house to play with her. They drink coffee, and eat some 23 delicious food.They also play tennis or computer games. At six oclock 24

22、the evening, they have a big dinner together. At nine oclock,Jenny watches movies on TV, or reads some books and newspapers. She usually goes 25 bed at ten.She says health is the most important thing in the life.( )21.A.the B.a )22.A.have B.has C.having( )23.A.other B.others C.the other( )24.A

23、.at C.on( ) C.toV.从方框中选择正确选项,完成短文,其中有两个选项是多余的。(10分)A.months B.Childrens C.playing D.June E.interestingF.trip G.on H.buys I.there K.mine L.yearMy name is Alice.I am thirteen and I study in a middle school.There are twelve 26 in a year and my favorite month is June. June 1st is 2

24、7 Day. On that day, my mother often 28 some beautiful things for me. I really like them.There are also 29 activities(活动)in June at school. On the 12th,we have a ping-pong game. Ping-pong is 30 favorite sport. I think it is fun. I like 31 it with my friends and watching games on TV. On June 21st, we

25、have a school 32 . We will go to the West Lake. I think we can have a good time 33 .School Day is great, too. We have it 34 June 26th. On that day,my parents can also come to my school. My birthday is also in 35 . I always have a birthday party and invite my friends to my home.26._ 27._28._ 29._ 30.

26、_31_ 32._ 33._34._ 35._二、阅读理解(共40分)VI.根据所给材料,完成下列各题。(共40分)A根据图片内容,选择正确答案。(5分)( )36.When is Moms birthday?A.On Jan.9th. B.On Jan.10th. C.On Jan.1lth. D.On Jan.12th.( )37.What does the son want to buy for Mom?A.A big dinner. B.A red dress. C.A birthday cake. D.A red skirt.( )38.Why doesnt Mom like cak

27、es?A.Because she doesnt want to be fat. B.Because she wants to be healthy.C.Because theyll go out to have dinner. D.Because she cant make cakes.( )39.Which of the following is NOT right?A.The father buys a birthday cake at last.B.Red is Moms favorite color.C.Mom will like her sons gift(礼物).D.This is

28、 a conversation(对话)between a father and a son.( )40.Where can we see the conversation(对话)?A.In a book. B.In a magazine(杂志).C.On the Internet(网上). D.In a notebook.BLi Lin is a Chinese teacher in a middle school. She has a son and a daughter. Her sons name is Yang Hao. Her daughters name is Yang Lin.T

29、oday is Yang Lins birthday. Its Teachers Day, too.In the morning,Li Lin, her daughter and her son go to a store and buy some things. Li Lin buys a red skirt and a big birthday cake for her daughter. And her daughter buys a card. What about her son? He buys a watch for his mother.In the afternoon, Li

30、 Lin has a party for her daughter. Her students come to the party. They say “Happy birthday!” to Yang Lin and say “Happy Teachers Day!” to Li Lin. And then they eat the birthday cake. After that, Li Lins daughter gives Li Lin the card. She says, “Thanks, Mom. Happy Teachers Day to you!” Li Lin sees

31、the card and she is very happy.根据短文内容,选择正确答案。(5分)( )41.How many children does Li Lin have?A.2. B.3. C.4. D.5.( )42.When is the birthday of Yang Lin?A.On September 9th. B.On September 10th.C.On October 9th. D.On October 10th.( )43.Yang Hao buys_at the store.A.a birthday cake B.a card C.a red skirt D.

32、a watch( )44.What does the underlined(画线的)word“They”refer to(指的是)?A.Li Lin and her daughter. B.Li Lin and her son.C.Li Lins daughter and son. D.Li Lins students.( )45.Which of the following(下列的)is TRUE?A.Li Lin is a Chinese teacher. B.Li Lins daughter is twelve.C.Li Lin has a party for her mother. D

33、.Li Lin is very sad to have the card.CNo.1 Middle School has a great school trip. Welcome to join us! You can have fun!School TripDateApril 16thPlaceYellow Stone ParkPlease call Mr.Brown at 213-2757 to ask everything about the school trip to Yellow Stone Park.根据短文内容,判断下列句子正(T)、误(F)。(5分)( )46.No.1 Mi

34、ddle School has a great school trip.( )47.The school trip is on April 16th.( )48.The school trip is to Red Stone Park.( )49.If(如果)you want to join the school trip,please call Mr. Brown.( )50.Mr.Browns telephone number is 213-5757.DHello,my names Paul. Im 13 years old. Im a student in PEP Middle Scho

35、ol. There are five people in my family, my parents, my brother,my sister and I.My sister is Sally,and my brother is John. Their birthdays are both(都)in May. 51 Johns birthday is on May 15th.Its really fun. When is my birthday? 52 We often have parties on our birthdays. 53 She needs to get all the th

36、ings ready(准备好的).Its November 30th today. Its my mothers birthday. 54 John buys her a red sweater. Sally and I buy her a nice bag. What about my father? 55 We thank our mother for what she does for the family.根据短文内容,将下面方框内的选项还原到文中空白处,使短文内容完整、通顺,每个选项只能用一次,其中有一个选项是多余的。(5分)A.Its on October 15th.B.We bu

37、y some nice things for her.C.He buys some flowers for my mother.D.My mother is always busy when we have parties.E.Sallys birthday is on May 2nd.F.Its my birthday cake.51. 52. 53. 54. 55. E 56 We celebrate our own birthdays. 57 We also celebrate the birthdays of our family and friends. 58 Do you know

38、 of any other special birthdays? 59 For example, we celebrate William Shakespeares birthday, 23rd April, as English Language Day. 60 And we celebrate International Nurses Day on 12th May, It marks the birthday of Florence Nightingale, a famous nurse.(a)信息匹配,从方框中选出与以上段落内容相匹配的物品。(5分) A.The birthdays o

39、f our family and friendsB.Our own birthdaysC.William Shakespeares birthdayD.Other special birthdaysE.International Nurses DayF.Childrens Day56. 57. 58. 59. 60. (b)根据短文内容,补全下面的表格。每空填一词。We 61 our own birthdays. We also celebrate the birthdays of our 62 and friends. Do you know of any other special 63

40、? For example, we celebrate William Shakespeares birthday 64 English Language Day. And we celebrate International Nurses Day 65 12th May.61. 62. 63. 64. 65. FI have a good friend. His name is Jack Green. His birthday is on November 25th. This is his calendar(日历).We can know some things from it. The

41、basketball game is on September 24th. The English Day is on November 11th. His English test is on October 9th. Jack and his classmates have an English party on October 12th. And on December 25th, they have a Christmas party(圣诞聚会).Do you have any activities in your school?根据短文内容,回答下列问题。(10分)66.When i

42、s Jacks birthday? 67. When is the basketball game? 68. Is the English Day on November 11th? 69. Do Jack and his classmates have an English party on October 12th? 70.When do they have a Christmas party? 三、写作 ( 1 5分 )IX. 根据要求,完成写作。(15分)71.英语课上,老师打算介绍一下本学期的主要活动安排,假如你是李华,请根据下面的表格和要求用英语向同学们介绍一下。(15分)ActivitiesTimebasketball gameSeptember 15thschool tripOctoberSchool DayNovemberEnglish partyNovember 25thart festivalDecember 30th