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人教版(2024)七年级上册英语Unit 5语法知识点讲义

1、人教版(2024)七年级上册英语Unit 5语法知识点讲义Unit 5 Fun clubs用法梳理1be good with/ to/ at/ for(1)be good with 意为“与某人相处得好”。如:She is good with us.她和我们友好相处。(2)be good to sb.意为“对某人好”。如:Our teacher is good to us.我们的老师对我们很好。(3)be good at sth./ doing sth.意为“擅长”,相当于 be strong in, do well in。如:She is good at English. 她擅长英语。She

2、 is good at playing the piano.她擅长弹钢琴。(4)be good for sb./ sth.意为“对有好处”。如:Healthy food is good for us. 健康的食物对我们有好处。Playing computer games isnt good for our eyes. 玩电脑游戏对我们的眼睛没有好处。2.join 用法join + 团体,集体,组织,人群。如:join the English club加入英语俱乐部join Class 4加入四班join the basketball team加入篮球队join my family加入我们一家j

3、oin the Party加入中国共产党句子:1、I can play a musical instrument. 我能演奏一种乐器。2、I cant run fast. 我跑不快。3、I cant paint well. 我画画画的好。4、I cant dance well.我跳舞跳的不好。5、 I can read with feeling.我能带着感情朗读。6、What club do you want to join? 你想加入什么社团?7、Heres some good news!这里有一些好消息!8、I can play the guitar. 我会弹吉他。9、She is goo

4、d at so many things! 她擅长这么多事情!10、I cant speak French, but Id like to learn. 我不会说法语,但我想学。11、I like to watch her play. 我喜欢看她弹奏。12、 She can do so much more.她还能做更多的事情。13、Im good at telling stories.我擅长讲故事。14、I often act out stories with my brother at home. 我经常在家里和哥哥一起表演故事。15、Im interested in nature.我对大自然

5、很感兴趣。16、I love hiking,and I can read maps. 我喜欢徒步旅行,而且我能看地图。17、I cant cook,but I love great food.我不会做饭,但我喜欢美味的食物。18、 I want to cook for my family.我想为我的家人做饭。19、Email Ma Xiaohui at for more information.更多信息请发邮件给马晓晖。20、Its more than reading.它不仅仅是阅读。21、We act out stories,talk about boo

6、ks,and make new friends.我们表演故事,谈论书籍,结交新朋友。22、Books can open your mind and make you think. 书可以打开你的头脑,让你思考。23、Discover wild life right under your nose! 发现野生动物就在你的眼皮底下!24、Id love to read more and share what I think with others.我愿意读更多的书并和他人分享我的所感所思。25、What other food do you want to learn to cook?句型:1、I

7、want to join. 我想加入.2、Can you.? Yes,I can./No,I cant.你能吗?是的,我能。/不,我不能。3、I can play a musical instrument. 我能演奏一种乐器。4、I cant run fast. 我跑不快。5、Can you play ping-pong? Yes,I can./No,I cant. 你会打乒乓球吗?是的,我会。/不,我不能。6、Can he play the violin? Yes,he can./No,he cant. 他会拉小提琴吗?是的,他会。/不,他不能。7、Can they play chess?

8、Yes,they can./No,they cant. 他们会下棋吗?是的,他们可以。/不,他们不能。8、I can run fast,but I cant swim. 我能跑得很快,但我不会游泳。9、Emma can sing well, but she cant play any musical instruments.艾玛唱得很好,但她不会演奏任何乐器。语法情态动词can的用法小结(1)can 作情态动词时,意为“能;会”,表示能力,没有人称和数的变化,即不管主语是第几人称,是单数还是复数,都用can,其后的动词用原形。其疑问句经常用来询问对方做某事的能力或表示请求。如:He can s

9、peak English. 他会说英语。(2)含有情态动词can的句子有不同的句式:1)肯定句:主语can动词原形其他。2)否定句:主语cant动词原形其他。3)一般疑问句:Can主语动词原形其他?,其肯定回答为:Yes,主语can.;否定回答为:No,主语cant.。4)特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词can主语动词原形其他?如:She can play the piano.她会弹钢琴。She cant play the piano.她不会弹钢琴。Can she play the piano?她会弹钢琴吗?What can they do?他们会干什么?Reading plus翻译Alices Vlo

10、g:My Drama ClubHello!My name is Alice. Welcome to my drama club!This is Mr Ford,our drama teacher.Mr Ford is very nice,and he always has great ideas. He helps me so much!And these are my friends at the drama club. We always have a good time! After practice, we often have pizza.Check out this photo!

11、Mmm.Yummy!My parents often come to our shows.They record the shows and we watch them on TV later.Heres a clip from our last show. Thats me with the blonde hair! I look cute,dontl?The drama club can be hard when I have to remember a lot of lines,but it helps me to understand a lot more about the play

12、s. I am usually very shy,but when I am in a play, I no longer feel afraid.Now Im brave enough to talk,and even sing,in front of lots of people.I love my drama club-its never boring.爱丽丝的视频博客:我的戏剧俱乐部你好!我的名字是爱丽丝。欢迎来到我的戏剧俱乐部!这是福特先生,我们的戏剧老师。福特先生人很好,他总是有好主意。他帮了我很多!这些是我在戏剧社的朋友。我们总是玩得很开心!练习后,我们经常吃披萨。看看这张照片!

13、嗯好吃!我的父母经常来看我们的节目。他们把节目录下来,然后我们在电视上看。这是我们上一期节目的片段。那是金发的我!我看起来很可爱,不是吗?当我必须记住很多台词时,戏剧俱乐部可能很难,但它帮助我更多地了解戏剧。我平时很害羞,但是当我在演戏的时候,我不再觉得害怕了。现在我有足够的勇气在很多人面前说话,甚至唱歌。我喜欢我的戏剧俱乐部它从不无聊。单元范文背诵Dear Bill,I love your club. Im really interested in reading all kinds of books. I cant read fast, but I can find many good books to read. Id love to read more and share what I think with others. Can I join your club?Best, Xu Cong第 5 页 共 5 页