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外研版(2024)七年级上册英语Unit 4 重点语法知识点背记提纲

1、外研版(2024)七年级上册英语Unit 4 重点语法知识点背记提纲Unit 4 Time to celebrate课时1Starting out & Understanding ideas: Reading1. unusual adj. 不平常的2. treat v. 请客,款待,招待3. myself pron. 我本人,我亲自,我自己 4. dumpling n. 水饺5. whole adj. 全部的,整个的 6. become v. 成为,变成7. chef n. 厨师 8. balloon n. 气球9. cucumber n. 黄瓜 10. hang v. 悬挂11. lante

2、rn n. 提灯;灯笼 12. dish n. (烹制好的)菜肴,一道菜13. joke v. 说笑话;开玩笑 14. shocked adj. 震惊的15. laugh v. 发出笑声,(大)笑 16. pork n. 猪肉17. round adj. 圆形的,环形的 18. shape n. 形,形状,外形19. reunion n. 团圆,团聚 20. piece n. 片;块;段;截21. knife n. 刀 22. smell n. 气味23. laughter n. 笑;笑声 24. fill v. (使)充满;装满25. meal n. 一餐;饭 26. miss v. 思念,

3、想念,怀念(某人);错过27. taste n. 味道,滋味 28. celebrate v. 庆祝1. usualunusual (反义词) 2. BritainBritish (形容词,英国的,英国人的)3. cancould (过去式) 4. hanghung (过去式)5. chefchefs (复数) 6. dishdishes (复数)7. laughlaughter (名词,笑;笑声) 8. knifeknives (复数)9. missmisses (第三人称单数) 10. celebratecelebration (名词,庆祝)1. by the end of 到结束为止 2

4、. be able to do sth. 能够做某事3. during the Spring Festival 在春节期间 4. family reunion 家庭团聚5. my whole family 我整个家庭 6. against the law 违法7. stand for 代表 8. feel like 感觉像;想9. the way of doing sth. 做某事的方式10. fillwith 用把充满1. I wanted to treat my British friend, Emilia, to a Chinese dinner. 我想请我的英国朋友埃米莉亚吃一顿中式晚

5、餐。2. I often watched Grandma cook, but I never cooked anything myself. 我经常看奶奶做饭,但我自己从来不做饭。3. But my whole family came to my help on the phone. 但我全家人都打电话来帮我。4. Its round shape stands for family reunions. 它的圆形代表家庭团聚。5. I felt like I was back home. 我感觉回到了家。6. Whats the common way of celebrating the Spr

6、ing Festival? 庆祝春节的常见方式是什么?课时2Understanding ideas: Grammar1. culture n. 文化2. usually adv. 通常地;惯常地1. culturecultural (形容词) 2. northnorthern (形容词)3. saltsalty (形容词) 4. usualusually (副词)1. The Dragon Boat Festival 端午节 2. in the north of 在的北方3. stay up 熬夜 4. take place 发生5. be sure to do sth. 一定会做某事1. i

7、t always takes place on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month. 它总是发生在农历五月初五。2. The best part of the festival is the dragon boat races. 这个节日最好的部分就是龙舟赛。课时3Developing ideas: Listening and speaking1. Christmas n. 圣诞节(期间)2. waste n. (金钱、技能等的)浪费3. pollution n. 污染4. plastic adj. 塑料制的1. wastewasteful (形容词,

8、浪费的) 2. pollutepollution (名词,污染)1. put up 搭建 2. take action 采取行动3. millions of 数以百万计的;无数的 4. cut down 砍倒5. on the wall 在墙上 6. how about doing sth. 做怎么样1. They put up a Christmas tree at home, share a large meal together, and give each other gifts. 他们在家里搭建了一棵圣诞树,分享大餐,相互赠送礼物。2. People cut down nearly

9、one hundred million trees to use as Christmas trees. 人们砍伐了近一亿棵树作为圣诞树。课时4Developing ideas: Reading for writing1. duty n. (道德或法律上的)义务,责任 2. shine v. 发光,发亮3. break n. 短暂的假期,休假4. emergency n. 紧急情况,不测事件 5. thirsty adj. 渴的,口渴的6. challenge n. 挑战,具有挑战性的事物 7. patient n. 病人,患者8. situation n. 形势,情况,状况,局面 9. re

10、gret v. 后悔(做了某事);对感到遗憾10. decision n. 决定,抉择 11. support n. 支持12. medical adj. 医学的;医疗的 13. bright adv. 光明地;明亮地14. festive adj. 欢乐的,欢庆的 15. firework n. 烟火,烟花1. meanmeaning (名词) 2. regretregretted (过去式)3. decidedecision (名词) 4. medicinemedical (形容词)5. loveloving (形容词)1. give up 放弃 2. stand by 做好准备,准备行动

11、3. have to 不得不 4. need to do sth. 需要做某事5. in a bad situation 处于糟糕的状态 6. be thankful for 对感激的7. answer the call 响应号召1. For Chinese people, festivals usually mean a break from work and happy family reunions. 对于中国人来说,节日往往意味着放下工作,享受家庭团聚的欢乐时光。2. But she never regrets her decision to be an ER doctor. 但是她从

12、未后悔过选择成为一名急诊医生。3. I make the most of every minute with my family. Im very thankful for their support. 我充分利用和家人在一起的每一分钟,我非常感谢他们的支持。4. Leng is only one of millions of medical workers in China. Leng只是中国数百万医务工作者中的一员。5. They give up their family time to answer the call of duty. 他们放弃家庭时间来回应责任的召唤。6. In the

13、 heart of every patient, their hard work shines brighter than festive fireworks. 在每个病人的心中,他们的辛勤工作比喜庆的烟花更加闪耀。Dear Mike,How is everything going? I hope you can come to China to spend the MidAutumn Festival together. The MidAutumn Festival is one of the most important traditional festivals in China. It

14、 usually falls in September or October every year. People believe that the full moon is a symbol of reunion. They often give best wishes to each other at this special time. On this day people usually go back home to get together, enjoying a large meal with their family. At night, they admire(欣赏) the full moon, share delicious mooncakes with their family and tell stories about Change. Spending traditional Chinese festivals with their families can make students feel the love and warmth of their families. Best wishes to you!Yours,Li Yue第 5 页 共 5 页