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外研版(2024)七年级上册英语Unit 3 重点语法知识点背记提纲

1、外研版(2024)七年级上册英语Unit 3 重点语法知识点背记提纲Unit 3 Family ties课时1Starting out & Understanding ideas: Reading1. silent adj. 不作声的2. along prep. 顺着;沿着3. mountain n. 高山,山岳 4. road n. 路,道路,公路5. handsome adj. (男子)英俊的,漂亮的 6. strict adj. 严格的,严厉的7. postman n. 邮递员;邮差 8. touching adj. 感人的;动人的9. son n. 儿子 10. serve v. 为工

2、作;供职11. area n. (国家、市镇等的)地区,区域 12. absent adj. 不在的,缺席的13. seldom adj. 很少,罕见,不常 14. position n. 职位,职务15. each pron. (两个或两个以上物或人中的)每个,各16. carry v. 把(某物或某人)带至(新的地点或位置)17. across prep. 横跨,跨越 18. memory n. 记忆,回忆19. tear n. 眼泪;泪水 20. growth n. (性格、智力或情感的)发展,成长21. hide v. 把藏起来,隐藏 22. care n. 担心;忧虑23. hug

3、n. 拥抱 24. kiss n. 吻25. reason n. 原因,理由 26. follow v. 跟着,跟随1. grow growth (n. ) 2. loud loudly (adv. )3. touch touching (adj. ) 4. quiet quietly (adv. )1. betweenand 在和之间 2. be absent from 缺席3. in ones heart 在某人心中 4. for the first time 首次,第一次5. be silent 沉默不语 6. bring back 带回7. take over ones positio

4、n 接替某人的职位 8. each other 彼此1. An older man with a strict face follows him. 一位面色严肃的年长些的人跟着他。2. Its a touching story about the love between father and son. 它是一个关于父子间的爱的感人故事。3. It brings back the fathers memory of carrying the son on his back. 它带回了父亲背上背着儿子的记忆。4. Tears quietly run down his face. 眼泪顺着他的脸庞

5、悄然流下。5. His love may be silent. But like a mountain, it is always there. 他的爱也许无声。但是像山一样,它总是在那儿。课时2Understanding ideas: Grammarmarry v. 结婚;娶;嫁1. build building (n. ) 2. meet meeting (n. )1. in front of 在前面 2. on the screen 在屏幕上3. take a family photo 拍一张家庭照 4. during the Spring Festival 在春节期间5. with t

6、he help of 在的帮助下1. We three sat in front of Mums computer. 我们三个坐在妈妈的电脑前面。2. Every year, we take a family photo together during the Spring Festival. 每年春节期间我们都会拍一张家庭照片。3. And we kept our family tradition alive with the help of social media. 我们在社交媒体的帮助下延续了我们的家庭传统。4. We are a family, together or far awa

7、y. 我们是一家人,无论在一起或者相距甚远。课时3Developing ideas: Listening and speaking1. harmony n. 融洽相处 2. solve v. 解决(问题)3. relationship n. (事物之间的)联系,关联 4. parent n. 父,母1. in order to 为了 2. solve problems 解决难题3. have a talk with 与谈话 4. dress up 打扮5. pick sb. up 接某人1. She dresses up as a queen. 她打扮成女王的样子。2. Have a good

8、 talk with her mother. 和她的妈妈好好谈一谈。3. I will change my clothes before I pick you up. 在我接你之前,我会换掉衣服的。课时4Developing ideas: Reading for writing1. race v. 比赛 n. 赛车 2. finish v. 完成,做完3. serious adj. 严重的 4. disease n. 疾病,病5. trailer n. 拖车,挂车 6. pull v. 拉;扯;拖7. refuse v. 拒绝,回绝 8. result n. 结果,后果9. matter v.

9、 (尤指对某人自己或对发生之事)重要,要紧,有关系10. power v. 给(车辆或机器)提供动力happy happily (adv. )1. be close to 与亲近 2. notat all 根本不,一点儿也不3. stay at home 待在家 4. every day 每天5. go out 出门 6. feel like 觉得像1. To John and Robert, some things are more important than winning. 对约翰和罗伯特来说,一些东西比赢更重要。 2. They are always close to each ot

10、her. 他们总是和彼此很亲近。3. But Robert has a serious disease and cannot move at all. 但是罗伯特患有很严重的疾病,一点也不能动。4. One day, he found a way out. 一天,他找到一个办法。5. For the first time, Robert felt like the other kids. 罗伯特第一次感觉像其他孩子一样。Dear David, I am writing to tell you something about my family. I have a happy family. T

11、here are four people in my family. My family and I often go out for a picnic in the park on Sunday. We also go shopping and buy a lot of food and drinks. Sometimes we will go to the theater to see a film. We often do something together because we think it is a good way to know more about each other. And we feel happy to stay with each other. I hope to receive your email soon. Yours, Li Hua- 4 -