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本文(外研版(2024)七年级上册英语Starter Welcome to junior high!重点语法知识点背记提纲)为本站会员(清****年)主动上传,七七文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知七七文库(发送邮件至373788568@qq.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

外研版(2024)七年级上册英语Starter Welcome to junior high!重点语法知识点背记提纲

1、外研版(2024)七年级上册英语Starter Welcome to junior high!重点语法知识点背记提纲课时1Get ready1. ready adj. 准备好(做某事)的2. textbook n. 教科书,教材,课本3. eraser n. 橡皮 4. history n. 历史5. geography n. 地理 6. biology n. 生物7. physics n. 物理 8. chemistry n. 化学9. jacket n. 夹克,短上衣 10. hat n. 帽子11. grey adj. 灰色的 12. uniform n. 制服1. junior hig

2、h 初级中学 2. information technology 信息技术3. red scarf 红领巾 4. a sports jacket 一件运动夹克5. your first day of junior high school 你初中的第一天1. How about you, Li Meng? 你呢,李萌?2. Wang Tao is going to wear a blue sports jacket. 王涛打算穿一件蓝色运动夹克。课时2Know your school1. lab n. 实验室 2. hold v. 召开,举行,进行3. event n. 活动 4. join v

3、. 参与,加入(某项活动) 5. club n. 俱乐部1. teaching building 教学楼2. dining hall 食堂3. show sb. around 带某人参观 4. on the third floor 在第三层5. do morning exercises 做早操 6. play football 踢足球7. after school 放学后1. There are three buildings and a playground. 有三座建筑和一个操场。2. Its not a very big school, but it is beautiful. 它不是一

4、个很大的学校,但是它很漂亮。3. Some teachers and students will show you around. 一些老师和学生们将带你们参观。4. All the classrooms are in this building. 所有的教室都在这栋楼里。5. On the first floor, we have science and computer labs. 在一楼,我们有科学和计算机实验室。6. Music rooms, art rooms and a dance hall are on the second floor. 音乐教室、美术教室和一个舞厅在二楼。7.

5、 And theres also a library. Its on the third floor. 还有一个图书馆,它在三楼。8. We do morning exercises and hold school sports events here. 我们在这儿做早操和举办校园体育活动。9. After school, we run or play football in it. 我们放学后在它(操场)跑步或者踢足球。10. You can join the science club. 你可以加入科学俱乐部。课时3Introduce yourself1. introduce v. 介绍 2

6、. yourself pron. 你自己;你们自己3. everyone pron. 每个人,人人 4. holiday n. 假期,休假日5. enjoy v. 喜欢;享受的乐趣 6. nervous adj. 神经紧张的;焦虑不安的7. classmate n. 同班同学 8. hobby n. 业余爱好,嗜好1. yourself you (主格/宾格) your (形容词性物主代词)2. everyone everybody (同义词) 3. hobby hobbies (复数)4. also too (同义词) 5. help helpful (adj. )1. introduce

7、oneself 介绍某人自己 2. this summer holiday 今年暑假3. make friends with sb. 和某人交朋友1. Today is my first day in junior high. 今天是我上初中的第一天。2. I like running, playing football and swimming. 我喜欢跑步、踢足球和游泳。3. Im also a helpful girl. 我还是一个乐于助人的女孩。4. I like helping people with their difficulties. 我喜欢帮助人们解决他们的困难。5. Im

8、a bit nervous now, but Im also excited to meet new teachers and classmates. 我现在有点紧张,但见到新的老师们和同学们,我也很兴奋。课时4Hold a party1. need v. 需要2. activity n. 活动3. decoration n. 装饰物1. activity activities (复数) 2. better good (adj. 原级) well (adv. 原级)1. play games 做游戏 2. make a “wishing tree” 制作一棵“愿望树”3. make frien

9、ds 交朋友 4. play the piano 弹钢琴5. write down 写下来Dear Peter, Im writing to introduce my school to you. There are six buildings in our school. The playground is in the middle of our school. The sports hall is on the left of the gate. The science building is between the dining hall and the sports hall. Th

10、e office building is on the right of the gate. The classroom building is between the library and the office building. My school is very big and beautiful. Im very happy in the school. We have eight lessons every day. After class, I always play sports with my friends. In a word, I love my school. Let me know about your school. Write to me soon. Yours, Li Hua