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1、2024年秋新八年级开学摸底考试英语试卷(江苏专用)(考试时间:100分钟试卷满分:100分)注意事项:1本试卷分第卷(选择题)和第卷(非选择题)两部分。答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。2回答第卷时,选出每小题答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。写在本试卷上无效。3回答第卷时,将答案写在答题卡上。写在本试卷上无效。4考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。选择题(共45分)一、单项选择(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)1 Do you think _ film YOLO is exciting? Yes, i

2、t tells us _ unusual story.Athe; aBthe; anCan; anDan; a2Mum, could I watch TV?Im afraid you _. Do your homework first.AcantBcanCcouldntDcould3Why are you in such a _?To catch the train!AhurryBsurpriseCwayDmoment4Did you hear of the fire last night? Yes, many firemen _ the fire at last. Luckily, no o

3、ne was hurt.Aput onBput downCput offDput out5Look at the dark clouds, and the wind is blowing strongly.It _ that a heavy rain is coming.AsoundsBseemsCfeelsDlooks6_ surprised the mother looks!I guess she didnt think her son could be the winner.AHowBWhatCHow theDWhat a7 Do you know what is wrong with

4、Alice? I didnt see her at school yesterday. She was ill. But she is _ to go to school today.Atoo weakBtoo wellCwell enoughDweak enough8Wheres mum?She is trying on the new dress upstairs now. She _ it to a party.AwearsBworeCwill wearDis wearing9 _ your father at work yesterday? No, he went to visit m

5、y grandparents in the countryside.ADoesBDidCWereDWas10 Dont put your goldfish _ the sun. OK, I wont do it any more.AaboveBbelowCunderDin11Amy, _ is Sunshine Town from the centre of Beijing?It takes only twenty minutes by underground.Ahow longBhow farChow soonDhow often12Which sentence do you like be

6、st in The Little Prince?Maybe there are five _ roses in the world as same as you, but youre my unique rose.AthousandBthousandsCthousand ofDthousands of13 The question is easy. But Im afraid not _ can answer it.AsomeoneBanyoneCeveryoneDno one14Its raining so hard!Yes, Im wondering how long it would t

7、ake _ home.AgettingBto getCgetting toDto get to15 Mr. White, Im afraid Ill fail the exam. _, dear! Take it easy. Im sure you will pass it.AGood jobBAll rightCCome onDSorry to hear that二、完形填空(共15小题;毎小题1分,满分15分)请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Harper is a kind woman. She has a 4-year

8、-old 16 . One day when Harper was 17 homeat 8: 30 p. m, she saw something on fire by the road. So she stopped her car. As Harper got close, she found a black car that had an accident (事故). Black smoke was everywhere and she couldnt see 18 was going on inside the car. As it was late and there was nob

9、ody else around. Harper was a little 19 .And her little daughter was waiting for her at home. So she wanted to 20 . At that moment, she remembered people who helped her. Then she walked back to the car again, called 110 and checked 21 if (是否) anyone was in the car. Soon, Harper 22 a man under the ai

10、rbag (安全气囊). He was 23 . Without thinking twice, Harper pulled (拉) the man out of the car. 24 the fire got worse (更严重), Harper moved him to a safe place. After doing that, Harper felt so 25 and couldnt move. Ten minutes later, the police and doctors came. “There was blood (血) all over his body. He l

11、ooked at me closely, trying to pass his 26 of living on (继续活着) to me. So I held 27 in my arms all the time,” Harper said to the police. A few days later, the man got better. He sent a 28 to Harper. It read, “Thank you! I was saved 29 you didnt leave me alone. Youre a real hero.”A hero is not just so

12、meone who does great things but that who 30 a hand to others in need. Heroes live not only in movies, but also in our everyday life.16AdaughterBsonCbrotherDsister17AdrivingBwalkingCriding Drunning18AwhenBhowCwhatDwhere19AhappyBsurprisedCexcitedDafraid20AstayBmoveCreturnDleave21AfinallyBquicklyCeasil

13、yDreally22AknewBhelpedCfoundDsaved23AcoldBhurtCsadDquiet24AAfterBBeforeCTillDWhen25AtiredBexcitedCworriedDbored26AideaBhopeCloveDplan27AhimBherCitDthem28AreportBnumberCstoryDletter29AandBbutCbecauseDso30AgivesBopensCshakesDtakes三、阅读理解(共15小题;每小题1分, 满分15分)请认真阅读下列材料, 从材料后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选出最佳选项, 并在答题

14、卡上将该项涂黑。AThese are all the messages that Helen got yesterday. Read them carefully and find the best answers to the questions.Helen, Happy Feel is on at New Times Theater. Would you like to see it? ChrisHelen, Buy some milk and sugar on your way home. Thanks.JackHelen, I found a new brand of dog food

15、. Rover just loves it. You should get some for your pet Della!LisaHelen, Mr White said that he had made your computer work well. You can go and get it between 9:00 a.m and 5:00 p.m. tomorrow.Steve31What do you think “Happy Feet” is?AA book.BA film.CA song.DA basketball match.32What may be the name o

16、f Lisas pet?ADella.BRover.CSteve.DChris.33What time can Helen get her computer back?AAt 8:00 a.m.BAt 8:30 a.m.CAt 6:00 p.m.DAt 3:00 p.m.BPeople say that Changsha is a busy city. For local people, the day often starts with a bowl of rice noodles. Chen Xueyi, 48, owns his restaurant for 27 years. The

17、restaurant is small, but its famous for its delicious rice noodles. Chen starts working at 4 a.m. every day and stays busy until the eveningmaking soup, preparing toppings (浇头), and cooking rice noodles. To make delicious rice noodles, Chen uses pork bones to make the soup. Later, he puts spring oni

18、ons, salt, soy sauce (酱油) and meat on rice noodles. If you like, you can also ask for green beans and chilies (辣椒) in the rice noodles. The tasty dish brings in a large number of people every day. Now, Chen sells three to four hundred bowls of rice noodles a day. As well as local people, travelers n

19、ow come to his restaurant too. “Im happy to have more guests (客人), but I am too busy now, so it would be good to keep it a small restaurant,” Chen said with a big smile. “To make nice rice noodles, everything needs to be fresh, but the most important is that you have to put your heart into it,” said

20、 Chen.34Chen Xueyi opened his rice noodle restaurant in the year _.A1996B1998C2000D200235Local people and visitors go to Chens restaurant to have rice noodles because _.Athe price is lowBit is easy to find Cit opens early every dayDthe rice noodles there taste great36Why doesnt Chen Xueyi want to op

21、en a larger rice noodle restaurant? _AHe doesnt need to make money any more.BHe is too busy to own a larger rice noodle restaurant.CHe thinks only a few people enjoy eating his rice noodles.DHe sells no more than 300 bowls of rice noodles every day.37According to Chen, which of the following is the

22、most important to make nice rice noodles? _APrepare fresh toppings.BUse pork bones to make the soup.CTry your best to put your heart into it.DAdd spring onions, salt, soy sauce and meat.CA museum for mustard (芥末)? Does it sound strange or funny to you? Now, lets check it out! If you visit Wisconsin,

23、 you will never miss the Mustard Museumthe home of different kinds of mustard. It is a paradise for mustard lovers. They run into the museum to buy mustard they can never find outside the museum. In a small town in Wisconsin, the Mustard Museum is open from 10 5 p.m. seven days a week, except

24、 (除了) for some festivals. Besides, the online shop never sleeps. Inside the museum, there is a show of prepared mustard. Its a big family of more than 5,566 bottles of mustard from over 70 countries. The museum also shows hundreds of things about mustard, such as mustard bottles, old mustard magazin

25、es (杂志) and books. Whats more, you can have a taste of mustard inside the museum. Your taste buds (味蕾) will thank you for being there. There are different tastes of mustard, such as chocolate, cheese, strawberry.You can try whatever taste you can think of! Why was the museum opened? Here comes an in

26、teresting story. The founder (创立者) of the museum, Barry Levenson, said it was because of the Boston Red Sox. After his favorite team lost a very important game, Barry walked sadly at a supermarket, looking for the meanings of life. As he passed mustard shelves, he heard a voice “If you collect us, t

27、hey will come.” He did and they had. The museum was open on April 5, 1992. And now it is one of the most famous museums in Wisconsin.38What does the underlined word “paradise” in Paragraph 1 mean in Chinese? _A乐园B公园C商场D餐厅39You can see the following things in the museum EXCEPT _.Amustard of different

28、 tastesBmustard magazines and booksCmustard from over 70 countriesDmustard chocolate and strawberries40What do we know about the Mustard Museum from the passage? _AIts founder is Boston Red Sox.BIt never sells mustard to visitors.CIt brings much fun to mustard lovers.DIts open from 10 5 p.m.

29、every day.41The passage above may be from _.Aa news reportBa travel bookCa history storyDa sports magazineDThere was once a giant crab (巨蟹). He was so big that when he went into the sea, the water went onto the ground. When he came out of the sea, all the water went away from the ground. The animals

30、 who lived on the ground were tired of having too much water or too little water. These animals asked the Great Magician (魔术师) to help them. “Please do something about the Giant Crab,” they said.The Great Magician found the Giant Crab. “You think you are strong and important?” he said. “You make a l

31、ot of trouble.”“It is not my fault,” said the Crab. “I have to leave my hole and go into the sea every morning to find food. Then I come back out of the sea at night and return to my hole to sleep.”“It is not fair to the other animals.” the Great Magician said.He then used his magic to take away the

32、 Giant Crabs thick shell (厚壳).“Give me back my thick shell,” the Giant Crab cried. “The birds and sharks will eat me now. I am not safe without my thick shell.”“I will give you back your thick shell if you dont make any trouble for everyone.” “But I must go into the sea for food every day,” the Gian

33、t Crab said.The Great Magician knew he could not trust the Giant Crab. He said, “I will give you back your hard shell for eleven months of the year. On the twelfth month, you will lose your hard shell and be soft. Do you agree?”The Giant Crab was not happy with this, but he said yes.“And I will also

34、 make you much smaller so that every rock (岩石) and hole in the sea will be a safe place for you and your children. Now, the water will cover only part of the ground when you go into the sea. When you come out of the sea, the water will go away from the ground.”The Great Magician did this, which is w

35、hy there are now thousands of little crabs on the beaches of the world.42What does the underlined (下划线的) word “fault” mean?AhobbyBabilityCproblemDworry43Which shows the right order of the story?a. The animals disliked the Giant Crab.b. The Giant Crab made a lot of trouble.c. The Giant Crab lived und

36、er small rocks.d. The animals asked the Great Magician for help.e. The Great Magician took away the Giant Crabs shell.Ac-b-a-d-eBb-a-d-e-cCc-a-d-e-bDa-b-c-e-d44What can we learn from the story?AThe Giant Crab thought more of other animals.BThe thick shell kept the Giant Crab away from danger.CThe Gi

37、ant Crab felt excited when meeting the Great Magician.DThere was much water on the ground when the Crab came out of the sea.45Which can be the best title (标题) of the story?ANo ShellsBA Trouble MakerCStory of CrabsDA Great Magician非选择题(共55分)四、填空(共15小题;46-55每小题1分,56-60每小题2分,满分20分)A)请根据括号中所给的汉语写出单词,使句子

38、意思完整正确,并将答案填写在答题卡相应横线上。46Everyone is busy _ (准备) for the coming exams these days.47At the beginning of the _ (学期), I found it difficult to study English.48Andy gave his _ (座位) to someone in need on the bus this morning.49Many people like to watch short _ to kill time. (视频)50The shoes are the _, I sa

39、w him buy them in the shop. (经理)B)请根据句子意思,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空,并将答案填写在答题卡相应横线上。51_my cats fur every day, and she will feel better. (brush)52Please turn down the radio, because it is too _. (noise)53Mike feeds his parrot and _ (teach) it to speak every day.54Look at the map. _ (keep) going and we will see

40、 the zoo.55As students, we should listen to the teacher _ (care) in class.C)请根据句子意思,完成句子。56信不信由你,昨天我们在故宫看到了很多艺术品。_, we saw many _ at the Palace Museum.57玩火柴很危险,我们一定要小心它们。Its dangerous _. we must _ them.58你们会尽最大的努力照顾好这些可爱的宠物猫吗? Will you _ to _ these pet cats?59董宇辉在12岁的时候,他每天至少上5节课。Dong Yuhui had _ fi

41、ve classes a day _ 12.60像往常一样,妈妈付了西游乐园门票的费用。_, my mother _ the tickets to West Amusement Park.五、 短文首字母填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分, 满分15分)根据短文内容和首字母提示,在下文空格处填入适当的词使短文完整。(每空一词)Reading is an important part of any childs growth. B 61 can open up a new world to children. They teach them how the world works, tell th

42、em old stories and help them tell r 62 from wrong. A good parent always reads to the kid at an e63 age and goes on reading as he grows up. Some children may become future book lovers and do well in some areas with the help of r 64 . They will always remember the wonderful time when they read with th

43、eir loved ones. Childrens Day is here. Maybe you can choose a book below as the g 65 for your kid. Ans Seeds is my recommendation. Ans Seeds is a good book. It tells the story about t 66 young men who each gets a lotus seed(种子) from their master in w 67 . They talk about their ideas. The first man d

44、 68 to plant it in the cold land right away. The second man will plant it in an expensive box. The third man An says he will w 69 for spring to plant his seed, because the nature(自然)is the best way for the plants to grow. It is a story of waiting and every child is like a “seed”. We should learn to

45、wait while teaching them and follow their nature. Give them enough t 70 , they will grow into “lotus”.六、书面表达(满分20分)71“少年乐相知”,朋友如同阳光带给彼此温暖和力量,陪伴我们成长。请你以“What a(n) _ friend”为题,用英语写一篇短文。内容应包括:1. Who is this friend and what is he/she like?2. What do you think of this friend and why?3. What does your friend make a difference (有影响) to you?要求:1. 请先将标题补充完整,再写文章;2. 词数80左右;内容需涵盖所有要点,可适当