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1、常州市2024年初中学业水平考试英语试题注意事项:1本试卷共8页,全卷满分为90分,考试时间为100分钟,考生须将答案书写在答题卡上,写在试卷上的一律无效。2答题前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考试号填写在试卷上,并填写答题卡上的考生信息。考试结束后,请将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。一、单项选择(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。1Little Mary was proud of _ because she taught Uncle Li how to borrow books online.AherselfBhersCshe

2、Dher2_ is it from Changzhou to Beijing?It is about four hours ride by high-speed train.AHow longBHow farCHow soonDHow often3I _ Yancheng Park several times, so I know a lot about it.Awas visitingBhave visitedCvisitDwill visit4When you make a fresh salad, you _ add your favorite fruit if you would li

3、ke to.AmayBshouldCmustDhave to5Which school club should I choose?It _ what skills you want to develop.Atakes onBcarries onCputs onDdepends on6Practice is very importantYou will forget the new words _ you often use them.AwhenBunlessCifDuntil7When seeing the Shenzhou-18 manned spaceship flying into th

4、e sky, my father was _ than any one of us.Amore excitedBmore excitingCthe most excitedDthe most exciting8Could you tell me _?Sorry, Ive never had a home robot beforeWhy not read the instructions first?Awhere can I buy a home robotBwhere I can buy a home robotChow can I turn the home robot onDhow I c

5、an turn the home robot on9Believe it or not! My grandpa is learning to play the piano.Oh! _.AIt never rains but it poursBWhen in Rome, do as the Romans doCOne is never too old to learnDEvery dog has its day10DrSun will give us a talk on Zhou Youguang, the “father of Pinyin”, this afternoon._Lets go

6、together.AGood luckBI agreeCSounds goodDHave fun二、完形填空(共12小题;每小题1分,满分12分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。With a birthday usually comes a party, as well as a cake, presents and wishes from friendsBut beyond these, what does a birthday _ mean?One year, I spent my birthday alone in a co

7、mpletely new placeCalls and messages poured in as usual_, I was uncertain what to doI had nowhere to go, nor did I know anyone with whom I could go out and share the _ of the event.At that moment, my mother called me, asking, “What are you _ for your birthday?”“Im not sure, MumTheres _ here,” I said

8、 in a low voice.“You dont always need a lot of people for your birthdayJust follow your heart and make this day yours.” What Mum said made me feel less _.Then I picked up a book and lost myself in it, with music onI did exactly as my mother told me and _ “my own day”Unexpectedly, I got connected wit

9、h my inner selfIt was a but satisfying dayI realized for the first time that I had fully grown-from the preschool child who shared chocolate with the whole class on my birthday to someone who could now _ it with myself.When I lay in bed that night, I remembered my mothers words“You came into our liv

10、es this day,” she saidHer voice was filled with joy and _ for the coming of my lifeAnd indeed, that is the true _ of birthday celebrations-the valuable gift of life itself.I spent a birthday _ a partyIt made me realize the spirit of birthday itself.11AexactlyBhighlyCcompletelyDnearly12AOtherwiseBHow

11、everCInsteadDMoreover13AjoyBsuccessCsecretDluck14AreadingBsearchingCplanningDasking15AsomeoneBeveryoneCanyoneDno one16AunhappyBtiredCimpatientDscared17AsharedBrememberedCenjoyedDrecorded18AhopefulBpainfulCstressfulDpeaceful19AunderstandBcelebrateCacceptDdiscuss20AthanksBregretsCmessagesDexcuses21Asi

12、gnBartCmeaningDsymbol22AatBforCexceptDwithout三、阅读理解(共14小题;每小题2分,满分28分)阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AThe Chinese ancient tea ceremony(仪式) is a practice of preparing, serving, and enjoying teaIt might start in the Tang Dynasty or even earlier and it reached its greatest time in the

13、Song DynastyThe traditional Chinese tea ceremony is usually held in important situations to welcome guests.Main steps:*Prepare a tea setTo hold a Chinese tea ceremony, a full tea set is needed, including a teapot, a serving bowl, cups, plates, etc.*Heat the tea setThis step can help tea fully give o

14、ff its nice smell.*Put tea leaves into the teapotUse the teaspoon, not the hand, to place some tea leaves into the teapot.*Wash tea leavesPour the hot water into the teapot and keep it for a few seconds, and then pour out water quickly.*Brew teaRefill the teapot with hot water of a proper temperatur

15、e, cover it and wait for a few minutes to keep the pleasant smell of the tea soup.Manners and rules:If you are the host, please:*Serve the tea with both of your hands.*Do not fill the teacup fully, since the hot tea soup might hurt the guests.*Keep an eye on the teacups of your guests and fill them

16、in time.If you are the guest, please:*Receive the teacup with both hands when being served with tea.*Show your admiration and thanks to the host when smelling or drinking the tea soup.*Take a small mouthful of tea soup every time instead of drinking it up at a time.*Dress properly to attend the tea

17、ceremony.23What should you do before putting tea leaves into the teapot?AClean tea leaves.BDry tea leaves.CCool the tea set.DHeat the tea set.24Which of the following is considered to be good manners?AThe host fills the guests teacup fully.BThe host keeps an eye on the guests.CThe guest receives the

18、 teacup with his right hand.DThe guest drinks the tea slowly to show his politeness.25Which part of a magazine is the text most probably from?AFood.BCulture.CEntertainment.DHistory.BGenevieve Moss has serious hearing lossHer world has always been silentAlone in a town in England, she often felt lone

19、ly.Then one day in April in 2021, something stopped Moss as she read the local newspaperIt was a photo of a tiny black-and-white catA family was looking for a home for their last newborn catMoss fell in love with it at first sight and contacted the familySoon, the cat came to Mosss houseMoss called

20、the cat Zebby because his colors looked like those of a zebra.Moss once heard of studies showing that pets can help people deal with lonelinessHowever, she had no idea that Zebby would become her helper and her earsFrom their first night together, Zebby has slept next to herWhen he hears noises in t

21、he dark, he jumps up“He became my night watch cat,” Moss said“Sometimes he would run around the room until I woke up.”After several weeks, Moss noticed that whenever her phone rang or someone knocked at the door, Zebby would touch her lightlyIt wasnt long before the cat took on another task: collect

22、ing Mosss mailNow whenever he hears the mailbox being opened, he runs towards it, carries the mail in his mouth and drops it at Mosss feet.This past May, Zebby was named Britains National Cat of the Year by Cats ProtectionAccording to the largest cat charity, Zebby beat out about 3,000 other cats be

23、cause of the many ways he makes Mosss life easierHe has had no training at all, but his natural abilities seem to have told him that his owner needs his help.“Zebby has made my house a home,” Moss said“I can hardly imagine not having Zebby in my life now.”26Why did Moss choose the cat?ABecause she l

24、iked it when she saw its photo.BBecause she wished to have a helping ear.CBecause she wanted to help a local family.DBecause she planned to study pet animals.27What do the underlined words “beat out” probably mean in Paragraph 5?ALooked prettier than.BWas quieter than.CFelt softer than.DDid better t

25、han.28What is the best title for the passage?AMoss trains Zebby for the prizeBZebby brings help and joy to MossCMoss takes good care of ZebbyDZebby finds itself a warm homeCMy father was busy fixing Belindas spaceship all afternoonIn the evening, I went to the landing place“Dear Father,” I said poli

26、tely“Have you found Belindas parents yet?”“Not yet, my dear.” He shook his head.I felt relaxedI didnt want to meet Belindas parentsthey might be ten times as loud and bossy as she was.But Belinda had followed me.“Not yet?” she shouted“Why not? Ill send them a message! Theyll listen to me!”Belinda ra

27、n to the radioShe shouted into it so loudly that I had to cover all my four ears“Mummy! Daddy! Im on an awful spaceship full of purple people! Come and find me now!”“Poor Belinda!” my sister came and said“Her parents must be missing her.”“Huh!” I snorted (发出哼声)“Missing her? Youre joking! Who would w

28、ant such a bossy kid back? They probably lost her on purpose.”Belindas face cloudedI thought she was going to shout again, but she didntInstead, something very strange happened her eyes began to water!“Oh, help!” said Roa“Is she dying?”I felt terrible“Dont die, Belinda! I didnt mean it.”Then Belinda

29、 opened her mouth wide and shouted, “What if its true? What if theyve gone away and left me here forever?”We were all so busy comforting Belinda that we didnt notice the soft knock of a ship landing outsideWe didnt see two tall people come out of it until Belinda ran out in excitement.“Mummy! Daddy!

30、”Belindas parents were even uglier than she was, but they looked polite“Hello, dear,” the female said“Were sorry we kept you waiting.”We smiled as the three of them boarded their spaceship“Goodbye!” shouted Belinda“Goodbye! Thanks for taking care of our baby girl!” said her father.None of us answere

31、dWe waved (挥手) cheerfully as the ship took off and went far away into the stars.29What most probably happened before this passage?A“I” just met Belindas parents.BBelindas parents left Belinda alone on purpose.CBelinda got separated from her parents for some reason.DThere was a fight between “my” fat

32、her and Belindas parents.30What was Belinda like in “my” eyes?AGentle but careless.BCareful but unkind.CNoisy and impolite.DBrave and sweet.31How did Roa and “I” feel when Belinda left?ASad.BHappy.CMoved.DRegretful.32What type of article is this passage?AA science fiction.BA documentary.CA travel di

33、ary.DA detective story.DChina published the worlds first highly clear lunar geologic (地质的) atlas (地图集) on April 21According to the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), it will provide up-to-date information for future lunar research and exploration.“These maps will help choose locations for future lun

34、ar research stations,” Ouyang Ziyuan, a well-known lunar scientist, said“They can also help us better know about the Earth and other planets in the solar system, like Mars.”The world has seen great progress in the field of lunar science over the past half a centuryHowever, the lunar geologic atlas t

35、hat was developed during the Apollo Program remained unchanged“As lunar geologic studies develop, those old maps can no longer satisfy future needs,” said Liu Jianzhong, a CAS researcher.Since 2012, Ouyang and Liu have led a team of scientists from several research centers in compiling (编制) this atl

36、asTheir work was mainly built on information gained from Chinas Change ProgramInformation from other research projects and international tasks was also used.The new geologic atlas, which is published in both Chinese and English, presents a scale (比例尺) of 1: 2.5 millionCompared with the 1:5 million s

37、cale lunar maps from the US in 2020, these larger scale maps show more detailsAs well as the geologic history of the moon, they provide information on its 14 types of structures (结构) and 17 types of rocksA total of 12,341 impact craters (撞击坑) and 81 impact basins have also been marked.This atlas is

38、set to serve many useful purposes, such as lunar resources research and science educationLiu said the upcoming Change-6 task would also use the atlas“Our maps can help the research by providing scientific support,” he explained.“Compiling the atlas was a huge task, which included years of effort fro

39、m a large number of researchers,” said Gregory Michael, a German scientist“It will be a starting point for every new question of lunar geology.”33What is the great value of the new atlas?AIt is the first lunar geologic atlas in the world.BIt proves the hard work of Chinese scientists.CIt will meet t

40、he future needs in lunar studies.DIt is built on information from many researches.34What is Paragraph 5 mainly about?AThe large size and mystery of the moon.BThe discovery of Change Program.CThe details of the new geologic atlas.DThe challenges the scientists face.35How does the writer prove “This a

41、tlas is set to serve many useful purposes”?ABy comparing different purposes.BBy using Change-6 task as an example.CBy using a German scientists words.DBy listing information from the new maps.36What does “It” in the last paragraph refer to(指代)?AScientific support.BThe lunar research.CEffort from res

42、earchers.DCompiling the atlas.四、还原信息(共4小题;每小题1.5分,满分6分)阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的六个选项中选出四个可以填入空白处的最佳选项。“Sunrise gold” is a color that means a lot to meThe color mixes gold with a bit of red and yellowI like it because it gives me peace, energy and hope in the face of difficulty.When I was in the eighth grade, I

43、 took part in a speech competitionAlthough I made all my efforts, I didnt win 37 I had trouble falling asleep that nightIt was 3:30 in the morning, and there was nothing but me and my unhappy heartI got up and went upstairs to the roof (屋顶) top to clear my mind. 38 At first, it was orange and red, b

44、ut after a short while, the sun awoke from its sleep and painted the sky with its gold colourThe sunlight shone on everythingtrees, roofs and streets 39 The rays of light woke up the gentle morning wind and sent it moving across the field, touching my face and everything gentlyIt also woke up the ea

45、rly birds, which were singing happily.There and then I realized that past is history, no matter how much we regret itI thought to myself, “Maybe I can start once more, just like the dawn(黎明).” 40 Now, whenever I face difficulties, I remember what the “sunrise gold” made me understand that morning.AS

46、o I never doubted I could deal with it.BI tried to remember all of what I heard.CThe failure hit me hard and made me feel painful.DI went downstairs, feeling energetic and hopeful.EI stayed there until a ray of light appeared in the sky.FI felt its warmth flow through my body and into my heart.五、综合填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Dear Millie,You asked me about the Chinese dragonthe loongNow let me tell you something about it.China is known as the “home of the loong”The loong is considered to be 41 (luck) and wiseIt is 42 big part of Chinas hist