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本文(2024-2025学年六年级英语上册Unit4《Then+and+now》单元知识点讲义(译林版))为本站会员(147037****主动上传,七七文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知七七文库(发送邮件至373788568@qq.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、2024-2025学年六年级英语上册单元重难知识点讲义Unit4Then and now一、四会单词ago 以前 office 办公室 newspaper报纸 news新闻watch观看 e-book电子书 yesterday昨天 with用二、词组1 then and now 过去和现在,那时和现在2 six years ago 六年前3 read and write读和写4 do many things 做许多事情5 twenty years ago 二十年前6write letters to his friends 写信给他的朋友们7 use the telephone 使用电话8 ca

2、ll people 给人们打电话9 a mobile phone 一部手机10 call people anywhere 来源:学科网随处给人打电话11 write emails 写电子邮件12 thirty years ago 三十年前13 listen to the radio 听收音机14 read newspapers 看报纸15read newspapers for news 读报纸获取新闻16 watch news 观看新闻17 on the Internet 在网上18 read e-books 看电子书19 make friends 交朋友20buy things from t

3、he shops 从商店买东西21have e-friends from all over the world 有来自全世界的网友22 all over the world 全世界23 do shopping 购物24 stick two photos 贴两张照片25 point and say 边指边说26 work hard 努力工作27 on holiday度假中来源:学科网28 invent the aeroplane发明飞机29 invent the train 发明火车30 an English lesson 一节英语课31 look out of the windows 朝窗外看

4、32 look out of 朝外看33 listen to me 听我说34 go on 继续35 what day 星期几36 spell it 拼写它37 get angry 变得生气38 make a sentence造句39 wait for 等待40 wait for the answer 等答案41 one year old 一岁42 three years old 三岁来源:学科网三、句型1What day is today? = What day is it today? = Whats the day today? 今天星期几?2 Six years ago, Mike c

5、ould read and draw, but he could not write来源:学科网ZXXK Now he can do many things3 Twenty years ago, Mr Brown wrote letters to his friends4 He used the telephone at home and in the office to call people5 Thirty years ago, Mikes grandpa listened to the radio and read newspapers for news6 Now he can read

6、 and watch news on the Internet现在他会在网上阅读和观看新闻。7 Twenty years ago, Mrs Brown made friends at school8 Twenty years ago, she bought things from shops9 Six years ago, I couldnt write10 Twenty years ago, he wrote letters11 He could not draw他不会画画。12 What could they do? They could write13 What couldnt they

7、 do? They could not fly kites14 Bobby is looking out of the window波比正在朝窗外看。15 The lesson goes on, but Bobby is still looking out of the window16 Can you spell it? 你会拼写吗?17Miss Fox gets angry狐狸小姐生气了。18Now hes on holiday现在他在度假。19Sam, make a sentence with “egg”山姆,用“egg”造句。20Miss Fox waits for the answe

8、r狐狸小姐等着答案。来源:学科网21This was me five years ago这是五年前的我。四、语法动词不规则过去式归纳:1am/is- was 20are-were 38build-built 2begin-began 21blow-blew 39buy-bought 3bring-brought 22catch-caught 40sleep-slept4come-came 23become-became 41can-could5do(does)-did 24drink-drank 42draw-drew6drive-drove 25eat-ate 43feel-felt7fin

9、d-found 26fly-flew 44sweep-swept 8get-got 27go-went 45give-gave9grow-grew 28have-had 46hear-heard10keep-kept 29know-knew 47spell-spelt11leave-left 30let-let 48lose-lost12make-made 31meet-met 49wear-wore13put-put 32read-read 50ride-rode14ring-rang 33run-ran 51say-said 15see-saw 34sell-sold 52write-wrote16sing-sing 35sit-sat 53win-won17speak-spoke 36stand-stood 54think-thought 18swim-swam 37take-took 55teach-taught19tell-told