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本文(江苏省南京市玄武区2023-2024学年七年级下学期期末英语试卷(含答案解析))为本站会员(147037****主动上传,七七文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知七七文库(发送邮件至373788568@qq.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、2023-2024学年第二学期期末七年级英语作业单注意事项:本试卷共 10 页,全卷满分 100分,考试时间为 100分钟。试卷包含选择题和非选择题,考生答题全部答在答题卡上,答在本试卷上无效。请认真核对监考教师在答题卡上所粘贴条形码的姓名、考试证号是否与本人相符合,再将自己的姓名、考试证号用05毫米墨水签字笔填写在答题卡及本试卷上。答选择题必须用 2B 铅笔将答题卡上对应的答案标号涂黑,如有改动,请用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案。答非选择题必须用05毫米黑色墨水签字笔写在答题卡的指定位置,在其他位置答题一律无效。第卷选择题(共55分)一、听力 (共15 小题,每小题1分,满分15分)略二、单

2、项填空 (共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)1_ word “unusual” begins with _ “u”.AA;aBA;anCThe;anDThe;a2Im so tiredThere are some _ in the parkCan we take a short break?ApalacesBbeachesCbenchesDstations3I heard _ outsideLets go and have a look.Asomething strangeBstrange somethingCanything strangeDstrange anything4The fir

3、emen came here and _ the fire as quickly as possibleThey are our heroes.Aput upBput intoCput awayDput out5Look! _ the girl is running! She has left other people far behind.AHow slowlyBHow fastCWhat fastDWhat slowly6Which of the following “-ed” has a different pronunciation from the other three?Aplay

4、edBansweredClistenedDwalked7Which of the following books should be put in a different section in the library?AFive Thousand Years of ChinaBA Global HistoryC100 Greatest People in HistoryDThe Life of a Plant8The new shopping mall looks _Would you like to go with us?No, thanksI dont feel _ today.Awell

5、; wellBwell; niceCgood; wellDnice; good9Police in a small village were looking into a theftThey _ the village for days.Alooked forBfoundCsearchedDsearched for10Today, all the students feel _ because the final of our School Football Match will begin this afternoon.AexcitedBworriedCexcitingDworrying11

6、Nanjing is a beautiful city and its _ the south of Beijing.AinB/CtoDon12Sandy noticed an old woman _ the road with a heavy bag, so she ran to help her.AcrossedBcrossingCto crossDcross13Believe it or not! I _ 5 million yuan for my new flat!Thats too expensive!AcostBtookCpaidDspent14What time will you

7、 _ Shanghai, Mike?At about 5 p.m., so I should _ Nanjing Railway Station at 3 p.m.Aget; reachBget; arrive inCreach; arriveDarrive in; get to15Its my first time to make a speech in front of the whole classI dont think I can do it well_! VictoriaYoull make it.ANo wonderBCome onCI hope soDYoure right三、

8、完形填空 (共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)Pets arent just a fun member of the familyThey also bring benefits (益处) for your general wellbeing tooHelping physical healthPeople with pets are more likely to be active than people a furry friendTaking the dog for daily walks, playing with a cat or guinea pig or chasing a r

9、abbit or tortoise around the garden gets you moving your body and out in the air tooSupporting wellbeingSpending time with your pet improves your mood by releasing “happy” hormones (chemicals) in your brainStroking your dog or hearing your cat purr you relaxTalking to your pet, particularly if you s

10、peak about your worries or something youre finding , can be comforting and helps you to feel betterWhen youre with your pet, you can let go of problems or anxious feelings you give it your full attentionDealing with difficult emotionsBeccie Crossman says a pet can help you to deal with difficult emo

11、tions such as grief (悲伤), too“When a pet dies, you feel sad and cry, which is OK and normal,” she says“Then as you talk about your pet and it, and time goes on, you feel a bit betterThis is the grief process and helps you later on in life.”Boosting your brainpowerHaving an animal in the family helps

12、 you learn new skills, how to teach them to obey commands like “Sit” or “Lie down”, or to do tricksReading or explaining schoolwork to your pet, or just them, can help you to concentrate betterPets can also help your family to know other owners on walks, or help you make friends as you photos and fu

13、nny stories about your pet with othersSpending time with pets makes us feel good.16AfewBmuchCa littleDplenty of17AhaveBwithChave noDwithout18AtidyBdirtyCfreshDquiet19AasksBmakesCinvitesDteaches20AeasyBboringCdifficultDinteresting21AorBbutCthoughDbecause22AcareBleaveCforgetDremember23AbyBaboutCsuch a

14、sDfor example24Astaying close toBbeing afraid ofCstaying away fromDbeing careful with25AsendBshareCshowDstart四、阅读理解(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)ASUMMER SCIENCE DAY CAMPSOur Camps appeal to children who have a genuine interest in how things work, what things are made of and how science works in the real worldA

15、ll of our lessons meet or exceed the National Science Standards.Sample Summer Camp Programs By Age GroupP1ease go to our website to see our complete selection/Ages 3.55YoungBuilder TechMachinesClaymation.Jurassic Jr.ChemistLittleEngineerLittleScientistAges 68Sea AdventuresAdvanced Game Design with M

16、inecraftRPG JrVideo GaneMakerJr Robot CreatorLittle Robot MechanicYoung PhysicianYoung Scientist Ages 912Stop Motion ExplosionSpace EngineerGrossologyMinecraft CodersEmergency MedicineDeep Space RoboticsSpecial EffectsCSIAges 1115Programming&Electronics Toys, Tools, &Tech 3DPrintingLevel.1&a

17、mp;2Scibot.Rocket ScientistQuadCopterAerial Robotics26What is the poster about?AA science lesson.BA trip to the science museum.CA talk on science.DA summer camp about science.27Tom is 13 years oldHe can enjoy the following programs EXCEPT _.ARoboticsB3D PrintingCSea AdventuresDProgramming28Jack and

18、Mike are twinsThey want to have fun in the camp for one week and they need post-camp careHow much do their parents need to pay?A$269.B$538.C$588.D$628.BBeachcombing involves searching the seashore for interesting objects, both natural and made by humansWinter is a great time to try this fun activity

19、 because strong winds and big waves churn up the sea and fling things ashore.Here are some tips on how to prepare for and enjoy beachcombing.Be prepared.Ask an adult to check the tidesThis is the natural rise and fall of the sea every dayIts best to go beachcombing two to three hours before or after

20、 low tide, when the beach is exposedDress in warm, comfortable clothes and wear welliesTake a bucket (水桶) for collecting specimens, a notebook and a cameraGet searchingWalk slowly so you can spy thingsThe strandline is a good place to lookThis is the point to which waves carry debris on beachesIts h

21、igher than the water line and you might see it is marked by a line of seaweedRecord and learnDont forget to take pictures or note down what you seeYou could even try sketching some of the items you come acrossThere are some things that you might want to look up later, to find out more about them.29W

22、hich season is the best time to go beachcombing according to the text?ASpring.BSummer.CAutumn.DWinter.30What is needed to check when you prepare for beachcombing?4.5 ftMontereyNext low tide at 4:56 p m.Sep 204:56 pm1.4 ft(L)Sep 2010:56 pm5.3 ft (H)Sep 205:23 am0.5 ft(L)ABCD31Which of the following t

23、hings may NOT be needed to go beachcombing?AA camera.BA bucket.CA notebook.DA raincoat.32What does the passage mainly tell us?AIt is great fun to see man-made things on the beach.BYou had better go beachcombing with your parents help.CStrandline is a wonderful place to search for debris carried by t

24、he waves.DYou can not only have fun but also learn something from beachcombing.CAmbition (抱负) is the key to successMany people have great ambitions and work tirelessly to make their dreams come trueSome, however, do not believe in themselvesLets see how Wang Zhihuan and Emily Dickinson think of ambi

25、tionOn the Stock Tower The sun along the mountain bows,The Yellow River seawards flows.You will enjoy a grander sight,If you climb to a greater.By Wang Zhihuan (688-742)Aspiration We never know how highwe are Till we are called to rise;And then,if we are true to plan,Our statures (身高) touch the skie

26、s.The heroism we recite Would be a daily thing,Did not ourselves the Cubits (腕尺) warp (弯曲), For fear to be a king.By Emily Dickinson (1830-1886)Wang Zhihuan wrote the poem in the best years of the Tang Dynasty (618-907)He once held a quite good job, but then lost itInstead of giving up, Wang chose t

27、o stay positive (积极的) about the futureSeeing the mountain and the Yellow River, he made up his mind to climb higherThis was his way of following his dreams-to see more and achieve moreEmily Dickinsons poem takes a different attitude from WangsWhile Wang is positive about reaching his dreams, Dickins

28、ons poem encourages everyone to do their best to find their potential (潜能)People often dont know what they can truly do until they face a real challenge (挑战)If they didnt let fears hold them back, they could do heroic thingsShe believes that all of us can achieve amazing things.33The following word

29、“_” is the best for “”.AheightBweightChillDmountain34What does the underlined phrase “are true to plan” mean in the poem?Amake a planBchange the planCfollow the planDthink of a plan35Whats Emily Dickinsons opinion on ambition?AWe should climb to a greater height.BWe should work hard to do heroic thi

30、ngs.CWe should try our best to see how great we can be.DWe should feel hopeful about reaching our dreams.36What can we learn from the article?AWang Zhihuan didnt give up after he lost his good job.BWang Zhihuan and Dickins on did not believe in themselves.CWang Zhihuan and Dickinson had the same opi

31、nion on ambition.DDickinson wanted to reach her dream by seeing more and achieving more.D“Are you happy with your size now?” asked the Caterpillar (毛毛虫).“I wouldnt mind being a bit larger,” said Alice, “Three inches isnt the best height to beIn fact, its a terrible height for a child to be.”This mad

32、e the Caterpillar angry“It is a good height indeed.” He was exactly three inches high“ButIm not used to it,” pleaded Alice“You creatures get angry so easily.”“Youll get used to it sooner or later,” the Caterpillar saidAlice waited for him to speak againBefore he did, he yawned and shook his bodyThen

33、 he got down off the mushroom and crawled away. He remarked, “One side will make you grow taller and the other will make you grow shorter“One side of what?” Alice thought“Of the mushroom,” said the Caterpillar just as if Alice had asked the question aloudIn another moment, the Caterpillar was out of

34、 sightAlice remained and looked at the mushroom for a minuteShe tried to decide which side was which, as it was perfectly round At last Alice broke off a bit with each hand“Which is which?” She had some in her right hand from the right side of mushroomAnd then she had some in her left hand from the

35、left side of the mushroomShe tasted a small piece from the right hand to see how it workedThe next thing she knew, she was shrinking! She was frightened by the change and started to taste the other from her left handNow she grew so large that her neck rose like a stalk out of a sea of green leavesTh

36、ey were trees! She was as tall as the trees in the woods! “And where have my shoulders got to? And oh, my poor hands, how is it I cant see you?” She was moving them about as she spoke, but no result seemed to follow, except a little shaking among the distant green leaves.37Why did the Caterpillar be

37、come angry?ABecause he thought Alice laughed at him.BBecause he was not as high as Alice now.CBecause he thought Alice was too short.DBecause he was much larger than Alice.38What do we know about the mushroom?AOne side of it could make Alice grow thinner.BBoth sides of it could make Alice grow short

38、er.CIt was so delicious that Alice ate a lot of it.DIt was so round that Alice couldnt tell which side was which.39Which is the right order of the story? Caterpillar crawled down off the mushroom and went away Alice began to taste the other piece from her left hand Alice broke off a bit of the mushr

39、oom with both hands Alice tasted a small piece of the mushroom from the right hand after watching it.ABCD40The sentence “What can all that green stuff be? said Alice.” can be put at _.ABCD第11 卷非选择题 (共45分)五、基础知识检测(共15 小题;每小题1分,满分15分)A)根据括号中所给的汉语写出英文单词,使句子意思完整正确41Its not polite to be (吵闹的) in public p

40、laces and we should let kids know this.42Professor Shing-Tung Yau is the dean (院长) of Qiuzhen (学院) at Tsinghua University.43The country went (穿过,通过) many wars in the past but now it is rising again.44People in the northern part of China like to go (滑冰) together in winter.45He wasnt (严重地) hurtthats s

41、omething to be thankful for.阅读短文,在文中空白处填入一个适当的单词,或用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。You may know the song Happy Birthday very wellBut do you know about its writer? It was written by an American girlAnd she 46 (become) very rich after thatWhen she was a child, she was invited to her friends birthday partyShe was glad

42、but also sad because she didnt have enough money 47 (buy) a gift for her friend“The party is coming soon, but now I have little money.” Hearing the girls story, her grandma said,“How about 48 a song together? Happy birthday to.” It was a dreamShe decided to write it down at once and sing it to her f

43、riend at the partyWhen she sang the song at the party 49 next day, her friend was very happy“ 50 wonderfully you sing! Thank you for giving me the special gift.” said her friendAnd they learnt to sing it together.C)翻译句子。51在第二个十字路口左转,邮局就在你的右边。Turn left at the_and the post office is on your right.52在那

44、刻,小伙子自言自语地说:“总有一天我要环游全世界。”At that time, the young man_, “Ill travel around the world some day.” 53如果你想欣赏西方艺术,不要错过当地剧院If you want to_, dont miss the local theatre.54他太小了,放学不能自己回家。He is_to go back home alone after school.55没有人可以停止成长,所以我们不得不学着照顾自己。Nobody can stop growing up, so we have to learn to_ours

45、elves.六、阅读填空 (共15 小题; 71-75 每小题2分; 76-85 每小题1分; 满分20分)认真阅读下列短文,根据短文内容回答问题 (每题回答词数不超过8个词)。The popular talent reality show Riding Wind 2024 came out on April 19It features 36 female stars from around the world giving amazing performancesOne standout has been Chen Lijun, a young Yueju Opera actressWhile performing her song Destiny, the 32-year-old mixed opera singing with sword dancing to show the bravery of Chinese women, impressing manyChen is a member of Zhejiang Xiaobaihua, one of Chinas most famous Yueju Opera groupsBorn and raised in Shengzhou, Zhejiang, the birthplace of Yueju