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本文(2024-2025学年新版译林版七年级英语上册Unit2《Hobbies!》单词详解讲义)为本站会员(147037****主动上传,七七文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知七七文库(发送邮件至373788568@qq.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、2024-2025学年新版七年级英语上册单词详解Unit2Hobbies!jog dvi./n.慢跑go jogging -He goes jogging every evening. 他每晚慢跑。He began to jog along the road. 他开始沿着小路慢跑。His morning jog makes him happy and healthy. 晨跑让他开心和健康。paintpentvi.用颜料画;在。刷油漆n.油漆paint-painted-painting(油画)paint our faces 在脸上涂颜料paint the walls red把墙涂成红色Chine

2、se paintings 国画paper-cutting/ pep(r) kt /n.剪纸a piece of paper一张纸 two pieces of paper 两张纸cut-cut-cuttingPaper-cutting is a traditional Chinese art form.剪纸是一种传统的中国艺术形式。all kinds of/ l kandz v /多种多样的all kinds of =different kinds of This kind of books isnt fit for children. 这类书不适合孩子。These kinds of books

3、 arent fit for children. 这些种类的书少儿不宜。fit/ ft /adj. 健康的1) adj.健康的keep fit=keep healthy 保持健康2)adj. 合适的,适合的This kind of books isnt fit for children. 这种书少儿不宜。3)vi./vt.适合 The shoes dont fit me. 鞋子不适合我。around/ rand /prep.围绕,环绕adv. 到处,向各处prep.围绕,环绕1) Science is all around us. 2)travel around the world 3) si

4、t around the tableadv. 到处,向各处 Please dont walk around.change / tend /vt. 使不同vi./n.改变,变化n.零钱1) Science changes our lives. 科学改变我们的生活。2)Leaves change colours in autumn.树叶在秋天变换颜色。3)Many changes happened in our town last year. 去年我们小镇变化很大。4)Do you have change for five dollars?你有五美元的零钱吗?life / laf /n. 个人生活

5、.生命1) Science changes our lives. 科学改变我们的生活。2) Do cats really have nine lives? 猫真有9条命吗?museum / mjuzim /博物馆visit the science museum 参观科学博物馆 at the science museumthe Palace Museum 故宫 the Summer Museum 颐和园thing / / 事情事物all kinds of things 各种各样的东西apart / pt / adv. 分开like to take things apart.喜欢拆卸东西tell

6、them apart 区分他们fix / fks / vt, 修理,安装Now he can help fix things around the house.现在他能帮助修理屋内的东西。endless / endls /adj. 无穷无尽的不计其数的find the answers to his endless questions 找到无五穷尽问题的答案the endless rain没完没了的雨水scientist / santst /科学家science-scientist a fan of science 科学粉丝show his love for science展示对科学的热爱wan

7、t to be a scientist 想成为一个科学家dream / drim /n. 梦想,梦v. 做梦,梦想I am sure his dream can come true. 我确定他能梦想成真,He dreamed to be a scientist.= He dreamed of being a scientist.true / tru /adj. 真实的,实质的true-truth-truly 真实的-真相-真实地 tell the truthI am sure his dream can come true. 我确定他能梦想成真。=I am sure he can make h

8、is dream come / klb /n 社团,俱乐部after-school clubs 课外俱乐部join the Football Club加入足球俱乐部member / memb(r) /n.成员join=be a member of 加入=成为其中一员The club members meet on Wednesday afternoon. 俱乐部成员周三下午会面。Geography/ dirfi / 地理(学)Geography was my weak subject.地理是我的弱势科目。p.m. 下午 abbr. I go to the Swimming

9、Club at 4:40 p.m./at 4: 40 in the afternoon.volleyball 排球运动/ vlibl /I am interested in playing volleyball. 我对打排球感兴趣。three volleyballs 3个排球each / it /det./pron. 每个,各自How many clubs can each student join?每个学生可以加入多少个俱乐部?Each student should come to school before 8:00 am.每个学生应该在八点前到校。once / wns / adv. 一次

10、,曾经meet once a week 每周一次会面I once met your father.我曾经见过你爸爸。join / dn / vt./vi 加入join=be a member of 加入=成为其中一员join the paining Clubjoin sb. in sth. 和某人一起做某事meeting / mit /集合,会面,会议meet-met-meeting have/hold a parents meeting 开一个家长会sound / sand /听起来好像1)linking verb: Sound nice! Sound good/great! 听起来不错!2

11、) n: Birds can make beautiful sounds. 鸟儿会发出美妙的声音。plan / pln / v./n/ 计划打算Plan -planned-planning plan to do-make a plan to do-be going to doDo you plan to join the Painting Club?你们打算加入绘画俱乐部吗?questionnaire/ kwestne(r) /调查表,问卷the result of Sandys questionnaire 三迪问卷调查的结果role / rl 角色Who is your role model

12、? 谁是你的榜样?model 楷模,行为榜样/ mdl / an model 以。为例/榜样/示范a model student模范生 a model farm一个示范农场set a model for us.给我们树立榜样design / dzan /v./n/ 设计My dream is to design beautiful clothes.我的梦想是设计漂亮衣服。His designs are very famous.他的设计很出名。skill / skl /技能技艺living skills生活技能My painting skills can help me a lot.

13、我的绘画技能能极大地帮助我.painting / pent /画作paint-painted-paintingHis paintings of horses are great works of art.他的马画是伟大的艺术作。Artist / tst /艺术家画家My favourite artist is Xu Beihong. 我最爱的艺术家是徐悲鸿。an artist 一位艺术家 works of art 艺术作品(复)master / mst(r) /能手,大师师父1)n. He was a master of Chinese painting.他是国画大师。2)v. 掌握精通 He

14、 mastered the cooking skills.他厨艺精湛。work / wk /作品著作1)cn.作品 His paintings of horses are great works of art.他的马画是伟大的艺术作。2)un. 工作,努力 There is much work for me to do.我有很多工作要处理.become / bkm / linking verb 成为She becomes sad after knowing about the answer.知道答案后她变得伤心。I want to become a designer.我想成为一名设计师。des

15、igner / dzan(r) /I want to become a designer.我想成为一名设计师。future / fjut(r) /未来in the future在未来 in the near future have a bright future前途光明I want to become a designer in the future.我想在将来成为一名设计师。Hope / hp / v./n希望hope (that)+句子 hope/wish to doI hope my dream can come true.我希望我的梦想能成真。=I hope I can make my dream come true.