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本文(2023-2024学年译林版七年级英语下册期末易错100题(含答案解析)江苏专用)为本站会员(雪****)主动上传,七七文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知七七文库(发送邮件至373788568@qq.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、2023-2024学年七年级英语下册期末易错100题江苏专用一、单项选择1(22-23七年级下江苏南京期末)Beijing, _ capital of China, is _ city with a long history.Aa; theBa; aCthe; aD/; the2(22-23七年级下江苏南京期末)Look! _ great fun the children have _ in the park!AWhat; playingBHow; to playCWhat a; playingDHow a; play3(22-23七年级下江苏南京期末)Could you _ a tent a

2、lone when you were ten years old?No, I couldntIt was not easy for me at that time.Aput onBput upCput outDput down4(22-23七年级下江苏南京期末)Lucy, the meat smells _.But Dad, something is wrong with my noseI cant smell _.Anice; wellBwell; niceCwell; wellDnice; nice5(22-23七年级下江苏南京期末)_ goldfish you have!YesMy fa

3、ther bought them for me last year.AHow prettyBWhat a prettyCHow prettyDWhat pretty6(22-23七年级下江苏南京期末)Are there any foreigners in your class?Yes, There are five _ and 30 _ in our class.AGermany; ChinaBGermans; ChineseCGerman; ChineseDGermany; Chinese7(22-23七年级下江苏南通期末)You mustnt put _ into the rubbish

4、bin.Ahot somethingBsomething hotChot anythingDanything hot8(22-23七年级下江苏南通期末)Its important _ give rabbits _ carrots.Anot to; much tooBnot to; too manyCto not; too muchDto not; too many9(21-22七年级下江苏南通期末)I hope _ the stationery with those children from poor areas.Ato you shareByou to shareCyou sharingD

5、you can share10(22-23七年级下江苏南京期末)Why is she always so careless? It is the third time that she has left the door _!Awide openBwide openedCwidely openedDwidely open11(22-23七年级下江苏无锡期末)I like to sleep _.That is why you often have a coldTake care!Awith windows closedBwithout windows closeCwith windows ope

6、nDwithout windows opened12(21-22七年级下江苏无锡期末)_ information! Thank you, Jack! It really helps a lot!AWhat usefulBHow usefulCWhat a usefulDHow a useful13(22-23七年级下江苏无锡期末)Millie is friendly to her classmatesShe always keeps smilingYesSmile costs _ but wins much.AeverythingBsomethingCanythingDnothing14(22

7、-23七年级下江苏无锡期末)Why are you in such a hurry, John?There _ a basketball match between Class 3 and our class in ten minutes.Ais going to haveBwill haveCis going to beDwas15(21-22七年级下江苏南通期末)Mum, how can I protect my new computer?Lets put a cloth _ the computer.AaboveBoverCacrossDbelow16(22-23七年级下江苏南通期末)_

8、 sheep! Who raises them on the farm?My grandfather does.AWhat lovelyBHow lovelyCWhat a lovelyDHow a lovely17(21-22七年级下江苏南通期末)Simon, we are planning _ one-day trip to NantongDo you want to join us?Of courseClimbing Wolf Hill is interestingI want to go there _ second time.Aa; theBan; theC/; theDa; a18

9、(22-23七年级下江苏南通期末)A panda keeper in Nanjing tapped (轻拍)Nuannuan with a bamboo stick several timesAs a result, the zoo asked him _.Ato stop to workBstop to workCto stop workingDstop working19(21-22七年级下江苏南通期末)Mr Wang, Im sorry I _ my report at home.Never mindDont forget to _ it to school tomorrow.Aforg

10、et; takeBforgot; bringCleft; takeDleft; bring20(22-23七年级下江苏南通期末) Look at the sign there! It _ “No fishing!” Sorry, I _ notice it.Asaid; dontBsaid; didntCsays; didntDsays; dont21(22-23七年级下江苏苏州期末)Tom fell off the bike yesterday, and his knees went _ his jeans.AoverBacrossCaboveDthrough22(21-22七年级下江苏苏州

11、期末)The film is very interesting, but I dont think it can be _ cup of tea.AanybodysBeverybodysCnobodysDsomebodys23(22-23七年级下江苏苏州期末)The reply we look forward to _ the other day.AcomesBcameCcomeDis coming24(22-23七年级下江苏淮安期末)Jacks grandfather lives _ in that big house but he never feels _.Aalone;aloneBlo

12、nely;lonelyCalone;lonelyDlonely;alone25(22-23七年级下江苏扬州期末)Guess what? I met Peter on the bus just now.Really? I _ he was on holiday in Yunnan.AthinkBwill thinkCthoughtDam thinking26(22-23七年级下江苏镇江期末)_ amazing news it is! We can hardly believe it.AWhatBHowCWhat anDHow an27(22-23七年级下江苏泰州期末)Excuse me, whi

13、ch is the way to the Peoples Park? Please go _ the bridgeThen walk _ the bankYoull see it on your right.Aacross; throughBabove; throughCabove; pastDacross; past28(22-23七年级下江苏宿迁期末)Our teacher not only teaches _ English but also is a friend of _.Aour, usBour; oursCus; weDus; ours29(22-23七年级下江苏无锡期末)Exc

14、use me, what time does the next train to Shanghai leave?Just a minuteI _ it for you.AcheckBcheckedCwill checkDchecking30(22-23七年级下江苏南通期末) _ the engineer _ time to fix my computer in two days? Im not sureLet me call him first.ADid; haveBDoes; haveCIs; havingDWill; have31(22-23七年级下江苏南通期末)Its too hot._

15、I swim in the lake? No, you _Thats too dangerous!AShould; cantBNeed; mustntCMust; needntDCould ; cant32(22-23七年级下江苏南通期末)Yesterday afternoon I was too busy _ the email _ the clothes.Ato write; to washBwriting; not to washCwriting; to washDto write; not to wash33(22-23七年级下江苏南通期末)What would you like to

16、 have for lunch? _ is OKIm hungry enough to eat a horse.AAnythingBSomethingCSomeoneDAnybody34(22-23七年级下江苏苏州期末)The two women are good friends and they are _ mothers.ATom and JerryBTom and JerrysCToms and JerrysDToms and Jerry35(22-23七年级下江苏苏州期末)_ right, and you will see lovely pandas after you _ the b

17、ridge.ATo turn; crossBTo turn; acrossCTurn; acrossDTurn; cross36(21-22七年级下江苏苏州期末)There are five _ books in the library, and _ of them are picture books.Athousands of; hundredsBthousand; hundredsCthousands of; hundredDthousand; hundred37(21-22七年级下江苏苏州期末) _ is your school from your home?Twenty minutes

18、 ride.AHow farBHow longCHow oftenDHow soon38(21-22七年级下江苏苏州期末)Dont complain _It is your duty to finish the work.Atoo muchBmuch tooCtoo manyDso many39(22-23七年级下江苏苏州期末)_ amazing news it is! We can hardly believe it.AWhatBHowCWhat anDWhat a40(22-23七年级下江苏苏州期末)The room is _ for us _Do you have a bigger on

19、e?Aso big; to liveBtoo small; to live inCso small; to live in itDbig enough; to live in二、完形填空(22-23七年级下江苏南通期末)During the Warring States Period(战国时期), there was a man called Yue Yangzi in State YueOnce he left his home to 41 some learned persons to get more knowledge (知识).A year later, he came back h

20、ome 42 “Why have you returned?” asked his wife in surprise“You 43 spent one year studying with those learned persons.” “I come back just because I miss you very much.”Without saying 44 , his wife took a pair of scissors (剪刀) and went to the loom (织布机) at which she had workedPointing at the half done

21、 brocade(锦缎), she said, “This brocade is made of the finest silkI 45 it one strand(缕) after anotherNow if I cut (剪) it, all my work will be wastedIts the same with your 46 You can get knowledge only 47 working hardNow, if you 48 halfway, isnt it the same as cutting the brocade on the loom?”Yue Yangz

22、i was moved by his wifes 49 He again left home to visit those learned personsSome 50 later he became very knowledgeable.No matter what you do, you should never do by halfwayStick to it and youll succeed.41AenjoyBinviteCvisitDpay42AquicklyBfinallyCsadlyDsuddenly43AonlyBreallyCmaybeDeven44AnothingBeve

23、rythingCsomethingDanything45AmadeBmovedCboughtDchanged46AbooksBstudiesCtripsDwishes47AonBinCbyDwith48AagreeBstopCrepeatDcomplain49AproblemsBjobsCwordsDabilities50AyearsBdaysCmonthsDweeks三、阅读理解(22-23七年级下江苏扬州期末)The next two days it rained and it was very windy, so Mary couldnt go outsideThen on the th

24、ird morning when she opened her eyes and looked out of the window, she had a big surpriseShe called to Martha “Martha! Come and look at the moor!(荒原)”There was no wind or rain and the sky was quite blue.“Yes,” said Martha with a smile “The springs coming.”After breakfast Martha went to visit her mot

25、her for the dayMary felt lonely in the house without her, so she went outside into the bright sunshineShe ran round and round the fountain ten times and soon she started to feel betterBen Weather staff was in the vegetable gardenHe didnt look angry that day so she went to speak to him.“The springs c

26、oming”, he said to her“Can you see those green points in the earth?” Mary looked“What are they?”she asked.“Theyre spring flowers.” Then the robin appeared and sat on the ground near them.“Is spring coming in the secret garden, too?” Mary asked Ben, “Or are all the flowers dead?” “Ask the robin” said

27、 Ben Weather staff“Hes the only one who knows.” And he went back to work.The robin was hopping around on the groundMary was watching him when she saw something in the earthShe picked it upIt was an old key.“The key to the secret garden!” she whispered excitedly.Mary looked at the key for a long time

28、Then she put it in her pocket and walked back to her room.taken from The Secret Garden51What was the weather like on the third morning?ASunnyBWindyCRainyDCloudy52What was Ben Weather staff like in Marys eyes?AKind-hearted.BangryCHard-workingDfriendly53Why does Ben Weather staff think the spring is c

29、oming?ABecause there was no wind or rain and the sky was quite blue.BBecause Martha told him so and he believed her.CBecause he lived on the moor for a long time and he was sure.DBecause there are some green points in the earth.54Which is the best title for the passage?AAn Unusual RobinBThe Spring C

30、omesCThe Key to the Secret GardenDBens Day in the Garden(22-23七年级下江苏扬州期末)Shenzhou XVI spaceship (宇宙飞船) reached space on May 30There are three people in the spaceship: Jing Haipeng, 57, Zhu Yangzhu, 37, and Gui Haichao, 37.They are special in many waysJing is one of the most famous astronauts (宇航员) i

31、n ChinaThis is his fourth time to fly into spaceGui is a scientistHe is also a teacher from Beihang university.Both Zhu and Gui are Chinas third-generation astronautsThey are from a group of researchers and engineersOne woman and 17 men are chosenAnd then they are in three groupsOne group is spacecr

32、aft pilotsThey “fly” the spaceshipAnother group is spaceflight engineersThey “fix” the spaceshipThere is also a group of science payload specialists (载荷专家), such as GuiThey do scientific studies in space.Everything in the spaceship is a payload, such as: machines, people and animalsScience payload s

33、pecialists are scientists in the spaceship.People are also interested in Guis glasses because astronauts arent usually nearsighted (近视的)But choosing specialists is different from choosing other astronautsIts safe to wear glasses in the space stationHowever, during the sending and returning, Gui need

34、s to take off the glasses, or there might be some dangerous problems.55What do we know about the third-generation astronauts?AThey are all men.BThere are 18 people in the group.CJing Haipeng is one of them.DThey are all spaceflight specialists.56What is Gui Haichaos job this time?AHe flies the space

35、ship.BHe fixes the spaceship.CHe does scientific studies.DHe teaches students about space.57What are science payload specialists?AThey are scientists in the spaceship.BThey are everything in the spaceship.CThey are machines, people and animals.DThey are astronauts in the spaceship.58What question do

36、es the last paragraph answer?AWhat is it like to be in a spaceship?BWhy cant nearsighted people go into space?CHow did Gui Haichao become an astronaut?DCan nearsighted people be astronauts?(21-22七年级下江苏盐城期中)Face masks became a must-have in 2020It is likely that people around the world will keep weari

37、ng them for some timeMany companies are making new, high-tech masksTheir masks can not only protect us from getting sick, but also help us in other waysVirus-detecting masks Scientists are working on a mask that can test COVID-19 in the airIf there are viruses(病毒), the mask will change colorC-Mask T

38、his is a smart mask that can translate(翻译)speech into nine languages, including Japanese, English, Chinese and FrenchThe mask has a chip that connects(连接)to the wearers smartphoneIt translates what you say into text on the phoneProject Hazel Hazel is a special mask from US companyIt is a transparent

39、(透明的)mask that allows(使能够)you to see the wearers faceIt also has a built-in speakerWhen you speak with the mask on, your voice will not sound muffled(沉闷的)There is also a hard case for you to put the mask inThe case has a UV light that kills germs(细菌)and makes the mask safer to wear.59How does the vi

40、rus-detecting mask work?ABy killing viruses in droplets.BBy testing germs on your face.CBy reacting to different sounds.DBy changing color if it tests COVID-19.60Which kind of masks can translate languages?AProject Hazel.BVirus-detecting masks.CCommon masks.DC-mask61_ makes Project Hazel safer to we

41、ar.AA built-in speakerBA hard case with a UV lightCThe transparent(透明的)maskDThe connected smartphone62Which of the following is wrong?AVirus-detecting masks can test COVID-19.BWhen you speak with Project Hazel on, your voice will sound muffled (沉闷的).CWhen you wear Project Hazel, others can see your

42、face.DA chip in C-Mask can translate what you say into text on the phone.(22-23七年级下江苏扬州期末) When were talking about friends, dont think men are the only ones who know a thing or two about friendshipLook at these friendly animals who help each other outAn elephant and an olive baboon (东非狒狒) can be fri

43、ends? It sounds strange, but its trueYou can find this pair of friends in the grasslands of AfricaThis unusual pair helps each other out like any good friends wouldThe elephant uses its front teeth to make a waterhole in the sand and it lets the olive baboon have a drink from this “well (井)” when it

44、 gets thirstyIn return, the baboon tells the elephant when danger is nearIt climbs up to the top of the tree and calls out, so its friend knows that its time to move onIn the sea world, the goby fish and the shrimp (虾) are famous for their friendshipWhile the shrimp provides (提供) a home for the goby fish, the goby fish provides a guidance service (向导服务) for the almost blind shrimp who cant seeYou see the goby has great eyesight and stays close to the shrimpAs the sh