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1、2024年中考考前押题必刷(南京卷)英语(考试时间:90分钟试卷满分:90分)注意事项:1答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。2回答第卷时,选出每小题答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。写在本试卷上无效。3回答第卷时,将答案写在答题卡上。写在本试卷上无效。4考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。第卷选择题(满分40分)一、单项填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)请认真阅读下列各题,从题中所给的A.B.C.D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。1The Dragon Boat Festival o

2、f this year falls _ June 10th.AonBatCinDto2Perhaps you should ask someone else for help _ you cant solve the problem.AsoBbutCsinceDunless3The weather report says the temperature is going to drop _ tonight.Then wed better dress warmly before going out.AslowlyBquietlyCsuddenlyDdirectly4Listening to mu

3、sic can make _ easy to develop happiness.AitBoneCthisDthat5_ new is sweeping the Internet these days!You mean Sora? It can make videos according to peoples instructions.ANothingBAnythingCSomethingDEverything6As a volunteer, Liu Ming is proud of his _ in the Special Olympics World Games.AvictoryBprog

4、ressCachievementDexperience7To help people learn more about Chinese history and culture, Nanjing Museum _ to the public for free since 2008.Ahas openedBhas been openCwas openedDwas open8The TV show A journey built around good taste brings some guests to visit cities around China and _ the local cook

5、ing style.AexploreBfollowCimproveDprotect9Simon was the hero in the last basketball match.More than 30 points _ by him, believe it or not!AscoredBwere scoredCthrewDwere thrown10I havent seen you these days. What are you busy with?I _ the exam for talent students.Aprepare forBam preparing forChave pr

6、epared forDwill prepare for11Would you like to enjoy the folk dance show A Dream of Red Mansions with me?Id love to. Could you please tell me _?Awhen will the show beginBwho the dancers wereChow long the show will lastDwhat the show was like12Which “re-” in the following words has the same meaning a

7、s that in the word “reuse”?ArecommendBrememberCreturnDrecycle13What can we know from the sign on the right?AThe playground is open to the public.BThe playground is used for riding bicycles.CChildren can walk their dogs on that playground.DChildren aged 11 can play games on that playground.14Which of

8、 the following sentences has the same structure as “Running is a good way to exercise.”?APeople who run will have a healthier heart.BRunning gives you a chance to enjoy views.CYou can hear the wind blowing while running.DStarting an exercising habit sounds wonderful.15Im sorry to keep you waiting. I

9、ll arrive in ten minutes._. Safety first.ANo wayBNo hurryCIm afraid notDYoud better not二、完形填空(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A.B.C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。The Fish I Didnt Catchfishing polehookI still remember my first fishing trip as if it were yesterday. It was a sweet day of early summer.

10、 I received the first fishing pole from my uncles hand, and walked with him towards the 16 . My uncle, who knew where the best place of fish was, kindly placed me at the most favorable point. I threw out my line as I had so often seen others, and 17 eagerly for a bite. Nothing came of it. “Try again

11、,” said my uncle. Suddenly the bait (鱼饵) went down out of 18 . “Now for it,” I thought, “Here is a fish at last.”I made a strong pull, and brought up a tangle of weeds (一团海草). Again and again I cast out my line and drew it back 19 . I looked at my uncle appealingly (可怜巴巴地) . “Try once more,” he said

12、, “We fishermen must have 20 . It took me a whole day until I got my first fish.”Suddenly something pulled hard at my line, and swept off with it into deep water. Jerking it up, I saw a big fish wriggling (扭来扭去) in the sun. “Uncle!” I cried, looking back in 21 , “Ive got a fish!” “Not yet,” said my

13、uncle. As he spoke, there was a plash (泼溅) in the water, my hook hung empty from the line. I had lost my 22 . My patience was used up. I sat down on the nearest stone and 23 to be comforted. Even my uncle promised that there were more fish in the river. He refitted my bait, put the pole again in my

14、hands, and told me to try my luck once more. “But remember, boy,” he said, “Never 24 catching a fish until he is on dry ground.”Though years have now passed, I have always been reminded of the fish that I did not catch. When I hear people talk excitedly about something yet undone, I call to mind tha

15、t scene by the river, and the wise warning of my uncle, “Its no use to talk too 25 about anything until its done.”16AriverBhillCparkDforest17AlistenedBjumpedCwaitedDread18AmindBorderCsightDreach19AbrokenBemptyCopenDshiny20AhopeBcourageCwisdomDpatience21AsadnessBsatisfactionCdisappointmentDexcitement

16、22AprizeBmoneyCwayDjob23AforgotBrefusedCremindedDwanted24Aturn outBshow upCturn downDshow off25AcarefullyBdirectlyCproudlyDactively三、阅读理解(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)请认真阅读下列材料,从材料后各题所给的A.B.C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。A26What is NOT mentioned to improve mental health?AMind & Body.BBreathing.CProblem-Solvin

17、g.DCaring for others.27What can students do to reduce stress?They can manage time effectively.They can take part in regular exercise. They can keep feelings to themselves. They can have a bath or go for a walk.ABCD28What is the poster mainly about?AThe importance of mental health.BThe methods of sta

18、ying mentally healthy.CThe introduction to mental health.DThe application for Office of Student Affairs.BI love college and I love you for sending me hereIm very, very happy, and so excited every moment of the time that I can hardly sleep. You cant imagine how different it is from the John Grier Hom

19、e. I never dreamed there was such a place in the world. Im feeling sorry for everybody who isnt a girl and the girls who cant come here. I am sure the college you attended when you were a boy wasnt so nice.My room is up in a tower that used to be the ward (病房) before the new hospital was built. Ther

20、e are three other girls on the same floor of the toweran older girl who wears glasses and is always asking us to be a little quieter, and two new students named Sallie and Julia. Sallie has red hair and a turn-up nose and is quite friendly. Julia comes from one of the first families in New York and

21、hasnt known me yet.Sallie and Julia live in one room. The older girl and I have single rooms. Usually new students cant get this kind of rooms.They are very rare, but I got one without even asking. I suppose registrars (教务主任) didnt think it would be right to ask a well-raised child like the older gi

22、rl to share a room with a foundling (弃婴). You see there are advantages!The room with the name Jerusha Abbott on the door is mine. It is on the north-west corner with two windows and a view. After I lived in a ward for eighteen years with twenty roommates, it is quiet and calm for me to be alone. Thi

23、s is the first chance Ive ever had to know Jerusha Abbott. I think Im going to like her.Yours sincerely,Jerusha Abbott29From the first paragraph, we know that the college is _.Athe same as the John Grier HomeBa great place for the writer to stayCa place where the writer cant sleep wellDa wonderful p

24、lace for both boys and girls30How does the writer feel when she stays in her room alone?APeaceful.BBored.CCurious.DUnhappy.31What does the underlined word “They” in the third paragraph refer to?ANew students.BOlder girls.CThe registrars.DSingle rooms.32What can we infer (推测) from the letter?AThe wri

25、ter used to be a foundling.BThe writer has never lived in a ward.CThe older girl comes from a poor family.DJerusha Abbott is one of the writers friends.CAwakening of Insects (惊蛰) fell on March 5 and ended on March 20 this year. Its date slightly changes each year because of the lunar calendar system

26、. It shows that animals sleeping in winter are awakened by spring thunder and the earth begins to come back to life.Spring thunder cracks the skyAn old Chinese saying goes, “If the first spring thunder crashes before the Awakening of Insects, there will be unusual weather that year.” Around the Awak

27、ening of Insects, the earth becomes humid (潮湿的) and the hot air near the surface rises. At the same time, the cold dry air from the north is strong and creates winds. When the two airflows (气流) come together, thunder forms during this time.Spring ploughing (耕作)The Awakening of Insects is important t

28、o farmers because they take it as the beginning of the busiest time for farm work. During this time, most areas of China see the quickest rise in temperatures, usually reaching above 10 degrees. There is also a big increase in sunshine, which provides good conditions for farming._Around the Awakenin

29、g of Insects, some animals wake up, and so do fish. They swim from deep water to shallow water in search of food, ready to have babies. It is a perfect time for fishing. Fishing can help people relax in body and mind, especially for people living in the city. Driving to the countryside, fishing in a

30、 lake, bathing in the sunlight, enjoying the singing birds and beautiful flowers make a perfect weekend in spring.Eating pearsEating pears around the Awakening of Insects is a common practice in China. As the weather gets warmer and the air becomes drier, people will feel their mouths are dry, which

31、 can cause colds or coughs. Pears which are sweet, juicy and cold may stop a cough. So pears are highly recommended during the Awakening of Insects.33Thunder forms around the Awakening of Insects because _.Athe hot air near the surface goes upBanimals sleeping in winter all wake upCthe cold dry air

32、from the south spreadsDthe hot humid air meets the cold dry air34The writer tells the importance of the Awakening of Insects to farmers by _.Ashowing timeBgiving examplesCexplaining reasonsDpresenting numbers35Which of the following is the most suitable for _?AGoing fishingBSwimming in deep waterCDr

33、iving to the countrysideDEnjoying beautiful flowers36Which sentence is TRUE according to the passage?AEating pears can cause colds or coughs.BPeople who live in cities may like fishing a lot.CAwakening of Insects begins on March 5 every year.DTemperature rises slowly during the Awakening of Insects.

34、DJane Goodall was born in England, on April 3, 1934. At eight, Jane was attracted by the Dr. Dolitle books and dreamed of living with the animals in Africa. After finishing school, Jane took on a few jobs including waitressing and working for a film company. She saved every cent for her goal. At 23,

35、 she left for Kenya in Africa. There she met the famous scientist Dr. Louis, who offered her a job in a nature reserve. Dr. Louis believed Jane was the right person to study the chimpanzees because she had great interest in animals and nature and knew a lot about them. Dr. Louis found Jane hadnt rec

36、eived formal training at school, but this was an advantage because she wouldnt be influenced by traditional thoughts. So Dr. Louis decided to send her to the Gombe Stream Game Reserve (GSGR) to study wild chimpanzees. In 1960, Jane arrived at the GSGR. The early weeks there were hard. Jane had a ser

37、ious fever. After getting well, she was challenged by terrible local environment. Thick trees and bushes made it difficult for her to go through the reserve. And often she hiked hundreds of miles without seeing a chimpanzee. Even when some chimpanzees were found, they ran away in fear. Later, Jane l

38、earned to communicate with them. Finally, an older chimp accepted Jane and other group members also allowed her to watch them.With years of hard work, Jane made groundbreaking discoveries. Chimpanzees hunt for meat, use tools, and even make tools. And chimpanzees have feelings just like human beings

39、. These findings made many scientists think that their old ideas about the animal might be wrong. After living in Gombe for many years, Jane began to worry because chimpanzees were losing their homes as a result of deforestation. Some people were even hunting them for food and experiments. She began

40、 travelling, asking people to save the chimpanzees and forests. In 1977, she founded the Jane Goodall Institute (JGI), a global conservation organization. Later, the organization launched programs which encourage young people around the world to join in protecting the environment, wildlife, or their

41、 communities. Jane is still hard at work today. When she has time, she returns to her Gombe home. She walks into the forest and sits down quietly. She smiles as she watches the chimpanzees.37Which is the correct order of the following events about Jane?a. Jane worked for Dr. Louis in Kenya. b. Jane

42、fell in love with animals in Africa. c. Jane made money to achieve her goal. d. Jane took actions on wildlife protection. e. Jane made surprising findings about chimpanzees. f. Jane met difficulties when studying chimpanzees in GSGR. AbcaedfBbcafedCcbfaedDcbfdae38Why was Jane chosen to study further

43、 on chimpanzees in GSGR?ABecause of her working experience in Kenya.BBecause of her rich knowledge about nature.CBecause of her great love for animals.DBecause of her open mind about animals.39What might people believe about chimpanzees before Janes discovery?AThey eat plants but not meat.BThey are

44、smart enough to make tools.CThey can use a long stick to hunt.DThey smile when they are happy.40Which best describes Jane Goodall?ACreative and calm.BTalented and quiet.CStrong-willed and patient.DHelpful and confident.第II卷非选择题(满分50分)四、填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)A)请根据括号中所给的汉语写出单词,使句子意思完整正确,并将答案填写相应横线上。41T

45、he chat show is really _ (乏味的). Shall I turn over to the film channel?Thats OK. A detective film is on tonight.42The Chinese _ (相信) that a one-thousand-mile journey starts with the very first step.43What is the secret of success in your study, Betty?The most important thing is to work hard, and plan

46、 your time _ (智慧地).44Mr. Wu told us that we should pay _ (注意) to the first and last paragraph while reading.45Would you like green tea or black tea?Thanks a lot._ (两者之一) will be OK.B)请根据句子意思,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空,并将答索填写在相应横线上。46Do-Re-Mi is a popular song from the 1965 _ (music) The Sound Of Music.47High-speed rail is considered to be one of the Chinas “four great new _ (invent)”.48“Read the story carefully to understand the hidden meaning behind the _ (write) words.” Mr. W