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2022届优质校一模英语试卷汇编——阅读理解之议论文 (含答案)

1、专题 11阅读理解之议论文常考题型题 型考查年份考查话题议论文2021年全国甲卷世人对天才的狭隘定义,提出事实上“天才”有很多种形式2021新高考1卷 D篇论述了什么是情商,以及情商普及的优势,提出对情商研究的未来展望2021.3天津卷论述了要当一个多面手,而不是当某方面的专家2020天津卷论述了获得成就的两个关键因素好奇心和不满足方法点拨1. 议论文特点分析议论文都要提出论题、观点、提供充分的证据,使用一定的逻辑方法证明观点或得出结论。议论文的写法通常有以下三种形式:写法一:正方(甲方),反方(乙方),我认为写法二:提出问题,分析问题,解决问题。写法三:论点,理由(证据),重申论点。2. 解

2、题方法把握文章的论点、论据和论证。此外,还要把握文章的结构和语言。互推法:在议论之后,总会再列举一些具体的例子来支持观点或在一些例子之后,总要抒发一些议论。考生在理解议论时,可以借助文中所给的实例,从而在形象的例子中推理出抽象的议论;或从议论中推理理解具体例子的深刻含义,相互推断。推理法:推理的结论一定是原文有这层意思,但没有明确表达的。推理要根据文章的字面意思,通过语篇、段落和句子之间的逻辑关系,各个信息所暗示和隐含的意义,作者的隐含意等对文章进行推理判断。考生要由文字的表层信息挖掘出文章的深层含义,要能透过现象看本质。2021新高考1卷 D篇Popularization has in so

3、me cases changed the original meaning of emotional(情感的)intelligence. Many people now misunderstand emotional intelligence as almost everything desirable in a persons makeup that cannot be measured by an IQ test, such as character, motivation, confidence, mental stability, optimism and “people skills

4、.” Research has shown that emotional skills may contribute to some of these qualities, but most of them move far beyond skill-based emotional intelligence.We prefer to describe emotional intelligence as a specific set of skills that can be used for either good or bad purposes. The ability to accurat

5、ely understand how others are feeling may be used by a doctor to find how best to help her patients, while a cheater might use it to control potential victims. Being emotionally intelligent does not necessarily make one a moral person.Although popular beliefs regarding emotional intelligence run far

6、 ahead of what research can reasonably support, the overall effects of the publicity have been more beneficial than harmful. The most positive aspect of this popularization is a new and much needed emphasis(重视)on emotion by employers, educators and others interested in promoting social well-being. T

7、he popularization of emotional intelligence has helped both the public and researchers re-evaluate the functionality of emotions and how they serve people adaptively in everyday life.Although the continuing popular appeal of emotional intelligence is desirable, we hope that such attention will excit

8、e a greater interest in the scientific and scholarly study of emotion. It is our hope that in coming decades, advances in science will offer new perspectives(视角)from which to study how people manage their lives. Emotional intelligence, with its focus on both head and heart, may serve to point us in

9、the right direction.1. What is a common misunderstanding of emotional intelligence?A. It can be measured by an IQ test.B. It helps to exercise a persons mind.C. It includes a set of emotional skills.D. It refers to a persons positive qualities.2. Why does the author mention “doctor” and “cheater” in

10、 paragraph 2?A. To explain a rule.B. To clarify a concept.C. To present a fact.D. To make a prediction.3. What is the authors attitude to the popularization of emotional intelligence?A. Favorable. B. Intolerant. C. Doubtful. D. Unclear.4. What does the last paragraph mainly talk about concerning emo

11、tional intelligence?A. Its appeal to the public.B. Expectations for future studies.C. Its practical application.D. Scientists with new perspectives.【答案】1. D 2. B 3. A 4. B【解析】本文是一篇议论文。文章主要论述了什么是情商,以及情商普及的优势,同时作者提出了对情商研究是未来期望。1. 细节理解题。根据题干信息misunderstanding定位到第一段:“Many people now misunderstand as alm

12、ost everything desirable in a persons makeup”分析可知,大多数人认为情商就是构成人性格中几乎所有可取的部分,而后跟的句子such as character, motivation, confidence则是作者在列举一些情商中具体的优良品质。选项D:它指的是一个人的优良品质,是该句的同义替换。故选D。2. 推理判断题。根据题干信息的paragraph 2,定位到第二段“We prefer to describe emotional intelligence as”;分析可知,我们更喜欢把情商称作是一套特定的技能,它既可以用于好的目的,也可以用于坏的目

13、的。而后作者便分别列举了doctor和cheater用于解释说明“好目的”和“坏目的”。由此我们可以推测,作者提及doctor和cheater是为了阐明前句所提到的关于情商的概念。故选B。3. 推理判断题。根据题干信息“popularization of emotional intelligence”定位到第三段:“Although popular beliefs regarding the overall effects of the publicity have been more beneficial than harmful.”分析可知,虽然大众对于情商的普遍认知远远超过了目前研究可以

14、支持的观点,但是宣传的总体效果(对于情商的发展研究) 是利大于弊的。而后作者便进一步列举了好处体现在哪些方面(the most positive aspect of this popularization)。可知,作者对此态度是正向的、支持的。故选A。4. 主旨大意题。根据题干信息last paragraph定位到最后一段“It is our hope that advances in science will offer new perspectives from which to study how people manage their lives. Emotional intellig

15、ence may serve to point us in the right direction.”分析可知,我们希望在未来的几十年里,科学的进步将为研究人们如何管理自己的生活提供一个新的视角。而情商也许会给我们指明一个正确的方向。因此可以得知,最后一段作者是在提出对于未来研究的期待和方向。B项中的Expectations for future studies.符合题意。故选B。2020新课标II卷D篇I have a special place in my heart for libraries. I have for as long as I can remember. I was al

16、ways an enthusiastic reader, sometimes reading up to three books a day as a child. Stories were like air to me and while other kids played ball or went to parties, I lived out adventures through the books I checked out from the library.My first job was working at the Ukiah Library when I was 16 year

17、s old. It was a dream job and I did everything from shelving books to reading to the children for story time.As I grew older and became a mother, the library took on a new place and an added meaning in my life. I had several children and books were our main source (来源) of entertainment. It was a big

18、 deal for us to load up and go to the local library, where my kids could pick out books to read or books they wanted me to read to them.I always read, using different voices, as though I were acting out the stories with my voice and they loved it! It was a special time to bond with my children and i

19、t filled them with the wonderment of books.Now, I see my children taking their children to the library and I love that the excitement of going to the library lives on form generation to generation.As a novelist, Ive found a new relationship with libraries. I encourage readers to go to their local li

20、brary when they cant afford to purchase a book. I see libraries as a safe haven(避风港) for readers and writers, a bridge that helps put together a reader with a book. Libraries, in their own way, help fight book piracy (盗版行为) and 1 think all writers should support libraries in a significant way when t

21、hey can. Encourage readers to use the library. Share library announcements on your social media. Frequent them and talk about them when you can.5. Which word best describes the authors relationship with books as a child?A. Cooperative.B. Uneasy.C. Inseparable.D. Casual.6. What does the underlined ph

22、rase “an added meaning” in paragraph 3 refer to?A. Pleasure from working in the library.B. Joy of reading passed on in the family.C. Wonderment from acting out the stories.D. A closer bond developed with the readers.7. What does the author call on other writers to do?A. Sponsor book fairs.B. Write f

23、or social media.C. Support libraries.D. Purchase her novels.8. Which can be a suitable title for the text?A. Reading: A Source of KnowledgeB. My Idea about writingC. Library: A Haven for the YoungD. My Love of the Library【答案】5. C 6. B 7. C 8. D【解析】本文是夹叙夹议文。文章讲述了作者是一个热情的读者,孩提时热衷读书,第一份工作在图书馆。有了孩子以后,一家

24、人去图书馆读书,阅读的习惯代代传承下去。作为小说家,作者呼吁其他作家支持图书馆,宣传图书馆。5. 推理判断题。根据第一段的“I was always an enthusiastic reader, sometimes reading up to three books a day as a child. Stories were like air to me and while other kids played ball or went to parties. I lived out adventures through the books I checked out from the li

25、brary.(我一直是一个热情的读者,孩提时,有时候每天读多达三本书。故事对我来说就像空气,而其他孩子则打球或参加聚会。我通过从图书馆借阅来的书籍经历冒险)”可推断,作者小时候与书是密不可分的。故选C。6. 词句猜测题。根据上文“As I grew older and became a mother”可知,我长大了成了一位母亲,结合下文“I had several children and books were our main source (来源) of entertainment. It was a big deal for us to load up and go to the loc

26、al library, where my kids could pick out books to read or books they wanted me to read to them(我有几个孩子,书是我们娱乐的主要来源。对于我们来说,坐上车去当地的图书馆是件大事,在那里我的孩子们可以挑选要阅读的书或者想让我给他们读的书)”可推断,作者成了母亲以后,带着孩子去图书馆,孩子挑选书籍来阅读,或者作者读给他们听,因此可知图书馆在作者的生活中又增添了新的意义,阅读的乐趣在家庭中代代相传。故选B。7. 细节理解题。根据最后一段的“I think all writers should support

27、 libraries in a significant way when they can. Encourage readers to use the library. Share library announcements on your social media. Frequent them and talk about them when you can. (我认为所有的作家都应该在他们可以的时候以有意义的方式支持图书馆。鼓励读者使用图书馆。在社交媒体上分享图书馆公告。可以的时候常去图书馆,谈论图书馆)”可知,作者呼吁其他的作家们支持图书馆。故选C。8. 主旨大意题。纵观全文可知,文章讲

28、述了作者是一名热情地读者,孩提时喜欢阅读,工作在图书馆。有了孩子以后,一家人去图书馆读书,阅读的习惯代代传承下去,作为小说家,作者呼吁其他作家支持图书馆,宣传图书馆。因此推断全文围绕“作者对图书馆的爱”展开讲述。故D项“我对图书馆的爱”为最佳标题。故选D。试题汇编辽宁省鞍山市第一中学2021届高三一模The article What China Gets Right about Relationships by Sam Massie reminds me of the Quora question about the opinion on Chinese people. Obviously,

29、answers from different people wont be the same. To me, those different people fall into two groups: those with a vague picture of China, and those understanding Chinese culture very well.Its quite easy for the first category to reach some conclusions with prejudice:“When was child, was taught to be

30、watchful around Chinese people-they were the type that smiled when offended because theyll stab you in the back in revenge (报复). They valued money over human life, and that was motive (动机) for all their activities.” -Quora User.That provides us, if I can say so, a racists stereotype of Chinese peopl

31、e. It is sad to know many people do have an unclear idea about China-a long history, a large population, the Great Wall, Panda Express, festivals, tea, kongfu movies, cheap and bad clothes, the manufacturing power, a very large internal market, and hardworking (yes, especially high school students).

32、 All these are rather too simple and general.By contrast, to those we call a China-hand, it is quite obvious that the word “Chinese” bears much more. In todays ever globalized world, more and more foreign friends are increasingly attracted to Chinese culture. They learn Chinese, make Chinese friends

33、, watch Chinese movies, and pay visits or even move to China. Understanding the differences between the east and the west, they could see through the appearance.In many cases, the first impression of some Westerners about China is no more than rudeness but it is actually not that simple. What should

34、 be paid attention to are the in-group/out-group effects. Sam Massie is wise in saying that “rudeness to strangers is the flip side (相反面) of deep bonds with loved ones. I am overjoyed that he understands the generosity, sincerity and other good qualities of Chinese people. To me, no matter what the

35、Westerners opinions are, what really matters is how we behave and the way we treat others. Whats your opinion?1. According to the writer, the first group _.A. judge Chinese people one-sidedlyB. see well into Chinese cultureC. turn out to be ill-educated at schoolD. draw reasonable conclusions about

36、China2. A China-hand will most probably agree that _.A. Chinese people can do anything to fight back against those who offend themB. China is very attractive in culture with its generous and sincere peopleC. China has a long history and the most hardworking students in the worldD. China is profit-dr

37、iven and as a result, people are cold to strangers3. The underlined word stereotype in the fourth paragraph probably means _.A. changing and reasonable ideaB. a fixed and often right ideaC. a fixed and often false ideaD. a changing and unfair idea4. The writers attitude to Sam Massies book is _.A. a

38、pprovingB. objectiveC. criticalD. indifferent2021届广东省广州市高三一模英语测试题Around 200 B. C, Aristophanes, an ancient Greek librarian, developed a system of marks to break up text to make it easier to read. Before this, words were often written in one long sentence without spaces between the words. Today in ma

39、ny languagesincluding English-there is a set of rules on how to use full stops, commas and other text marks. However, some believe this is changing. Dr Robert Frost, who studies language, says people no longer use full stops and other punctuation symbols because they feel their messages are clear en

40、ough without them. So, is punctuation helpful or just troublesome?Yespunctuation is importantPunctuation is needed in order to make the meaning of written words clear. If a parent messaged to say, “Its time to eat, children,” this is different from “Its time to eat children”. The second sentence wou

41、ld probably make you want to run in the opposite direction because it sounds as though children were on the menu. The author Jonathan Pierce argues that punctuation can be used to add drama, to break up the sequence of words and change the rhythm of a sentence. “It allows writers to make sentences m

42、ore interesting so the readers do not get bored,” Pierce claims. “Otherwise, the words run into each other and lose their impact.” Besides, learning the different ways punctuation marks can be used is fun. It can add a lot to the style of writing and make it clearer.Nowe dont need itPunctuation. Eve

43、n, if a sentence is badly punctuated, like this one: It can still be, understood. This short piece of text shows that it is the words that are the important part of the sentence, not the symbols between them. Oxford-based linguist Kelly Jones says, “It is the order in which the words appear that con

44、veys the meaning, not the punctuation marks. If there is any doubt in the meaning of the sentence, people are clever enough to work out what the person is really trying to say. For instance, when people speak, they do not use punctuation and yet we can still understand each other.” Also, punctuation

45、 can be confusingthere are lots of complex rules to observe, and if it is used incorrectly it can cause more problems than if there were none, punctuation simply isnt needed.5. What is the purpose of this passage?A. To discuss alternative viewpoints.B. To support one argument over another.C. To eval

46、uate the strength of competing ideas.D. To outline historical development of language.6. Who believes punctuation is necessary?A. Robert Frost and Kelly Jones.B. Aristophanes and Robert Frost.C. Jonathan Pierce and Kelly Jones.D. Aristophanes and Jonathan Pierce.7. In paragraph 3, the underlined par

47、t is used as _A. a definition.B. a fact.C. an example.D. an error.8. Which of the following can be a strong argument against Kelly Joness opinion?A. Punctuation adds to the effect and richness of a language.B. Without punctuation, people would be breathless when speaking.C. Pauses and tones in speec

48、h serve similar functions to punctuation.D. The choice and order of words are important to conveying meaning.2021届广东省江门市高三一模英语测试题I am a putterera person spending a lot of time doing things people usually consider unimportant in a relaxed way. However, I dont think puttering is wasting my time. It is a satisfying way of dealing with ones domestic environment in a way one cannot do with the world at large.As a father, Ive had a difficult time communicating this to my colle