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1、应用文11 慰问信真题回顾假如你是新华中学的学生李华,你的美国朋友Tom一周前给你发电子邮件,询问你暑假里的打算,但你因准备期末考试未能及时回复。请根据双下要点给他回封邮件:1.未及时回信的原因;2.你假期的打算(如做兼职、旅行、做志愿者等)注意:1. 词数:120-150;2 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。【参考范文】Dear Tom,How is everything going? I feel terribly sorry for missing the chance of answering your letter in time. You know, Ive been prepari

2、ng for the final exams these days, so I forgot to write back. In your letter, you asked me for my plans on summer vacation. Now, I am writing to tell you some specific details.Overall, three things will make my summer vacation meaningful. To start with, doing a part-time job is my dream and I intend

3、 to work as a salesman because not only can I earn money by myself, but also it will broaden my horizons. In addition, it is a fabulous choice to visit some famous scenic spots such as Mount Tai during the vacation, in order to enjoy appealing scenery and make more friends. What is more, doing volun

4、tary work, I think, will make a great contribution to the society, which is able to enrich my life.I sincerely apologize again for my mistake. By the way, whats your plan to spend your summer vacation? I am looking forward to your reply.Yours sincerely,Li Hua【解析】本书面表达考查提纲类作文。从写作要点和得分点来看,考生应在宏观上把握书信体


6、 start with, doing a part-time job is my dream and I intend to work as a salesman because not only can I earn money by myself, but also it will broaden my horizons.非谓语动词和定语从句:What is more, doing voluntary work, I think, will make a great contribution to the society, which is able to enrich my life.【

7、经典套路】第一段:问候+写信背景+写信目的第二段:“道歉”部分(相当于“写信背景”)第三段:“假期安排”部分第四段:补充说明+客套话慰问信(含抗“疫”慰问信)开头句型1.I was (awfully) sorry to hear that+句子(yourteam lost the game.)2.I was shocked to hear of+sth. (your failure in the exam.)3.Im writing to tell you how sorryIam to hear aboutsth.(your loss)4.Knowing your situation,Ife

8、el terribly sorry aboutsth.中间段句型1.I quiet understand how you feel now,but .我特别能理解你现在的感觉,但.2.You have devoted yourself to .你在.方面付出了大量的精力和时间3.But as we all know, it is extremely difficult to do .但是众所周知,做.本身就极其困难4.To prepare . , you have made every effort.为了准备这次. ,你已经尽了最大努力5.Its not your fault to do .不

9、是你的错结尾句型1.If there is anything you need me to do, dont hesitate to let me know.2.IfIcan do anything for you, do let me know.3.Remember, we wont be far away if you need any help!4. I hope you can find my encouragement helpful. Best wishes.必背模板模板Dear ,I was very sorry to hear that .(交代事由) Its understa

10、ndable for you to .(表明主要观点) However, if you canadoptdifferentperspectives, .(提出建议)First, its normal to lose in a basketball match, for you can either win or lose. If youve tried your best, why not lift your spirits toface up to(直面)the result? Anyway, . Besides, you can also . Therefore, if , you wil

11、l .I hope you can find my encouragement helpful. Best wishes.Yours,Li Hua模板Dear_,I am _, I am very sorry to have heard of your present situation that you are so bitter after _. / I am shocked at the news about_(引出具体实情,表示惋惜和同情)At present,_ decides that it will give you_ when you receive a letter. Tha

12、t will offer you so much courage. I hope you will make efforts to overcome all kinds of difficulty, no matter how hard it is. You are sure to make it.(进一步安慰并鼓励对方)I will try my best to_, which may help you .It will give more courage to live on.(表示自己意愿提供帮助) May you recover soon./Good luck and best wis

13、hes to you!(表达愿望与祝福) Yours sincerely, _思路点金一、题型特点慰问信是向失败者、生病者、不幸者、愁苦者或遇到天灾人祸的人表示安慰或同情的信件。此类信要写得及时、简明扼要,感情要真诚,措辞要贴切,尽量以乐观的口吻减轻亲友的烦恼和痛苦,并鼓励对方对日后烦人生活、学习、工作充满信心。二、写作思路 第一步:引出事实,表达惋惜和同情;第二步:安慰对方或鼓励对方,预测未来;第三步:表达愿望和祝福。二、套用句式:1. I was shocked at the news about the earthquake in 听闻地震的消息我很震惊。2. On, an incred

14、ible and unknown earthquake suddenly happened in,Province.在,省市突然发生了一场惊人的、未曾预知的地震。3. We are so sorry to hear the news about the earthquake.听到地震的消息我们很难过。4.We are very sorry to learn that 我们非常遗憾地得知5.I just heard that youve been on the sickness last week.我无法告知你当你听到你发生事故我是多么难过。6.I just cant tell you how

15、sorry I was to learn of your accident.我刚刚得知上个星期你病了。7.I was deeply concerned when I learned that当我听说时,我非常关心8.I just wanted to let you know how concerned we are.我只想要你知道我们是多么担忧。9.I hope you are getting some relief from the pain.我真心希望能减轻你的痛苦。10.We are hoping for your quick return to health/early recover

16、y/rapid recovery.我们真心/祈祷你能很快完全康复。11.We are looking forward to /hoping and praying for your speedy and full recovery.我们真心希望你早日康复。12.Only we have the perseverance can we defeat the natural disaster.我们只有不屈不挠才能战胜自然灾难。13.Please extend our deep sympathy to your family.请向你的家人转达我们最深切的同情。14.If there is anyth

17、ing I can do to help you, please let me know. 如果需要我的帮助,请告知。必背范文假定你是高三学生李华,你的同学王平春节去武汉探亲因新冠状病毒肺炎疫情迅速扩散,他有发热症状而暂时滞留武汉,请你代表全班同学给此时处于焦虑和郁闷中的他写一封英文慰问信。要点如下:1. 对其表示关心和同情。2. 对其表示安慰并提供帮助。3. 表达愿望和祝福。【参考范文】Dear Wang Pin,Knowing that you are delayed in Wuhan, I am really getting upset about it. So are our clas

18、smates. Im writing to convey our concern to you on behalf of the class.Words came that Wuhan was in bad condition due to the spreading of novel coronavirus. However, dear friend, theres no sense worrying about it too much. You are supposed to stay optimistic. After all, you merely have a bit of feve

19、r. College Entrance Examination is around the corner, you know. So precious is time that we cant afford to wasteit. As scheduled, our online class will be held on Feb. 8. All of the classmates have access to the Internet courses wherever you are. It is convenient for us to study, isnt it? Is there anything I can do for you? Feel free to contact me.I sincerely expect that you can make a quick recovery and return to normal.Yours,Li Hua