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高考英语读后续写:示例与写作 训练8(含解析)

1、读后续写示例与写作训练8【写作示例】【原文呈现】阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。A truck driver was enjoying his meal at a local restaurant when an old lady came in. To his surprise, the owner and all the servers hurried behind the counter to meet her.“Mrs. Cosby!” They shouted, “How pleased to see you!”The old lady smiled an

2、d greeted them all.Bob, the owner said, “Sit down and make yourself comfortable, Mrs. Cosby! What would you like to eat?”When Bob passed his table, the truck driver could not resist to ask what is so special about the old lady.“Ill explain if you are interested,” Bob smiled. “Every school seems to h

3、ave a class that everyone thinks will never graduate. Troublemakers, thats what we were. None of our teachers stayed for long. One morning, the door to the classroom opened and a new teacher walked in. We sure gave her a hard time. But she never lost her temper, no matter what we did. “One day after

4、 a month, Mrs. Cosby opened her briefcase and took out a bunch of papers, something totallyd us. She asked each one of us to come to the front of the class, one by one, and gave us each a paper. On each paper she had written what the student in question had been good at during the last month. “No on

5、e had ever believed in us. No one ever liked us. We were constantly told how good-for-nothing we were. Gradually we had started to believe it ourselves. The teacher attitude we had met with before didnt encourage us to hold belief in ourselves. “Suddenly, there came someone who could find something

6、positive to say about each and eone of us. Once she had delivered the papers, she continued with her teaching and for the first time we forgot to make her life miserable. Mrs. Cosby did this emonththen on. Each month we got a paper that emphasized our strengths, what we had been good at. We begin to

7、 act as if that was true. We start to learn more to be even better, to prove them right. With her positive teacher attitude, she transformed our class. 注意:1. 所续写短文的词数应为150左右;2. 应使用5个以上短文标有下划线的关键词语;3. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;4. 续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词。Paragraph 1:“And then came the day of our graduation._

8、Paragraph 2: Bob went to get the bill and when he returned he saw the truck driver talking oncell phone._【思维路径】核心内容 文本主要内容为:一个卡车司机在饭店吃饭,看到一位老太太受到饭店老板的热情招待。出于好奇,他询问老板Bob其中缘由。原来Mrs. Cosby曾经是Bob的老师。她用赞美和肯定的教学态度以及每月一张的优点记录单一点点改变了那些像Bob一样长期被否定的差生,使他们重拾信心、认真学习。写作思路(1)明确故事人物关系(characters)。卡车司机、饭店老板Bob、服务员们

9、、Mrs. Cosby。(2)理清故事主要事件(events)。卡车司机吃饭;Mrs. Cosby受到热情招待;好奇询问;Mrs. Cosby和学生们的故事。(3)根据已知人物、事件及续写段落首句预测故事发展(development)。故事总体的发展应该是在毕业那天,Mrs. Cosby赠送了学生毕业礼物并一如既往地鼓励他们,卡车司机听完Mrs. Cosby的故事后,应该受到感动和启发,可能会给妻子打电话并学着像Mrs. Cosby一样赞美妻子。续写第一段:毕业典礼上,Mrs. Cosby把每月一张的优点记录单集结成册,送给每一位学生,同时鼓励他们相信自己,去实现自己的理想。续写第二段:卡车司

10、机听完故事给妻子打了电话,听到妻子给他做面条时,试着去赞美妻子的厨艺,令妻子非常开心等。(4)结合下划线词罗列写作要点(points)结合下划线词和文本内容,尽可能展开丰富的想象,罗列出尽可能多的故事发展情节。例如:第一段可以通过问以下问题来获取写作要点: “What did Mrs. Cosby do that day? Did she present any gift? What would she say to the class? What changes did she make on the students?” 第二段可以通过下列问题来组织内容:“How did the driv

11、er feel after hearing the story of Mrs. Cosby? Was he influenced by Mrs. Cosbys story? Whom did he talk to on the phone? What might he say?等”参考范文“Then came the day of our graduation. Mrs. Cosby hugged eone of us, and told us with tears how proud she was of us. Then she handed each one of us a book.

12、All the encouraging papers through the years were there, in hard cover. She wanted us to keep that book. Whenever we felt unworthy, open it and read how good we were. She was convinced that we could be anything we wanted to be as long as we believed in ourselves. So we did. She turned a bunch of tro

13、ublemakers into people who could achievethings. We went on to fulfill our dreams and make our life better. Mine was to own a restaurant and here I am. Now youwhy that old lady deserves all the respect we can give her.” The truck driver nodded. Then he asked for his bill.Bob went to get the bill and

14、when he returned he saw the truck driver talking oncell phone. “Honey? It is me. I thought I would drive home tonight. You might make that special noodles for me? Yes, Id really like to have some. You should sell those noodles, they are so good, better than anyone elses! What? Why do I say so? Well

15、because I want to show my attitude. Just wanted to let you know you are the best cook I have ever met! Thats your strength! You will? Great, see you in the evening! Love you too!” 范文解析 范文围绕文章的内容进行了合情合理的拓展。Mrs. Cosby一直以赞美和肯定的态度挖掘学生的优点。因此,第一段毕业典礼时,她送给每位学生精心装订的每月优点清单合集。一个月一个月逐渐积累下来的册子凝聚了Mrs. Cosby对学生的信

16、任和肯定。Mrs. Cosby最后一次激励学生相信自己、追求梦想。第二段,卡车司机听完这样一个令人动容和深思的故事,又看到了饭店老板和服务员们积极乐观的现状,深受触动。在给妻子打例行电话时,不由自主地改变态度学着去称赞和肯定妻子,令妻子意外和惊喜。这样的思路非常符合故事发展的逻辑。最后一段司机的做法首尾呼应,突出赞美的巨大影响力,突出故事的主题。提炼归纳 1. 合理拓展情节 读后续写离不开对文本的把握和合理的推测。在正确理解的基础上才能对故事的发展做出合情合理又合乎逻辑的预测。为了使故事发展更具明确性,可以通过设问等方式将故事的后续发展凸显出来,以便于续写时信息的整理以及恰当的语言组织。在本练

17、习中,我们通过一系列的问题来拓展并整理自己的写作思路。第一段的设问以Mrs. Cosby为主体,正面描写Mrs. Cosby对学生的付出;第二段的设问以卡车司机为表达的主体,侧面描写Mrs. Cosby的赞美和肯定的态度对他人带来的巨大影响。 2. 首尾呼应,升华主题 这是赞美产生的奇迹。这个奇迹没有通过直接的描述,而是通过这种态度的受益者饭店老板Bob之口进行叙述,卡车司机作为故事的聆听者,和读者一起感受Mrs. Cosby带给学生的巨大变化,体会着赞美对人的巨大影响。作为一个完整的故事,在写作上做到首尾呼应常常必不可少。根据故事情节,首尾呼应不仅使故事情节具有严密性,还突出了故事的中心,升

18、华了主题。【写作演练】1.阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。续写的词数应为150左右。The Make-up GuyDave was a make-up (化妆) artist who regularly held makeup artistry classes at the local community college. He was well known as an excellent trainer and enjoyed great popularity.Usually, the majority of his students were mi

19、ddle-aged housewives, who wanted to fine-tune their make-up skills so as to make themselves more attractive. But this time, it was beyond him that his class was attended by a man as well.The new student was a gentleman in his best years with a seemingly boundless interest in make-up artistry. He was

20、 keen to learn as much as he possibly could and asked questions whenever and wherever possible. He was so absorbed in learning that he wouldnt stop until he was satisfied with the result of his work.Understandably, the man was the number one subject of conversation when the other women were alone.Sp

21、eculations (猜测) quickly started to spread. Why did he learn make-up? Was he to seek for a woman to be his life partner? How about my neighbors youngest daughter? Why on earth would he attend such a woman class? Who could it be?Doubts like this came crowding in.The community college was placed in a r

22、emote rural area, which was why the other participants were quite doubtful of the mans intentions.Throughout the lessons, ignoring the curious women around him, the man carefully listened and wrote everything down he learned, leaving the women more and more curious and puzzled.When the day and class

23、 were slowly coming to an end, the gossiping women simply could not hide their curiosity any longer, for they knew it was time to remove their doubts, otherwise Finally, one of them couldnt resist her curiosity, so she picked up the courage and asked him why he was so interested in make-up artistry.

24、What followed was a dead silence. After what seemed a century, he slowly opened his mouth and here came the most inspiring beautiful reply.Paragraph 1:He said his beloved wife partially lost her eyesight because of diabetes (糖尿病) and she was no longer able to apply her make-up. _Paragraph 2:So he de

25、cided to take the course to surprise his wife. _2.阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。续写的词数应为150左右。I woke at 5:30 A.M. after a restless nights sleep. I slowly unzipped the tent door to inspect the new day. Just like yesterday, the wind had dropped. It was another beautiful Arctic day. I crawled out

26、 of my sleeping bag unwillingly. I am normally a morning person but the intense cold outside made that morning most unappealing. Anyhow, it was time to greet Charlie and start the day.My dog Charlie was up and it was bouncing up and down at the end of his chain looking well rested. I poured what loo

27、ked like a pound of dog food into his bowl.Stepping out of the tent, I looked around for bears or tracks and saw none. It would never be a good thing to meet a polar bear. An Inuit (因纽特人) once told me that I should watch out for polar bears. He said that if I met a polar bear, I should keep the foll

28、owing rules in mind. First, keep eye contact, move sideways or slightly forward, never backward, stay calm. Do not show fear and stand beside a large object to make myself appear as large as possible. Weapons like flare gun(信号枪) are necessary, but do not shoot unless forced to. Dont wound a bear, or

29、 youll make it even more dangerous, and never run.It was only six oclock, so I decided to have a leisurely breakfast of a bowl of milk powder, coconut flakes, and butter mixed with warm water. I sat on my sled(雪橇) to enjoy my first breakfast of the expedition only to find that after the third spoonf

30、ul it was frozen. So much for leisurely breakfasts! I added more warm water and ate the rest as fast as possible.Suddenly I heard a deep, long growl coming from Charlies throat. In a flash I looked at him and then in the direction in which he was staring. It was a female polar bear followed by two c

31、ubs(幼崽) slowly, purposefully, toward me. They were two hundred yards away.Paragraph 1:With my heart quickening, I grabbed my loaded flare gun and carefully walked sideways a few steps to Charlie. _Paragraph 2:The whole event lasted fifteen minutes but seemed years long._3.阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之

32、构成一篇完整的短文。续写的词数应为150左右。A zoo keeper had been working at a zoo for 15 years and never experienced any problems. He always worked the evening shifts (夜班) because he was trusted to properly lock up the zoo. On a warm summer night in late June, the zoo keeper turned off the lights and wished all of his

33、animals a good night. He left the zoo and walked to his car in the parking lot. As he reached in his pocket, he realized that his keys had been left in the office. He quickly walked back to the zoo.When he arrived at the door, to his surprise, it was unlocked. In fear of triggering (触发) the alarm th

34、at he had just set, he did not turn on the lights. He turned on the flashlight on his phone and began to make his way to the office. When he walked by the panthers (豹) cages, he saw the young cubs playing together. He liked the zoo better at this hour because at night was when the animals come to li

35、fe.At last, he made it back to the office. Unfortunately this time the office door was locked and he knew that if he were to break the window, he would set off the alarm. Knowing there was no way inside, he decided it would be best to spend the night inside the zoo. The zoo keeper walked towards the

36、 bird cages because he knew he could sleep comfortably on the benches near the cages.A few hours later, the zoo keeper heard a door slam (砰的一声) that woke him up.“Quiet! a voice whispered.“What? Theres no one here, another voice said. The old man left hours ago”Alright, lets just grab the animals and

37、 get out of here.”The zoo keeper didnt know what to do. He began to weigh his options: he could trigger the alarm but that would raise questions as to why he was inside, or he could face the thieves but that could potentially put him in danger. Then he turned the corner but made sure not to be seen

38、so that he could see who had entered the zoo.Para.1:The zoo keeper was not frightened by the two men who wanted to steal the animals. _Para.2:Then the zoo keeper found the two strings._4.阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。续写的词数为150左右。Arthur was messy. He didnt try to make messes, but he didnt try

39、to clean up much, either. There were always small pieces of food on the table when he was done eating. His socks never made it into the hamper (洗衣篮). And he only picked up his toys when Mom threatened to throw them away. Most days, Mom followed Arthur around the house and cleaned up after him. She b

40、rushed the crumbs (碎屑) into her hand and threw them away after meals. She picked up his socks and made sure they got washed, dried and folded neatly before going back in the drawer. She often picked up his toys when he left them to do something else.One day, Mom asked Arthur to pick up his toy train

41、s. “Not right now,” Arthur said. He was reading a comic book. The trains had been on the living room floor since the morning.“You know what, Arthur? Im not going to ask you again. Im done cleaning today.” And with that. Mom put her feet up on the sofa and picked up a book to read.At dinner time, Art

42、hur noticed that there was a big pile of crumbs at his place at the table. Moms spot was nice and clean. Arthur didnt like the crumbs very much. After dinner, Arthurs feet felt cold. He went to his room and opened his drawer, but the drawer was empty. “Mom, where are my socks?” Arthur called.“There

43、werent any socks in your hamper, so I didnt wash them,” Mom said. Arthur felt unhappy. Now his feet would be cold, unless he wanted to wear dirty socks from the floor. He decided to stay barefoot.When it was time for bed, Arthur said good night to Mom and turned to go upstairs. Arthur stepped right

44、on his toy train in his bare feet. “Ouch!” cried Arthur. “That really hurt !”Paragraph 1: However, Mom was still reading and said nothing._Paragraph 2: “Mom?” said Arthur. “Tomorrow can you show me how to do the washing so I can wash my socks?”_5.阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。In 1989, fresh out of high school, I had the difficult task of choosing a career path before college started in three months. I