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1、2023年江苏省南通市如皋市中考二模英语试卷一、单项选择题(本题共15小题;每小题1分, 满分15分)1. Its _ same in Chinamany people are not overweight at all, but are always going on _ diet or taking weight-pills.A. the; aB. a; theC. the; theD. a; a2. For lots of left-behind children, love and care were often _ from their childhood.Its a hard so

2、cial problem to solve.A. separateB. absentC. extraD. blind3. Try to be the master of your life. Life is a horse and _ you ride it _ it rides you.A. either, orB. neither, norC. both, andD. not only, but also4. US anthropologist Edward T. Hall said that in a conversation between two people, 65% of _ i

3、s done through body language.A. applicationB. communicationC. pronunciationD. introduction5 What happened during the meeting?She was forced to agree _ her mind and keep her thoughts to herself.A. withB. byC. againstD. in6. Simon, Im afraid we cant complete the model spaceship this afternoon.Well, we

4、 _ finish it today. Its fine if we give it to Mr. Wang tomorrow.A. cantB. mustntC. needntD. shouldnt7. Tan Dun thinks there is no need to use any musical instrument. _, the best music comes from nature.A. In allB. After allC. First of allD. Above all8. Liu Cixin, a science fiction writer, has _ the

5、world with his imaginative works, such as The Wandering Earth series and Three Bodies.A. expressedB. impressedC. succeededD. presented9. I refused to lend him some money _ he promised to pay me back the following week.Its wise of you to do so, as he used to tell lies.A. thoughB. ifC. soD. but10. _ g

6、reat progress China has made in exploring outer space! Yeah. Chinas Tianzhou-6 launch mission declared a success.A. What aB. WhatC. How aD. How11. O. Henrys stories usually have unexpected endings and thats why his books are _ welcomed.A. hardlyB. probablyC. speciallyD. widely12. _ did your uncle le

7、ave for the capital of Denmark?Let me see. He _ for nearly 2 months.A. When; has leftB. How long; has been awayC. How long; has leftD. When; has been away13. Have you heard of the music Kiss the Rain?Yes. It _ every Saturday evening by my daughter when she was young.A. has playedB. is playedC. was p

8、layedD. plays14. Do you know Lin Yen-chen, the young man from Taiwan? I wonder _.Of course he does. He always cares about others.A. whether he is popular in his classB. when he became an exchange studentC. why does he do well in playing the pianoD. whether he has many friends around him15. Cooking h

9、elps us show love for family members._. Every time I make dishes for Mum, she is very happy.A. I cant believe itB. Take it easyC. I couldnt agree moreD. That depends二、完形填空(本题共15小题;每小题1分, 满分15分)请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。I have lived a new life since I moved to Britain. I have experienced

10、 bad days and good days.Moving to Britain was quite difficult for me, especially as I had to leave old friends and family behind. Worst of all, I hated the weather in Britain! But now _16_ I start to get used to the grey, cloudy skies. When I first moved to Britain, I had no friends and I felt the p

11、eople were a bit _17_ and rude. Now I have some great friends and I _18_ that people are in fact quite polite but just reserved(含蓄的)!The main problem with life in Britain has been trying to _19_ my English. I could read and write English _20_ I came over, but speaking to people could be a bit of _21

12、_ . Sometimes people didnt understand what I was saying because my accent(口音)was quite _22_ and I got a bit frustrated(泄气的). Luckily, my new friends Simon and Claire decided to help me with my ability to _23_ .Another problem I met with in Britain was my _24_ . Most of the boys at my local high scho

13、ol thought my name strange and made fun of me all day. I really hated staying there and _25_ my friends back home. Fortunately, my teachers were all very kind to me and supportive. They always _26_ me to join in school activities. My PE teacher was impressed by my football skills and _27_ put me in

14、the school team. This has helped me a lot in gaining _28_ from my peers(同伴). Now I have become active and confident in the school activities.To feel at home in Britain, I have _29_ myself in the local culture. What I like most about Britain is that many different cultures and faiths(信仰)live together

15、. And at school I get along well with _30_ in my class. I often play sports with them and we listen to music together and stay cool!16. A. suddenlyB. slowlyC. smoothlyD. simply17. A. seriousB. unhappyC. specialD. unfriendly18. A. realizeB. hopeC. rememberD. imagine19 A. explainB. understandC. improv

16、eD. express20. A. sinceB. untilC. whenD. before21. A. fightB. pleasureC. successD. sadness22. A. clearB. strongC. commonD. sweet23. A. listenB. writeC. speakD. read24. A. studyB. pronunciationC. familyD. name25. A. missedB. visitedC. askedD. greeted26. A. warnedB. encouragedC. refusedD. ordered27. A

17、. evenB. onlyC. justD. yet28. A. prizesB. presentsC. respectD. pity29. A. taughtB. includedC. trainedD. satisfied30. A. everythingB. nothingC. everybodyD. nobody三、阅读理解(本题共15小题;每小题2分, 满分30分)请认真阅读下列短文, 从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选出最佳选项。AMuseum of the Moving Image (MMI) (Monday Closed)As the best museum in

18、 New York City and with a balance of hands-on (实际操作的) activities and information, its a special museum that can entertain and educate people of different ages. Its a perfect place for a family trip of a couple of hours.Pros Excellent movie screenings. Easy subway entrance.Cons Difficult to reach by

19、car.New York Hall of Science (NYHS) (Monday Closed)Being New York Citys only hands-on science and technology center, it is an interactive science museum for children. It has the most hands-on exhibits in an NYC museum, and its a fun place for five-year-olds and above. Older people might take great i

20、nterest in the NASA rockets outside the museum.Pros Cool interactive science shows, the rockets.Cons Hard to reach by public transportation.Queens County Farm Museum (QCFM) (Yearround 7 days a week)It is a real farm in New York City and home to animals your kids can feed, and it is a yard full of a

21、climbing plant whose fruits can be made into wine. Good chance to meet sheep, goats, pigs, chickens and cows! The animals are mostly willing to get along with visitors. And the museum sells food for young hands willing to get licked (舔) by sheep and goats.Pros Outdoor fun.Cons Expensive festivals, l

22、ong bus ride, no subway.Queens Museum of Art (QMA) (Monday and Tuesday Closed)Opened in 1972 to serve as a cultural center for the district (行政区), it presents artworks by local and international artists. Its best exhibits are on the two Worlds Fairs, and of course, the Panorama of New York City, a g

23、iant, highly detailed diorama (透视画) of all five New York City districts.Pros The Panorama, great gift shop. Easy subway entrance.Cons Not much for kids.31. What do MMI and NYHS have in common according to the passage?A. Easy public transportation.B. Hands-on experiences.C. Impressive science exhibit

24、s.D. Entertainment for different ages.32. What can we know from the passage?A. Visitors can have a wonderful screen time in MMI.B. People can pay a visit to all of the museums on any day.C. The Panorama of the New York City is actually a great gift shop.D. Kids can climb a plant to pick up fruits an

25、d make wine in QCFM.33. You read the article from _. A. a museum designB. a history bookC. an ad for a projectD. a guide book for visitorsBThe octopus(章鱼)is an amazing animal. Scientists have learned that octopuses are clever. But until now, they didnt realize how smart octopuses really were.Octopus

26、es are very intelligent. They can learn new things just like humans. Theyve even learned a few tricks to get themselves out of difficult situations. If an octopus is in danger because of an attacker, such as a shark or a bird, it can use some pretty wonderful skills to get away. Octopuses dont have

27、teeth or sharp paws to protect themselves. Instead, they use more clever ways to fool their attackers. One way that can help an octopus hide is shooting ink. By the time the ink goes around and the attacker can see again, the octopus has swum away or hidden. Octopuses also have the ability to change

28、 the color of their bodies to match the color of the things around. Enemies swim right by octopuses without noticing them.While diving into the ocean, scientists were surprised to see octopuses use another way to protect themselves. They saw some small octopuses moving coconut(椰子)halves across the o

29、cean floor. The scientists followed the octopuses and discovered that the animals were putting the coconut shells together. When an octopus thought it was in danger, it ran back to the shells. Then it got two shell halves and hid inside them by pulling one on top of the other. Because coconut shells

30、 are very hard on the outside, octopuses were able to create a safe ball to protect themselves from danger. Scientists believe that this action shows that octopuses are tool users.Crabs(螃蟹)also use shells for protection. But scientists dont think that crabs are tool users. These animals can pick up

31、shells and hide in them, but octopuses can carry shells to another place. Scientists say this shows that octopuses can think ahead about how they will use the shells later.Besides humans, monkeys and some birds are the most common tool users. But now scientists have put octopuses with the animals th

32、at are intelligent enough to use tools.34. What does the underlined word “them” refer to?A. The crabs.B. The sharks.C. The octopuses.D. The birds.35. Which of the following shows the structure of this passage?A. B. C. D. 36. Moving coconut shells from one place to another shows that octopuses _.A. m

33、ay find a new place to stayB. may get out of the troubleC. are able to plan for future needsD. are able to learn from crabs37. What is the writers purpose in writing this passage?A. To show readers how clever octopuses are.B. To compare octopuses with other tool users.C. To describe how octopuses hi

34、de in a coconut shell.D. To encourage readers to learn about octopuses tools.C When my teenaged son became seriously ill, terrible times for my family began. Our once-happy home became tense and depressed (沮丧的). My husband and I were tired out under the great stress of caring for my son. It was as i

35、f we forgot how to communicatewe couldnt have a simple conversation without a fighting. Our marriage was on the point of breaking up.One evening, my son and I were talking about gifts. I recalled my first Valentines present from my husband, a kazoo (卡祖笛). I was awkward when I received it because I c

36、ouldnt get it to make a sound although I am a professional saxophone (萨克斯) player. However hard I tried, it just never worked. The kazoo finally got packed away and forgotten. But my son was interested and insisted on seeing it. After some trouble, I found it.“You couldnt get a sound? Whats so hard

37、about it?” my husband asked, amazed. He took the kazoo and blew. Nothing happened. Surprised, he tried again. Still there was no sound. Frustrated, he tried again, only to produce a funny sound like an angry bumblebee (大黄蜂) trapped in the mouth of a bear. We burst into laughter. My son took a turn t

38、o play the kazoo. He did no better than us, causing more laughing.Seeing his face light up, we felt as if the darkness had lifted and a ray of sunshine was let in. It was the best ten minutes of the past couple of years. The mood stayed light for the rest of the evening. It didnt solve anything. But

39、 this experience with the kazoo brought some change in our hearts that always reminds us that there are still things to laugh at and enjoy, and that we can still connect as a family.38. What influenced the relationship of the couple?A. Fightings between the couple over their marriage.B. Different va

40、lues the couple shared towards everything.C. Stress and disagreements coming from their sons illness.D Shortage of money needed for their sons medical treatment.39. Why did the husband blow the kazoo personally?A. He had a love for playing the kazoo.B. He meant to make his son greatly pleased.C. He

41、wanted to reduce the feeling of depression.D. He did not think it that hard to play the kazoo.40. What is the turning point of the story?A. The performance of my playing the saxophone.B. My failure to get the kazoo to make a beautiful sound.C. My memory about the Valentines present from my husband.D

42、. The failed but funny playing of the kazoo by my husband and son.41. What does the story mainly tell us?A. Bad luck tests the true love.B. Parents are the best teachers.C. Every cloud has a silver lining.D. Music can cure the hurt souls.DWorkplaces once had both formal(正式)and informal uniforms. In

43、traditional offices, those at the top of the pyramid would always be found in a suit; dressing for the job you wanted meant following this style.The rise of the tech world changed this fixed idea. Picture Silicon Valleys most successful leaders, and the clothes that come to mind are jeans, hoodies(连

44、帽衫)and black turtlenecks. In the tech world, success has a different kind of uniform one much more casual(随意)than the suits of the past. This trend(趋势)towards informality has spread to other fields.Then in 2020 the widespread turn to “work from home” upended work dress standards altogether. During t

45、he pandemic(疫情), people mostly saw co-workers from the shoulders up on video calls. From home, people could perform a major role in a meeting in a collared shirt, short sand slippers(拖鞋). If cameras were off, they could even be in pajamas(睡衣), working under a blanket.Now, as workers come back into o

46、ffices, few companies are asking a return to formal wear.So, what does this mean for dressing for success? With so many different dress standards across companies, is it still possible to “dress for the job you want”?It is no easy to dress for success. Getting the balance wrong by overdressing can s

47、end a bad message. About 79% of workplaces in the US now have a casual dress standard. Turning up in a suit to show their wish for success could actually have a bad influence on others views on you.The effect of your dressing style depends on who you are. For example, wearing jeans, your boss may seem easy-going while you seemingly careless. Still, dressing can help position you for successand the key to getting it right is careful attention. The proper dressing might look very different in different wor