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1、2023年江苏省南通市启东市中考二模英语试题一、单项选择(本题共15小题, 每小题1分, 满分15分)1. There is _ useful robot in the restaurant near my home. It can serve food to customers.A. anB. theC. aD. /2. Online short video apps like Douyin make _ more convenient to learn about the world at home.A. itB. thisC. oneD. that3. Jimmy used to hav

2、e a sweet tooth, but now he likes hot food. Oh, his taste has been _ changed since he came to Sichuan.A. completelyB. hardlyC. properlyD. nearly4. Please follow the _ and you will use the new type of sweeping robot.A. inventionB. informationC. introductionD. instruction5. Oh, my God! I have _ 5 poun

3、ds!No worries. Its normal for a growing teenager.A. put upB. put downC. put onD. put off6. Can Jimmy help us with the problem? Yes, his promise is _ gold. Trust him!A. as long asB. as good asC. as well asD. as much as7. What a pity that we lost the chance to enter the final. _, lets forget about it

4、and move on.A. AnywayB. OtherwiseC. InsteadD. Moreover8. Mary, you said my name wasnt _in the article. Forget about what I said. Look! Your name is here.A. calledB. createdC. mentionedD. controlled9. What do you think of the film Full River Red?Wonderful. It was the best movie I _ during the winter

5、holiday.A. have watchedB. watchedC. watchD. was watching10. The Knockout (狂飙) has become one of the hottest TV series recently.Yeah, it attracts several _ viewers every day.A. thousandsB. thousands ofC. thousandD. thousand of11. The old couple insist on living in a small village among the mountains

6、_ they can get closer to nature.A. untilB. unlessC. even thoughD. so that12. Terry, _ from your mobile phone when your father is talking to you.OK, I will.A. look aroundB. look outC. look downD. look up13. - _ fast China is developing!- Yes, we are so lucky to live in such a great country.A. WhatB.

7、What aC. HowD. How a14. Shenzhou XIII returned to Earth safely and successfully on April 16, 2022. I wonder _.A. how the three astronauts worked in the aircraftB. that the three astronauts has finished their workC. whether were the three astronauts happy in the aircraftD. what did the three astronau

8、ts do in the aircraft15. Would you mind my turning up the TV? The football match has just begun._. Do as you like.A. Please dontB. Better notC. Im afraid notD. Of course not二、完形填空(本题共15小题, 每小题1分, 满分15分)请认真阅读下面短文, 从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中, 选出最佳选项。I got on the bus, dirty, tired and hot after a days hard

9、 working. I _16_ that place every day, looking like a coal mine(煤矿) worker. _17_ I still felt a bit proud of myself for holding this tiring job for 3 months. Taking my seat on the bus, I decided my hard life would not lower my spirits today. I was dreaming about a better and new life when I was stop

10、ped by our new passenger, a middle-aged woman with worn-out clothes and messy hair. She _18_ pushed her way into a front seat, and then turned her anger on whoever dared to look her way. All I could feel for this woman was _19_ and the familiar sense of being faceless and nameless. Suddenly, she lou

11、dly yelled to me, “Why are you so _20_, man?”With a smile I said, “I just returned from _21_.” She then asked me if I came from a coal mine and broke out into laughter, so I also laughed with her and told her that I knew I really looked funny. Then I asked for her name as I _22_ why I was so dirty.

12、Her name was Karen. In front of all nice passengers on the bus that day, the power of _23_ showed its beauty. In front of all of us this woman changed. Her language, her posture, and her voice, even the wave she tilted (倾斜) her head when I spoke to her as a _24_ changed. As Karen was getting off the

13、 bus, she touched me _25_ on the arm. With tear-filled eyes, she asked whether Id be riding the bus the next day. I _26_ I would. We waved to each other and then I got what my life had needed all along: affirmation(认可).An old woman on the bus spoke to me, “Sir, you just changed that woman with your

14、heart. She will never forget how you _27_ her. You are great.” Other passengers gave me thumbs-up signs showing their _28_.That day was the first time when I realized I was _29_. People say I gave Karen something that day, but actually I _30_ even much more.16. A. leftB. foundC. visitedD. reached17.

15、 A. BesidesB. HoweverC. ThereforeD. Otherwise18. A. gentlyB. quietlyC. slowlyD. rudely19. A. pityB. satisfactionC. excitementD. amazement20. A. sadB. dirtyC. nervousD. crazy21. A. studyingB. travelingC. shoppingD. working22. A. examinedB. askedC. explainedD. regretted23. A. teamworkB. patienceC. hum

16、orD. kindness24. A. familyB. strangerC. friendD. teacher25. A. softlyB. hopelesslyC. patientlyD. unwillingly26. A. checkedB. promisedC. refusedD. suggested27. A. missedB. understoodC. treatedD. remembered28. A. surpriseB. praiseC. confidenceD. politeness29. A. helpedB. invitedC. admiredD. recommende

17、d30. A. offeredB. paidC. borrowedD. got三、阅读理解(本题共15小题, 每小题2分, 满分30分)请认真阅读下列短文, 从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中, 选出最佳选项。AA strange siphonA siphon(虹吸管)is a simple tool for moving water from one place to another and its usually made with a hose(软管)of some kind. Heres one thats made of nothing but paper: Youll n

18、eedToilet paperTwo drinking glasses1. Tear off(撕掉)five squares of toilet paper and gently roll them into a tong cylinder(圆柱形).2. Fill one of the glasses with water, stand it next to the empty glass and lay the paper into as shown in the picture. 3. Leave the glasses and check them a day later. What

19、happened? Some of the wateras much as half of the water if your siphon works wellwill have moved from the full glass to the empty glass. Water is made up of tiny particles(粒子). and a piece of paper contains tiny spaces between the paper fibers(纤维)that hold onto water particles. Those tiny spaces nul

20、l water along with a force called capillary action(毛细管作用)”, In your siphon, they pulled the water particles over into the empty glass.31. What is the siphon made of in this experiment?A. Hose.B. Paper.C. Water.D. Plastic.32. How much toilet paper do we use to make a siphon?A 4 square meters.B. 5 squ

21、are meters.C. 4 squares.D. 5 squares.33. What makes the water move from one glass into the other?A. Paper fibers.B. Tiny particles.C. Capillary action.D. Water particles.BThe Wentian space lab is expected to advance(发展) space science, technology and research. Wentian lab module(问天实验舱) will serve as

22、a space life science research lab. And it will make use of the micro-gravity(微重力) in space to do many experiments that would be impossible on the ground. It will also be used for some basic researches on humans journey from Earth into the space. The worlds first space station was launched(发射) in 197

23、1 and the International Space Station has scientists to do experiments there. These experiments were related to life science research in space, including research on treatment for many diseases as well as the effects on the human body of living in space. There was a time when China had few chances t

24、o do such research, but now China can. With a weight of 23 tons and a length of 17. 9 meters, Wentian is the worlds longest spacecraft. Besides, Wentian provides one more exit one more kitchen, as well as three sleeping zones for the astronauts. So they have enough space for living and working. A re

25、view at the past 10 years will find a clear path for Chinas space industry. The Shenzhou series of spaceships have progressed from IX to XTV. And the space station is finally coming into service. The Chinese are adding more footprints in space, for the common good. On Monday, it was reported that Sh

26、enzhou XTIV had already entered the Wentian lab module. It heralds the start of a series of experiments that astronauts are to carry out in space.They will also talk with school children by video. It is hoped that they will encourage more students to carry forward Chinas space studies in the future.

27、34. How is the space station research in China?A. More young people like it.B. It has made much progress.C. It is helpful to everyday life.D. Many students have joined in it.35. What does Paragraph 2 mainly tell us?A Space life in the past years.B. Space stations in the future.C. Some experiments in

28、 space.D. Famous astronauts in the past.36. What does the underlined word “heralds” in the last paragraph mean?A. showsB. discoversC. choosesD. changes37. From the passage, we can know that _.A. Scientists can do some experiments which cannot be done on the ground.B. The International Space Station

29、has been headed by the United States and Russia.C. China always take the lead in the development of space studies.D. The astronauts have enough living space because Wentian is over 20 metres long.CTodays teens have grown up online. They make friends online. They do homework online. And surely they g

30、et their news online. But because they are so comfortable with the Internet, they seldom question the news stories online and pass along to their friends.Now William Colglazier, a history teacher at a high school in America, is teaching his students how to think critically(批判性地) about online informa

31、tion and recognize(识别) a fake(假的) news story.His idea came from a study on peoples online reasoning(推理) at Stanford University. The study found that young people lack(缺少) ability to reason about the information on the Internet Most middle school students in the study could not tell the difference be

32、tween an advertisement and a news story, and high school and college students fully trusted the websites ending in .org.The good news is that,according to Colglazier, once teens realize theyve been cheated, they have strong will to tell truth from lies. But they need some advice on how to find evide

33、nce(证据) and how to recognize when others use poor argumentation(论据), he said. Some of the advice that Colglazier offers his students include moving off the site to find more information about the site, the writers motivations(动机) and the organization behind the news story.Colglazier shared some of h

34、is course with other teens in Teen Vogue, a famous magazine. He hopes more kids would take away some knowledge about thinking critically when they read news online. The Internet is both beautiful and ugly, he said. If people cannot tell real news from fake news, the results can be frightening.38. Co

35、lglazier suggests students should _.A. trust the websites ending in .orgB. pass online information along to friendsC. make more friends by using the InternetD. find background information about a news story39. The underlined part in the last paragraph means _.A. fake news may cause terrible resultsB

36、. people should never trust online newsC. going online too often is bad for teensD. we should make good use of the Internet40. The structure of the passage may be _.(=para.1 =para.2 =para.3 =para.4 =para.5)A. ; ; B. ; ; C. ; ; D. ; ;41 The title of this article could be _.A. William Colglaziers Cour

37、se OnlineB. Teen VogueA Famous MagazineC. How to Think Critically About Online NewsD. What Todays Teens Usually Do on the InternetDI love snakes. My mom definitely does not. When she was a kid, snakes used to hide in warm spots under the furniture. So she grew up afraid shed step on a snake. I grew

38、up hoping Id see one outside! In fact, lots of people who are afraid of snakes have never even seen one. So where does our fear come from?Scientists wonder about this, too. Their experiments with adults, kids and even babies show that its complicated. People may not be born afraid of snakes, but we

39、are born able to see them quickly. In tests with pictures, people picked out snakes faster than they could find flowers, frogs, and caterpillars. It wasnt just snakes, though. People also found spiders and angry faces faster than “safe” things like flowers. It seems like we find things that might be

40、 dangerous to us faster than things that arent. People also learn to fear snakes faster than we learn to fear many other things. We take our hints (提示) from other peoples scared voices and faces. Some scientists think we have evolved this wayfaster to see snakes and faster to learn to fear them. Aft

41、er all, if we had to be bitten by a snake to learn that its dangerous, we might learn our lesson too late. So why does it matter whether were afraid of snakes? It may not matter much to us, but it matters a lot to snakes. People protect animals they like, not animals they fear. Snakes may not be as

42、cute as dolphins, but theyre just as important to the environment. Snakes eat insects that are pests to humans. Snakes are also food for other animals, so when we kill snakes, were hurting other creatures, too. How do we overcome our fear to give snakes a chance? Scientists did a study recently wher

43、e students of your age went on a field trip. Guides helped them find and capture snakes in the forest. Everyone could safely touch and hold the snake. It turns out that snakes arent so bad when you get to know them. Most people who were afraid of snakes before the field trip werent afraid afterward.

44、 In fact, snakes even became some students favorite animal. Hmm, maybe I should take my mom on the next field trip. Remember: Always respect snakes, whether youre afraid of them or not.42. We learn from Paragraph 1 that her moms fear of snakes is _.A. unreasonableB. questionableC. acceptableD. doubt

45、ful43. According to Paragraph 3, peoples fear comes from _.A. school educationB. others influenceC. self-experienceD. scientific researches44. Which paragraph shows people how to get past their fear of snakes?A. Paragraph 2.B. Paragraph 3.C. Paragraph4.D. Paragraph5.45. Which of the following will t

46、he author agree with?A. Snakes are not dangerous at all.B. Humans are born afraid of snakes.C. Snakes have been well protected by humans.D. People should learn to make peace with snakes.四、词汇(本题共15小题, 每小题1分, 满分15分)A. 请根据括号中的中文提示、英文释义或句意, 写出句中所缺单词, 使句子通顺。46. The _ (政府) was satisfied with us for carryi

47、ng out this plan in such a short time.47. Sorry, Mr. Black. Hamburgers in our shop have been sold out. Could you _ (取消) your order?48. The hotel has been famous for providing a high level of service for _ (someone who pays for goods or services).49. Over 4, 000 years ago, _ (in old times) Egyptians used dried leaves to treat pain.50 Chinese National Day comes on _