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1、2023年江苏省南京市建邺区中考一模英语试题选择题(共40分)一、单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)请认真阅读下列各题,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。1. Jinling Library often holds reading activities to celebrate World Book Day _ April.A. on B. in C. at D. of2. A good breakfast is necessary because it gives you _ for the whole morning.A. talent

2、B. energy C. humor D. wealth3. Its reported that Nanjing Metro Line 7 _ in the near future.A. will complete B. completes C. was completed D. will be completed4. What is your aunts favourite colour?_ favourite colour is Viva Magenta, the Colour of the Year for 2023.A. My B. HerC. HisD. Your5. What ar

3、e you saving money for?Mothers Day is coming. I _ a gift for my mother next week.A. boughtB. have boughtC. was buying D. am going to buy6. Karen only got four hours of sleep last night, so she feels _ today.A. activeB. bored C. lonely D. sleepy7. Vicky, remember to _ the sports shoes. You have a PE

4、lesson today.OK, Mum. I will.A. put onB. hand outC. take offD. throw away8. _ do more and more people want to be volunteers?To improve their community and the world around them.A. How B. When C. Why D. Where9. Nanjing Salted Duck, as _ known as Beijing Duck, is one of Nanjings most loved dishes.A. g

5、entlyB. properlyC. widely D. secretly10. What can we know from the picture?A. The elephant feels it very easy to plant “patience”.B. The elephant thinks growing plants needs patience.C. The fox believes they can grow the plant very well.D. The fox knows the reason why “patience” is grown here.11. Pe

6、ople in Jianye District _ an excellent service for the 2023 Nanjing Half Marathon last month.A. collectedB. compared C. providedD. protected12. In the library, you _ write in the books, or you will be fined.A. neednt B. wouldntC. mustntD. couldnt13. Nancy, _ do you know about Nanjing?It is an amazin

7、g city which is praised as “City of Literature”.A. how oftenB. how much C. how longD. how soon14. A sentence fragment is a group of words that is often punctuated like a sentence, but it is incorrect because it is not a complete sentence. Which of the following is a complete sentence?A. The history

8、project, not too bad. B. I cant hand in my project on time.C. After I finish the math homework. D. The books on the bookcase in the living room.15. Cooking helps us show love for family members._. Every time I make dishes for Mum, she is very happy.A. I cant believe it B. Take it easyC. I couldnt ag

9、ree more D. That depends二、完形填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。The world is full of amazing things. Lets see the amazing power of books!Warning! Stop reading!Dont you kids realize 16 dangerous books can be? Stories can take you to faraway places without parents _

10、17_. They might also help you kill time in bed with a flashlight(手电筒) _18_ your blankets.Knowing the tales of great heroes might help you give an exciting speech to your classmates and start an anti-homework revolution(革命). _19_ you dive into cookbooks, you could make your own delicious food. Once y

11、our cooking skills greatly improve, you will forever be _20_ of the school dining hall. Other books might show you how to code software for a robot that _21_ your bedroom.Spending more time with books might make you _22_ than your teachers. Can you imagine their embarrassment(尴尬) when you have to he

12、lp them fix their quiz mistakes? Then theyll need _23_ to teach the other children that “sagacity” means wisdom and a “thalweg” is the lowest point of a riverbed or valley.Overall, cant you see how terrible this could be? If you _24_ reading, you might learn so much that you can take over for the ad

13、ults and then you kids will take the lead! You all could be the journalists, entrepreneurs, artists, professors, authors, doctors, explorers, scientists, and _25_ the leaders of our countries! Then what would the grown-ups do? Live in a world run by brilliant, interesting, innovative, and compassion

14、ate young people? Ugh. No, thank you.So, please stop reading before you become really smart, successful, and happy.Signed,Mr. Green SaccaGRUMPY OLD BUSINESSMAN16. A. whatB. whyC. which D. how17. A. agreementB. excitement C. punishment D. improvement18. A. under B. above C. throughD. among19. A. So B

15、. If C. OrD. Though20. A. freeB. fullC. short D. sure 21. A. moves away B. blows away C. puts upD. cleans up22. A. weaker B. healthierC. smarterD. angrier23. A. youB. yourselves C. them D. themselves24. A. keepB. avoid C. regret D. dislike25. A. everB. even C. only D. exactly三、阅读理解(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分

16、)请认真阅读下列材料,从材料后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AThe world is full of amazing things. Lets see the amazing power of science!Every day, scientists fly weather balloons from more than 900 places around the world. These balloons go as far as 200 kilometers. They fly as high as 35 km. This is much h

17、igher than airplanes. The balloons then get data(数据) to help scientists make weather forecasts.About 1,000 weather balloons go into the sky every day.How does a weather balloon work?1. A weather balloon carries a radiosonde(无线电探空仪) and a parachute(降落伞). The radiosonde can measure things like tempera

18、ture, humidity(湿度) and wind in the air. The radiosonde can stand temperatures as cold as 95 degrees below zero. The radiosonde is powered by a small battery(电池). The radiosonde sends data back to the ground every one to two seconds.2. The balloon flies for about two hours. As it goes up, it gets thi

19、nner and thinner. Pop! It bursts(爆裂)!3. With the help of the parachute, the radiosonde falls slowly to the ground.26. What is a weather balloon made up of? a balloon a parachute an airplane a radiosondeA. B. C. D. 27. According to the table, what can we learn about the radiosonde?A. There is a big b

20、attery inside the radiosonde. B. The parachute helps the radiosonde to burst.C. The radiosonde bursts as the balloon goes up. D. The radiosonde can work at very low temperatures.28. According to the table, how can weather balloons help study weather?A. They fly as far as 35 kilometers.B. They only w

21、ork on sunny days.C. They collect data for further study.D. They work together with airplanes.BThe world is full of amazing things. Lets see the amazing life of animals!Smart Mrs. Squirrel sat at the top of a tree,“I believe in the habit of saving,” said she.“If it were not for that, in the cold win

22、ter _,My young ones and I would starve(挨饿) all together.”“So Im teaching my children to run and save up,Every acorn as soon as it drops from its cup.And to bring kernels of corn from the stalks in the field,To the big tall tree where I keep it concealed(隐蔽的).”“Best of all, we have gathered, as much

23、as we could,Beechnuts and butternuts grown in the wood.For cold days and hard times winter surely will bring,And a habit of saving is a wonderful thing!”“But my children are young and they like to play,We have plenty, yes plenty, already, they say.We are tired of bringing in food for our store.Let u

24、s play and frolic(嬉闹) and gather no more!But I tell them its pleasant when winter is rough,If both to use and to share we have enough.And theyll find before winter turns into spring,That a habit of saving is an excellent thing.”29. Which is the best word for the blank?A. flowers B. weather C. shower

25、s D. shade30. What can we know about Mrs. Squirrel according to the poem?A. She likes winter more than any other season.B. She is not smart enough to be a good mother.C. She is willing to share some of what she stores.D. She will save food for the winter in the ground.31. Which of the following is a

26、n opinion about this poem?A. Young squirrels like to play outside.B. This is the best poem about squirrels.C. This poem covers several rhyming words.D. The squirrels in this poem store food for winter.CThe world is full of amazing things. Lets see the amazing story of a crane!There was once a poor s

27、ailmaker named Chris. He worked very hard every day, but he didnt make much money. He had a roof over his head and food to eat, so he lived comfortably, but he felt lonely because he had nobody to share his simple life with. One day, an injured crane lay near Chris front steps. “Poor crane,” he whis

28、pered. He carefully carried the crane and brought it inside. He cared for it all winter long. One day, it was strong enough to fly away. Chris watched and thought, “If only I could catch that cranes swiftness(迅速) in one of my sails.” The following spring, a beautiful woman knocked at Chris door. “My

29、 name is Lydia,” she said softly. “Ive been walking for several days, and I need food and rest.” Chris took her in. A month later, they got married.“I can make wonderful sails for you,” Lydia said. “They will be beautiful, and you will make a lot of money from them. However, you must promise never t

30、o watch me make the sails.”Chris said, “I promise.”Lydia went to her weaving(编织) room. A month went by before the first sail was finished. When Chris finally brought it to the market, he was surprised that people wanted to pay so much money for it. He asked Lydia to weave more. She wove many sails,

31、and Chris wealth grew. He spent his new money on expensive clothing, jewellery, and paintings. As he made more money and got more things, he slowly became more greedy(贪婪的).One day, Lydia said she needed to rest. She was tired out. But Chris insisted that she keep working, so she did. Then Chris want

32、ed her to work faster. He became impatient with Lydia. One day, he was so angry that he forgot about the promise hed made. He threw open the door to Lydias weaving room and was surprised to see a beautiful crane weaving its feathers into a sail.Chris shouted. “Youre the crane that I saved!”“Yes,” th

33、e crane said. “But youve broken your promise, so I must leave.”Once again, Chris was a poor, lonely sailmaker. Whenever he saw a crane in the sky, he thought about his broken promise.32. Which of the following best describes Chris?A kind sailmaker who saved a crane. A poor sailmaker who became rich

34、finally.A hard-working husband who helped his wife.A greedy husband who treated his wife poorly.A. B. C. D. 33. Why did Lydia have to leave Chris?A. Because her husband broke his promise.B. Because her husband doubted her ability.C. Because she was too tired to continue her work.D. Because she was t

35、oo poor to support the family.34. How did Chris probably feel in the end?A. He was happy to live on his own.B. He was satisfied with his business.C. He felt sad about his lost paintings.D. He felt regretful about what he had done.35. Whats the theme of this passage?A. Greed blinds the eyes. B. Pract

36、ice makes perfect. C. It never rains but it pours.D. Actions speak louder than words.DThe world is full of amazing things. Lets see Chinas amazing technology!In our modern age, we do not think much about how our technology works. We are so used to tapping on our phone screen to get a map of our loca

37、tion. But how do our phones know where in the world we are and in which direction we are going? It is all thanks to the satellites in space that help our phones calculate our position. Depending on where you are around the world, your phone may be receiving data from different systems. In Europe, pe

38、ople have the Galileo system. In Russia, they have GLONASS. In the USA, people use GPS. China, meanwhile, has the BeiDou Navigation Satellite System(BDS). The BDS in operation today is more advanced than the first version(版本) of the system, which was sent into space in 2000. The present version has

39、better technology and more satellites. The system is not finished, though. When it is completed, there will be lots of BDS satellites. In the future, those satellites will allow us to discover the position of objects with millimetre accuracy(精确度): that is ten times more accurate than GPS.Even though

40、 more satellites are being added to the system, the BDS has already been put to use. More than 40,000 Chinese fishing boats are using the system now. These boats are very helpful in search and rescue operations(营救行动) at sea. They are able to communicate with support services on land as well as give

41、the exact locations of ships in trouble.The BDS is being used on land as well. Of course, its not hard to imagine how the system is helping the police and firefighters do their job. Agriculture is another area where there are applications for the system. Farmers are able to put the data to good use

42、when operating smart farming equipment. For example, the BDS can be used to control driverless tractors as they turn up the fields. Farmers are also using drones(无人机) to check the health of crops and spread seeds over fields.Although the BDS is of Chinese origin(起源), the developers have said that “C

43、hinas BeiDou is the worlds BeiDou”, and they are actively developing international cooperation. Developers predict that the system will not only grow in popularity within China, but overseas as well. And when the system is complete and fully operational in the years to come, the BDS will undoubtedly

44、 bring lots of advantages to China and the rest of the world.36. What does the underlined word “calculate” probably mean according to the dictionary?calculate /klkjulet/ verb to solve the meaning of something to form an opinion about something to specially design a product or an event to work out th

45、e results according to the data or cluesA. B. C. D. 37. How does the writer show the changes in the BDS in Paragraph 2?A. By showing steps. B. By telling stories.C. By listing numbers. D. By comparing conditions.38. Which of the following can we learn from the passage?A. The BDS has already become p

46、opular both at home and abroad.B. People around the world use the same system to locate positions.C. The whole world will take advantages of the BDS in several years.D. The BDS has become a common way of communication in daily life.39. Where do you probably read this passage?A. In a storybook.B. In

47、an art book.C. In a science book. D. In a guide book.40. What is the best title for the passage?A. Next up, the BDS B. Get away, the BDS C. Look back, the BDS D. Slow down, the BDS非选择题(共50分)四、填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)A)请根据括号中所给的汉语、音标写出单词,使句子意思完整正确,并将答案填写在答题卡标号为4145的相应横线上。41. The Book of Songs is an important poem collection in the _ (早期的) years of ancient China.42. Sima Qian was the first historian to _ (记录) the historical events in the form of individual biographies.43. Li Ba