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1、2023年浙江省湖州市中考一模英语试题一、听力(本题有15小题,其中1-10小题每题1分,11-15小题每题2分,共 20分)注意:听力共分三节。答题时,请先将答案标在试卷上,听力部分结束后,请将答案转涂到客观题答题卷上。听每段对话或独白前,你都有五秒钟的时间阅读这一小题,听完后你将有五秒钟的时间回答这一小题。第一节:听下面五段对话,每段对话后有1个小题,请从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选择正确的选项。每段对话仅读一遍。1.How will the weather be in three days!A.Rainy B. Cloudy. C. Sunny. 2. Now does Tina u

2、sually go back home?A.By bus. B. By boat C. By car. 3.Whats the relationship between the two speakers?A.Father and daughter.B.Waiter and customer. C. Husband and wife. 4. How is Tony feeling now?A.He is excited. B.He is relaxed C. He is angry. 5. How long will it take Jane to get to school if it rai

3、ns?A. 10 minutes. B.20 minutes. C.30 minutes. 第二节:听下面两段较长对话,每段对话后有2至3个小题,请从题中所给的A、B、三个选项中选择正确的选项。每段对话读两遍。听下面一段较长对话,回答第6-7小题。6.When did Grace arrive home yesterday afternoon?A. At about 4:30. B. At about 5:00. C.At about 5:30. .(Where will the speakers probably go tomorrow night?A. To the park. B. To

4、 the cinema. C. To the supermarket. 听下面一段较长对话,回答第8-10小题。8. What is the man reading at the beginningA.A novel. B.A storybook C. A magazine. 9. Which folk story does the girl like best?A.The story of Nu Wa.B.The story of Change. C. The story of Yu Gong. 10.When does the conversation probably take plac

5、e?A. In the morning. B.In the afternoon C. In the evening. 第三节:听下面一段独白,独白后有5个小题,请从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选择正确的选项。独白读两遍。11. Whom did the speaker go to Hong Kong with?A.His classmates. B. is brothers. C. His parents. 12. How far was it from the speakers home to Hong Kong? A.One and a half hours flight. B. Tw

6、o and a half hours flight. C. Three and a half hours flight.13.What did they do on the fourth day of their trip? A.They did some shopping. B. They went to eat seafood. C. They visited the theme parks.14 How long was their trip?A. For four days. B. For five days. C. For six days.15. Which of the foll

7、owing statements is true according to the passage? A. The speaker didnt like the weather in Hong Kong.B. They went to Hong Kong because of its nice food.C. They were pleased with their trip to Hong Kong.笔试部分(80分)二、完形填空(本题有15小题,每小题1分,共15分)阅读下面短文,理解其大意,然后从各题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。When I moved to Ameri

8、ca in the 7th grade,I did not speak any English.I had no choice but to keep working hard. Although I made 16 when I reached the 9th grade, people still found it difficult to understand me because of my accent(口音).One day, at a party, I was invited to play a guessing game.When it was my turn,I tried

9、to 17 the object that I had in mind. Suddenly someone said with a laugh,“What did she say?” I felt 18 . Out of kindness,a girl gently advised me to repeat it,but I got stuck on the word“purple”I couldnt 19 it. This time, everyone laughed while I was trying hard to get the word out of me.This 20 had

10、its own influence on me. When opportunities were opened up for the summer program I had been looking forward to, I 21 to attend the interview. Luckily,I got tons of encouragement from people around me. So I decided to 22 .At the interview, the other students in my group spoke very 23 but I didnt spe

11、ak that much. I knew that I could hardly be understood because of my accent. 24 when I was nervous, it would be even more difficult for me to pronounce words clearly. After the interview, I stayed, said “ 25 and explained to the teachers. I didnt want them to think I wasnt interested or I was being

12、unfriendly. But they appreciated(欣赏) that 26 myself. “Its OK. You dont have to say sorry. Your accent does not make you less than others,” said one of the teachers.Surprisingly, I was accepted into the 27 . Imagine how I felt! Up to now, I still feel 28 that I took that step. It is a sign that I hav

13、e changed. I did not let my accent 29 me. Im sure I will continue to feel nervous about speaking English with strangers. 30 thats OK. It will not stop me from trying to be better. 16. A.turns B.trouble C. progress D. promises 17. A.touch B.choose C.repeat D. describe 18. A.unclear B.uneasy C.unfair

14、D.unusual 19. A.pronounce B. recognize C.translate D. understand 20. A.experience B. decision C. secret D. chance 21. A.forgot B. feared C. planned D. agreed 22. A.take a rest B. take a walk C. have a try D. have a talk 23.A.politely B.loudly C. slowly D. professionally 24. A.Besides B. Instead C.An

15、yway D. Again 25. A.Thank you B. Im sorry C. Excuse me D. Good idea 26. A.expressed B. helped C. improved D. enjoyed 27. A.program B. interview C. game D. party 28. A.angry B.surprised C. moved D.lucky 29. A. save B.stop C. follow D. understand 30. A.So B.Because C.But D. Although 三、阅读理解(本题有13小题,每小题

16、2分,共26分)阅读下列材料,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。ATaking Care of a CatCats are usually gentle and quiet pets.It is important to take special care of them.What Are Baby Cats Called?Baby cats are called kittens. A mother cat usually has between tow and five kittens.They drink milk from their mother when they a

17、re small.A kittens eyes are closed and they cannot usually see until they are tow weeks old.What Does a Cat Look Like?Cats are small animals that have a long tail to help them to balance.They also have whiskers that help them measure how big or small a gap is. Cats require food and fresh water every

18、 day. It is also important that they have somewhere safe and comfortable to sleep. Cats love to play so it is great if they have toys to chase.What If a Cat Is Ill or Hurt?You need to go to the vet if a cat is ill or hurt. The vet will use cream or medicine to make the cat better.31.A cat uses its t

19、o help it decide if a gap is big enough.A.claws B. pads C. tail D.whiskers 32.Which of the following can be put in“_”in the passage?A.What Does a Cat Eat? B. What Does a Cat Need? C.Where Does a Cat Sleep? D.What Does a Cat Play with? 33.The passage is most probably from the part of in a magazine. A

20、.Sports and Health B. Fashion and Beauty C. Pets and Life D. Science and Technology BOh no, Jon had done it again.He had forgotten something important. Last year on their family trip to his-uncles house for Christmas, he had forgotten the bag with the toiletries in it. So he had to borrow from his c

21、ousins who werent so happy to share, and Jon was not pleased that his hair smelled like strawberries all week. And now, Jon couldnt believe he had forgotten to bring his pajamas.But it was a tradition for Jons family to take photos on Christmas morning in front of the tree in their pajamas. Jon was

22、feeling awful.He would be the first one ever to break the family tradition. Would he destroy Christmas for everyone? What could he do?He didnt want to tell his parents. He went looking around the house, and found an old T-shirt.That could work.He tried putting it on, but it was too small. He got so

23、desperate(绝望的) that he went through his brothers bagtrying to find some spare pajamas, only to find himself in trouble when he was caught. Then his brother told their parents.Jons parents listened quietly. They were not angry at him for not bringing pajamas. They were not even upset that he had gone

24、 through his brothers bag.They were unhappy that Jon didnt talk to them about his problem first.They hugged him and told him everything would be just fine.Morning came, and the family stood around the Christmas tree. Everyone was in pajamas except Jon. His uncle asked the family to come together for

25、 a photo.Jon felt terrible.“Just a minute,” Jons mother said. “Before we take the Christmas photo,I have a special gift for Jon. Open this, honey.”Jon looked at his mother curiously. They never opened presents before the photo. She smiled at him and said, “Go ahead, itll all be okay.”As soon as he o

26、pened the present, he smiled widely and gave his mother a big hug.Ill be ready for that photo in just one minute,guys!”Jon said,racing off to his room.34. What was Jons problem this Christmas?A. He left his pajamas at home. B.He opened presents too early. C. He wore a T-shirt for the photo. D. He fo

27、rgot to bring his toothbrush. 35. From the passage, we can infer(推断) the special gift for Jon is .A.a photo B.a T-shirt C. toiletries D.pajamas 36. From his experience,Jon may probably learn that .A. its important to keep a family tradition B. its OK for kids to ask their parents for helpC. cousins

28、should be ready to offer help to each other D. parents should encourage their kids to face difficultiesCWith just a boat, a paddle(桨) and a bit of water, you can experience fun and exercise in a kayak.Kayaking is a kind of paddling sport, and people often mistake it for canoeing(划独木舟),but there are

29、some differences. Kayakers sit on the floor of the boat while canoeists sit on a bench.Also,kayak paddles have a wide flat part on either end but canoe paddles have them on only one end.Within kayaking, there are a few styles that need different levels of skill and fitness. Anyone can enjoy relaxing

30、 kayaking, most often paddling on a lake or perhaps a gentle river. Whitewater kayaking is much more exciting because boats travel down fast rivers and even over small waterfalls. Surf kayakers must be both strong-willed and talented as they ride waves on the open ocean.The difficulty involved with

31、kayaking is transportation-a boat several meters long is not exactly easy to carry around.However,a man who had to leave his kayak behind when moving to a smaller apartment borrowed the idea of Japanese paper folding, and made a new type of special kayak-it can be folded into a very thin pack,allowi

32、ng the kayak to easily fit in a car. In this way, the problem was perfectly solved.Kayaking can offer sightseeing opportunities and a good way to exercise certain parts of the body. Paddling is helpful for strengthening the upper body and it requires continuing turning of your main body, giving it s

33、ome great exercise. Another advantage is that these movements are gentler on the bodys joints and tissues(关节和组织) than running. Kayaking doesnt just improve the health of the body,though-it also has been shown to make you less stressed as well. With so many benefits, why not head to the closest water

34、 and give it a try?37. What is the passage mainly about?A. Canoeing. B. Sightseeing. C. Kayaking. D. Exercising. 38.Which writing skill is used in Paragraph Three?A. Giving examples. B.Listing numbers. C.Listing questions. D. Using sayings. 39.According to the passage, what is special about the new

35、type of kayak? A. Its good for the bodys joints and tissues. B. It can be folded and easy to carry around. C. Its paddles have wide flat parts on both ends. D. It requires continuing turning of your main body.DHave you ever started a book, read a few pages, and found that it wasnt interesting at all

36、? If you have, you may be faced with a difficult situation: should you keep going with the book even if you arent enjoying it,or put it down and find something else?What do you have in mind?Some people say you should go on reading the book youve started.Some of the best books ever written are full o

37、f difficult words and paragraphs with lots of characters and different story lines. Its better to keep reading,because it is an important skill to keep going and get to the end.Besides, if you stop reading halfway through, how will you know how everything turns out for the characters? Whats more, th

38、e book might suddenly become really interesting, and there might even be a surprise change. Giving up is easy, but trying to finish a difficult book is a good skill to have.But not everybody has the same idea,Cressida Cowell,the new Childrens Laureate(儿童文学桂冠奖得主),says its OK to stop reading a book yo

39、u dont like. She says young readers should read books they enjoy, not those that arent of much interest.There are lots of wonderful books waiting to be read in libraries and bookshops, so spending hours and days trying hard to read an uninteresting story is meaningless. Nobody would choose to sit th

40、rough a boring TV show. Giving up and trying a different book is the same as picking something else to watch on TV.Also, its important to enjoy reading and not think of it as a chore. If you have to finish a book that you are not enjoying, it might put you off reading other books in the future.If yo

41、u ask me, I think you shouldnt give up after page one. I advise you to read around 20 pages and then you can stop reading if you really dont like the characters or cant easily jump into their world. Sometimes youre just not in a place for a book, and its OK to set it aside and revisit it later. A bo

42、ok youre not loving today could end up being your favorite in a few years.40. Whats the writers opinion about reading books? A. You should keep reading if you start a book. B. It is better to stop reading an uninteresting book.C. Reading can give you a chance to develop your interest.D. Read a small

43、 part of the book before you decide to give up or not.41. What does the underlined sentence in Paragraph Three mean? A. Youll be able to have a good reading skill. B. Youll be less interested in reading other books. C. Youll have to spend more time reading books. D. Youll probably choose to read oth

44、er books later.42. Whats the purpose of the passage? A.To encourage more people to read. B. To tell a story about reading books. C. To share different ideas about reading. D. To introduce traditional ways of reading.43.Which of the following best shows the structure of the passage?A.|B.|C.|D.|四、任务型阅

45、读(本题有4小题,每小题1分,共4分)以下是湖州市的天气状况图,请阅读图示信息,完成一段气象报告。每空一词。Good morning! Here is the weather report for Huzhou.Today is Friday, March 10.It will be a 44 day today.It is 10:22 am. right now and it is currently 22 outside. Temperatures will reach a high of 45 at around 2 p.m. There will be showers over the

46、 next two days. Over the following seven days, March 12 will see the 46 temperature, reaching 4 that day.Temperatures will see an increase next 47 , reaching a high of 24. The low temperatures will not change much.五、单词拼写(本题有10小题,每小题1分,共10分)根据短文内容和所给的中文提示,在空白处写出单词的正确形式,每空限填一词。Nowadays, a lot of schools in the U.S. are teaching Chinese,and Woodstock is one of them. The schools want to 48 (准备) a better future for students who are likely to work in China . 49 (生意) in China is growing so fast. And more and more Americans 50 (期待) tha