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1、2023年广东省深圳市南山区二校联考中考英语一模试卷一.完形填空 阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项。(共1小题,每小题10分)1(10分)It is not always easy to discover yourself.From a young age,I had a strong sense of who I would becomebut an accident(1) everything. To me,skating was more important than anything else in the world.Nothing

2、else filled my heart with so much joy.I spent 24 hours a week(2) my skills.I had no social life or interests other than skating.But I was rewarded with first place medals in nearly every(3) . Unfortunately,during one competition,I fell and was(4) hurt.The doctor told me that I couldnt skate anymore.

3、The pain in my back was hard to bear and even basic daily tasks became(5) . My passion (激情) had been(6) .I lost heart and had no idea what I would become.After eight months of suffering,something had to change.(7) sitting around and wasting my days,I began to work with local community service projec

4、ts.By volunteering as a swimming teacher and summer reading assistant (助教) for kids,I got a(n)(8) of who I wanted to become.After a few months,I found a new interest.Little by little,I stepped out of the shadow and rebuilt my(9) . Sometimes,challenges in life will get in our way.We can choose to sta

5、y behind or try to get past these challenges.My accident was a challenge that(10) to stop me from reaching success.Today,Im a very confident and optimistic (乐观的) person.(1)A.saved B.discovered C.solved D.changed(2)A.challenging B.developing C.growing D.playing(3)A.competition B.mistake C.detail D.ex

6、am(4)A.hardly B.quickly C.badly D.nearly(5)A.necessary B.important C.difficult D.possible(6)A.given up B.taken away C.turned on D.put up(7)A.Instead of B.Since C.Even though D.Although(8)A.skill B.road C.idea D.time(9)A.accident B.confidence D.happiness(10)A.won B.happened C.failed D.worrie

7、d二、阅读下列短文,从下面每小题的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。(共3小题,每小题1.5分)2(7.5分)One very warm evening in the Seeonee hills in Southern India,Father Wolf woke up from his days rest.Next to him lay Mother Wolf,with their four cubs(幼崽) beside her. Its time to look for food,said Father Wolf,and he stood up to leave the cave.

8、Father and Mother Wolf listened to Tiger Shere Khan in the forest not far away.Then,suddenly,they heard a noise much nearer to them. Its a man.A mans cub.Look!said Father Wolf. And there in front of them stood a baby who could just walk.He looked up at Father Wolf and laughed. Is that a mans cub?ask

9、ed Mother Wolf.I have never seen one.Bring it here. The baby,small and with no clothes,pushed its way between the cubs to get near to Mother Wolf.Look,she said,he is taking his meal with the other wolf cubs. Suddenly,it was dark,and Shere Khan was pushing his great head in through the mouth of the c

10、ave.Father Wolf knew that Shere Khan could not get inside the cave because he was too big. I am hunting a mans cub,said Shere Khan.Its father and mother have run away.Give it to me!It is I,Shere Khan,who speaks! And Shere Khans roar filled the cave with noise. No!came the angry voice of Mother Wolf.

11、 The mans cub belongs to me!We will not kill him.He will live,to run with the other wolves,to be my son.Now go away,eater of cubs!Go!(1)Where did the story take place? A.In the hills in Southern India.B.In the forest in Southern Africa.C.In the village in Southern India.D.In the forest in Southern A

12、merica.(2)What did Mother Wolf think of the mans cub when she first met him? A.Awful.B.Ugly.C.Lovely.D.Terrible.(3)Why couldnt Tiger Shere Khan eat the mans cub? A.It was protected by its parents.B.It could run quickly in the forest.C.The wolves wanted to eat it themselves.D.It was in a cave which w

13、as too small for the tiger to get in.(4)What does it in the passage refer to? A.The cubs father.B.The cubs mother.C.The wolves cub.D.A mans cub.(5)What would probably happen next in the story? A.The tiger would hunt for another mans cub.B.The baby would grow up in the wolves family.C.The wolves woul

14、d help the baby find its parents.D.The baby would come back to humans village soon.3(7.5分)About 40 expats(旅居外国者)and locals in Shekou learned about Shenzhens culture and history via a sightseeing bus tour to the Shenzhen Museum and other historical landmarks on Saturday. The Culture and History sight

15、seeing bus tour,organized by the Shekou Management and Service Center for Expats (MSCE),was the first event of the Discover Shenzhen activity series for 2023. At the museums Shenzhen folk culture exhibition,visitors got to see the citys mixture of Cantonese,Hakka(客家)and sea cultures.Natasha Fuller f

16、rom the US.said she really learned a lot about the citys history and culture through the displays.I just moved here and dont know the citys history.So everything is new,even down to the traditional homes and how they worship ancestor,Fuller said.They also visited the Reform and Openingup History sec

17、tion in the museum,which records how Shenzben created miracles in the worlds industrialization(工业化) and modernization history within just 30 years. Tatiana Lis from Belarus(白俄罗斯)said,Through the photos,I was transported back in time when the people just worked on the poor land to build such a beauti

18、ful city.I think we have something in common.The Belarusian people and Chinese people are both hardworking people.(1)How did the foreigners and locals visit Shenzhen Museum? A.By metro.B.By bike.C.By car.D.By bus.(2)Why did the MSCE organize the tour? A.To offer service to the expats and locals.B.To

19、 introduce the Shenzhen modern culture to people.C.To make the expats and locals learn more about Shenzhen.D.To encourage expats and locals to visit museums in Shenzhen.(3)Which words can be used to fully describe Shenzhen according to paragraph 3? A.Out of date.B.Old and traditional.C.Large and new

20、.D.Traditional and modern.(4)What does the underlined words was transported in paragraph 4 probably mean? A.was takenB.was invitedC.was playedD.Was allowed(5)In which part of a newspaper can we read this passage? A.NatureB.TravelC.BusinessD.Technology4(7.5分)ChatGPT,a smart AI chatbot(聊天机器人 )tool,has

21、 swept the education world in the past months.According to a US survey of more than 1,000 students,over 89 percent of them have used ChatGPT to help with their homework. Some schools in the US,Australia and France have banned(禁止)the use of ChatGPT.In the US,for example,New York City public schools b

22、anned students and teachers from using ChatGPT on the districts networks. The move comes out of worries that the tool could make it easier for students to cheat on homework.Some also worry that ChatGPT could be used to spread incorrect information. Besides bans,teachers are making changes to their c

23、lasses to avoid the use of ChatGPT.Some college teachers in the US try to include more speaking exams and handwritten papers instead of typed ones. However,not all educators say noto ChatGPT.Some Canadian universities are making laws on its use,for both students and teachers.They have no plans to co

24、mpletely ban the tool so far. Bhaskar Vira from the University of Cambridge,said that bans on AI software like ChatGPT are not sensible(明智的).We have to know that AI is a tool people will use.What we need to do is adapt our learning,teaching and examinations.That way,we can be honest while using of t

25、he tool.(1)Why have some schools in the US banned the use of ChatGPT? A.Because it takes the place of teachers.B.Because it often provides incorrect information.C.Because it takes up most of the districts networks.D.Because it may be used by students to cheat on homework.(2)What did some college tea

26、chers in the US do to avoid the use of ChatGPT? A.They suggested laws to ban the use of ChatGPT.B.They changed the forms of homework and exams.C.They required the students only hand in handwritten papersD.They stopped the students from using ChatGPT on the internet.(3)Which opinion is NOT mentioned

27、in the article? A.Using ChatGPT makes students lazy in thinking.B.The complete ban on using ChatGPT is not wise.C.ChatGPT can be useful for both teachers and students.D.ChatGPT has already completely changed the education.(4)Whats the structure(结构) of the article? (P paragraph) A.B.C.D.(5)Which of t

28、he following is the best title for the article? A.ChatGPT a smart Al chatbot toolB.Say noto the AI tool ChatGPT.C.ChatGPT has caused opposite ideas in education.D.Bans on AI software like ChatGPT are not sensible.三、请阅读下面的短文,并从下列方框里的六个句子中选择五个还原到原文中,使原文的意思完整、连贯。5(10分)Parents with high expectations(期望)

29、 for their children are nothing new to Chinese kids.However,people often dont realize that children also have expectations of their parents.(1) China Youth & Children Research Center did a survey in 2018 on this topic in the United States,Japan,South Korea and China.(2) As children,what can you do t

30、o create a pleasant atmosphere at home and make friends with your parents? Act like an adult. If you want your parents to give you more freedom,you should show them that youre ready to be treated differently.(3) Show them that you can manage your time well. (4) US psychologist (心理学家) Carl E.Pickhard

31、t wrote in Psychology Today that sharing feelings with our parents can lead to positive changes,while not sharing them can cause misunderstandings. Care for your parents. (5) For example,help them with some home chores,make them gifts or teach them some computer skills.Their trust in you will grow.A

32、.Open your heart.B.For example,learn to use self control.C.Do something nice or helpful for your parents.D.Chinese parents always protect their children too much.E.What expectations do Chinese children have for parent child relationships?F.It showed that 83.8 percent of Chinese children want to be f

33、riends with their parents.四、信息匹配6(7.5分)下面的材料AF分别介绍了六个深圳的公园,请为以下五位同学选出适合他们周末活动的公园。 A.One Base ParkOne Base is a community sports park near the Upper Hills shopping mall in Futian District.The park provides people with sports venues for running,skateboarding,BMX biking,hiphop dancing,street basketball

34、.B.Zhangbei Country ParkZhangbei Country Park is like a natural oxygen bar benefiting tourists.Popular spots in the park include a winding wooden road where visitors can view Longgang from different directions.C.Shangbu Park BeltXingkong (星空园) on the Shangbu Park Belt has spacethemed facilities (设施)

35、 for children,such as a rocketshaped slide,a UFOshaped slide and a roller skating area.Shanbu Park Belt also has running tracks and are perfect leisure spots for people in all ages.D.Shatoujiao ParkShatoujiao Park is on the foot of Wutong Mountain and hikers can climb the mountain.A long wooden road

36、 in the park offers a good way for visitors to enjoy the beautiful view of sea.E.Kuichong Ecological ParkKuichong Ecological Park is a riverside park with facilities for children and fitness areas for adults.It is far away from the city centre.F.Honghu ParkLotus flowers have now entered their bloomi

37、ng season at Honghu Park in Luohu District recently.Its flowering period is expected to continue until midJuly.(1) Lisa would like to enjoy the Lotus flowers with her family.(2) Daniel likes to enjoy the beauty of the sea while hiking.(3) Henry is in a primary school and he shows great interest in s

38、pace.(4) Alice is a photographer and she wants to get a birdseye view of Longgang.(5) Justin is crazy about sports and he wants to have a street basketball game with his fiends.五、阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式,并将答案写在答题卡相应位置。7(10分)Long ago,there was a man from the State of Chu.He had a(1) (value) pe

39、arl and wanted to sell it in the State of Zheng . The man from Chu decided(2) (make) a beautiful box in order to display the pearl and improve his(3) (chance) of selling it.To make the box,he(4) (choose) wood from a beautiful tree.Then he fumigated(香薰)it so that it smelled much(5) (good).He decorate

40、d(装饰)the box(6) very expensive shining diamonds.He also painted(7) pretty picture onto the box.After he finished it,it was a sight to behold (值得一看的景象). With his completed box and the pearl inside,the man travelled to the State of Zheng.He had little trouble in finding a buyer. But,when the deal(8) (

41、do),the buyer put the beautiful box carefully into his pocket,and held out(9) (he) hand.In it was the pearl.There you can have the pearl back,said the man.I bought this only for the beautiful box it came in.Im a keen collector of beautiful boxes(10) I have no interest in pearls.六.书面衰达(15分)8(15分)深圳是座

42、现代化的花园城市,致力于率先实现碳中和。为了实现这个目标,我们每个人都应该为此尽一份力。假如你是李华,请你写一篇英语短文向学校英文报投稿,写一封倡议信,介绍你的想法和做法并号召大家都积极行动起来,为保护环境而贡献自己的力量。要点:1)保护环境的意义。2)我们能够做些什么:比如做环保型消费者节约水电3)号召大家参加此活动。要求:1)词数80左右(开头和结尾已经给出,不计入总词数);2)要点齐全,可适当发挥;3)条理清晰,语句通顺,意义连贯,书写规范;4)文中不得出现真实姓名和校名。Dear follow students, We have only one Earth, Li Hua参考答案一.

43、完形填空 阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项。(共1小题,每小题10分)1(10分)It is not always easy to discover yourself.From a young age,I had a strong sense of who I would becomebut an accident(1)Deverything. To me,skating was more important than anything else in the world.Nothing else filled my heart with so

44、 much joy.I spent 24 hours a week(2)Bmy skills.I had no social life or interests other than skating.But I was rewarded with first place medals in nearly every(3)A. Unfortunately,during one competition,I fell and was(4)Churt.The doctor told me that I couldnt skate anymore.The pain in my back was hard

45、 to bear and even basic daily tasks became(5)C. My passion (激情) had been(6)B.I lost heart and had no idea what I would become.After eight months of suffering,something had to change.(7)Asitting around and wasting my days,I began to work with local community service projects.By volunteering as a swim

46、ming teacher and summer reading assistant (助教) for kids,I got a(n)(8)Cof who I wanted to become.After a few months,I found a new interest.Little by little,I stepped out of the shadow and rebuilt my(9)B. Sometimes,challenges in life will get in our way.We can choose to stay behind or try to get past t