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1、2023年浙江省温州市永嘉县苍南瓯海区中考一模英语试题一、完形填空 (本题有15小题,每小题1分,共15分) 阅读下面短文,从每小题所给A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。It all started when my friend Mareya called. “Guess what! We can go to Hawaii this weekend!”“Really? Thats wonderful!” I was excited. “Oh, sorry. Not us,” said Mareya. “I _1_ my family, but I really wish you could

2、 come!”“Its OK,” I said. “Im supposed to go with Ollie on a snowshoeing hike.” But when I hung off the phone, I had a _2_ feeling in my stomach. I was happy for Mareya, but also a little envious* of her exciting _3_. After that, I headed over to Ollies to find out _4_ we needed to get ready for our

3、trip. I planned to buy plenty of things, but it wasnt what I thought. “Zona!” Ollie ran up the sidewalk. “My uncle just got a new fantastic _5_ on a beach house. I can play there when he does his work, so well take our trip _6_ time. Im really sorry.” said Ollie. “Sure!” I did my best to push the co

4、rners of my mouth into a smile, _7_ my heart was sinking* inside. After lunch, my mom asked me to take some scissors to our neighbor Mrs Miller. When I got to her house, she told me, “The older I turn, the harder it is to _8_ this garden. I need to do it carefully. These scissors will be a big help

5、_9_ me. And this year the winter has been so _10_. Everything needs a drink!”“Let me help you water.” I said and started watering. It felt good to be helpful, but I still couldnt stop thinking of my _11_.“Oops!” Mrs Miller said, interrupting my thoughts. “Thats poisonous*. I was trying to move it.”“

6、I was so busy feeling _12_ for myself that I didnt realize what I was watering!” I said. She smiled. “No matter if its plants or thoughts, we _13_ pay attention.”“But its quite hard to stop being unhappy.” I said. “Its important to let _14_ feel every kind of feeling,” she said. “But after a while,

7、you can feed your mind with good thoughts. Talk to a friend, go for a run or simply enjoy the beauty of flowers.”Now, when sad feelings come up, I _15_ what Mrs Miller said. It doesnt always work, but its definitely worth a try!1. A. meanB. loveC. suggestD. understand2. A. happyB. strangeC. sweetD.

8、crazy3. A. storyB. taskC. vacationD. party4. A. whatB. whyC. whoD. when5. A. jobB. giftC. ideaD. chance6. A. noB. anyC. everyD. another7. A. soB. orC. andD. but8. A. get ready forB. stay away fromC. take care ofD. pay attention to9. A. forB. withC. fromD. beyond10. A. dryB. wetC. coldD. warm11. A. u

9、nclesB. friendsC. neighborsD. parents12. A. sorryB. madC. boredD. tired13. A. canB. mayC. needD. would14. A. myselfB. yourselfC. himselfD. herself15. A. spreadB. doubtC. explainD. remember二、阅读理解 (本题有15小题,其中16-18题每题1分;第30题5分;其余每题2分。共30分) 阅读下面短文:客观题请从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。ARun-away Pepper*Do you li

10、ke tricks? Try the following steps and show a clever trick! Youll need:A glass of waterDishwashing soap(not hand soap)PepperFollow the steps:First, secretly put a little dishwashing soap on one finger. Dont let anyone see! Then, get a glass of water(Dont set your soapy finger in it!), some pepper an

11、d a friend. Add some pepper on top of the water. Challenge your friend to put a finger in the water and test his or her power to make the pepper leave. The pepper may stick to your friends finger instead of going away. Now you try it, with your secret soapy finger. Say loudly, “Pepper! Go away!” And

12、 it will! The key to the trick:Theres a skin of pepper on the water. But dishwashing soap will break it and push the peppery skin away, so the pepper seems to escape from your finger.16. The passage is mainly about _.A. a trickB. a fingerC. the pepperD. the soap17 Which is the right step according t

13、o the text?A. Touch the water with your soapy finger.B. Wash your hands with the hand soap.C. Add some pepper on your friends finger.D. Put much dishwashing soap on your finger.18. Which part of a website is the passage from?A. Health.B. Culture.C. Science.D. Environment.BIn the 1900s in America, ki

14、ds traveled to school in different ways. Many walked. Others rode in farm trucks or on bikes. Some rode in school buses called “kid hacks.” Kid hacks were wooden horse-drawn carriages. It had two long bench seats with little space in the middle for people to pass. The carriages were open on the side

15、s, so kids might get wet on rainy days! By the mid-1920s, more cars were on the roads, and some transport companies started to make buses out of steel. But buses still looked different from place to place. That changed in 1939, when transportation officials from around the country met to come up wit

16、h a set of standards for school buses. They wanted to make buses safer. Besides, if all school buses looked alike, it would be easier for factories to build them quickly and more conveniently. The school buss color was one of the 44 standards people discussed at that seven-day meeting. After trying

17、50 kinds of color on the wall, they settled on the orange-yellow. And thats still what you see on buses today. National School Bus Glossy Yellow, as the color is officially called, has advantages. The color was chosen because studies had shown yellow was the most eye-catching to human beings and bec

18、ause it could be seen clearly in the morning and evening light when school buses usually operated. And now the yellow bus is about to go green. The American School Bus Council says that over 25 million school children ride more than 480,000 school buses each day, making school buses the largest tran

19、sport system in America. Fewer than 1,200 of those buses were electric in 2020, but that number could rise to 10,000 by 2026. So the next time you step onto a school bus, you can feel good knowing that your ride is much safer and drier than it would have been 100 years ago!19. What was the kid hack

20、like?A. B. C. D. 20. People made standards for school buses in 1939 _.A. to keep it dry on rainy daysB. to ask more people to take busesC. to build more beautiful busesD. to make it safer and easier to produce21. The underlined words settled on in Paragraph 4 mean _.A. choseB. replacedC. mentionedD.

21、 collected22. Whats the main idea of the passage?A. The situation of American school buses nowadays.B. The introduction of ancient American school buses.C. The difference between kid hacks and school buses.D. The development of school buses in the United States.CThe company OpenAI introduced ChatGPT

22、 to the world. It is the latest type of AI chatboxes. A chatbox is a computer program just like human conversation. AI is also known as artificial intelligence. It uses algorithms. In other words, it teaches a machine to find out patterns and make decisions. Anyone can use ChatGPT for free now, so t

23、hat the company can collect peoples ideas on how to improve the chatbot. People have tested how ChatGPT works. Reporters found out that it was able to write articles with rightful opinions for newspapers. Teachers asked it to write answers to exam questions. ChatGPT could almost get full marks. Even

24、 programmers, people who write computer code, tried out ChatGPT. The chatbot is able to solve difficult coding challenges and answer very quickly. It even wrote short poems to explain how the coding worked. In daily life, it helped a father brainstorm ideas of a birthday party for his son that combi

25、nes the kids two favourites, rabbits and basketball. Moreover, when people ask ChatGPT questions, it can find mistakes. If it is asked what happened when Columbus arrived in America in 2023, older AIs might give a story. ChatGPT can recognize that Columbus reached America in the 1400s. The bot can a

26、lso refuse to answer questions that are not proper. Ask it for advice on stealing a car, for example. The bot will say that stealing a car is a serious crime and can have bad results. Instead, it gives advice such as “taking the bus”. ChatGPT might help people solve problems, but the AI is trained u

27、sing texts from the Internet. Often, the texts are used without being allowed by the writers of those texts. Some argue that technology doesnt respect peoples work. Some argue that people will use the chatbot to copy others work and sell it as their own. Elon Musk set up OpenAI in 2015, but left it

28、in 2017. In 2022, he bought Twitter and then he pointed out that OpenAI could use the Twitter database for training in the past, but not for now. This AI technology is bad for the planet too. Training ChatGPT might make more than 284 tons of CO2 and lead to climate change that will heat up the earth

29、.23. We can use ChatGPT for free now, because it _.A. is able to teach machinesB. needs to improve itselfC. helps students with examsD. writes poems about coding24. Which of the following is most probably a conversation with ChatGPT?A. Q: What happened after paper was invented in America? AI: Paper

30、started to change how knowledge was spread.B. Q: Show me how to use other peoples bank card without being noticed. AI: For your information, that is against the law.C. Q: Is Li Bai, a poet in modern China, famous all over the world? AI: Yes, because his poems are fantastic.D. Q: Find something for m

31、y mum as a Mothers Day gift. She likes classic music and cooking.AI: Among all the gifts listed online, theres no such gift.25 What can we know from Paragraph 4?A. Musk bought the Twitter database for OpenAI to use.B. Training ChatGPT is good for the climate on the earth.C ChatGPT used texts after b

32、eing allowed by the writers.D. Musk stopped OpenAI from using the Twitter database.26. Whats the structure of the passage? (1 refers to Paragraph 1)A. B. C. D. DThere was something wrong with grandma Mommikas fingers. The doctor said that she had arthritisa disease that causes pain in the body. He s

33、aid Mommika should keep her hands warm. I made her cups of tea to hold and moved her chair closer to the fire. But her fingers were stiff* no matter how much tea I brought. I wasnt used to seeing Mommikas hands like this. Her quiet hands made herself quieter too. This year there were no knitted* hat

34、s for Christmas, no colorful socks or soft sweaters. But I missed Mommikas voice more than those. One day, Mom asked me to throw away some sweaters which had big holes. Mommika was staring down at her hands, and was shocked as I walked by. “Wait, Annuska,” she said. “Let me see those.”She picked up

35、a blue sweater on top. She began pulling gently at a piece of yarn* near the neck. “What are you doing?” I asked. “Unknitting, make it into a ball like this. Then you can use the yarn to knit something new.” Mommika said. Mommika wrapped yarn around and around her stiff fingers, first in one directi

36、on and then the other to keep the ball round. Mommika told me how Peti, her youngest brother, used to play with their mothers yarn balls. “Once he threw them so high that a yarn ball got stuck in a tree. So he climbed the tree and threw the ball down on my head,” she said, laughing. I picked up thre

37、e yarn balls and tried to do like Peti. Mommika watched me and then smiled. After dinner, I got an idea. _ I picked up a pair of old gloves and sewed* up the holes as she had taught me before. Then I sewed the faces of Mommika and her brothers and sisters on the tips of the fingers. “Your family,” I

38、 said, handing the gloves to her. “Oh, Annuska! This one must be me,” she said, laughing. “And this must be Peti.” Mommika put the gloves on and told me about her life with her brothers and sisters happily until my bedtime. “I think Ill sleep with my family gloves on tonight,” Mommika said, taking m

39、y hand in her gloved one.27. Why were there no new knitted hats for Christmas this year?A. Because the family didnt like knitted hats.B. Because they have bought some from the shop.C. Because it was difficult for Mommika to make them.D. Because Mommika didnt want to make them any more.28. Which of t

40、he sentences can be put in _?A Making gloves was a challenge for me.B. I decided to do something for Mommika.C. Mommika needed to be taken good care of.D. What Mommika needed now was to have a rest.29. Whats the best title for the passage?A. Family GlovesB. Soft SweatersC. Still FingersD. Old Grandm

41、a30. Why did Annuska make the gloves for her grandma at last? _三、词汇运用 (本题有15小题,每小题1分,共15分) 用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,每词限用一次。two along fan achieve comfortable31. Lakers is a famous basketball team with a lot of _ all over the world.32. Its sunny and _ in Los Angeles for the most of the time in a year.33. A lot

42、 of famous film stars choose _ their dreams in Hollywood.34. It will be enjoyable to walk _ the beaches in Los Angeles and surf on the sea.35. Los Angeles is _ largest city in America, with a population of more than four million.根据短文内容和所给中文提示,用单词的正确形式完成下列短文。Chinese celebrated the Spring Festival jus

43、t two months ago. Lots of Chinese families always _36_ (期待) to watch the CCTV Spring Festival Galas together. For most Chinese opera lovers, the Spring Festival Opera Gala is one of _37_ (受欢迎) programs. The 2023 Spring Festival Opera Gala was recorded in Wenzhou. The show brought together more than

44、100 _38_ (演员). Nanxi, the Southern Opera from Wenzhou is the main kind. Its the opera from the late Northern Song to the late Ming and the _39_ (早) Qing Dynasties. The opera _40_ (创造) in Wenzhou. At that time, the Song _41_ (政府) ran away to south and brought it there. The Southern Opera was first de

45、veloped in the _42_ (当地) singing styles. It has influenced a lot on many operas in southern China _43_ (自从) then. Many operas have been made based on it during the past few _44_ (世纪). Some of them are famous, _45_ (包括) The Romance of a Hairpin, The Story of the White Rabbi and so on. They are widely

46、 spread among the opera lovers. 205 replies四、语法填空 (本题有10小题,每小题1分,共10分) 阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。The Phryges are the mascots of the Paris 2024 Olympics and Paralympics. The two mascots share the same _46_ (spirit). They carry the meaning of “Alone we go faster, but toget

47、her we go _47_ (far)”. Both of the two mascots are the symbols _48_ freedom and hard work. The Phrygian cap is chosen because its _49_ very strong symbol for France. It also _50_ (send) a strong message to be united. While Phryges are part of a large family, the main _51_ (hero) of Paris 2024 will be Olympic Phryge and Paralympic Phryge. Over the next two years, both of _52_ (they) will play a key role in preparing for the upcoming Games