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1、2023年浙江省中考英语精选精练1-完形填空1.(2023浙江温州统考一模)阅读下面短文,从每小题的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。“Do you have your costume for the Harvestfest competition?” Meg asked.“I have oneMagnifico, _1_ favourite hero,” said Jordan, sitting in his wheelchair. “But its boring.”Meg shrugged. “You love Magnifico. Whats the matter?”“Danny a

2、nd Alex are going as Magnifico, too.” Jordan shook his head. “Its _2_ for me to win.”Meg said, “Maybe you should go as _3_ different.”“The competition is Friday night. Its too late to change costumes,” Jordan sighed.Back at home, Jordan was quiet, thinking about Megs words _4_. When he pulled into M

3、oms home office, he saw papers and books everywhere. “What are all these?” he asked.“Im cleaning out my old desk. The new one is arriving tomorrow.” She smiled at Jordan. “Whats on your mind?”Jordan explained the costume situation. “I really want to be the _5_.”“We have lots of old clothes and costu

4、mes. Why not take a look?” Mom _6_.“OK.”Jordan found giant sunglasses and a long black wig, _7_ nothing was useful.The next day, Meg found him. “Any new idea?”“I _8_ some old clothes.” He shrugged. “Nothing.”“Jordan, you have to think outside the box,” said Meg. “See what you have _9_ your house. Th

5、eres hidden potential* in everyday items. My candy-bar costume is made from recycled aluminum foil.”When Jordan got home, he found Mom putting her new desk together. On top of the desk was a giant box. Suddenly, he _10_ what Meg saidthink outside the box.“What do you think?” Mom asked, pointing to h

6、er desk. Jordans eyes fell on the _11_. He grinned. “Its perfect!”On Friday night. Jordan was fully prepared for the competition. When Danny and Alex saw Jordan, they _12_ believe his costume.“The Magnifico Mobile?” Dannys eyes lit up. “The wheels of your wheelchair are perfect for its back wheels.”

7、 He wondered _13_ Jordan made it.Jordan beamed. “Thanks! I got the idea from a box.”It was time to announce, the _14_. “The winner is. Jordan Eastman!” Everyone clapped.“See?” Meg said. “You just needed to be _15_!”“Yeah, think outside the box!” Jordan smiled.1AmyBhisCherDyour2ApossibleBdifficultCim

8、portantDdangerous3AnothingBanythingCsomethingDeverything4AsecretlyBangrilyCproudlyDcarefully5AjudgeBwinnerCofficerDplayer6AorderedBguessedCsuggestedDpromised7AorBsoCifDbut8Atook offBpaid forCthrew awayDlooked through9AforBaroundCoutsideDbeside10ArecordedBdoubtedCdiscoveredDremembered11AboxBdeskCclot

9、hesDsunglasses12AmustntBneedntCcouldntDshouldnt13AwhyBhowCwhenDwhere14AgoalBruleCresultDsubject15ApoliteBhelpfulCcreativeDhumorous2.(2023浙江温州校联考一模)阅读下面短文,掌握大意,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。It was 8:15 a. m. when Henry put the last newspaper at 15 Birch Street. He should ride his bike to get to The Gazet

10、te office by 8:30. There must be something _16_ for the editor in chief, Mr. Trotta, to meet with an 11-year-old paperboy. “Well _17_ this newspaper office, Henry. The television and the computer are how people get their news today. And on newspapers, advertising now is _18_ quickly.” Mr. Trotta sai

11、d.“Then people wont get their neighborhood news anymore.” said Henry. Mr. Trotta nodded and sighed. “We held out as long as we could, _19_ theres just no way.”Sadly, Henry _20_ himself to make the head up to say good-bye. A week later, Henry wondered if his customers _21_ The Gazette as much as he d

12、id. He thought of a way to find out. Henry started out with his _22_. First stop: Mr. Jonas, 17 Oak. When Henry asked him about the old newspaper, Mr. Jonas was quick to answer, “I _23_ liked reading The Gazette. I wish to read them again so much. By the way, I have a pile of storybooks. Any ideas?”

13、“Maybe _24_ would want them. Ill ask around.” He took out a pen and made some notes at once. Then, Henry stopped at Mrs. Burkes, 27 Maple. She opened the door holding the three _25_.Henry stared. “You could use a babysitter.”“Exactly. I was going to _26_ an advertisement in The Gazette, but Know any

14、 neighbors with experience?”As Henry made more notes, a/an _27_ began forming in his head. Maybe he could create a newsy page for the neighbors. Definitely, all the neighbors cheered for him. They were _28_ to provide the news. Henry typed the news, mimeographed purple copies, and delivered the _29_

15、 Tree Streets News on Saturday. From then on, customers continued providing stories. They also advertised wanted help, and requested books or music. In fact, Henry was making news and _30_ neighbors. Though he missed his old Gazette job, he had started something too.16AinterestingBimportantChelpfulD

16、personal17AcloseBbuyCsaveDdevelop18AinBaroundConDdown19AandBsoCbutDor20AwarnedBpushedCpromisedDallowed21AcheckedBusedCmissedDforgot22AcomputerBnewspaperCstorybookDnotebook23AprobablyBsurelyCmainlyDhardly24AeverybodyBanybodyCsomebodyDnobody25AbabiesBcatsCflowersDletters26Athink aboutBlook throughCwai

17、t forDput up27AadventureBideaCtaskDquestion28ApleasedBsweetCsurprisedDconfident29AfirstBsecondCthirdDlast30AcontrollingBfindingCprotectingDconnecting3.(2022浙江宁波统考二模)It was raining. I went into a caf and asked for a cup of coffee. _31_ I was waiting for my drink, I realized there were other people in

18、 the place, but I sensed _32_. I saw their bodies, but I couldnt feel their souls (灵魂) because their souls belonged to the _33_. I stood up and walked between the tables. When I came to the biggest computer, I saw a thin, small man _34_ in front of it. “Im Steve,” he finally answered after I asked h

19、im a couple of times what his name was. “I _35_ talk with you. Im busy,” he said. He was chatting online and, at the same time, he was playing a computer gamea war game. I was _36_. _37_ didnt Steve want to talk with me? I tried again to speak to that computer geek (电脑迷), _38_ not a word came out of

20、 _39_ mouth. I touched his shoulder, but no reaction. I was unhappy. I put my hand in front of the monitor, and he started to shout, “Leave me alone!”I took a few steps back, wondering if all those people in the caf were looking at me. I _40_ and nobody showed any interest. _41_, I realized that peo

21、ple they were having a nice conversation with their machines, not with people. They were more interested in having a relationship with the computer _42_ Steve. I wouldnt want to _43_ the future of human beings if they preferred sharing their lives with machines _44_ people. I was worried and sank _4

22、5_ my thoughts. I didnt even notice that the coffee was bad, just as Steve didnt notice there was a person next to him.31ABeforeBSinceCAlthoughDWhile32ApainBlonelinessCsadnessDpleased33AhomeBworldCnetDcaf34AsleepingBlaughingCsittingDlearning35AcantBmustntCcouldntDneednt36AsurprisedBdelightedCmovedDw

23、orried37AWhatBWhyCHowDWho38AbutBsoCifDor39AmyBherCtheirDhis40Awaved my handBshook my shoulderCnodded my headDraised my head41AFrom then onBAt that momentCIn allDAbove all42AparticularlyBusuallyCreallyDnicely43AtellBplanCimagineDdesign44Aother thanBinstead ofCexcept forDas well as45AonBbetweenCforDin

24、4.(2022浙江湖州统考一模)Before I went to high school, I was eager to start my new life. I wanted to get into the _46_ of popular students at school, so I bought a new outfit (套装) to present a good image for myself.On the first day of school, I didnt know _47_ to have my first class. I was standing in the ha

25、ll, looking confused, when a short girl wearing glasses _48_ and asked. “Hi, my name is Judy. Are you _49_? Do you want me to help you find your class?” _50_ she seemed not the kind of girl I wanted to make friends with, I told her my name and _51_ her, making polite conversation the whole way.When

26、we reached classroom, she said, “It was nice _52_ you, I hope your day goes all right.” I said _53_ and waved good-bye.In the classroom, I saw a big group of students around a girl wearing blue jeans with holes. She was talking about her adventures in summer. I thought this girl was _54_.When the te

27、acher came and told us to have a rest, I managed to get a _55_ next to her, and said, “Hi, my name is April and Im new here.” She said, “Hi, Im Ella.”Once the class was over, I turned to her and asked, “My next class is art. Could you help me find it?” She said “No” _56_ and walked to her friends, M

28、olly and Cindy. I heard her say, “Did you see that new girl trying to get into our group? Her outfit is so strange.” They all looked at me and _57_.When I was ready to go home, someone came up and said, “Hi, again. How was your first day?” It was _58_. I told her my day was not good. She said she wa

29、s _59_ and offered to walk me outside.Walking with Judy made me realize how _60_ it was to try to only make friends with popular people, and how nice it would be to have a friend like her.46AclassBbandCgroupDclub47AwhenBwhereCwhyDhow48Acame upBcalled upCput upDlooked up49AtiredBangryCgladDnew50ABeca


31、arelessBsillyCdifferentDdangerous5.(2023浙江杭州统考一模)When I was seventeen, I found a watch while walking down the hallway of my high school. As I picked it up, greed suddenly came over me and I decided to _61_ it.When I got home from school, I found my mother cooking dinner in the kitchen. I proudly hel

32、d out my prize for her to see. Mom was _62_ that I had kept the watch instead of turning it in. Mom then _63_ me to drive straight back to the school and take the watch to someone at the office. I started to argue, _64_ after taking a good look at the serious expressions on Moms face, I realised it

33、would get me _65_.As time passed, I forgot all about the watch until four years later._66_ I was attending college, I had managed to get a job at a supermarket pushing carts off the parking place. One morning, I found a checkbook(支票簿)_67_ had been left in a shopping cart. Immediately, I gave it to t

34、he boss there so that the _68_ who had lost it could pick it up.Later, as I was outside pushing carts, a man _69_ me and told me that his wife had left their checkbook in a shopping cart the night before. When he told me his _70_, I realised he was the owner of the checkbook I had found. I explained

35、 to him that he could go _71_ and get it back at the service desk.The look on the mans face was gratitude. He pulled out his wallet and offered me some money, but I _72_. I was proud of myself, prouder than I had been in a long time, and I wasnt about to let something like money destroy my _73_._74_

36、, the lesson my mom had taught me that day came into focus. Mom wanted to make sure that her son would always be _75_. Because of her, I did the right thing when I found that checkbook. Because of her, I had got a feeling of self-worth that no amount of money could buy.61AhideBthrowCkeepDbuy62Asurpr

37、isedBsatisfiedCsadDangry63AorderedBallowedCtoldDadvised64AandBsoCbecauseDbut65AsomewhereBnowhereCanywhereDeverywhere66AAfterBWhileCUntilDUnless67AwhatBwhoCwhichDhow68AbossBcustomerCmanagerDsecretary69Acame up toBcame back toClooked atDlooked up to70AnameBageCaddressDhobby71AaroundBoutsideCinsideDoff

38、72AagreedBacceptedCreviewedDrefused73AmoneyBprideChappinessDwork74AHoweverBLuckilyCFinallyDSuddenly75AhonestBwealthyCproudDbrave6.(2023浙江舟山统考一模)My mother had a great influence on my life. When I was a child, she always told me, “Sharing _76_ is a simple act. You dont have to do much to make others h

39、appy.” I didnt fully understand it until my friend Helen told me about her amazing trip to a small town called Gary. Then, I _77_ to go there, too.However, my parents didnt _78_ at first when knowing my plan. They said I didnt know much about the place. They worried about my _79_ there. After I expl

40、ained my plan to them in detail(详细地), they _80_ said yes.After arriving in Gary, I _81_ the town was so different from where I lived. There were few stores or restaurants in the town, so you would be _82_ enough to find a place to buy food or drinks. Houses were built on small hills and _83_ of them

41、 had broken doors or windows. My job was to help the local people to _84_ their houses. The workdays were long and hot, _85_ it was really good to see the houses taking on a new look day by day.The kids there were also different. They seemed to enjoy every moment in life though they were poor. The s

42、mall things could make them _86_. I couldnt find words to describe their joy when they received an ice cream, a ball or _87_ a hug(拥抱). The community was like a big family. Everyone knew each other and was ready to _88_ help.What a wonderful _89_ I had in Gary! I truly learned the _90_ of what my mo

43、ther said. You dont need to do much to make a difference to others lives.76AloveBsuccessCinterestDpain77Ahad a lookBmade a decisionCplayed a partDmade a mess78AmindBcompareCagreeDrepeat79AdifficultyBsafetyCtrafficDinfluence80AfinallyBbadlyCsuddenlyDrecently81AdoubtedBcheckedCdiscoveredDimagined82Ada

44、ngerousBcrazyCbraveDlucky83AmuchBmanyCfewDnone84AsellBchooseCshareDrepair85AunlessBthoughCbutDsince86AupsetBpoliteCexcitedDbored87AevenBalsoCeverDstill88AacceptBavoidCrefuseDoffer89AexperimentBcompetitionCexperienceDconversation90AabilityBmeaningCreasonDskill7.(2023浙江温州统考一模)阅读下面短文,掌握大意,然后从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。Band practice had just ended. Jimmy and Ben started packing up their instruments. Before I could put my trumpet into the ca