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1、2022年四川眉山中考英语真题第一部分 听(共两节,满分30分)第一节 听短对话答题(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面五段短对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你将有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话读两遍。1. Whats wrong with Jack?A. He has a headache.B. He has a sore throat.C. He has a fever.2. What does the womans brother look like?A. He is short.B. He is

2、 tall.C. He is of medium height.3. Whose umbrella is blue?A. Tonys.B. The mans. C. The womans.4. Which sign is on the bus? A. No photos.B. No parking.C. No smoking.5. How does the man know about the weather?A. By watching TV. B. By reading a newspaper.C. By listening to the radio.第二节 听对话或独白答题(共15小题;

3、每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面五段对话或独白,每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟,听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段对话,回答第6,7题。6. Whats the relationship between the two speakers?A. Husband and wife.B. Father and daughter.C. Brother and sister.7. What gift do the speakers decide to buy?A.

4、A dress.B. A toy.C. A pet dog.听第7段对话,回答第8至10题。8. Which bus can the woman take?A. Bus No. 6.B. Bus No. 7.C. Bus No. 8.9. What does the woman think of the city?A. Small and beautiful.B. Clean and beautiful.C. Small and clean.10. Why will the woman go to Dongpo City Park? A. To visit her sister. B. To

5、change a bus there.C. To have a look at it.听第8段对话,回答第11至13题。11. Whom will the girl look after the kids with?A. Her classmates.B. Her friends.C. Her neighbors.12. What will the girl do?A. Sing and dance with the kids.B. Teach the kids to draw and play chess.C. Tell the kids funny stories and play gam

6、es.13. What are they mainly talking about?A. The COVID-19.B. The plan for the coming weekend.C. The work of doctors and nurses.听第9段对话,回答第14至16题。14. How long has the girl collected Barbie dolls? A. For about one year. B. For about six years. C. For about seven years. 15. Who gave the girl the toy bea

7、r?A. Her friend. B. Her father.C. Her brother.16. What will the boy give to the girl?A. A model train.B. A model car.C. A model plane.听下面一段独白,回答第17至20题。17. Where does the speaker work?A. In a bank. B. In a restaurant.C. In a hotel.18. What can Mr. Smith see from his room?A. Tall buildings in a city.

8、B. Views of a lake.C. Nothing at all.19. How much should Mr. Smith pay for his two rooms each night?A. $150. B. $300.C. $450. 20. When will Mr. Smith arrive at the hotel?A. August 30.B. September 13.C. September 30.第二部分 读(共三节,满分70分)第一节 阅读理解(共15小题; 每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。AApartm

9、ent for Rent (出租) Are you looking for a comfortable place to live in? If you are, this two-bedroom apartment is the perfect home for you!* The apartment is at 9 Jiangxiang Road. It is only a few minutes walk from shops and schools.* The apartment is 95 square meters in size. It has two bedrooms. Bot

10、h bedrooms face south. You can enjoy plenty of sunshine in the daytime. The apartment also has a large living room, an open kitchen and a bathroom.* The apartment is well equipped (配备). It has Internet available, 24-hour hot water and under-floor heating.* The apartment will be empty at the end of t

11、his month. You can move in after October 1.* We are totally pet-friendly. You can move in with your lovely pets.* The rent is 2,000 per month. If you are interested in this apartment, please call Mrs. Guo at 028-38197026. You can set up a time to see the apartment.21. The two bedrooms of the apartme

12、nt face . A. eastB. southC. westD. north22. The apartment does NOT have . A. Internet availableB. 24-hour hot water C. under-floor heatingD. central heating 23. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the article? A. You can move into the apartment now. B. You cannot keep a pet dog in

13、 the apartment. C. The apartment is close to shops and schools. D. You can call Mrs. Zhao to set up a time to see the apartment.BTwice a month, Jenny Green sits down, picks up her pen and writes a letter to her best friend. The British woman has been doing it for 80 years. She has sent more than 1,5

14、00 letters to her pen pal in America.The hobby started in 1942. Jenny, then 12 years old, was reading a magazine. Some ads in the magazine were asking for pen pals. One of them caught Jennys eye. It was from Alice Miller. She lived in America and was also 12. “It was exciting for me,” Jenny said. “I

15、 sat down at once, wrote a letter, put it in an envelope together with a picture of myself and posted it.”Jenny spent every day waiting for the postman. Two weeks later which felt like a lifetime a reply dropped through the letter box. “I was overjoyed,” Jenny said. “There was a letter and a picture

16、 of my new friend. She was all the way on the other side of the world!”Jenny and Alice wanted to learn more about each other. They kept writing. The two found that they had a lot in common. They liked the same books and the same films.However, both Jenny and Alice were too poor to afford a plane tic

17、ket. It was not until 1987 that they met. “I was glad to see the person I had been writing to for 40 years,” Jenny said. “We had a big hug and then sat down, chatting for hours.”Now in their nineties, Jenny and Alice are still writing to each other. And they still write by hand. “Writing is warmer a

18、nd friendlier. So why shall we change the habit of a lifetime?” Jenny said. “Im so glad that I wrote that first letter 80 years ago.”24. Where did Jenny Green first see Alices information? A. In a magazine.B. On a website.C. On social media.D. In a newspaper.25. The underlined word “overjoyed” (in P

19、aragraph 3) probably means “ .”A. very sadB. very tiredC. very worriedD. very happy26. According to the article, what did Jenny and Alice have in common?They liked the same films.They were of the same age.They liked the same books.They liked the same movie stars.A. B. C. D. 27. What can we learn fro

20、m the last paragraph? A. Jenny has many pen pals. B. Jenny and Alice will keep writing by hand. C. Jenny doesnt know how to use a computer.D. Jenny and Alice will write to each other by email.CFor years, it has been said that newspapers are at deaths door. Each of the past few years has seen many ne

21、wspapers say goodbye to their readers. But why is the situation so terrible for newspapers?Newspapers have a long history. The first newspaper was printed in the 1600s. The industry experienced its most successful time in the early 20th century. With the appearance of radio and TV, however, newspape

22、r circulation (发行量) began to fall. By the mid-20th century, radio and TV had become so popular that people no longer had to depend on newspapers for news. This was especially true for the latest news.Afternoon newspapers were the first to suffer. More and more people coming home from work turned on

23、the TV, instead of opening a newspaper. But generally, newspapers still managed to survive (生存). Although they couldnt compete with TV in spreading the latest news, they could provide in-depth reports that TV news could not.But newspapers suffered another heavier blow in the 1990s. With the appearan

24、ce of the Internet, lots of information became free. Many newspaper readers realized that they could conveniently read news online for free.There seemed to be little reason any longer for them to pay for a newspaper.So what will the future of newspapers be like? Will newspapers die? Maybe not. Many

25、newspapers are now changing. Some are going digital (数字化的). Some are going even farther by taking the industry to places it has never been to. After all, people still want the news. And many agree that newspapers are important for in-depth news and opinions. If newspapers were to completely disappea

26、r, there would be nothing to take their place.28. When was the first newspaper printed? A. In the 1600s.B. In the 1900s.C. In the early 20th century.D. In the mid-20th century.29. How did newspapers manage to survive against competition from TV? A. By going digital.B. By working with TV.C. By includ

27、ing more pictures.D. By focusing on in-depth reports.30. Newspapers suffered again in the 1990s because . A. people lost interest in reading news B. newspapers became more expensive C. TV started to focus on in-depth news D. people could read news online for free31. Which of the following would the

28、writer most likely agree with? A. The future of newspapers is hopeless. B. The future of newspapers is still uncertain. C. Many newspapers will die in the near future. D. Afternoon newspapers will become popular again.DDo you have difficulty falling asleep at night? If so, here is a piece of advice

29、for you: Listen to some soft music. Scientists have found that soft music can help to improve sleep quality and quantity (量). This works for sleepers of all ages, and even for those with sleeping problems. Soft music can help us fall asleep better, wake up less during the night and feel more relaxed

30、 in the morning. You may not notice the effects (功效) overnight, though. It could take as many as 3 weeks to see any improvements. Why can soft music help us sleep better? The reasons arent clear yet. It may connect with the relaxing effect of a good song. Music can have real physical effects, too. S

31、oft music can lower our heart rate (心率) and slow down our breathing. This prepares us for sleep. Scientists say that for most people, music that has 70 beats (节拍) per minute (bpm) works best. Classical, jazz and folk music are usually more effective than other musical styles. Familiar songs work wel

32、l, too. You may need to test to make your own playlists. If you are not sure how many beats a song has in a minute, you can find out by entering its title into . And remember to get volume (音量) right. Make sure that the final piece is gradually slowing down. Or you may be woken up by the sudden sile

33、nce.Its very important to get enough high-quality sleep. Before you go to bed tonight, play some soft music. Then, just prepare to be rocked off to dreamland.32. It is found that soft music can sleep. A. help people of all ages B. only help people under the age of 15 C. only help people with sleepin

34、g problemsD. only help people who are experiencing lots of stress33. According to the article, it may take as long as before you notice the effects of soft music. A. 3 hoursB. 3 nightsC. 3 weeksD. 3 months34. How can we work out how many beats a song has in a minute? A. By comparing it with a 70-bpm

35、 song. B. By entering the songs title into . C. By finding out whether it can help us fall asleep. D. By counting our heart rates while listening to the song.35. What is the article mainly about?A. People with sleeping problems.B. The role of music in our daily lives. C. How soft music can improve o

36、ur sleep.D. The importance of getting enough sleep.第二节 阅读填空(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有一项为多余选项。Playground Safety RulesPlaygrounds are great places to have fun. But you need to have fun without getting hurt. 36 * Getting ready to playWear shoes to keep your feet safe. 37 Wet eq

37、uipment can be slippery and might lead to a fall.Dont play on broken equipment. Tell an adult if any playground equipment is broken.* Slides (滑梯)Go down the slide, one person at a time. Dont go down the slide until the person in front of you has reached the ground and moved away from the slide.Never

38、 climb up the front of the slide. 38 * ClimbingClimb stairs or steps slowly. Hold onto the handrails. 39 * SwingingSit down on the swings and slow down before getting off.Be careful when you walk in front of a moving swing. You dont want to get hit.* If something goes wrongRemembering the above rule

39、s will help keep you safe and prevent accidents. 40 If theres a problem or if someone gets hurt in the playground, ask an adult for help at once.A. Someone might slide down and hit you. B. Use both hands when climbing.C. Here are some rules you should remember before you head to a playground.D. Beca

40、use its very dangerous to run in the playground.E. Dont play on wet equipment.F. But sometimes things can still go wrong.第三节 完形填空(共15小题; 每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。ADo you eat rice every day? Rice is the most important food for people all over the world. 41 a survey, ric

41、e helps feed one third of the worlds population. Scientists say that China first 42 rice about 3,000 to 4,000 years ago. Now, rice is common in peoples daily 43 . Rice can be cooked in many ways. Snacks made 44 rice are very delicious. And rice is also a popular food on festivals. People make New Ye

42、ar cakes with sticky rice every Spring Festival. China has the 45 population in the world. In order to feed more people, Chinese great scientist Yuan Longping led the Super Rice Program in 1996. Today half of Chinas rice plants are Yuans Super Rice.41. A. According to B. Thanks to C. Because ofD. As

43、 for42. A. grows B. is growing C. grew D. has grown43. A. meals B. breakfast C. lunch D. dinner 44. A. by B. of C. in D. at45. A. big B. large C. largerD. largestBIt was the sports meeting once a year in our school. But my foot still hadnt healed (痊愈) because of an accident. I wondered whether I sho

44、uld 46 the meeting or not. But I had prepared for it for a long time and I was ready for the 1,500-meter race. “Readyset” The gun sounded and we were off. The other boys rushed ahead of me. I felt ashamed as I fell farther behind. “Hooray!” The crowd shouted. It was the loudest 47 I had ever heard a

45、t a sports meeting.The first-place runner was one lap (圈) ahead of me when he 48 the finish line.“Maybe I should 49 .” I thought as I ran. However, I kept going. During the last lap, I ran in pain and decided not to race next year, 50 by that time my foot had healed.When I finished, I heard 51 loude

46、r cheers from the girls. “They 52 be cheering for the winners.” I thought. I was leaving the meeting when several girls came up to me. “Wow, youve shown a lot of 53 !” One of them told me. “We were cheering for you. Did you hear us?”I felt 54 again and decided to run again next year. I 55 that strength and courage arent always measured in victories. The strongest people are not always those who win, but those who dont give up even when they are losing.46. A. watchB. attendC. plan D. host4