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本文(2022-2023学年牛津深圳版英语八年级上期中复习专项练习:语法填空(短文填空)含答案)为本站会员(热***)主动上传,七七文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知七七文库(发送邮件至373788568@qq.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、八年级上期中复习专项练习:八年级上期中复习专项练习:语法填空语法填空( (短文填空短文填空) ) 第一篇第一篇 While it doesnt have much to do with the turkey, Lucy Smith, one of the most popular waitresses at a restaurant, has a lot to be thankful 1 this Thanksgiving. In the past, Lucy used 2 (walk) over four hours to and from work every day. Today, he

2、r walking days are finally over. A couple she served at the restaurant has 3 (buy) her a new car. Lucy can now start college earlier 4 she thought. The couple were at the restaurant for breakfast when they found out that Lucy was walking fourteen 5 (mile)just to get to her job and go back home. Lucy

3、 gave 6 woman extra ice-cream. But what she got in return was much 7 (sweet). The couple finished their meal, left the restaurant, came back with a car and handed Lucy the keys. All the couple asked in return was that Lucy could pass on the good deed. And thats exactly what she 8 (keep) on doing so

4、far. l still feel like Im dreaming. I couldnt believe it until the 9 (nine) time I looked out of my window and saw the car there. When I see somebody in need, Ill 10 (probable) be more likely to do everything that I can to help them out, Lucy said. 第二篇第二篇 Two friends were having an adventure. They w

5、ere walking 1 a desert. They had 2 fight, and the taller friend hit the shorter one. The shorter one was hurt, but without 3 (say) anything, he just wrote in the sand: Today my best friend hit me. They went on 4 (walk) until they found an oasis(绿洲), where they decided 5 (take) a bath. Suddenly, the

6、shorter one fell into the river and started sinking down, but the taller one saved him. After he 6 (get) out of the river, he wrote on a stone, Today my 7 (good) friend saved my life. The friend who hit and 8 (save) his best friend asked him, After I hurt you, you wrote in the sand and now you write

7、 on a stone. Why? The shorter one replied When someone hurts us, we should write it down in the sand 9 winds can blow it away. But when someone does something good 10 us, we must write it on the stone so it can last for a long time. 第三篇第三篇 For the first time in history, the International Olympic Com

8、mittee (I0C) has decided two host cities at the same time. Paris 1 (host) the Olympic Games in 2024 and Los Angeles in 2028 This is a win-win-win situation for Paris, Los Angeles. 2 IOC, President Thomas Bach. These are two great cities from two great counties with 3 great Olympic history. Both citi

9、es are excited in 4 (bring) home games. It returns to the US for the 5 (one) time since the 1996 Atlanta Olympics. But Paris has waited 6 it too long. As the city that has hosted two Olympics before, it will host the event 100 years after 7 (it) last game. The reason for the 8 (decide) is that there

10、 were no other competitors(竞争者) for either the 2024 or 2028 Games. Before the last bidding(竞标) part, three of the five cities gave up for the 2024 Olympic because of the 9 (worry) over cost. They were Hamburg, Rome and Budapest. But it seems Paris and Los Angeles have 10 (little) trouble with that.

11、These two cities make a memorable history as well. 第四篇第四篇 School education is very important and useful. Yet no one can learn everything at school, 1 teacher cant teach his students everything they want to know. His work is 2 (show) his students how to learn. He teaches them 3 to read and think. So

12、much more is to be learned outside school by the students. It is always much 4 (important) to know how to study by oneself. It is quite 5 (easily) to learn something, but it is difficult to use it to solve problems. Great 6 (invent) do not get everything from school, 7 they still invent many things

13、and change the world a lot. How can the inventors do all of this? One of the answers is that they know how to study. 8 fact, a lot of things are not learnt in the classroom. They get a lot of knowledge by 9 (read) outside school. They work hard and never give up all 10 (they)lives. 第五篇第五篇 A week ago

14、, something bad happened to me. Someone broke my lock and stole my computer. A lot of my 1. (importance) information was on it. At first, I was pretty angry, but then I told myself to keep calm (冷静的) 2. should you do when someone steals your things? Here 3. (be) my ideas. Ask the police for help. Wh

15、en you lose something, you may also be angry. Tell your friends and let them go with you to the police station. Tell the police 4. (clear) about your lost things. Decide how much you want to share. Telling your friends how you feel is 5. good thing. It might make you forget about the bad thing and t

16、hen feel 6. (good). Buy something new. Dont wish that your stolen things could come back 7. a short time. If necessary, buy a new one for yourself. Make your house safer. Go shopping and choose a good lock for 8. (you) house. Make sure that you know who also has your house 9. (key). Get out from the

17、 bad feelings. Try to think about something good, 10. let yourself get out of the bad feelings. Go to your favorite places. Just enjoy the good and let the bad go. 第六篇第六篇 Cassandra De Pecol is the. 1. (young)and first woman to visit all 196 countries in the world. And she did it amazingly in 8 month

18、s and 26 days. Cassandra, also called Cassie, dreamed of. 2. (travel)around the world when she was young. She wanted to visit as many 3. (place)of interest as possible and learn about different cultures around the world. 4. she left college, she bought a huge map and started to plan her trip. Cassie

19、 finally started her journey at the Pacific Island of Palau in July, 2015. When she arrived at one country, she. 5. (spend)two to five days in the country. The final country on her list was Yemen. When she finally got there, she was really 6. (excite). Its like a dream. said Cassie, I really enjoyed

20、 7. (I) during my journey around the world. The journey cost about 5200,000, in order to get support 8. her traveling dream. Cassie saved 10,000 by taking care of children and got 9. rest through sponsors(赞助者). Cassie thinks herself a world traveler, educator, and activist(活跃分子). During the trip, sh

21、e planted trees in over 50 countries. She plans 10. (write)a book on her trips and hopes to take a trip to the North Pole next year. 第七篇第七篇 There are many ways for us to exercise. We can walk, run, jump or swim. We have a lot of choices. 1. do we like exercising? Its good for our health. In addition

22、, exercise makes us tired, so we can have a much 2. (good) sleep at night. You may like to run. If you do, take care of your 3. (foot). Make sure you have the right shoes. Walking is a good kind of exercise. You may take 4. walk in the park. You can walk on the beach to enjoy 5. (you). You can also

23、walk 6. your friends because this will make your exercise have more fun than walking alone. Some people like to swim. 7. , others dont like to go in the water. If you like this kind of exercise, youd better ask someone 8. (go) with you. They can give you help when you 9. (be) in danger. Jumping rope

24、 (跳绳) and riding bike are also good for your body. Find out which one you like better and keep on 10. (do) it. You will know what makes you healthy. 第八篇第八篇 A couple of weeks ago, my friend offered 1. (sell) some of our things for us. I thought it was a good opportunity to clean my 7-year-old sons ro

25、om and deal 2. some toys that were no longer 3. (suit) for him to play with. We agreed that all the money we got from selling the toys would be his money. The night before the sale, we loaded up the truck with toys and a little bike that was too small him. This little bike had at least two previous

26、4. (own). It wasnt in the best shape and was 5. (certain) not new, but the tires were still good. We put a price of $10 on it, but it didnt sell. After the sale was over, my friend put it on 6. sidewalk, with a sign FREE BIKE. Soon after, a boy came and asked 7. the bike was really free. My friend s

27、aid yes and gave it to the boy. Later that evening when I told my son how much money he had made at the sale, he was very 8. (excite). He asked about a few of his things, 9. (wonder) how they had been sold. When he asked about the bike, I told him about the little boy and that made him smile. He was

28、 much 10. (happy) than when I told him how much he had made. We were glad that someone else would make good use of the little bike. 第九篇第九篇 Where do you live when you travel? Most people usually live in the hotel, 1. some dont like it. Now there is a new kind of hotel the minshuku (民宿). It first star

29、ted in Japan, but now it can be 2. (easy) found in China. There are many differences between the minshuku and the hotel. For example, people can cook for 3. (they) in the minshuku. Last week, I was 4. holiday in Chengdu. I felt bored with 5. (live) in the hotel, so I made a decision to live in the m

30、inshuku. I booked a room on the Internet and couldnt wait to live in it. The minshuku that I lived in was a very 6. (beauty) building. It was tidy and clean. It made me 7. (feel) warm and easy. Wang Lei was the owner of the minshuku. I thought he was a businessman at first because he rented (出租) his

31、 house to many 8. (visit) to make money. However, he said he wasnt. He rented his house very cheaply because he just hoped people could have 9. enjoyable holiday and would like to visit Chengdu again. He helped me a lot when I stayed there. He also 10. (tell) me the history of Chengdu. I really enjo

32、yed myself there. 第十篇第十篇 I still remember the first time I left home for several 1. (night). I was going to a summer camp for a month. When my parents told me about the camp, I was 2. (excite), because there were lots of activities there. The whole family drove me to the camp. When we arrived, I saw

33、 a lot of kids, but I didnt know 3. (someone). I began to feel nervous. They gave me a little card 4. my name on it. Then, who looked 5. (old) than me, came up to me and said Hi, Margie! Im Sara. Our cabin is the Pines. Finally, the time came when my parents said, Well, Margie, goodbye. Have 6. grea

34、t time. And dont worry, well write to 7. often. I had an awful feeling. I wanted 8. (cry). But just then another girl of my age came up to me and 9. (say)Hi, are you Margie? Im Tammy. Im in the Pines too. Come on. Lets go to see the horses. Finally, I had a 10. (wonder) month at camp. 第一篇 for;to wal

35、k;bought;than;miles;the;sweeter;has kept;ninth;probably 第二篇 in;a;saying;walking;to take;got;best;saved;so;for 第三篇 will host;and;a;bringing;first;for;its;decision;worries;less 第四篇 a;to show;how;more important;easy;inventors;but;In;reading;their 第五篇 important;What;are;clearly;a;better;in;your;keys;and

36、 第六篇 youngest;traveling;places;When;spent;excited;myself;for;the;to write 第七篇 why;better;feet;a;yourself;with;However;to go;are;doing 第八篇 to sell;with;suitable;owners;certainly;the;if/whether;excited;wondering;happier 第九篇 but;easily;themselves;on;living;beautiful;feel;visitors;a;told 第十篇 nights;excited;anyone;with;older;a;you;to cry;said;wonderf