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1、江苏省江苏省泰州市泰州市 2022-2023 学年九年级上英语期中模拟试卷学年九年级上英语期中模拟试卷 第一部分第一部分 选择题选择题( (共共 61 61 分分) ) 一、单项选择一、单项选择 (本题共 10 小题;每小题 1 分, 共 10 分) ( )1. -Here are two jeans. Which one do you prefer? - Ill take for a change. A. all B. either C. neither D. both ( )2. Oh, boy, why are you killing your time this way? Cant y

2、ou find something doing? A. useful B. required C. comfortable D. worth ( )3. - English is very important, so dont . - Thank you. . A. give it up; I will B. give it up; I wont C. give up it; I will D. give up it; I wont ( )4. Since the war in Syria in 2011, there have been a great many refugees (难民)

3、running to nearby European countries. A. stayed out B. came out C. tried out D. broke out ( )5. More and more old men prefer a pet make them feel less lonely. A. keep; to B. keeping; so that C. to keep; to D. to keep; so that ( )6. -Why didnt you tell him about the meeting? - He rushed out of the cl

4、assroom I could say a word. A. when B. before C. until D. after ( )7. -Helen, do you know if Jack to my party this Saturday? - Dont worry. If he , he will call you first. A. will come; will come B. comes; will come C. will come; comes D. comes; comes ( )8. I wonder there will tomorrow. A. whether; b

5、e rain B. whether; have rain C. that; have rain D. that; be rainy ( )9.- Could you tell me ? - No problem. A. what the matter is with your teeth B. who will be recommended as the chairperson C. where have the police found the lost child D. how you will do with the Maths problem ( )10. - Mind your st

6、ep! Someone has fallen over because of the wet floor. - . A. Thanks a lot B. Thats not the case C. I cant agree more D. Dont mention it 二、完形填空二、完形填空 (本题共 15 小题;每小题 l 分, 计 15 分) Johnnie Martin was born in a workers family. His parents lived a simple life, saving money for the day when they could send

7、 him to a good university. They had dreamed that their son could get a good 11 and live a better life. However, to Johnnie, school lessons seemed like a wall that was impossible to go through. One day when he was in Grade 11, Johnnie went 12 school psychologists office to ask for help. Johnnie, Ive

8、been studying your marks of all the tests at school. Ive made a 13 study of them, said the psychologist. Ive been trying hard. Johnnie was about to 14 . The psychologist put his hand on the boys shoulder, People have different kinds of talents, Johnnie. There are painters who are 15 able to learn ma

9、ths, and engineers who cant sing on key. Some day you will find 16 you are good at, and when you do, you will make your parents and all of us very 17 you. Johnnie didnt go to university. He found a job working in the gardens around the town. Soon 18 amazing happened. His customers began to notice th

10、at Johnnie had what they calledgreen thumb. The plants he 19 grew, and the roses blossomed. People started to accept his 20 for gardening, because he had an eye for colour and light. One day while he was downtown, he happened to 21 an unused dirty land behind the city hall. He volunteered to make it

11、 into a garden. That very afternoon as soon as he got the permission, he started the work, 22 he couldnt afford all the tools or the plants that were 23 for it. People gave him young trees, rosebushes, benches and many other things. Before long, it had become a beautiful little 24 . Today Johnnie is

12、 the head of the business in gardening. Wherever he and his men go, they 25 beauty before the eyes of people. ( )11. A. job B. garden C. lesson D. present ( )12. A. into B. past C. along D. through ( )13. A. funny B. public C. careful D. similar ( )14. A. lie B. cry C. laugh D. agree ( )15. A. alway

13、s B. usually C. sometimes D. never ( )16. A. how B. when C. what D. where ( )17. A. strict with B. proud of C. angry with D. sure of ( )18. A. nothing B. anything C. something D. everything ( )19. A. picked up B. painted at C. talked about D. looked after ( )20. A. suggestions B. invitations C. situ

14、ation D. attention ( )21. A. buy B. rent C. clean D. notice ( )22. A. but B. and C. so D. or ( )23. A. common B. natural C. possible D. necessary ( )24. A. farm B. lake C. park D. market ( )25. A. find B. spread C. collect D. describe 三、阅读理解三、阅读理解 (本题共 18 小题;每小题 2 分, 计 36 分) (A) You may have seen ve

15、getables on farmland, in greenhouses or even on balconies.But how about growing them in an Olympic Village? Recently, it was said that the Beijing Winter Olympic Village has been completed.Interestingly, a rooftop(屋顶)farm covering 4,620 square meters has been created inside the Village.To help them

16、relax, athletes and coaches can try their hand at growing vegetables. China has a large amount of available land for planting.For centuries, Chinese people earned their living through farming. To live a better life, they took full advantage of their land and grew the food they needed, vegetables inc

17、luded. The Book of Songs(诗经)written 2,500 years ago, records many kinds of vegetables. In Chinese culture, some vegetables have good meanings.You may find paintings and small sculptures of different vegetables in some Chinese peoples home, for example, Chinese cabbage.Because of its pronunciation, i

18、t is seen as standing for wealth.There is also the gourd melon(葫芦). Because of its shape and pronunciation, it has many different cultural meanings, including happiness, having a large family and old age. ( )26. What is the article about? A.History of vegetables. B.Stories behind vegetables. C.Veget

19、ables in the Olympic Village. D.The meaning of vegetables in Chinese culture. ( )27. Why is a roof top farm created inside the Beijing Winter Olympic Village? A.To help athletes and coaches relax. B.To provide food for athletes and coaches. C.To make athletes and coaches try their hand. D.To help at

20、hletes and coaches live a better life. ( )28. What does the underlined phrase took full advantage of mean in the 3rd paragraph? A.Opened up. B.Thanked for. C.Made full use of. D.Worked hard at. ( )29. What meaning of the gourd melon is not mentioned in this article? A.Living a long life. B.Being wea

21、lthy quickly. C.Having a big family. D.Being happy all the life. (B) Born in 1904, Theodor Seuss Geisel was one of the worlds most successful childrens book writers in the 1950s. His books are very popular with young readers. In 1954, a report about school children who could not read said that many

22、childrens books were not interesting. Mr. Geisel strongly hoped to help children and decided to write books that were interesting and easy to read. He used words with the same ending sound, like fish and wish. He did not receive training in art. Yet, he drew the pictures for most of his books. In 19

23、57, Mr. Geisel wrote The Cat in the Hat. He used less than 230 words to write the book and even a six-year-old should be able to read it. It was a fun story and easy to read. Children loved it. Their parents loved it, too. Today it is still one of the stories they like best. The success of The Cat i

24、n the Hat encouraged him to write more books for children. In 1960, he wrote a book using less than fifty words. The book is called Green Eggs and Ham. He died at the age of 87, but his influence remains. Millions of his books have been sold worldwide. People say his books helped change the way Amer

25、ican children learned to read. Yet, his books are loved by people of all ages. Mr. Geisel once said, I do not write for children. I write for people. ( )30. Mr. Geisel learned from the report that _. A. many childrens books were interesting B. many childrens books were boring C. children wanted to r

26、ead books D. a writer for children was wanted ( )31. People like his books because the books _. A. are cheap and easy to get B. are easy and interesting to read C. were written in different languages D. were written for people of all ages ( )32. Which of the following is wrong according to the passa

27、ge? A. Mr. Geisel wrote Green Eggs and Hamwithin 50 words. B. Mr. Geisel wrote books for people of all ages. C. The Cat in the Hatwas written only for six-year-old children. D. His books provided education and enjoyment for Americans. ( )33. From the text we know that Mr. Geisel _. A. died in the 19

28、80s B. sold millions of his books himself worldwide C. wrote the largest number of books in the world D. changed American childrens way of reading (C) Yesterday I went to buy a little tree for my father.When I was talking with the cashier (收银员) , he asked what I would be doing with this little tree.

29、 I explained that it was for my dad, because he no longer lived at home. The cashier just stopped and looked at me with the kindest look.He shared with me that his grandfather couldnt live in their home any longer either because he had Alzheimers disease (阿尔茨海默病) .So I shared with him that my dad wa

30、s on the same journey.We talked about the difficulties because of the illness, not only for those who are ill, but also for their families. When I was paying for the tree, he said, Because this is for your dad, let me see what I can do for you.He took some coupons(优惠券)from a drawer and reduced my co

31、st by over 60%. I thanked him for his kindness.We wished each other Merry Christmas and the best hopes for our loved family members. On the way home I kept thinking of the kindness he offered me.It was truly a moment of kindness given,kindness received.I made Dads tree more beautiful as soon as I go

32、t home.So thankful.So blessed. ( )34. Whats wrong with the writers father? A.He had a bad cold. B.He had a backache. C.He had Alzheimers disease. D.He had a heart problem. ( )35. When did the story probably happen? A.Before Christmas. B.After Christmas. C.On the writers fathers birthday. D.On the ca

33、shiers grandfathers birthday. ( )36. The writer felt when the cashier offered him his kindness. A.relaxed B.angry C.nervous D.thankful ( )37. The underlined word reduced in Paragraph 3 means in Chinese. A.增加 B.减少 C.支付 D.给予 ( )38. What is the best title for the passage? A.My Great Dad B.A Christmas G

34、ift for Dad C.Kindness Given, Kindness Received D.Face Difficulties Bravely (D) What do you want most after playing football or a great deal of physical exercise on a hot afternoon? A cold drink may be just the thing. But be careful of what you are drinking. Something that looks cool may not be good

35、 for our health. There are plenty of energy drinks on the market. Most of them have beautiful colors and cool names. The lists on them tell you they are helpful to your health. Sounds great! But after a careful check you may find that most energy drinks have lots of caffeine (咖啡因) in them. These dri

36、nks are especially aimed at young people, students, busy people and sports players. Makers sometimes say their drinks make you better at sports and can keep you awake. But be careful not to drink too much. Caffeine makes your heart beat fast. Because of this, the International Olympic Committee has

37、limited (限制) its use. Caffeine in most energy drinks is at least as strong as that in a cup of coffee or tea. Possible health dangers have something to do with energy drinks. Just one box of energy drink can make you nervous, have difficulty sleeping and can even cause heart problems. Scientists say

38、 that teenagers should be discouraged from taking drinks with a lot of caffeine in them. ( )39. The reasons why many people like drinking energy drinks are the following EXCEPT that _. A. they have beautiful colors and cool names B. they are said to be helpful to health C. they can keep them awake a

39、nd better at sports D. they have lots of caffeine ( )40. The main reason for people not to drink too much energy drinks is that they may cause _. A. heart problems B. nervousness C. sleeping difficulty D. possible health dangers ( )41. Which of the following can take the place of the underlined word

40、 discouraged? A. encouraged B. stopped C. helped D. disliked ( )42. From the passage we can know that _. A. advertisements are important in getting people to buy energy drinks B. energy drinks are helpful to teenagers study C. sports players need to drink a lot of energy drinks D. energy drinks are

41、especially aimed at teenagers ( )43. The best title of the passage is _. A. Energy Drinks Are Useful B. Energy Drinks Help Teenagers C. Energy Drinks Be careful D. Energy Drinks Good for Health 第二部分非选择题第二部分非选择题(59(59 分分) ) 四、阅读回答四、阅读回答 (本题共 5 小题;每小题 2 分, 计 10 分) At the age of four, Allman fell off a

42、 train and his eyes were badly hurt. Since then, he couldnt see anything. It would be wonderful to see again, but bad luck may not be always bad. In fact, although Allman became blind, he learnt to love his life more. But he had a hard time before he was successful. The hardest lesson was to believe

43、 in himself and it had to start with the simplest things. One day a girl gave Allman a baseball. He thought she was laughing at him and he was hurt. “I cant use this,” he said. “Take it with you and roll (滚动) it around,” the girl smiled and said. Her words got into his head. “Roll it around!” By rol

44、ling the ball Allman could hear where it went. This gave him an idea to do something he never thought of: playing baseball. Years after that, he invented a successful game of baseball for the blind. They called it ground ball. From then on, Allman began to smile at life and achieved more dream. 44.

45、Did Allman become blind after falling off the train? _. 45. Who gave Allman a baseball one day? _. 46. How could Allman hear where the baseball went? _. 47. What did they call the game of baseball for the blind? _. 48. What do you learn from this passage? _. 五、任务型阅读五、任务型阅读 (本题共 10 小题;每小题 1 分, 计 10 分

46、) Basketball coach Kay Yow was one of the founders of womens sports organizations. Kay Yow was born in 1942. She developed a love for basketball from her parents. She attended university and earned an English degree. She went on to become an English teacher, librarian and girls basketball coach at a

47、 high school. In 1971, she began coaching college sports. She became the womens basketball coach at a college. Four years later, North Carolina State University hired her as the schools first full-time womens basketball coach. She also coached womens volleyball and softball. Kay Yow had become a ver

48、y successful basketball coach. In 1981 she began coaching womens national teams. She coached the United States team in the World University Games. The team won a silver medal. Five years later she led the United States womens basketball team in the Goodwill Games and FIBA World Championship. Both te

49、ams won first place and received gold medals. In 1981, Kay Yow, along with others, founded the Womens Basketball Coaches Association. She also served as president of the group. The WBCA was set up to unite coaches at all levels of the game and to develop basketball as a sport for women and girls. In

50、 1987, Kay Yow learned she had a cancer. She did not let her health problems interfere with her responsibilities as coach and leader. One of her famous expressions was: “When life kicks you, let it kick you forward.” Just ten months after learning she had cancer she coached the United States womens