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1、 Unit1Unit1 How do you become good learnersHow do you become good learners 一、基础知识一、基础知识 I.句意填词句意填词 根据所给句子,填入一个适当的单词,使句意完整。根据所给句子,填入一个适当的单词,使句意完整。 1. We should pay _ to our health . We need a strong body . 2. Dont drive too fast . Please drive at a safe _ . 3. If you _ your study with your interest ,

2、 you will like it. 4. From the _ on his face , I knew he was happy about the exam results. 5. Once you stop using your _ , you soon go stale (变得迟钝). II. 单项选择单项选择 从每小题所给的选项中,选出一个正确答案。从每小题所给的选项中,选出一个正确答案。 ( ) 6. -Can you make _ sentence with _ expression “deal with”? -Of course . Just a piece f cake.

3、A. a; the B. a; an C. an ; the ( ) 7. Though Bill is very young , he has a lot of _ about Chinese history . A. information B. knowledge C. experience ( ) 8. Just be _ ; you cant lose your weight in a day . A. careful B. patient C. brave ( ) 9. -Excuse me , can you teach me how to _ this new word ? -

4、No problem . Look at my mouth and listen carefully . A. prepare B. pronounce C. protect ( ) 10. -How do you practice your spoken English , Andrew ? -By _ English with my classmates. A. speak B. spoken C. speaking ( ) 11. Try to guess . Dont _ your dictionary all the time . A. talk to B. depend on C.

5、 belong on ( ) 12. He was reading a story _ to his little son when suddenly there was a _ noise outside the window A. aloud ; loud B. aloud aloud C. loudly ; loud ( ) 13. -Remember this , children . _careful you are , _ mistakes you will make . -We know , Mr. Li . A. the more ; the more B. The fewer

6、 ; the more C. The more ; the fewer ( ) 14. We all think _ quite necessary to stop school bullying (校园欺凌) A. it B. her C. that ( ) 15. Zhong Nanshan is _ famous _ all Chinese people know him . A. too; to B. enough ; to C. so ; that 二、二、交际运用交际运用 完成对话完成对话 从方框中选择正确选项从方框中选择正确选项 (有一个多余选项)(有一个多余选项) A. I a

7、gree. B. I listen to some English news , songs and other materials C. But how can I enlarge (扩大)my vocabulary ? D. I always write down new words in the notebook . E. Whats the most important part of speaking English ? F. What else do you think can help improve English ? A: Could you tell me how you

8、can speak English so well ? B: Well , I think listening more is very important . _16_ A: Some people say watching English movies is good for English learners. B: _17_I have watched about 30 English movies since 2016, and that really helps a lot . A: _18_ B: Um, I think vocabulary is the most importa

9、nt . You can express freely when you have a large vocabulary . A: _19_ B: By reading . I have read many English books . That really helps with my English vocabulary . A: _20_ B: Improving spoken English is difficult for Chinese students . Dont be afraid of making mistakes . The more you speak the la

10、nguage , the more freely you can express yourself. 16. _ 17. _ 18. _ 19. _ 20 ._ IV. 补全对话补全对话 根据所给对话,填写适当的内容,使其完整、正确。 (每空词数不限)根据所给对话,填写适当的内容,使其完整、正确。 (每空词数不限) A:Hey , Bob. I havent seen you these days. 21. _ ? B: Good . Im just busy learning English . A:So , you are enjoying learning English , right

11、 ? 22. _ . B: Why dont you like it ? Its so interesting and it is also useful for our future work . A: I know , but I just dont know how to learn it well . 23. _ . B: Come on ! If you make up your mind to do it , you can learn it well. A: Really ? 24. _ ? B: Sure . When you learn English , you shoul

12、d practice every day . A: I see . B: Please believe me . The harder you study it , 25. _ . A: Thank you. I will give it a try . 三、三、阅读阅读 V. 短文填空短文填空 从方框中选择正确选项,完成短文。 (方框中有两个选项是多余的)从方框中选择正确选项,完成短文。 (方框中有两个选项是多余的) A. aloud B. attention C. carefully D. partner E. expressions F. nervous G. feel H. possi

13、ble I. pronunciation J. repeat K. spoken L. quietly This passage is going to help you to prepare for speaking exams. Our tips will help you _26_more confident in a speaking exam . Listening to as much English as possible will help you improve your _27_ . You should speak as much English in class as

14、_28_ . If you often speak in class , you will find it easier to speak in an exam . You should pay _29_ to your speak speed . Before you speak, think _30_ about what to say and speak a little moire slowly than usual You should use language that is correct . Use words and _31_ you have used before . I

15、f you dont understand the question or the activity , ask the examiner (考官) “Could you _32_ that , please ?” You should speak _33_ so that the examiner can hear you . If you find this difficult , practice with a(n) _34_ at home . Stand at opposite and ends (相对的两端)of a room and speak to each other in

16、English . Everyone may feel _35_ in exams . So , take a deep breath before exams and try to relax. 26. _ 27. _ 28. _ 29. _ 30. _ 31 _ 32. _ 33. _ 34. _ 35. _ VI. 阅读理解阅读理解 (A) Chinese has a history of thousands of years . But Pinyin doesnt . It tells people how to pronounce Chinese characters. This y

17、ear , Pinyin turns 63 years old . In 1958, Chinese linguist (语言学家)Zhou Youguang and his team created Pinyin . Before that , Chinese people used many other ways to show how to pronounce Chinese characters . But these ways were not as easy to use as Pinyin . Because of Pinyin , more people learnt how

18、to read. Pinyin is a big part of our daily life . We learn to speak Putonghua with the help of Pinyin . We write Chinese characters on computers by using Pinyin . Pinyin is young . But it is now very popular outside China . It is becoming a bridge between China and the world . Many people around the

19、 world start to learn Chinese by using Pinyin . You might say “nihao” to mean “hello” to a foreign friend . People are using Pinyin more often than often . For example , fewer foreigners use “dumplings”, They like to use “jiaozi” . And “mantou” is for “steamed bun”. The Oxford English Dictionary 牛津英

20、语词典has more than 100 words in Pinyin , such as “zhongguomeng” for “Chinese dream” , and “wanggou” for “online shopping” . 根据短文内容,选择正确答案。根据短文内容,选择正确答案。 ( ) 36. Chinese people began to use Pinyin _ . A. hundreds of years ago B. thousands of years ago C 63 years ago D. a few years ago ( ) 37. Para. 3 t

21、ells us _ . A. why people started using Pinyin B. how people started using Pinyin C. what people use Pinyin for D. what will happen to Pinyin ( ) 38. What does “steamed bun” mean in Chinese ? A. 字典 B 馒头 C 你好 D 网购 ( ) 39. The Oxford English Dictionary now _ . A. helps foreign learn Pinyin B. is more

22、popular in China C. has more Chinese characters than before D. has more Pinyin than before ( ) 40. Which of the following is TRUE according to the article ? A. Pinyin helps foreigners learn Chinese. B. Pinyin has hundreds of English words. C. Pinyin is as old as Chinese characters. D. Pinyin is as o

23、ld as English letters. (B) Sing the Language Youre Learning How can you remember a song from your children to this day ? Why do your teachers use songs to teach you English ? It seems there is a scientific reason for this . Researchers are now studying the relationship between music and remembering

24、a foreign language . They find that remembering words in a song is the best way to remember even the most difficult language . “Singing could be a new way of learning a foreign language . The brain likes to remember things in a catchy and meaningful way ,” said Dr. Karen Ludke writes , “A listen-and

25、-repeat singing method can support foreign language learning , and opens the door for future research in this area.” Many language teachers know the value of using music and singing . Hua Zhuying , a teacher at a Chinese language school in Washington , D.C., depends heavily on songs in teaching Chin

26、ese . She says , “I use music all the time to teach children Chinese . For little kids , usually we use music . Not only does it works , but it is fun for kids .” “Sometimes , I think if I were taught English in that way , maybe I could speak much better English than now ,” Huaying adds. Our brain l

27、ikes music, especially for remembering . So , if youre still struggling in learning a language , why not try singing it out ? 根据短文内容,选择正确答案。根据短文内容,选择正确答案。 ( ) 41. According to the passage , the best way to remember a foreign language is to _ . A. read and write more B. listen to the teacher carefull

28、y C. copy the words many times. D. remember words in a song ( ) 42. The underlined word “catchy” probably means “_” . A. 艰涩难懂的 B 悦耳易记 C 枯燥乏味的 D 震耳欲聋的 ( ) 43. Dr. Ludke believe that foreign language learning can be supported by _ . A. using the listen-and-repeat singing method B. listening to all kin

29、ds of famous music C. writing songs with the language D. reading the lyrics again and again ( ) 44. From the passage , we know that Hua Zhuing _ . A. is interested in writing English songs. B. teaches children English by using music C. teaches Chinese in an American school . D. is a researcher in a

30、language school . ( ) 45. The passage mainly tells us that _ . A. many researchers realize the importance of language studyiing . B. your brain remembers a language better if you sing it C. many language teachers know the value of famous music D. you will never learn a language well unless you can s

31、ing . (C ) When you are learning English , you find it not clever to translate (翻译)an English sentence , word by word , into your own language . Take the sentence “How do you do” for example. If you look up each word in the dictionary , one a time , what is your translation ? It must be a wrong sent

32、ence in your own language . Language do not just have different sounds . They are different in many ways . Its important to master (掌握)the rules of the word order in the study of English , too. If the speakers put words in a wrong order , the listeners cant understand the speakers sentences easily .

33、 But sometimes when the order is changed , the meaning of the sentence doesnt change . Lets see the differences between the two pairs of sentences . “She only likes apples.” “Only she likes apples .” “Ive seen the film already .” “I have already seen the film .” When you are learning English , you m

34、ust do your best to get the spirit (精神) of the language and use it as the English speakers do . 根据短文根据短文内容,判断下列各句正内容,判断下列各句正(T)误()误(F) ( ) 46. From the passage , we know that we need to translate every word into our own language when we are learning English . ( ) 47. The writer doesnt think it is im

35、portant to master the rules of the word order in English learning ( ) 48. We can learn from the passage that sometimes different orders of words have different meanings. ( ) 49. “She only likes apples.” is the same as “Only she likes apples”. ( ) 50. “How to learn English well?”is the best title for

36、 this passage . (D ) Which would be easier to remember ? A story of 1000 words ? 51. _ The answer is number two . People often remember little pieces of information more easily . So dont study too much each time . This is one way of learning a language . The following are more. 52 _ This can be a li

37、ttle difficult . And you might need a large bag to hold it . But it is certainly useful . A small dictionary or an online dictionary is also OK. Whenever you see a new word , take out your dictionary and look it up . 53. _ Read , read and read ! Many newspapers have their own websites (网站)for you to

38、 read . Libraries are also a great place to find reading materials (材料). 54. _ If magazines are still a little difficult for you , try a simple storybook . 55. _ It sounds pretty difficult , but it is really important when you are studying to speak a foreign language . Thinking in the language will

39、help you become more comfortable when you speak the language . 根据短文内容,将下面方框内的句子还原到文中空白处,使短文内容完整、通顺,每个选项根据短文内容,将下面方框内的句子还原到文中空白处,使短文内容完整、通顺,每个选项只能用一次。只能用一次。 A. Think in the language . B. Or ten short stories of 100 words each ? C. Always carry a dictionary ! D. If newspapers are difficult for you , t

40、ry a magazine . E. It helps increase your vocabulary . (E) Mrs. Morgan came to a new school last month . She told her students that she loved them like most teachers . 56. _ And soon she saw a little boy named Toby . His clothes were always dirty and he didnt play well with his classmates . So Mrs.

41、Morgan didnt like him . 57. _ Yesterday Mrs. Morgan read each childs past records . To her surprise , Tobys teacher wrote, “Toby is a smart and good student . All his classmates and teachers like him . But his mothers very ill . Life at home must be hard .” 58. _On the third page , the teacher wrote

42、, “Tobys mother died , and Toby is very sad . His father is very sad , too. And he tries his best to make his father become happy again . But his father doesnt show much interest .” Then Mrs. Morgan realize what Tobys problems were . 59. _ From that day on , Mrs. Morgan began to pay attention to Tob

43、y . And she encouraged Toby. The more she encouraged him , the more progress he made . At the end of the year , Toby became one of the best children in the class. 60. _The story didnt end there . 15 years later, Mrs. Morgan got a letter from Toby told her that she was the best teacher in his life .

44、In the letter he also told her that he was a Doctor of Medicine . (a )根据短文内容,从方框中选出每段的主旨大意根据短文内容,从方框中选出每段的主旨大意。 A. How Toby became a good student. B. Why Mrs. Morgan didnt like Toby . C. What happened 15 years later. D. What happened in Tobys family . E. What Toby was like before . (b) 根据短文内容,补全下面的语

45、段。 (每空一词)根据短文内容,补全下面的语段。 (每空一词) Toby was a smart and good student . All the classmates and teachers liked him . But 61. _ his mother died , he changed . He didnt play well with his classmates . After Mrs. Morgan knew Tobys story , she began 62. _ help him . The more she encouraged Toby , the 63. _ p

46、rogress he made . He became one of the 64. _ children in the class . 65. _ years later, Toby became a Doctor of Medicine . (F) I am Canadian . I started learning French when I was 10 years old . But my whole experience with the language was in the classroom . All of that changed , however , during m

47、y last summer of high school . As a 17-year-old girl , I flew across the country by myself for the first time ! I headed for Quebec to live in the province with a French -speaking host family , who didnt speak any English . And I would learn French at a local school . On the first day of school , al

48、l of us students were given a test to determine (测定)our language level . We were required to speak only French all summer . On weekends , my classmates and I took trips to different places around the province . On one trip , we went whale watching on the St. Lawrence River . Even though it was raini

49、ng , we could see huge whales swimming around our boat . The most memorable part of our trip was a visit to historic Quebec City. I walked along the stone streets , took pictures of the European -style (欧式的)buildings , and learned some stories there. Finally my efforts paid off ! At the end of the s

50、ummer , I was able to communicate pretty well. I couldnt wait to go back to school and talk with my French teacher . Being fully immersed (沉浸在)in a French-speaking environment was a valuable learning experience . And it could be the main reason for my improvement in French . 根据短文根据短文内容,回答下列问题。内容,回答下