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1、 江苏省连云港市海州区江苏省连云港市海州区 2022 年中考二模英语试卷年中考二模英语试卷 一、单项选择(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分) 从每小题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 1. This is _ book about wild animals. Lets read it together. A. the B. / D. a 2. Which underlined letter group has different pronunciation? A. beach B. cheap C. health D. leader 3. -_is y

2、our father, Lily? -He is an engineer. A. What B. How C. Where D. Who 4. What a beautiful picture! Amy, please put it _the wall. B. above C. on D. over 5. Who is _runner in your class? -Im not sure. It probably is David. A. fast B. faster C. fastest D. the fastest 6. 2022 is the Year of tiger. I

3、n Chinese culture, tiger is a_ of strength A. sign B. symbol C. system D. spirit 7._air pollution, were encouraged to use shared-bikes in our city. A. Reducing B. Reduce C. To reduce D. Reduced 8. I find _is very exciting for me to go camping in the open air. B. this C. one D. that 9. We usuall

4、y _the headlines to get main ideas while reading newspapers. A. look through B. look down C. look after D. look for 10._e-books become popular today, some people say they prefer paper ones. A. When B. Though C. Unless D. Because 11. Ancient Chinese people _tea egg during Start of summer. A. explaine

5、d B. created C. imagined D. described 12. Peter used to be shy, but he _a lot since he joined the acting club. A. changes B. has changed C. changed D. will change 13. As students, we must study hard. _, we should pay attention to our health. A. By the way B. In the end C. At the same time D. For the

6、 first time 14. Tomorrow is Fathers Day. But 1 havent decided_ A. what I can give to my father B. where do I bay a present for my father C. that I make a cake for my father D. whether should I give a present to my father 15._! The floor is completely wet. -Thanks. Ill be careful. A. Well done B. How

7、 terrible C. Help yourself D. Watch out 二、完型填空(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每小题所给的选项中,选最佳选项 Once upon a time, there was a couple named Sue and John. Bath of them were 16 In the late autumn, John became bedridden(卧床不起)with serious illness. After the doctor 17 John several times, he told Sue

8、, “His 18 is quite bad. John seems to have lost a hope to live. _19_he doesnt want to live, medicines will not help him. Sue tried her best to make John take a (n) _20_ in things around him. She sang. she painted their favorite pictures, she told jokes, _21_that didnt work. “_22_he whispered one day

9、, as he looked out the window. When Sue asked what John meant, he explained_23_“ There are only five leaves left on the tree now. When the last leaf 24 , I. shall go with it.” As soon as she heard this, Sue _25_. She went to Mr Smith, who was also an artist. Mr Smith was _26_ by the news of Johns po

10、or health. He wanted his friend to get better. Over the next few days, although it rained heavily and the wind blew strongly, the last leaf on the tree was still there. Every day, John would look out and see the same_27_ leaf on the tree Then, one day, John became_28_. John said to Sue, “Ive realize

11、d that life is hard. However, I shouldnt_29_ .That leaf has stayed on that tree for so long. It has _30_me to live!” “You know that leaf was painted by Mr Smith?” said Sue. 16. A. artists B. doctors C. teachers D. workers 17. A. called B. admired C. visited D. invited 18. A. invention B. condition C

12、. education D. direction 19. A. Unless B. If C. Before D. Until 20. A. walk B. action C. part D. interest 21. A. so B. and C. or D. but 22. A. Five B. Two C. Three D. One 23. A. mostly B. hardly C. slowly D. highly 24. A. flows B. falls C. grows D. breaks 25. A. laughed B. cried C. shouted D. regret

13、ted 26. A. lucky B. curious C. amazed D. excited 27. A. bright B. beautiful C. lively D. lonely 28. A. worse B. luckier C. better D. wealthier 29. A. give up B. stay up C. wake up D. stand up 30. A. advised B. forced C. required D. taught 三、阅读理解(共 20 小题,31-45 每小题 2 分,46-5 题,每小题 1 分,满分 35 分)第一节:阅读下面短

14、文,从每题给的项中,选出最佳选项 A Activities for summer holiday July Drawing Singing Time: Tuesdays,4:00-4:50 pm Time: Thursdays,3:30-4:30 pm Teacher: Andy Lin Teacher: Grace Brown All students are welcome. All students are welcome. Soccer Basketball Time: Fridays, 3:30-4:15 pm Time: Fridays,2:15-3:30 pm Coach: Da

15、vid Hu Coach: Melinda Walker & James White Boys only. All students are welcome. August Dancing Public speaking Time: Mondays,4:00-5:00 pm Time: Fridays and Saturdays, 3:30-4:15 pm Teacher: Grace Brown Teacher: Lucas Yu Girls only. All students are welcome. Soccer Time: Wednesdays,4:30-5:15 pm Coach:

16、 David Hu Girls only. 31. Each soccer lesson lasts for_ A.45 minutes B. 50 minutes C.60 minutes D. 75 minutes 32. If Frank is free on Tuesday afternoons, he can learn _ A. Soccer B. Drawing C. Basketball D. Public speaking 33. The passage nay be taken from a_ A. story book B. travel guide C. school

17、poster D. science magazine B When was the last time you read a book, or a long magazine article? If youre one of the people who dont make a habit of reading regularly, you might be missing out. Reading is a good habit for the following reasons. First, reading books is fun. It keeps you in a good moo

18、d if you like reading. It is especially useful in bad weather or after a busy day at school. When you lose yourself in a great book, the bad mood just goes away. But the benefits of reading can go far beyond a relaxing pastime. You can lean knowledge and information through reading. Everything you r

19、ead fills your head with new bits of knowledge. The more knowledge you have, the more able you become to fight with difficulties. For example, you will find that the schoolwork becomes much easier after your reading improves. Reading can be the best teacher and there is no better way to get so much

20、useful information. Even if you lose everything you once had, the knowledge in the brain will still be there. Moreover, reading makes a great difference to writing abilities. Musicians learn from one another and painters use painting tools created by masters before them. This works in the same way f

21、or people who are good at writing. As you have read many well-written works in different styles, your own writing abilities turn from good to better. You can never stop learning and growing. And the best way is reading 34. What does the author think of reading from Paragraph 2? A. Interesting. B. Ch

22、allenging. C. Difficult. D. Personal. 35. What does the underlined word “benefits” in Paragraph 3 mean? A. Habits. B. Advantages. C. Hobbies. D. Abilities. 36. What can be inferred about reading and writing in Paragraph 4? A. Reading makes writing much easier. B. Writing helps develop reading habit.

23、 C. Reading can improve writing abilities. D. Writing may influence reading speed. 37. Why does the author write this article? A. To teach people how to read quickly. B. To introduce a good way of relaxing. C. To ask people to recycle more books. D. To explain why reading is a good habit. C The gray

24、 cub(幼狼) was different from his brothers and sisters. They already had the reddish color of their mothers fur. But he was gray, like his fatherOne Eye At first, his life was drinking milk, resting with his mother and playing with his brothers and sisters. But then came hard times when the cub was hu

25、ngry. One Eye found it more and more difficult to find food. The cubs brothers and sisters died of hunger. Then his father died. A lynx, a dangerous animal, killed him. After that, his mother had to go out hunting in another part of t forest. One day, while his mother was out hunting, the gray cub f

26、ound the way out of the cave. At first, it was too bright for him But slowly he learned to focus on the trees, the other bank of the stream and the sky. He was afraid. But the need to know and understand was greater than his fear; so he went out. He soon discovered that the floor of the world was no

27、t flat like the floor of the cave. And he fell, rolling down the slope (斜坡) outside the cave. He lay at the bottom crying in fear. But he soon sat up, and he started walking and looking around him. He met a squirrel, and a sparrow, both of which moved away from him. And so he learned that the world

28、had things that stayed in one place, and other things that moved. And the more he walked, the better he walked. As he walked in the forest, a big bird suddenly attacked him. He fought back, biting her wing with his small teeth. He was excited and happy. He leaned what wolves did. 38. The underlined

29、word “it” in Paragraph 2 refers to_ A. drink milk B. play with others C. find food D. rest with mother 39. The right order for the passage is _ a. The gray cub fought with a big bird. b. One Eye was killed by a lynx. c. The gray cub fell down the slope d. The she-wolf came out to hunt. A. d-b-c-a B.

30、 b-d-c-a C. d-b-a-c D. b-c-d-a 40. From the passage, we know the gray cub was_ A. helpful B. honest C. humorous D. brave 41. We can learn from the gray cubs story that_ A. Practice makes perfect B. Every dog has its day C. Its never too old to learn D. Where there is a will, there is a way D Being a

31、 farmer is a lot of work. You spend all the day outdoors. Luckily, smart technology is making its way down to the farm. Drones(无人机), apps, driverless tractors -how are these technologies changing one of the worlds oldest jobs? Lets take a look. When we talk about drones, we may think of gathering in

32、formation or making fantastic videos. These eyes in the sky can also help farmers. Growers closely watch their crops, find pests(害虫) and make sure that water is being used properly. Drones can also help humans do lots of physical work Powered by Chinas Beidou Navigation Satellite System the drones c

33、an spread seeds. fertilizer(化肥)faster and better than humans The driverless car is an exciting new technology. The same technology can help farmers plant cut and gather crops! Smart Ag, a US company, produces driverless tractors. Now driverless tractors can work in fields day and night. They have se

34、nsors, radar and GPS. Pulling a grain cart the tractor can automatically harvest grain from a machine, and then send the cart to be unloaded(卸货).According to technology officer Mark Barglof, it wont run over people or run into other equipment or crops. One of the most important jobs of a farmer is t

35、o make sure that plants get water. A new smartphone app called Smart Irrigation can help. Developed by an agricultural scientist at the University of Georgia, US, the app uses GPS technology to tell farmers when to water their crops. It connects with the closest weather station to learn about local

36、rainfall, and then estimates (估计)how much water the plants need each day. Its not just for farmers, people at home can also use it to decide when to water their lawn (草坪). 42. What can drones help farmers do? A. Collect pests. B. Water crops. C. Spread seeds. D. Buy fertilizer. 43. Smart Irrigation

37、can help_ A. farmers plant flower seeds B. farmers water crops properly C. workers build weather stations D. people know better about weather 44. According to the passage, we know that driverless tractors can_ A. send carts to farmers houses B. help farmers make useful tools dangerous to the pe

38、ople around D. help farmers plant and harvest 45. What does the passage mainly talk about? A. The oldest jobs in the world-farming. B. The great companies with new inventions C. The influence of the technology on farming D. The advertisements of some farming machines. 第二节:根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选

39、项(选项中有两项为多余选项)。 Whats your favorite sweet? There is nothing like chocolate. 46 About 500 years ago, the Europeans found the Mayans. They had a special food called cocoa. It was used to make chocolate 47 it was hard for common people to get. All this changed when European companies started to make ch

40、ocolate bars in the 19th century _48_White, dark and milk chocolate are what people often eat. The biggest chocolate bar ever was made in Italy in 2011. It was about 6 tons! There are also different shapes of chocolate 49 Chocolate rabbits and eggs arc popular on Easter, chocolate coins are common o

41、n Christmas, and chocolate hearts are great gifts for Valentines Day. Many people say chocolate is bad for our health. 50 Scientists say it is good for peoples hearts and can make people feel good. Just dont eat too much of it! A. But it is not always true. B. It is popular all over the world. The w

42、ord cocoa means gift from God. D. Chocolate comes in different colors and sizes. E. People often give these chocolates as holiday gifts. F. A bite of dark chocolate a day can drive your blues away. G. For hundreds of years, only the rich could enjoy chocolate. 四、词汇运用(共 10 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 10 分) A.根据句意和

43、汉语提示,在空白处填入适当的单词。 51. Pupils should learn some life _(技能)like cooking and washing clothes. 52. My grandparents often tell us Victory doesnt come_(容易).” 53. My grandpa often docs sports, so I bought a T-shirt for his _(六十) birthday. 54. Battle at Lake Changjin has_(提供) chances for us to remember Chin

44、ese history since it was on. 55. Lucy is organized and her room looks _(整洁的)than mine. B.根据短文内容和首字母提示,写出一个完整正确的单词。 Mothers Day is a special day for mothers all over the world. Its a celebration that honors the mothers of each family. On this day, we often say thank you to our moms. We also prepare s

45、ome (56) p _for our lovely mothers, such as flowers and cakes. Every Mothers Day, I (57) a _ make a card and give it to my mom with some flowers. When my mom (58) r_ these gifts, she gives me a warm hug and a big bright smile. I know she is very (59) s_ with what I have done for her. A mothers love

46、is not only selfless but also priceless. It is just (60) l _a circle. It has no beginning and no end. Lets love and respect our mothers! 五、选词填空(共 10 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 10 分) 从方框中选择恰当的词或短语并用其正确的形式填空(每个词或短语只能用一次)。 science; dream of; put up; a number of; make a list of; wide; let off get lost; by oneself; c

47、ompare.with 61. The little girl _ becoming a good ballet dancer when she was young. 62. Elephants have good memories. They can walk for a long time and never_ 63._boys are interested in Street Dance. They learn and practice it every day. 64. My cousin _things for his trip now. He likes to get things

48、 ready earlier. 65. At Spring Festival, we mustnt _fireworks to protect the environment. 66. Its sunny today. Linda and Kitty are going to the World Park_ 67. Tu Youyou is one of the greatest_ who I admire most. 68. “Dont _yourself _others, Tommy!” said his father. 69. Chinese is _spoken in many oth

49、er countries. How proud Im a Chinese! 70. The students are discussing where _the bookshelf in the classroom. 六、完成句子(共 5 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 10 分) 根据所给汉语和句子意思,用英语补全句子。 71.Millie _(领我参观)her school when her teacher called her. 72. If you keep on training, you_(成为一名成员) the school team 73._(目的)the book is to t

50、each students about traffic rules. 74. The whole years work_(取决于)a good start in spring. 75.Our teachers_(对严格要求) us since we entered middle school, so all of us behave ourselves. 七、书面表达(共 1 小题;满分 25 分) 梦想激励着中学生不断超越自我, 走向成功。 值共青团成立 10 之际, 英语面向初中生开展了以 “My Dream”为题的征文活动。假如你是李华,请你结合自己的学习与生活经历写一篇英语短文参赛。短