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本文(2021-2022学年高中英语外研版2019选择性必修第三册Unit1全面基础检测试卷(含答案))为本站会员(ge****by)主动上传,七七文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知七七文库(发送邮件至373788568@qq.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、选择性必修三选择性必修三 Unit1 全面基础检测全面基础检测 Section 1 I.根据句意及括号内的汉语提示,用单词的适当形式补全句子 1. Whenever I talk to Linda. She_(假装) to be very busy, which makes me angry. 2. When I saw Terry for the first time he was quite a(n) _(皮包骨的) little boy 3. What_(使苦恼) me most is that I wont be able to spare my kids enough time if

2、 I accept this well-paid job. 4. Mr Brown_(承认)that smoking is bad for his health, but he just doesnt know how to quit it. 5. There was a cute dog in front of the coffee shop, which was almost_(完全相同的) to mine. I 分析所给句子中划线部分的结构并根据汉语意思进行仿写。 1. Teenagers are almost as satisfied with their looks as older

3、 generations (P2) 升职之后,Mary 变得和丈夫一样忙,所以他们只好把儿子送到他外婆家。 _ 2. I spend hours every day editing my selfies, posting them and eagerly checking my phone a hundred times for comments(P2) 一份新的报告表明,男性正在花越来越多的时间在家做饭。 _ 3. . but this brought me nothing but pain and poor health. (P3) 在我看来,这个活动只会给你带来麻烦。 _ 4. Have

4、 you encountered any difficulties in understanding the main idea of this passage?(P4) 如果你在适应新学校的生活方面遇到任何困难,可以打电话给我。 _ II.从方框中选择合适的单词并用其适当形式补全对话,其中有两项多余。 lipstick, enlarge: makeover, freckle ,misjudge, boost, overlook S= Selina J=Jenny S: Jenny, you look quite different today. I guess that you must b

5、e given a(n)(1)_ J: Youre right. Yesterday, my cousin came to see me, and we went shopping We bought many things, such as clothes ,face cream, perfume and(2)_.Besides, I changed my hairstyle S: But I remember that you were not concerned about your look and hated wearing make-up before. What made you

6、 change your mind? J: Well, in the past, I didnt think external beauty was important and often( 3)_ my appearance. However, my cousin says that external beauty can help us leave a good impression on others, especially when they meet us for the first time. S: I agree with your cousin. I used to lack

7、confidence because there were many(4)_ on my face. Afterwards, I had them removed. Now I m more confident about myself. Therefore, I believe an attractive appearance can (5)_our confidence J: Youre right, but at the same time we should also keep in mind that inner beauty is more important than exter

8、nal beauty. Section 2 I.结合括号内的提示,写出下列汉语句子的英文表达。 1.在他搭档不知情的情况下,那个被叫做胆小鬼的年轻人对此次事故承担了全部责任。( coward; without) _ 2.几乎在所有的文化中,狗经常被视为人类忠诚的朋友。( regardas) _ 3.尽管容貌丑陋,但 Mr Brown 是个非常善良且正直的商人。 (despite;monstrous; righteous) _ 4. George 用全部积蓄买了一辆车,使得他的妻子很生气。_( saving; V-ing 作状语) .阅读下面短文,并从括号中选择合适的引导词补全短文。 Do yo

9、u have the bad habit of skipping your breakfast? Actually, (1)_(when /whether) you have breakfast or not every day may make a difference to your health. Its reported(2)_ (that/how) skipping breakfast can raise your risk of getting heart disease by 87. Some researchers from the University of Iowa ana

10、lysed 18 years of data on 6, 550 people who had no history of heartdisease.(3)_(That/What)we know from the survey is that 59 percent of the participants ate breakfast every day, but 5.1 percent never did, 10.9 percent rarely did, and 25 percent often skipped breakfast. (4)_ (That /When) skipping bre

11、akfast is closely linked to heart disease has been shown by the data collected by he researchers. People who didnt have breakfast in the morning were up to 87 percent more likely to develop heart disease. Actually, (5)_ (that/ how) breakfast is an important meal of the day is a common sense, so(6)_

12、(what/why) there have been lots of people skipping breakfast over the past 50 years is a question worth thinking about 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个 适当的单词或括号内单词的正确 形式。 Richard Reisner is a former chief financial officer(CFO) in a medical devices company .He had been going to Vermont for years to ski, so(1)_ was

13、 not surprising that he moved there after his retirement. However seven years ago, he(2)_ (motivate) by a neighbour to lend a hand at Vermont Adaptive Ski Sports, (3)_ is a nonprofit organisation aiming to teach sports to children of all ages with disabilities. Since then, Reisner has been dedicatin

14、g himself (4)_ the organisation .He volunteers as a ski coach for the disabled 5)_ (especial) the blind. “He is a(n)(6)_ (energy) and generous coach and all the students love him” says volunteer Tim Robson However, Reisner was diagnosed with a rare disease two months ago .Since then he(7)_ (receive)

15、 treatment regularly, but he wont let it affect his love for the kids(8)_ (stay) at Vermont Adaptive Ski Sports I love coaching and Im proud to be one of the(9)_ (volunteer) says Reisner. Its fun(10)_ (see)these kids grow with good spirits” Section 3 Developing ideas -Presenting ideas I.根据句意,用括号内所给词

16、的适当形式补全句子。 1. Tigert is one of the most famous _(novel)in Australia and I have read lots of his books 2. It is beyond our _(comprehend)that the boy always calls his mother s name in public 3. Judging from the _(express) on my fathers face, I knew that he didnt believe what I had said. 4. The young w

17、oman was so_(grace) that all the interviewers were impressed by her. 5. In the film. this doctor s son_( kidnap) on his way to school two years ago. 根据语境及括号内的汉语提示补全对话。 T=Tony L=Lily T: Lily, what are you doing there? L: Im reading a book called One Hundred Years of Solitude T: Oh, I know that book.

18、(1)_(我记得是位哥伦比亚作家写的它) L: You re right! It was written by Gabriel Garcia Marquez, who was an excellent Colombian writer. (2) _(被视为 魔幻现实主义文学的代表人物之一)he won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1982. T: Well, speaking of magical realism, Moyan is the one who shouldnt be ignored Actually, (3)_(他是第 位获得诺贝尔文学奖的中

19、国作家) L: So he is. and I have read lots of his works(4)_(从那些作品中,我们可以了解过去中国农村人们的生活方式) T: It seems that you have a strong passion for reading. Have you ever thought of writing a book yourself? L: Exactly. (5)_(我一直梦想着 未来可以出版自己的作品) T: I believe that as long as you work hard for it, your dream can surely

20、come true. L: Thank you 参考答案参考答案 Section 1 I. 1. pretends 2. skinny 3. 3.bothers 4. acknowledges 5. 5 identical II. 1. After promotion, Mary became as busy as her husband, so they had to send their son to his grandmas house. 2. A new report shows that males are spending more and more time cooking at

21、 home. 3. As far as Im concerned, this activity will bring you nothing but trouble 4. You can call me if you encounter any difficulties in adapting yourself to the new school life .1. makeover 2. lipsticks 3. overlooked 4. freckles 5. boost Section 2 I. 1. The young man who was called coward accepte

22、d full responsibility for this accident without his partner knowing it 2. Dogs are often regarded as humans loyal friends in almost every culture 3. Despite his monstrous appearance, Mr Brown is actually a very kind and righteous businessman 4. George spent all his savings buying a car, making his w

23、ife very angry. II. 1. whether 2. that 3. What 4. That 5. that 6. why III. I. it 2. was motivated 3. which 4. to 5.especially 6. energetic 7 has been receiving 8. staying 9. volunteers 10. to see Section 3 I. 1. novelists 2. comprehension 3. expression 4. graceful 5 was kidnapped II. 1. I remember i

24、t was a Colombian writer who wrote it 2. Regarded as one of the representative figures of magical realism. 3. he is the first Chinese writer to win the Nobel Prize in Literature. 4. from which we can learn the way Chinese rural people lived in the past. 5. Ive been dreaming of having my own works published in the future.