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本文(2022年高考英语一轮复习讲练测专题10:语法填空之记叙文和议论文(2)解析版)为本站会员(秦**)主动上传,七七文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知七七文库(发送邮件至373788568@qq.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、专题专题 1010 语法填空之记叙文和议论文语法填空之记叙文和议论文 1.(2020 届福建省泉州市高三第一次质检) 阅读下面短文, 在空白处填人 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 For many, holiday celebrations mean large meals shared with family and friends, but such 41 (feast) can produce huge amounts of food waste, harming the environment and wasting 42 (nature) resources-unless

2、mindful merry makers take necessary steps. Be mindful of 43 you already have.Try keeping food in glass jars. Using this Method,all 44 food in your kitchen becomes visible and will be easily remembered and consumed. Shop smart.Most anti-food waste experts agree that planning a holiday menu before 45

3、(head) to the grocery storeand sticking to itis one of the best ways to start off a 46 (little) wasteful holiday.Starting with an idea of who will 47 (invite) and exactly how much food to prepare will save a lot of littering. Use leftovers 48 (wise) .It maybe impossible to get everyone into the clea

4、n plate club, but that doesnt mean leftover food has to go waste.Freeze and repurpose leftovers by using them 49 base ingredients(原料) for other recipes or send extras home with guests. Always remember:When you throw away food, youre also throwing away the land,water and energy used 50 (produce) that

5、 food. 【答案】 41feasts 42natural 43what 44the 45heading 46less 47be invited 48wisely 49as 50to produce 【解析】 这是一篇议论文。文章就目前节日期间很多人大肆吃喝,浪费食物的现象提出一些让大家节约食物的建议,毕竟浪费食物就是浪费生产它们的土地、水和能源。 41 考查名词的数。 结合语境可知, 此处特指前文提到的 large meals, 所以应用复数形式, 故填 feasts。 42考查名词。此处应用形容词修饰名词 resource,故填 natural。 43考查连接词。分析句子可知,此处是宾语

6、从句连接词,从句缺少宾语,且意为“东西”,指物,应用指物的连接代词,故填 what。 44考查冠词。此处特指你厨房里的所有食物,应用定冠词,故填 the。 45考查动名词。此处应用 head 的动名词形式作为介词 before 的宾语,故填 heading。 46考查比较级。结合上下文可知,此处意为“开始一个不那么浪费的假期”,less wasteful“不那么浪费的”,故填 less。 47考查语态。主语 who 和 invite 之间是被动关系,应用被动语态,又 will 后接动词原形,故填be invited。 48考查副词。此处应用副词修饰动词 use,故填 wisely。 49 考查

7、介词。 结合上下文可知, 此处意为“把它们当作基本原料来用”, useas“把当作来用”,故填 as。 50考查非谓语动词。句意:要常常记住:当你扔掉食物时,你也扔掉了用来生产食物的土地、水和能源。根据句意和句子结构可知,此处应填不定式表目的,useto do“用来做”,故填 to produce。 2.(2020 届广东广雅中学高三适应性考试) 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(一个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。 Learning English used to be about developing four skills: reading, writing, listening an

8、d speaking. After all, thats 41 the exams are designed with four skills 42(test) separately. But over the years, educators 43(come) to realize that these four skills should never have been separated, but practiced all at once. And the best way to do that is, perhaps, 44 public speaking. According to

9、 Mei Deming, 45 professor of English at Shanghai International Studies University, giving a speech in an international language requires a speaker to integrate (融合) knowledge and content 46(mental) and express the result systematically. This is why the annual China Daily “21st Century Cup” National

10、English Speaking Competition has been gaining in 47 (popular) since it began in 1996, 48has worked as a model for developing students public-speaking skills in English and provided ideas for English teaching in schools. 49China continues to play an important role in global conversations, there will

11、be more chances for young Chinese people to present China and tell attracting stories. And in order to tell Chinese stories 50(well), we first need to develop a more overall English skill. Working on public speaking is, perhaps, the place to start. 【答案】 41how 42tested 43have come 44through/by 45a 46

12、mentally 47popularity 48which 49As 50better 【解析】这是一篇议论文。文章提出了中国英语教育中的一个新观点,即学习英语不是为了通过考试,而是流利地表达自己,进而把自己的国家和文化更好地讲给别人听。 41考查连接副词。分析句子结构可知此处是表语从句连接词,从句 the exams are designed 成分完整,但缺少“如何”之意,故用连接副词 how,故填 how。 42考查非谓语动词。分析句子结构可知,此处是非谓语动词作补语,test 和逻辑主语 skills 之间是动宾关系,故用过去分词,故填 tested。 43考查时态。分析句子可知,此处是

13、主句的谓语动词,根据 over the years(在过去的几年里)判断为现在完成时,主语 educators 是复数,故填 have come。 44考查介词。句意:或许,做此事的最好方法是通过在公开阅读。结合句意可知此处意为“通过”,其表达是 by/through,故填 by/through。 45考查冠词。professor 是可数名词,结合上下文可知此处意为“上海外国语大学的一个教授”,故此处用不定冠词,又 professor 是辅音音素开头,故填 a。 46考查副词。此处应填副词修饰动词 integrate,故填 mentally。 47考查名词。此处应填名词作为介词 in 的宾语,

14、故填 popularity。 48考查定语从句。分析句子结构可知,此处是非限制性定语从句的关系词,先行词 21st Century Cup在从句中充当主语,故用关系代词,非限定性定语从句中不能使用 that,故填 which。 49考查连词。句意:随着中国在全球对话中扮演重要角色,对于中国的年轻人来说会有更多机会介绍中国, 讲述吸引人的故事。 分析句子结构并结合句意可知, 此处是时间状语从句的连词, 意为“随着”,其表达为 as,故填 As。 50 考查副词比较级。 此处应填副词修饰动词 tell, 根据下文的 more 判断此处用比较级, 故填 better。 3.(2020 届江西省新余市

15、高考二模) 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 Austrian novelist and playwright Peter Handke won the 2019 Nobel Prize in Literature while the 2018 award, which41(delay) last year, went to Polish author Olga Tokarczuk. This years Nobel Prize for Literature marks a first in the awards 118-year history with

16、two awards announced at the same time. Handke has established himself as one of the most42(talent) writers in Europe after the Second World War. His works are filled with a strong desire43(discover) things and make his discoveries come to life by finding new literary expressions for them, the Swedis

17、h Academy said. He44(write) many novels in the past decades, like Short Letter, Long Farewell,45 a young Austrian writer travels across the United States in search of his wife. This novel is generally considered 46one of Handkes typical confusing works. Tokarczuk became47winner of the 2018 award for

18、 a narrative (叙事的)48(imagine) that represents the crossing of boundaries as a form of life. Her first work came out in 1993, and 49 was believed that her third novel Primeval and Other Times marked her major breakthrough. In 2018, she was awarded the Man Booker International Prize for her novel Flig

19、hts, 50 (become) the first Polish writer to do so. 【答案】 41was delayed 42talented 43to discover 44has written 45where 46as 47the 48imagination 49it 50becoming 【解析】这是一篇记叙文。文章介绍了 2018 年和 2019 年的两位诺贝尔文学奖得主。 41考查时态和语态。分析句子结构可知,这里使用了非限制性定语从句,先行词是 the 2018 award,从后文句意来看是延迟一年颁发的,即奖项被延迟,要用被动语态,且为一般过去时。故填 was

20、 delayed。 42考查形容词。句意:Handke 是二战以后欧洲最具天赋的作家之一。分析句子结构可知,这里是形容词最高级用法,空白处要用形容词。故填 talented。 43考查非谓语动词。分析句子结构可知,这里要用 to discover things 作 desire 的后置定语,解释其内容,要用不定式。故填 to discover。 44考查时态。根据时间状语从句 in the past decades 可知,写小说的动作从 10 年前开始并一直延续到现在,要用现在完成时。主语为 He。故填 has written。 45考查定语从句。分析句意可知,空白后的句子是在解释前面小说 L

21、ong Farewell 的内容,考虑定语从句,后句不缺主宾成分,结合与先行词的关系应该是缺地点状语,要用关系副词 where。故填 where。 46考查介词。句意:这部小说一般被认为是 Handke 典型的难以理解的作品之一。be considered as 意为“被认为是”,符合文意。故填 as。 47考查冠词。分析句子可知,这里的 winner of the 2018“2018 年文学奖得主”是特指,且前文中已提到,要用定冠词 the。故填 the。 48 考查名词。 这里空白处与冠词a、 形容词narrative一同组成名词短语, 要用名词形式。 故填imagination。 49

22、考查 it 作形式主语。 句意: 她的第一部作品于 1993 年出版, 而她的第三部小说则标志着重大突破。分析句子结构可知,被相信的内容是 that 引导的从句,是真正的主语,这里要用形式主语 it。故填 it。 50考查非谓语动词。句意:2018 年她被授予布克国际文学奖,也成为第一个获此殊荣的波兰作家。分析句子结构可知,become the first Polish writer 作前句的状语,become 与主语 she 之间是主动关系,要用现在分词形式。故填 becoming。 4.(2020 届辽宁省大连市第二十四中学高三模拟) 阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,

23、在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空,并将答案填写在答题纸相应位置上。 With the Internet entering our daily life more and more, online shopping is commonly used throughout the world nowadays. Internet shopping 41 (offer) a number of benefits to the shoppers especially over the past decade. 42 most important of all is conveni

24、ence. You can shop 43 you like as the online shops are open 24 hours a day and you do not have to queue with other 44 (shop). Secondly, it is easy to find what you are looking 45 online. However, every coin has two sides, 46 does Internet shopping. The main disadvantage of Internet shopping is 47 yo

25、u cannot actually see the 48 (produce) you are buying or check their quality. Some people are also worried about paying for goods 49 (use) credit cards or the mobile pay. As far as I am concerned, Internet shopping has advantages 50 disadvantages. It is very convenient and user-friendly and online s

26、hopping is much cheaper and more secured than before. 【答案】 41has offered 42The 43when/whenever 44shoppers 45for 46so 47that 48products 49using 50over 【解析】这是一篇议论文。随着互联网越来越多地进入我们的日常生活,网上购物在世界各地被普遍使用。文章讨论了网上购物的优点和缺点。 41考查动词时态。根据后文 over the past decade 可知应用现在完成时,主语为 Internet shopping,助动词用 has。故填 has off

27、ered。 42考查冠词。根据后文 most important 可知为形容词最高级,前面需要冠词 the。句首字母要大写。故填 The。 43考查连接词。句意:当你想购物时/你可以随时购物,因为网上商店 24 小时营业,你不必和其他购物者排队。此处为时间状语从句,可表示“当你想购物时”可用 when 引导;也可表示“你可以随时购物”可用whenever 引导。故填 when/whenever。 44考查名词的数。shopper 为可数名词,由 other 修饰可知应用复数形式。故填 shoppers。 45考查介词。根据短语 look for 表示“寻找”符合句意。故填 for。 46考查部

28、分倒装。句意:然而,任何事物都有两面性,网上购物也是如此。此处为“so+助动词/be 动词/系动词/情态动词+主语”结构,表示“也一样”为部分倒装句。故填 so。 47考查连接词。此处为表语从句,从句中不缺少成分,故用 that 引导。故填 that。 48考查名词的数。根据上文 the 可知应填名词 product,表示“产品”,根据后文 their quality 可知应用名词复数形式。故填 products。 49考查非谓语动词。分析句子结构可知 use 在句中作非谓语动词,与逻辑主语 people 构成主动关系,故用现在分词。故填 using。 50考查介词。句意:在我看来,网上购物利

29、大于弊。 has advantages over“比.有优势”,此处表示“优先于”应用介词 over。故填 over。 5.(2020 届山西省吕梁市高三一模) 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 Beijing embraces second snow this winter. The second snowfall of Beijing hit the capital Sunday evening, 41 (affect) traffic routes and scenic areas on Monday. Starting at about 7 pm o

30、n Sunday, the snow fell from the citys south, 42 (gradual) covering the entire capital 43 turning to moderate snow Monday morning, according to the Beijing Meteorological Bureau. The snowfall ended at noon and the blue alert 44 (issue) for a blizzard (暴风雪) was removed in the afternoon. More than 50,

31、000 workers and over 6,500 snow removal 45 (vehicle) were set up 46 (ensure) road safety. Flights and subway lines, as well as bus routes, have been affected when 47 snow hit the capital. On Sunday Beijing issued a blue alert for a blizzard, the first blizzard alert this winter. A yellow alert for 4

32、8 (ice) roads was issued as well. China has a four-tier color-coded weather warning system, with red representing the most severe, followed 49 orange, yellow and blue. In late November, the capital 50 (experience) its first snow of the winter. 【答案】 41affecting 42gradually 43and 44issued 45vehicles 4

33、6to ensure 47the 48icy 49by 50experienced 【解析】这是一篇新闻报道。报道了北京迎来了今年冬天的第二场雪及其带来的影响。 41考查非谓语动词。句意:周日晚,北京遭遇第二场降雪,影响了周一的交通路线和景区。根据谓语动词 hit 可知此处要用非谓语动词,根据语境可知,表示意料之中的结果,用现在分词,故填 affecting。 42考查副词。句意:据北京气象局表示,从周日晚上 7 点左右开始,降雪从城市南部开始,逐渐覆盖了整个首都,并在周一早上转为中雪。此处要用副词修饰 covering。故填 gradually。 43考查连词。句意:据北京气象局表示,从周日

34、晚上 7 点左右开始,降雪从城市南部开始,逐渐覆盖了整个首都,并在周一早上转为中雪。根据 covering the entire capital 与 turning to moderate snow Monday morning 之间是并列关系,可知此处要用表示并列关系的连词 and。故填 and。 44 考查非谓语动词。 句意: 降雪于中午结束, 下午发布的暴风雪蓝色预警被解除。 根据主语是 the blue alert,谓语是 was removed 可知此处要用非谓语动词,逻辑主语 the blue alert 与 issue 之间是动宾关系,因此要用过去分词形式作定语。故填 issue

35、d。 45考查名词的复数。句意:5 万多名工人和 6500 多辆除雪车被用来确保道路安全。根据 removal 可知此处要用名词,由 were set up 可知要用名词的复数形式,且 vehicle 是可数名词。故填 vehicles。 46考查不定式作目的状语。句意:5 万多名工人和 6500 多辆除雪车被用来确保道路安全。此处要用不定式作目的状语,表示目的。故填 to ensure。 47考查冠词。句意:大雪袭击首都时,航班、地铁和公交线路都受到了影响。根据名词 snow 可知此处要用冠词 the 表示特指上文提到的大雪。故填 the。 48考查形容词。句意:此外,还发布了道路结冰黄色预

36、警。根据名词 roads 可知此处要用形容词修饰名词。故填 icy。 49考查介词。句意:中国的天气预警系统分为四级,红色代表最严重,其次是橙色、黄色和蓝色。固定短语 followed by“然后;随后”,根据后面列举的 orange, yellow and blue,可知此处要用介词 by。故填by。 50考查动词的时态。句意:11 月下旬,首都经历了冬季的第一场雪。根据 In late November 可知时态是一般过去时,且主语是 the capital,因此此处谓语动词要用过去式。故填 experienced。 6.(2020 届四川省德阳市高三二诊)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的

37、内容(1 个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。将答案填写在答题卡上的相应位置。 Qi Wenxue, 61(bear)in the 1990s,is a community worker in Zibo City, east Chinas Shandong Province. On January 31,while 62duty as a novel coronavirus pneumonia(COVID-19)prevention and control officer in a local community, Qi made time 63(marry)his fiancee Ren Mei

38、na with a simple wedding ceremony. Qi used the break between duty 64(shift)to drive his bride to the wedding venue, his house, and then went back to work immediately after a simple ceremony. In the days before and after65wedding, Qi served as a contact person for people66had come back from Wuhan, th

39、e center of the epidemic, during the home quarantine period. So far, for nearly half a month, the newly-married bridegroom 67(be)busy with epidemic prevention and control work, without taking one day off. However, Qi had no regrets or complaints about giving up romantic evenings with his wife or din

40、ners with relatives and friends so that he could devote 68(he)to community work. He said that69(be)able to protect the community residents and making a contribution to epidemic control work would make his new married life more 70(mean). 【答案】 61born 62on 63to marry 64shifts 65the 66who 67has been 68h

41、imself 69being 70meaningful 【解析】这是一篇记叙文。文章主要介绍了一名抗议工作者齐文雪的事迹。在疫情期间匆匆举办婚礼,积极投身于抗议工作中。 61考查非谓语动词。句意:齐文雪,20 世纪 90 年代出生,是中国东部山东省淄博市的一名社区工作者。分析可知,所填空应是非谓语,动词 bear 与主语之间为被动关系,应用过去分词形式。故填 born。 62考查介词和固定结构。句意:1 月 31 日,在当地社区担任新型冠状病毒肺炎(covid19)防控官期间,他抽出时间与未婚妻任美娜举行了一场简单的婚礼。on duty,固定结构,意为“值班”。故填 on。 63考查动词不定式

42、。句意:1 月 31 日,在当地社区担任新型冠状病毒肺炎(covid19)防控官期间,他抽出时间与未婚妻任美娜举行了一场简单的婚礼。分析可知,所填空应是之前谓语“made time(腾出时间;抽空;争取时间)”的目的,应用动词不定式。故填 to marry。 64考查名词复数。句意:齐利用换班的休息时间,开车把新娘送到婚礼地点他的家,然后在一个简单的仪式之后马上回去工作。分析可知,shift,可数名词,意为“轮班”,应用复数形式。故填 shifts。 65考查冠词。句意:在婚礼前和婚礼后的几天里,齐某在家庭隔离期间作为从疫情中心武汉回来的人的联络人。分析可知,wedding 为名词,之前需要冠

43、词作限定词,且前文已经提及,此处应是特指,应用定冠词 the。故填 the。 66考查定语从句。句意:在婚礼前和婚礼后的几天里,齐某在家庭隔离期间作为从疫情中心武汉回来的人的联络人。分析可知,_6_had come back from Wuhan 为之前名词 people 的定语从句,先行词在从句中作主语,用关系代词 who 引导。故填 who。 67考查时态。句意:到目前为止,新婚的新郎近半个月来一直忙于防疫工作,一天也没有休息。根据时间状语“So far”判断为现在完成时。故填 has been。 68考查反身代词。句意:然而,对于放弃与妻子共度浪漫之夜或与亲朋好友共进晚餐,以便投身于社区

44、工作,齐并没有感到遗憾或抱怨。devote oneself to sth,“致力于某事”。故填 himself。 69考查动名词。句意:他说,能够保护社区居民,为防疫工作做出贡献,将使他的新婚生活更有意义。 分析可知, 所填空动词应是从句“_9_(be)able to protect the community residents and make a contribution to epidemic control work would make his new married life more _10_(mean)”的主语,动名词作主语。故填being。 70考查形容词。句意:他说,能够

45、保护社区居民,为防疫工作做出贡献,将使他的新婚生活更有意义。分析可知,make sth+adj.形容词作宾语补足语。故填 meaningful。 7.(2020 届四川省绵阳市高三第三次诊断性考试) 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1 个单词)或括号内单词的正确形株式。 An elderly woman has broken down in tears inside a Coles supermarket after arriving in the canned food aisle to empty41(shelf),with all products taken by selfish

46、panic buyers. A heartbreaking image of the woman,42(take)inside the Port Melbourne supermarket at midday on Thursday and shared to Twitter by Nine News reporter Seb Costello,started an outpouring of feelings from the public,with many 43(express) their willingness to help the lady and others currentl

47、y suffering. “44(honest),that is the picture 45catches this madness,one person responded. This really breaks my heart,the elderly have already given to society,why arent we looking after them?”another said. This absolutely breaks my heart.If I46(know)where this lady lives,Id help her out with food i

48、n a heartbeat.This has to stop now,47third wrote. One lady claimed shesobbed 4810 minutesafter seeing the image,and hopedsomeone helped her fill her baskerand made sure she was.OK at home. Others shared similarly shocking events they had seen during the COVID-19(新冠病毒)chaos. I 49(tell)that the 92 yea

49、r-old mum of a friend had a tin of tomato soup snatched from her hand at a supermarket in Ryde earlier this week.Disgraceful50(behave).one wrote. 【答案】 41shelves 42taken 43expressing 44Honestly 45that/which 46knew 47a 48for 49was told 50behaviour 【解析】这是一篇议论文。文章就新冠肺炎疫情下因为人们将超市抢购一空而出现令人寒心的一幕,引用了人们的一些评论

50、。 41考查名词。句意:来到科尔斯超市罐装食物货架前却面对着空荡荡的货架,年迈的女士伤心落泪,货架上的东西已经全部被“自私的”恐慌的人们买走了。根据句意,罐装食物区的货架都空了,一定不止一个货架,要用可数名词的复数形式。故填 shelves。 42考查非谓语动词。句意:这位女士令人心碎的画面,于周二中午拍摄于墨尔本港超市。分析句子结构可知,这里 take 和 share 引导的两个动词短语都作前句主语 a heartbreaking image 的定语。它们与主语之间是被动关系(画面被拍摄,被分享),要用过去分词形式。故填 taken。 43考查非谓语动词。句意:这副画面引发了公众的强烈反响,