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人教版七年级英语上册Unit2 Grammar培优讲义(含答案)

1、 Unit2 Grammar 一、指示代词 this, these, that, those 在这四个指示代词中, this 意为这, these 意为这些, 指离说话人较近的人或物; that 意为那, those 意为那些,指离说话人较远的人或物。 指示代词指示代词 用法用法 例句例句 this(用于代指单数) 用于指时间上、 空间上较近的 人或事物 This is my pencil. 这是我的铅笔。 these(用于代指复数) These are his brothers. 这些人是他的兄弟。 that(用于代指单数) 用于指时间上、 空间上较远的 人或事物 That is his b

2、ook. 那是他的书。 those(用于代指复数) Are those your parents? 那些是你的父母吗? This is my brother. 这是我的哥哥。 That is a blue cup. 那是一个蓝色的杯子。 These are her parents. 这些是她的父母。 Those are his friends. 那些是他的朋友。 当 this 或 that 作主语时, be 动词要用单数形式 is, 后面的名词也用单数形式; 当 these 或 those 作主语时, be 动词要用复数形式,后面的名词也用复数形式。 当回答含有 this 或 that 作主语

3、的问句,且 this 或 that 指物时,应用 it 代替句中的 this 或 that;当回答含 有 these 或 those 作主语的问句时,应用 they 代替句中的 these 或 those。 Is that your pen? 那是你的钢笔吗? Yes, it is. 是的,它是。 Are these his grandparents? 这些是他的(外)祖父母吗? No, they aren t. 不,他们不是。 【注意】(1)介绍某人时,用 this 或 that,而不用 he 或 she。 (2)打电话时,说自己是谁用 This is.,问别人是谁用 Whos that?。

4、 Hello! This is Mary. Who s that? 喂!我是玛丽。您是哪位? 二、单数句与复数句的转换 单数句改为复数句是句型转换中的一个重要题型。将单数句改为复数句常遵循如下规则: 1. 将单数句中的指示代词、人称代词、名词及 be 动词等变为对应的复数形式,如 this these, that those, he/she/it they 等。 This/That is a pen. These/Those are pens. He is in China. They are in China. I m a girl. We are girls. 2. 将单数句中的不定冠词

5、a, an 去掉(某些固定搭配除外)。 It is an orange. They are oranges. This is a pen. These are pens. 3. 单数句中的形容词、定冠词、副词、疑问词、介词等保持不变。 The pen is red. The pens are red. What color is the jacket? What color are the jackets? 词形特点词形特点 构成方法构成方法 读读 音音 例例 词词 大多数名词 在词尾加-s 清辅音后读/s/,在浊辅音后 和元音后读/z/ catcats bagbags beebees 以 s

6、,x,sh,ch 等结尾的名词 在词尾加-es 读/Iz/ boxboxes watchwatches 以辅音字母+y结尾 的名词 把 y 变 i,再加-es 读/z/ familyfamilies babybabies 以 o 结尾的名词 直接加-s 或-es 读/z/ tomatotomatoes photophotos 以 f 或 fe 结尾的名词 将 f 或 fe 变 v 再加-es 读/vz/ wifewives leafleaves 【注意】(1)作定语表示性别的单数名词在变成复数句时要变成复数形式;作定语表示性质的单数名词在变 成复数句后仍用单数形式。 His friend is

7、 a man teacher. His friends are men teachers. That is an orange tree. Those are orange trees. (2)表示单数的物主代词在变成复数句时可根据实际情况变化,有时可仍用单数,有时可改为相对应的复数 形式。 This is his ruler. These are his/their rulers. She is my friend. They are my/our friends. . 用指示代词用指示代词 this, that, these 或或 those 填空。填空。 1. What s _ over

8、 there(在那边)? It s a bus. 2. Are _ your pens? Yes, they are. 3. Are _ your pencils? No, my pencils are here. 4. Hello._ is Jane. Is _ Peter? 5. Bob, _ is my good friend, Mike. . 按要求完成下列句子按要求完成下列句子,每空一词。每空一词。 1. Are those your sisters? (作否定回答) No, _ _. 2. Is that a cup? (作肯定回答) Yes, _ _. 3. What is th

9、at?(改为复数句) What _ _? 4. They re orange jackets.(改为单数句) _ _ orange jacket. 5. Are these your friends? (改为单数句) _ _ your friend? 6. She is a nice girl.(改为复数句) _ _ nice girls. . 根据汉语意思完成句子根据汉语意思完成句子, 每空一词。每空一词。 1. 这些是他的父母。 _ _ his _. 2. 那是你的朋友吗? _ _ your friend? 3. 那些电话机是什么颜色的? What color _ the _? 4. 她们

10、是我的姐姐。 _ are my _. IV. 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. (that) are my grandparents. 2. This is Paul Green. (his) is my friend. 3. Is (these) your brother? Yes, he is. 4. (she) are my aunts. They are my mothers sisters. 5. Are (that) your parents? Yes, they are. V. 连词成句连词成句。 1. jacket, this, is, hi

11、s ? 2. are, these, my, books, English . 3. in, the, picture, at, look, boy, this . 4. his, parents, here, are ? 5. Roses, aunt, is, that ? VI. 单项选择。单项选择。 1. Bob, can you see the boys over there? _ are my cousins. Lets go and say hello to them. A. This B. Those C. That D. These 2. What are those? _ a

12、re their books. A. That B. Theyre C. They D. It 3. Dad, _is my friend Dave. Dave, _is my father. A. it;it B. this;this C. he;he D. that;this 4. How much are _ shirts? A. his B. that C. these D. it 5. Helen and Mary are good friends. _ often help each other(互相). A. She B. He C. They D. You .用指示代词用指示代

13、词 this, that, these 或或 those 填空。填空。 1.that 2.these/those 3.those 4.This;that 5.this .按要求完成下列句子按要求完成下列句子, 每空一词。每空一词。 1. they aren t is 3.are those 4.It s an 5.Is this 6. They are .根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。 1.These are; parents 2.Is that 3.are; telephones/phones 4. They; sisters IV. 用括号中所给

14、单词的适当形式填空。用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. Those 2. He 3. this 4. They 5. those V. 连词成句。连词成句。 1. Is this his jacket? 2. These are my English books. 3. Look at this boy in the picture. 4. Are his parents here? 5. Is that Roses aunt? VI. 单项选择。单项选择。 1. B 【解析】由系动词 are 可排除 A、C 两项;再由 over there在那儿可知,此处用 Those 来指代 远距离的人。 4. C 【解析】句意:这些衬衫多少钱?根据 shirts 复数,所以用 these;故选 C。 5. C 【解析】由前句海伦和玛丽是好朋友。可推断,第二句主语应用 They,句意为她们经常互相 帮忙。故选 C。