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本文(2021年人教版(新教材)高中英语必修第三册Unit4 Discovering Useful Structures课件)为本站会员(花好****3)主动上传,七七文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知七七文库(发送邮件至373788568@qq.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

2021年人教版(新教材)高中英语必修第三册Unit4 Discovering Useful Structures课件

1、Discovering Useful Structures Look at the following sentences and focus on the italicized infinitives. In pairs, discuss their functions. 1. I trained for a long time to fly airplanes as a fighter pilot. (作_) 2. As we all know, an astronaut needs to be healthy and calm in order to work in space. (作_

2、) 3. First of all, you must be intelligent enough to get a related college degree. (作_) 目的状语 目的状语 目的状语 Lead inPair work Summary: 1. 不定式的结构:_ 2. 分析上面的句子,我们知道在描述太空探索时,动词不定式不仅可 以用来表_,还可以用来作_,表_。 to+do原形 目的 定语 修饰 4. Some scientist were determined to help humans realise their dream to explore space.(作_)

3、5. On 12 April 1961, Yuri Gagarin became the first person in the world to go into space.(作_) 定语 定语 Rewrite the sentences by using infinitives as attribute. 1. In 2003, Yuri Malenchenko became the first person who got married in space. =In 2003, Yuri Malenchenko became the first person _ in space. 2.

4、 Mankind has always been curious about the universe and many people have dreamt that one day they would fly into space. =Mankind has always been curious about the universe and many people have dreamt _ space. to get married one day to fly into Functions of infinitives as attribute 3. But Janis Adkin

5、s has the ability and desire that he can do some useful work for the disabled. =But Janis Adkins has the ability and desire _ for the disabled. 4. I usually have a lot of meetings which I have to attend next week. =I usually have a lot of meetings _ next week. 5. We need someone who can go and ask f

6、or a doctor. =We need someone _ a doctor. 6. Anderson gave her his suggestion that she should insist on her task. =Anderson gave her his suggestion _ her task. to do some useful work to attend to go and ask for to insist on 动词不定式用作定语,放在被修饰的名词后面。 1. 动词不定式作定语常放在名词或不定代词后面作后置定语, 表示尚未发生 的 动作。 We have muc

7、h homework to do tonight. 2. 名词前有first, last, next, only等词以及最高级修饰时, 其后要用动词不定式。 She was the first woman to win the gold medal in the Olympic Games. 3. 抽象名词attempt, ability, chance, desire, determination, decision, plan, way或不定代词something, nothing等后面常用不定式作后置定语。 Janis Adkins has the ability and desire

8、to do useful work. Summary 4. 当名词与定语之间存在动宾关系时。 She is a nice person to work with. 5. 当名词与定语之间存在主谓关系时。 We must find a person to do the job. 6. 当名词与定语有同位关系时。 We got the order to leave the city. Practice (1) The airport _(complete) next year will help promote tourism in this area. (2) Do you have anyth

9、ing _(do) tonight? (3) The best way _(improve) your English is to join an English club. (4) Miss Liu is a very nice person _(work) with. (5) China is the third country in the world _(send) men into space. (6) Mary had great determination _(achieve) her goal. (7) The German girl has the ability _(lea

10、rn) Chinese well. (8) I have something important _(tell) you. to complete to do to improve to work to send to achieve to learn to tell Rewrite the sentences by using infinitives as purpose adverbial. 1. In space, astronauts collect all dirty water so that it can be recycled for later use. =In space,

11、 astronauts collect all dirty water _ it for later use. 2. Astronauts bones and muscles can get very weak in space due to the lack of gravity, so they need to exercise every day, which will help them stay healthy. =Astronauts bones and muscles can get very weak in space due to the lack of gravity, s

12、o they need to exercise every day _ _. so as to/in order to/to recycle so as to/in order to/to keep Functions of infinitives as purpose adverbial healthy 3. Astronauts have to use tape to stick everything down while working in space because everything would float off otherwise. =Astronauts have to u

13、se tape to stick everything down while working in space _. 4. During a spacewalk, astronauts have to move slowly so that they can keep their bodies under control. =During a spacewalk, astronauts have to move slowly _ _. so as not to/in order not to/not to float off so as to /in order to/to keep thei

14、r bodies under control 不定式作目的状语,常译作“_”。主要用来修饰_ 和形容词, 也可用来修饰副词。在句中, 不定式可作目的状语、原因状语、 结果状语、条件状语等, 可表示目的、原因及结果等。 A group of young people got together to discuss this question. 1. 目的状语, 置于句首或句末, 置于句首时常表示强调,为加强语气。 (1)置于句首时只用to do / in order to do。如用于表示否定, 用 in order not to do 或 so as not to do形式。 I walked

15、 quietly so as not to disturb the baby. Summary 以便,目的是 动词 (2)不定式作目的状语可转换为 so that / in order that 或 so that 引导的目的状语从句。 He worked very hard to pass the exam. He worked so hard that he could pass the exam. He worked hard so that/in order that he could pass the exam. 2. 原因状语, 多见于“sb. + be+ adj. + to do

16、”结构句中。 I was very sad to hear the news. 3. 结果状语, 多见于“tooto”; “enough to”; only to do(表示意料之外 的结果的发生); so/such. as to(意为“如此以至于”)结构句中。 He is old enough to go to school. Im too tired to do well. He rushed back, only to find the book missing. (1)_(work out) the difficult maths problem, I have consulted P

17、rofessor Russell several times. (2)_(learn) more about Chinese culture, Jack has decided to take Chinese folk music as an elective course. (3)He hurried to the station only _(find) the train had left. (4)We travel on Day 2 to northern France _(visit) the World War battlefields. (5)When the gorillas

18、and I frightened each other, I was just glad _ (find) them alive. (6)Join us _(taste) a variety of fresh local food. To work out To learn to find to visit to find to taste Practice 现在分词与不定式作结果状语的区别: (1) 动词不定式作结果状语强调的是一种意想不到的结果。 Anxiously, she took the dress out of the package and tried it on, only to find it didnt fit. (2) 现在分词作结果状语强调的是一种顺承的, 必然造成的结果。 His father passed away, leaving him a little money.