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本文(2021年人教版(新教材)高中英语必修第一册Unit3 Sports and Fitness单元加餐练(含答案))为本站会员(花好****3)主动上传,七七文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知七七文库(发送邮件至373788568@qq.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

2021年人教版(新教材)高中英语必修第一册Unit3 Sports and Fitness单元加餐练(含答案)

1、单元加餐练单元加餐练 【语基回扣练】 .单句语法填空 1The young girls will compete against the best athletes in the world. 2The fact is that each of us has our own strengths_(strength) and weaknesses. 3I feel greatly honoured (honour) to be welcomed by the audience. 4Obviously,things can easily go wrong when people are under

2、 stress. 5Seeing me,the confident girl gave me a determined(determination) look. 6When the teacher walked past him,he pretended to_be_drawing(draw) a picture. 7If you are found cheating(cheat) in the exam,you will be taken out of our school. 8I am lucky enough to be chosen as one of the hosts(host)

3、9Injured (injure) in the terrible accident,the young man still tried to say hello to us. 10The art show was far from being a failure(fail);it was a great success. .选词填空 make sense, now and then, fall apart, rather than,come along, set a good example to, give up, work out, lose heart, make it 1Whatev

4、er difficulties you have, you should not give_up 2Youd better come to the gym and work_out some time every day. 3Although Mike was in trouble,he didnt lose_heart 4I think you can make_it if you can follow my advice. 5I would arrange for you to come_along with us if you like. 6Zhong Nanshan has set_a

5、_good_example_to all of us; we should learn from him. 7You should prefer to work harder to solve the problem rather_than give up. 8It is a shame that their friendship finally fell_apart and they became enemies. 9It makes_sense to work on the problem before it gets out of control. 10My grandfather st

6、ill plays tennis now_and_then,_even though hes in his seventies. .补全句子/翻译句子 1Theyll stand by you even_though_you_dont_succeed 即使你不成功他们也都会支持你。(even though) 2 Bob_seemed_to_be_very_happy when he heard the good news.(seem to do.) 鲍勃听到这个好消息时似乎很高兴。 3Once_you_have_a_better_understanding_of_the_Chinese_tab

7、le_mann ers,_you will know what to do at the dinner party.(once) 一旦你更好地了解了中国的餐桌礼仪,你就知道在晚宴上做什么了。 4It_is_my_great_honour_to_be_invited_to_your_birthday_party.(It is ones great honour to do.) 我很荣幸能被邀请参加你的生日聚会。 5The_secret_to_happiness_is_having_a_positive_attitude_towards_life. (The secret to sth is.)

8、幸福的秘诀是对生活有个积极的心态。 6 There_is_no_use_getting_upset_about_it.(There is no use doing sth)伤心是 没有意义的。 .单元语法巩固补全下列附加疑问句 1You had one of your teeth pulled out yesterday,didnt_you? 2They seldom come late,do_they? 3Your father is unhappy,isnt_he? 4He said the bird was white,didnt_he? 5If you need help,let me

9、 know,will_you/wont_you? 【阅读专项练】 .阅读理解 I learnt to swim when I was a teenager.I went to the local (本地的) swimming pool with my two sisters.It was old and cold and not very nice.I can still remember my instructor:his name was Colin Firth, like the actor.But he wasnt as goodlooking! Rachel Robbins My f

10、ather was a swimming instructor so I guess its in the blood.I cant remember a time when I couldnt swim.I spent most of my childhood holidays at the beach and I still go at any opportunity (机会) I get. Simon Fordham It took me a long time to learn.I wasnt a natural.I still dont swim very well.I certai

11、nly wouldnt like to be in a boat in rough (汹涌的)seas.I never really learnt to put my face in the water.It hurts my eyes and I cant see. Geoffrey Hopkins One day I was standing by the deep end of the swimming pool and I suddenly fell in.I dont know how I did it but I managed to get to the side.I was c

12、oughing but I could swim! My brother saw me when I got out and thought it was very funny.But he didnt laugh when I hit him. Karen Marks My first experience of swimming was when I was 8 or 9 years old.I was on a small boat with about ten other boys.It was very small and someone pushed me in the water

13、.The water was very clean and I could see everything.I remember feeling very peaceful and comfortable, and I wasnt worried at all.I started swimming, not very well, but another boy helped me to return to the beach.Phillip Parker 【语篇解读】 本文是记叙文。五个人各自介绍了他们是如何学游泳的。 1Who can be described as a born swimme

14、r? AKaren Marks. BRachel Robbins. CSimon Fordham. DGeoffrey Hopkins. 答案 C 细节理解题。由 Simon Fordham 说的 My father was.when I couldnt swim 可知,也许是受遗传影响,他似乎天生就会游泳。 2What does Geoffrey Hopkins think of swimming? ABoring. BDifficult. CImportant. DInteresting. 答案 B 推理判断题。由 Geoffrey Hopkins 说的 It took me a long

15、 time to learn 和 I never really learnt to.I cant see 可知,他学了很长时间游泳,仍然没学会,因 此游泳对他来说是一件很难的事。 3How did Phillip Parker learn to swim? AHe taught himself. BHe learnt from his friend. CHe was instructed by his father. DHe took some swimming lessons. 答案 A 推理判断题。由 Phillip Parker 说他第一次游泳时的情景 I remember feelin

16、g.I started swimming, not very well 可知,他是自己学会的游泳。 .七选五 Its important to take part in afterschool activities.As teens, you have a lot of free time outside school._1_ Here are some healthy choices for teens. If you are not interested in traditional sports, find alternative (替代的)ways to get plenty of e

17、xercise._2_ They will get you to have exercise without feeling bored. A parttime job provides teens with lots of advantages._3_ A working teen will also have a chance to get social communication skills and a sense of responsibility.And it can help prepare them for life after graduation. _4_ Consider

18、 signing up for acting classes or music lessons.If you are interested in painting or drawing, look for classes that could improve your skills.A teen who enjoys writing may be able to enter writing clubs. There are always lots of volunteer chances for teens._5_ So you can do whatever you want after i

19、t.Reading to children at a library, walking dogs at the shelter (收容所), and growing vegetables to give to a soup kitchen are just a few ways many teens are choosing to make a difference. Try to join at least one activity to keep yourself busy when youre not in school.You can use your time to develop

20、new skills. AAnd many of them dont take you a long time. BThere are many afterschool chances for teens who love art. CYou should make full use of the time to keep yourself active. DBut a teen who finds an interesting hobby wont ever be bored. EBiking, dancing, horseback riding, and skiing are good c

21、hoices. FIn addition to the money you will make, a job teaches different kinds of life skills. GIf there arent any school clubs that interest you, find community organizations. 【语篇解读】 本文是说明文。本文介绍了青少年可以参加哪些课外活动。 1C 上一句说作为青少年,你在校外有很多空闲时间。本空承上启下,填“你 应当充分利用这些时间来使自己保持活力”,引出下文可以选择哪些课外活动来 使自己保持活力。 2E 上一句说“

22、如果你对传统的运动不感兴趣,可以找一些替代的方式来锻 炼”,本空举例说明可以选择的运动有哪些。 3F 根据本段的首句可知,本段建议青少年做兼职。本空说明做兼职的好处: 除了可以挣钱,一份工作还能教会你各种不同的生活技能。选项 F 中的 job 与首 句中的 job 一致。 4B 根据本段的 acting classes、music lessons、painting、drawing 和 writing 等 可以推知,本段的主题句是“对于热爱艺术的青少年来说,有很多课外活动的机 会”。 5A 根据上下文可知,此处说明青少年做志愿者的好处。结合下一句“所以 在做完志愿工作后,你可以做自己想做的事”可以推知,本空说明做志愿者不会 占用太长时间。结合选项可知答案选 A。