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1、8 年级年级(下下) Units 910 导学案导学案 一、重点单词一、重点单词 1.照相机 n. _ 2进步;进展 v. 日语 n._ 19.清理;清除 v_ 20.铁路;铁道 n. _ 21.离开;分开 v. _ 22.一会儿 n. _ 23.家乡;故乡 n. _ 24.现在;目前 adv. _ 25.把视为;看待 v. _ 26.数数 v. _ 27.百年;世纪 n. _ 28.在对面 prep._ 29.童年;幼年 n. _ 30仔细考虑 v. _ 31.社会的 adj._ 32.它自己 pron._ 33.收集 v._ 34.主要地;通常 adv._ 35.记忆 n._ 36.熊 n

2、._ 37.围巾 n._ 38.卧室 n._ 39.羞耻;羞愧 n._ 40.诚实的 adj._ 二、词汇拓展二、词汇拓展 1. invent (v.) _(n.)发明家_(n)发明 2unbelievable (adj.)_(反义词)可相信的;可信任的 3unusual (adj.) _ (反义词)通常的;寻常的 _ (adv.)不寻常地 4encourage (v.) _ (n.)勇敢;勇气 5social (adj.) _ (n.) 社会 6peace (n.) _ (adj.)和平的;安宁的 7perform (v.) _ (n.)表演;演出 8German (adj.) _ (n.)

3、德国 9collect (v.)_(n.) 收藏品_ (n.)收藏者 10safe (adj.)_(n.)安全;安全性 11. simply (adv.)_ (adj.) 简单的;易做的 12Indian (adj.) _ (n.)印度 13mostly (adv.) _ (adj.)最多;大多数 14memory (n.)_(v.)记忆;记住 15scarf (n.)_ (复数) 16own (v.) _ (n.)物主;主人 17certain (adj.) _(adv.)无疑;肯定;当然;行 18honest (adj.) _(n.)诚实 19truthful (adj.) _ (n.)实

4、情;事实_ (adj.)真的;符合事实的 20especially (adv.)_ (adj.)特别的;特殊的 21make (v.)_ (n.)生产者;制订者 22hold (v.) _(过去式/过去分词)拥有;抓住 三、重点短语三、重点短语 1. 取得进步 _ 2茶艺 _ 3两个;一对;几个 _ 4数以千计的;许许多多的_ 5一方面另一方面_ 6全年_ 7察看;观察_ 8清理;丢掉_ 9不再;不复_ 10放弃;交出(尤指不舍得的东西)_ 11至于;关于 _ 12.说实在的 _ 13把看作 _ 14依据;按照 _ 15几乎;接近 _ 16搭帐篷_ 17下棋_ 18四分之三_ 19东南亚 _

5、20带回_ 21需要 _ 22二十世纪中期_ 23保持不变_ 四、重点句型四、重点句型 1. Have you _ _ _ the space museum?你曾去过太空博物馆吗? No, I havent. How about you?没有,我没去过。你呢? 2Its _ _ isnt it?确实很有趣,是吗? 3Its a great _ _ _ a Saturday afternoon.这是度过星期六下午的一个好方法。 4_ _ that technology has progressed in such a rapid way! 技术的进展如此神速,真是令人难以置信! 5Watchin

6、g the tea preparation is just _ _ _ drinking the tea itself. 观看制茶和饮茶本身同样是一种享受。 6Maybe you fear that you wont _ _ _ find anything good to eat when you travel. 也许你会担心在旅游时找不到好吃的东西。 7How long _ _ _ that bike over there? 那边的那辆自行车你买了多长时间了? 8Ive had them _ _ _ a child.从我小时候我就拥有它们。 9However, others may only

7、 see it _ _ _ a year. 然而,另一些人可能一年只看到它一两次。 10Nowadays, _ _ Chinese leave the countryside to _ for work in the cities. 如今,许许多多的中国人离开乡村到城市里找工作。 五、熟词生义五、熟词生义 1. bear (n.) A. 熊 (v.) B. 承受,忍受 C. 承担责任 D. 支撑 (1)The ice was not thick enough to bear the weight of a strong man. _ (2)Grandma loved me so much th

8、at I couldnt bear to keep anything from her. _ (3)My parents neednt bear my whole cost of living because I can make money from the parttime job. _ 2. spring (n.)A. 春天 B. 泉水 (1)Just then he suddenly found a spring of delicious and clear water. _ (2)In spring flowers come out and grass turns green. _

9、3. board (n.)A. (木)板 B. 布告牌;董事会 (v.)C. 上(船、火车、飞机等) D. (提供)住宿;寄宿 (1)Passengers are waiting to board. _ (2)We will be very glad to board you. _ (3)The exam results went on the board. _ 4. count (v.) A. (按顺序)数数 B. 计算(清点)总数 C. 把算入,包括 D. 重要 (1)Every student should make full use of the time left before th

10、e coming exam, for every minute counts now._ (2)We have invited 50 people, not counting the children. _ (3)She began to count up how many guests they had to invite. _ 5. hold (v.) A. 抓住;拥有 B. 举办 C. 容纳 D. 支持 E. 使保持;使(注意力或兴趣)持续不减 F. 持有(意见或信念) (1)The store can hold up to 50 shoppers at a time. _ (2)Hol

11、d your dream, or you might regret some day. _ (3)Li Huas parents hold different opinions on whether they should have a second child. _ (4)These cups are just tools to hold life. _ (5)Stores have held Black Friday sales. _ 六、考点清单六、考点清单 1. encourage 的用法 encourage 为动词,意为“鼓励;激励”。 (1) encourage do

12、sth.“鼓励某人做某事” e.g. His parents encourage him to stay in school. (2)encourage sb. in sth.“在某事上鼓励某人”。 e.g. She encouraged me in my dreams. (3)sb. be encouraged to do sth. 某人被鼓励做某事。 e.g. Children are encouraged to be independent. 练一练 1). (2020 福建)On video, Doctor Zhong Nanshan _ teenagers to study hard

13、 in the first lesson of this term. A. allowed B. trained C. encouraged 2).(2020 绥化)My teacher encouraged me _ English as much as possible. A. to speak B. speak C. speaking 2. clear 的用法 1).clear 作动词,意为“清理;清除”。常用搭配:clear out “清理;丢掉”; clear up“解释;弄清楚;整理”。 e.g. He cleared a space on his desk for the rep

14、ort. 2).clear 作形容词,意为“清楚的;明白的”。其副词形式为 clearly。常用搭配:be clear about sth.“对某 事很清楚”;be clear to sb.“对某人来说很清楚”;make it clear that.“声明/说明”。 e.g. You should make it clear that he is not welcome here. 3).clear 还可以用来形容天气晴朗、水质清澈、空气清新、声音清晰等。 e.g. On a clear day you can see the mountain. 练一练 1). Could you speak

15、 in a loud voice so that I can hear you ? A.quickly B.happily C.slowly D.clearly 2). Did you find the way to the new library? Sure.Mr.White gave me very directions. A.clear B.private C.creative D.common 3. regard 的用法 regard 作动词,意为“注视;将认为;把视为;看待”。常用搭配:regard as“把视为”。 e.g. She was regarding me with sm

16、iling eyes. I regard him as a friend. 练一练 (2020 成都)Wuchazi Bridge _ as an Internet-famous place in Chengdu. A. regards B. is regarded C. is regarding 4. consider 的用法 练一练 (2020 苏州)Since I was kid, I _ (consider) different jobs I would like to do. 5. somewhere 的用法 somewhere 是副词,意为“在某处;到某处”,通常用于肯定句中; 在

17、否定句或疑问句中要用 anywhere;与形容词连用时,形容词要后置。 e.g. Its too cold here. Lets go somewhere else. 练一练 Where would you like to spend your winter vacation? Id like to go _. I dont like cold places. Asomewhere warm Bwarm somewhere Canywhere warm 6.whenever 的用法 (1)whenever 是连词,意为“无论何时”,在此句中引导时间状语从句,相当于 no matter when

18、。 e.g. You can come back whenever/no matter when you want to. (2)类似的连词还有 whatever(无论什么), wherever(无论哪里), whoever(无论谁)等。 练一练 (2020 长沙)_ you have problems, just let me know. Ill always be there for you. A. However B. Whatever C. Whenever 7. whether 与 if 作“是否”用法辨析 相同 点 whether 和 if 都可以引导宾语从句, 表示 “是否” ,

19、 在口语或间接引语中两者可以互换使用 I wonder if/whether I can get some advice from you. 不 同 点 whether 引导的从句常可以与连词 or 或 or not 直 接连用,而 if 一般不能 Let me know whether you can come or not. 当宾语从句提到句首时,只能用 whether 引导, 而不能用 if Whether it is true or not, I cant tell. 在介词后面只能用 whether,不能用 if I am not interested in whether youl

20、l come. 在动词不定式之前,只能用 whether,不能用 if He doesnt know whether to stay. 在及物动词 discuss 引导的宾语从句中,只能用 whether,不能用 if We discussed whether we should make a change in our plan. 练一练 1). (2020 荆州) Are you going camping this weekend? Im not sure _ the road to the mountains will be closed because of the heavy ra

21、in. A. that B. why C. whether D. which 2). (2020 玉林)She asked me_Id like to draw something on the drawing board. I didnt have any ideas. 8. 分数的表达 用法 例句 一般情况下,表示分数时,分子要用基数词,分母用序数词(first, second, third) one fifth 五分之一 如果分子大于 1,分母必须用复数形式 two fifths 五分之二 注意: 分数作主语时, 谓语动词的单复数视其后的名词而定, 如果名词是复数, 谓语动词用复数形式;

22、 如果名词是单数或不可数名词,谓语动词用单数形式。 特殊情况: 意思 例句 half 表示“一半” one half/a half 一半,二分之一 quarter 表示“四分之一” one/a quarter 四分之一;three quarters 四分之三 假分数 整数部分and分数 eight and three fifths 八又五分之三 in “分子(基数词)in分母 (基数词)”表示。 one in three 三分之一;five in six 六分之五 练一练 1).(2020 黄石)There are about eight hundred students in the sch

23、ool. _of them are boys. A. Three fifth B. Third fifth C. Third five D. Three fifths 2). _ of the students in our class _ going to summer camp in Beijing next week. A. Two fifths; is B. Second fifths; are C. Two fifths; are 9.辨析 no longer 与 no more 短语 意思及用法 例句 no longer 着重表示时间的不再延续,意为“如今不再”。no longer

24、 等于 notany longer He was no longer a child. no more more 是 many/much 的比较级,more 有 again 之意, 着重表示数量或程度的减少,意为“再也没有更多 (大)的数量(程度)”。no more 等于 notany more, 此时不能用 no longer 或 notany longer I have no more to say. 练一练 1). He didnt like the computer games _. A. no more B. no longer C. any more 2). The family

25、_ lived in their house because of the earthquake. A. any more B. any longer C. no longer 10.according to 的用法 1). 主要用来表示“根据”某学说、某书刊、某文件、某人所说等或表示“按照”某法律、某规定、 某惯例、某情况等。 e.g. According to the timetable, the train gets in at 8:27. According to the weather forecast, we shall have rain tomorrow. 2). 表示“根据”

26、“按照”时,主要用来引出状语,一般不用来引出表语。 e.g. 这本书是根据一个真实故事写的。 ( T )The book is based on a true story. ( F )The book is according to a true story. 注意:其后一般不接 view (看法) 和 opinion (意见) 这类词,也不接表示第一人称的代词 (me, us): e.g. 依我看,这部电影很不错。 ( T )In my opinion, the film is wonderful. ( F )According to my opinion, the film is wond

27、erful. ( F )According to me, the film is wonderful. 练一练 1). _ the passage, good learners have their own ways to study. A. As for B. Thanks to C. According to 2). 每个人将根据他的能力获得报酬。(汉译英) _ 七、语法复习:七、语法复习:现在完成时和延续性动词连用 非延续性动词(buy, die, join, lose 等)不能直接与 for 或 since 引导的时间状语连用。在现在完成时中, 若与一段时间连用,要将非延续性动词变为延

28、续性动词。 1.用 have 代替 buy。 e.g. My brother has had this car for almost four years. 2.用 keep/have 代替 borrow。 e.g. I have kept the book for quite a few days. 3.用 be 代替 become。 e.g. How long has your sister been a teacher? 4.用 have a cold 代替 catch a cold。 e.g. Tom has had a cold since the day before yester

29、day. 5.用“be+形容词”代替非延续性动词。 “be married”代替 marry “be ill”代替 fall/get ill “be dead”代替 die “be asleep”代替 fall/get asleep “be awake”代替 wake/wake up “be gone”代替 lose/die/sell/leave “be open”代替 open “be closed”代替 close/shut “be missing/gone/lost”代替 lose 6.用“be+副词”代替非延续性动词。 “be on”代替 start/begin “be up”代替 g

30、et up “be back (to)”代替 return (to)/come back (to)/go back (to) “be here/there”代替 come/arrive/reach/get here 或 go/arrive/reach/get there 7.用“be+介词短语”代替非延续性动词。 “be in/at+地点”代替“go to/come to+地点” 练一练 1).(2020 南通)Mr Jiang _ the company to develop the 5G network for years Now he works as the chief enginee

31、r in it Ajoined Bwas a member of Chas joined Dhas been a member of 2).(2020 镇江)Mum, I want to watch the news about our school. Change the channel, please! What a pity! It is eight oclock now. It_ for a while. A. has been over B. was over C. has finished D. finished 3. Jenny,your new tape player look

32、s great. Oh, its not new. I it for three years. B.have had C.bought D.have bought 八、写作复习:八、写作复习:居住环境 写作指导写作指导 此类话题要求考生描述自己生活的地方,看似很容易着笔,但是想要写好这类话题的作文仍有难度。考 生可从三个方面组织材料:第一,直接引出居住环境状况。 第二,详细介绍居住环境有哪些典型特征,哪些 地方使你记忆犹新,哪些地方需要改进。尤其通过对比过去与现在,描写出居住环境的变化。最后,总结 你对居住环境的看法,并描述你对居住环境的情感。 重点词汇重点词汇 hometown

33、家乡 childhood 童年 nowadays 如今 yard 院子 crowded 拥挤的 quiet 安静的 clean 整洁的 dirty 脏乱的 peaceful 安宁的 no longer 不再 as for 关于 enjoy beautiful scenery 欣赏美景 提分句型提分句型 Amy wants to keep her old things because they bring back sweet memories. Ive had it for seven years. Ive read it three times. In my hometown,there w

34、as a big old tree opposite the school. The village is famous for its sweet fruits. My hometown is becoming more and more beautiful. It stands beside a wide river and is rich in fish and rice. 优秀范文优秀范文 假设英语课上外教要求以“Talk About Your Town”为话题展开讨论。请你根据下面提供的关键信息, 用英语写一篇发言稿,介绍你生活的城镇幸福镇。 要点:1.自然景色; 2.娱乐活动; 3

35、.风土人情; 4.交通状况。 要求:1.包含所给提示内容,可适当发挥; 2.语句通顺,内容丰富,条理清晰; 3.词数 80100。 I want to tell you something about my town.I grow up in Xingfu Town, one of the most famous towns in our area. Its scenery is very wonderful. There are many beautiful rivers and ancient buildings, and you can visit these ancient build

36、ings and enjoy beautiful scenery by boat. The people here are friendly and hospitable. If you get into trouble, theyll be ready to help you. Besides,the transportation here is very convenient. Boats and buses are common means of transportation in my town. I love my town. Welcome to my town! 针对训练针对训练

37、 同学们,在初中三年的英语学习中,我们从课本中学习了有关“Family” “Be polite to sb.” “Protecting the environment” “Volunteering”等话题。假定你是李磊,请参考这些话题,依据以下要点提示,写一篇 题为“Im Proud of My Family”的英语短文,向校报投稿,讲述你的家庭故事。 要点:1.家人相亲相爱,努力学习、工作; 2.邻里和睦,礼貌待人; 3.爱护环境,从我做起; 4.积极参加志愿活动,帮助贫困儿童。 要求:1.词数 80100(短文的开头已经给出,不计入总词); 2.根据要点提示,适当发挥; 3.短文中不得出现

38、真实的姓名及校名。 Im Proud of My Family My name is Li Lei. I have a happy family. There are four people in my family: my parents,my sister and I. _ _ _ _ 答案 一、重点单词 1.照相机 2.进步;进展 v. if/whether 8.DC 9.CC 10.C;Each man will be paid according to his ability 七、语法复习 DAB 八、写作复习 My family love each other.

39、My parents both work hard. My sister and I study hard at school, too. My family are kind and friendly to our neighbors. We are all polite to each other. We get on well with each other. My family try our best to protect the environment in our daily life. My mom and my sister usually bring a bag to go

40、 shopping. My father is used to taking the bus to work. I never order take-away food. My family are glad to be volunteers at any time. My parents often help the children in poor areas. My sister helps in the school library twice a week. Sometimes I read newspapers to the old people. What a happy family! Im proud of my family!