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2021年中考英语一轮复习知识梳理(人教新目标)九全Units 5—6课件

1、九全九全 Units 56 人教版英语一轮复习人教版英语一轮复习 二、词汇拓展二、词汇拓展 目录目录 三、重点短语三、重点短语 四、重点句型四、重点句型 五、熟词生义五、熟词生义 六、考点清单六、考点清单 七、语法复习七、语法复习 八、写作复习八、写作复习 一、重点单词一、重点单词 一、重点单词一、重点单词 1.筷子筷子 n. _ 2.硬币硬币 n._ 3.银银 n.银色的银色的adj. _ 4.棉;棉花棉;棉花 n. _ 5.钢;钢铁钢;钢铁 n. _ 6.本地的本地的 adj. _ 7.避免;回避避免;回避 v_ 8.每天的每天的 adj. _ 9.表面;表层表面;表层 n. _ 10.(

2、分手指的分手指的)手套手套 n. _ 11.国际的国际的 adj. _ 12.形式;类型形式;类型 n. _ 13.气球气球 n. _ 14.剪刀剪刀 n. _ 15.高温高温 n.变热变热v. _ 16.样式;款式样式;款式 n. _ chopstick coin silver cotton steel local avoid everyday surface glove international form balloon scissors heat style 17.项目;工程项目;工程 n. _ 18.先锋;先驱先锋;先驱 n. _ 19.提到;说到提到;说到 v. _ 20.保持不变

3、;剩余保持不变;剩余 v. _ 21.疑惑疑惑 n. 怀疑怀疑v. _ 22.某人某人pron. _ 23.锁上锁上 v.锁锁n. _ 24.器械器械;工具工具 n. _ 25.有酸味的有酸味的 adj. _ 26.顾客;客户顾客;客户 n. _ 27.分开;分散分开;分散 v. _ 28.篮;筐篮;筐 n._ 29.几乎几乎 adv. _ 30.玻璃玻璃n._ 31.生产;制造生产;制造v._ 32.材材料;原料料;原料n._ 33.交通交通n._ 34.完成完成v._ project pioneer mention remain doubt somebody lock instrument

4、 sour customer divide basket nearly glass produce material traffic complete 二、词汇拓展二、词汇拓展 1.fair (n.) . . (adj.)合理的;合理的; 公正的公正的 . . (adj.)不合理的;不公正的不合理的;不公正的 2.leaf (n.) . . (复数复数) 3.produce (v.) . . (n.)产品;制品产品;制品 petitor (n.) . . (v.)竞争;对抗竞争;对抗 . . (n.)比赛;竞赛;竞争比赛;竞赛;竞争 (v. 令人高兴的事令人高兴的事”。 Read

5、ing can bring us much pleasure. please 作动词作动词,意为意为“使使高兴高兴”。 You cant please everyone. pleased 作形容词作形容词,意为意为“感到满意的感到满意的”。固定搭配。固定搭配:be pleased with sth.“对某事满意对某事满意”;be pleased to do sth.“很高兴做某事很高兴做某事”。 The teacher is pleased with what we did. pleasant 作形容词作形容词,意为意为“令人愉快的令人愉快的”。作定语时常用。作定语时常用 来修饰物来修饰物;作

6、表语时作表语时,主语通常是物。主语通常是物。 We had a pleasant talk. The trip is pleasant. 拓展:拓展:“With pleasure.”意为意为“我很乐意我很乐意”,常用于回答他人的求常用于回答他人的求;“My pleasure.”意为意为“我的荣幸我的荣幸”,常用于回答他人的感谢。常用于回答他人的感谢。 1. (2020南通南通)Compared with a 1day weekend, a 2day weekend is _ as we may have enough time for our hobbies Amore pleasant Bl

7、ess pleasant Cthe most pleasant Dthe least pleasant 2. Could you help me with my English after school? . A.Its a pleasure B.With pleasure C.Youre welcome D.OK,I could 练一练练一练 2. smell的用法的用法 词汇词汇 用法用法 例句例句 smell n.气味气味;味道味道;嗅觉嗅觉 The smell is terrible. v.闻到闻到 Dont you smell something burning? link v.闻起

8、来闻起来 The dish smells delicious. 拓展:拓展:感官动词小结感官动词小结 look看起来看起来 sound听起来听起来 taste尝起来尝起来 feel感觉感觉;摸起来摸起来 1. Look,Linda.The flowers in our classroom came out in one night. I cant believe it.They are beautiful and colorful.They great. A.sound B.smell C.taste D.feel 2. (2020呼和浩特呼和浩特) What about Marys birt

9、hday party? The flowers around the table _ (smell)sweet and the birthday cake looked so beautiful. smelt/smelled 练一练练一练 3. doubt的用法的用法 1.doubt作名词时作名词时,意为意为“疑惑疑惑;疑问疑问”。常见短语。常见短语:without doubt“毫无疑毫无疑 问问”;in doubt“疑惑疑惑;拿不定主意拿不定主意”。固定句型。固定句型:There is no doubt that. “毫无疑问毫无疑问”。 e.g. Without doubt,this is

10、 the best. We are in doubt (about) what to do next. There is no doubt that we will be successful. 2.doubt 作动词时作动词时,意为意为“怀疑怀疑”。在肯定句中。在肯定句中,可接可接if或或whether引导的宾引导的宾 语从句语从句;在否定句和疑问句中可接在否定句和疑问句中可接that引导的宾语从句。引导的宾语从句。 e.g. I doubt if/whether he will win. I dont doubt that he will win. Su Bingtian is the w

11、inner of the IAAF World Indoor Tour( 国际田联室内巡回赛国际田联室内巡回赛 ). ,he is a talented runner. A.Without doubt B.For example C.Once in a while D.All of a sudden 练一练练一练 4. be made of/from/in/into/for/by的的用法用法 be made+ of “由由制成制成”,可看出原材料或材料发生物理变化可看出原材料或材料发生物理变化 。 from “由 由制成制成”,看不出原材料或材料发生化学变化看不出原材料或材料发生化学变化 。

12、in “在在制造制造”,后接产地。后接产地。 into “被制成被制成”,后接产品。后接产品。 for “为为制造制造”,后接对象。后接对象。 by “由由生产生产;由由制造制造”,后接制造者。后接制造者。 1. (2020吉林吉林)How delicious the cake is! It_ by my grandmother this morning. A. made B. is made C. was made 2. Your watch looks very beautiful. Yeah,its made Japan women.;with;for;fo

13、r D.from;with 练一练练一练 5. 辨析辨析be known/well-known/famous for和和 be known/well-known/famous as known/well-known/famous for意为意为“因为因为而出名而出名”,后接出名后接出名 的原因。的原因。 e.g. The Bali Island is known/well-known/famous for its beautiful scenery. known/well-known/famous as意为意为“作为作为而出名而出名”,后接职业、后接职业、 身份或地位。身份

14、或地位。 e.g. Mo Yan is known/well-known/famous as a great writer. 1. Hainan its blue sky and fresh air. So it is.Thats why more and more visitors spend their holidays there. weak in famous for used to good at 2. (2020南通南通)Both Li Bai and Du Fu are_(wellknown) for writing so many gre

15、at poems famous 练一练练一练 6. not only.but (also)的用法的用法 not only.but (also).还可以连接两个并列的成分还可以连接两个并列的成分,当连接两个并列当连接两个并列 的主语时的主语时,谓语动词要和与其最近的主语在人称和数上保持一致。谓语动词要和与其最近的主语在人称和数上保持一致。 e.g. Not only he but also his parents like the movie very much. =Not only his parents but also he likes the movie very much. 拓展:拓展

16、:与此类似的结构与此类似的结构: (1)either.or.“或者或者或者或者”,连接两个并列的主语时连接两个并列的主语时,谓语动谓语动 词遵循词遵循“就近原则就近原则”。 e.g. Either you or I am wrong. (2)neither.nor.“既不既不也不也不”,连接两个并列的主语时连接两个并列的主语时,谓谓 语动词遵循语动词遵循“就近原则就近原则”。 e.g. Neither I nor you are wrong. 1. (2020柳州柳州)Not only Sam but also his parents_ coming to China soon. A. is

17、B. are C. were 2. (2020呼和浩特呼和浩特)A break between classes is very important for students because it _helps with students health by doing sports _improves their social skills by communicating with their classmates. A. too; to B. either; or C. neither; nor D. not only; but also 练一练练一练 7. avoid的用法的用法 avo

18、id是动词,意为“避免;回避”,其后可接名词或代词作宾语,是动词,意为“避免;回避”,其后可接名词或代词作宾语, 也可接动词也可接动词ing形式作宾语,但是不能接不定式作宾语。形式作宾语,但是不能接不定式作宾语。 e.g. Lily avoided answering my questions. 1. (2020桂林桂林)We should a_ making any noise in the reading room. 2.(2020绥化绥化)We must be careful to avoid _(make) mistakes in the exam。 3.(2020杭州杭州) Many

19、 road accidents can be a_ if we all follow traffic rules. void making voided 练一练练一练 短语短语 意思及用法意思及用法 例句例句 be good for 对对有益有益 Doing morning exercises is good for you. be good with 善于应付善于应付 Jim is good with kids. be good at 擅长。后接名词、代擅长。后接名词、代 词或动词词或动词ing形式形式 I am good at (playing) basketball. be good t

20、o 对对友好友好 He is always good to me. 8. 辨析辨析be good for, be good with, be good at与与be good to 1.(2020黔东南黔东南) Judy does well in physics and she always helps me with my study. A. is good to B. is worried about C. is god at D. is strict in 2.(2020荆州荆州) Once there lived an officer, Chen Yaozi. He was very

21、good _ shooting arrows(箭箭). at 练一练练一练 9. 辨析辨析lively, live, alive与与living 单词单词 意思及用法意思及用法 例句例句 lively 意为意为“生气勃勃的;生气勃勃的;(颜色颜色)鲜艳的鲜艳的 ”,指人和物,作定语、表语,指人和物,作定语、表语 Our teacher gave us a lively description of the event. live 意为意为“实况转播的;活的实况转播的;活的”,只作,只作 定语。作定语。作“活的活的”讲时,主要用于讲时,主要用于 动、植物动、植物 Its a live album

22、. He bought some live fish. alive 意为意为“活着;有生气的活着;有生气的”,只作表语,只作表语 ,侧重指生与死的,侧重指生与死的“界限界限” In the car accident the mother was killed, but her twoyearold son was found alive. living 意为意为“活的;活生生的活的;活生生的”,可用作表,可用作表 语或定语,可修饰人或物,有时可语或定语,可修饰人或物,有时可 与与alive互换互换 Both plants and animals are living things. Are y

23、our grandparents still alive /living? 1. Jim is watching a football match which is shown _ on TV. Though he is not on the scene, he can still cheer for his team. A. lively B. live C. living 2. His grandfather did his best to keep the tree _ but it died in the end. A. alive B. asleep C. absent 3. (20

24、20嘉兴嘉兴)Today, Id like to tell you about a_(活泼的活泼的) girl Ill tell you a bit about her lively 练一练练一练 意思意思 例句例句 some time 名词短语,表示名词短语,表示“一段时间一段时间”。常。常 常与延续性动词连用,对它提问用常与延续性动词连用,对它提问用 how long I need some time to do my homework. sometimes 频度副词,表示频度副词,表示“有时有时”。表示动。表示动 作发生的频率,多与一般现在时连作发生的频率,多与一般现在时连 用,它可位于

25、句首、句中或句末,用,它可位于句首、句中或句末, 对它提问用对它提问用how often She comes to visit us sometimes. some times 名词短语,表示名词短语,表示“几次;几倍几次;几倍”。 其中其中time是可数名词,对它提问用是可数名词,对它提问用 how many times Lucy has been to Beijing some times. sometime 副词,表示副词,表示“某时某时”。表示某个不。表示某个不 确切或不具体的时间,常用于过去确切或不具体的时间,常用于过去 时或将来时,对它提问用时或将来时,对它提问用when Jack

26、 will leave for America sometime next week. 10. 辨析辨析some time, sometimes, some times, sometime 注意:注意:分开是分开是“一段一段”(some time),相连为,相连为“某时某时 ”(sometime)。分开分开s是是“倍倍、次次”(some times),相连,相连s是是“有时有时 ”(sometimes)。 1. Doctor Bethune _ had to treat the wounded on his own. A. some time B. sometimes C. some time

27、s 2.(2020黔东南黔东南) The coffee in this shop is pretty good. Ms. Zhang comes here at times. A. sometimes B. never C. on time D. in time 练一练练一练 七、语法复习七、语法复习 七、语法复习七、语法复习 1.一般现在时态被动语态结构:一般现在时态被动语态结构:am/is/aredone e.g. Football is played in most countries in the world. 2.一般过去时态被动语态结构:一般过去时态被动语态结构:was/wered

28、one e.g. My bike was stolen last night. 被动语态被动语态 1. (2020百色百色)More trees _every year to make our city greener. A. is planted B. are planted C. was planted D. were planted 练一练练一练 2. (2020黄石黄石)I hate sweeping the floor. Why not buy a sweeping robot? It _ widely nowadays. A. use B. is used C. was used

29、D. used 3. (2020十堰十堰)The last Beidou GEO-3 _ into space successfully on June 23, 2020. As Chinese, we feel proud of it. A. sends B. sent C. is sent D. was sent 4. (2020株洲株洲)The last BeiDou navigation satellite(北斗导航卫星北斗导航卫星) _successfully last month. A. was sent up B. sent up C. has sent up 八、写作复习八、写

30、作复习 产品与发明产品与发明 写作指导写作指导 有关物品介绍的写作主要涉及介绍自己家乡的特产有关物品介绍的写作主要涉及介绍自己家乡的特产,或者介绍某种或者介绍某种 特定的产品与发明等。此类话题的写作体裁主要为说明文。考生可特定的产品与发明等。此类话题的写作体裁主要为说明文。考生可 根据已有知识或内容提示从产品或发明的产地、历史、外观、用途、根据已有知识或内容提示从产品或发明的产地、历史、外观、用途、 材料、发展前景等方面进行介绍。考生在写作材料的组织上必须做材料、发展前景等方面进行介绍。考生在写作材料的组织上必须做 到条理分明到条理分明,思路清晰思路清晰,准确运用各种句型结构准确运用各种句型结

31、构,要尽量多使用学过的固要尽量多使用学过的固 定短语、固定句型组织语言。定短语、固定句型组织语言。 重点词汇重点词汇 tradition传统传统 beautiful漂亮的漂亮的 common普通的普通的 important重要的重要的 useful有用的有用的 special特别的特别的 be popular with/in.在在中流行的中流行的 be known/famous for.因因而出名而出名 be used for.被用来被用来 be proud of/take pride in以以为骄傲为骄傲 be used in.被用在被用在 be invented by.被被发明发明 be

32、produced in.产于产于 be made of/from.用用制成制成 by mistake错误地错误地;无意中无意中 by accident偶然偶然;意外地意外地 提分句型提分句型 This car is made in Germany. It is said the cave was found by a traveler by accident. This kind of mobile phone is designed for the old. Do you know the history and the changes of computers? It has change

33、d peoples life and improved the quality of peoples life. Its often difficult to decide on the inventor of certain inventions. 优秀范文优秀范文 中国结是中国特有的民间手工编结艺术中国结是中国特有的民间手工编结艺术,具有独特的东方特色。请写一篇英语短文具有独特的东方特色。请写一篇英语短文,向来向来 自美国的交换生介绍中国结。自美国的交换生介绍中国结。 历史历史 出现在古代出现在古代; ;在唐、宋初发展成为一种艺术形式在唐、宋初发展成为一种艺术形式; ;明、清朝开始流行。明

34、、清朝开始流行。 颜色颜色 使用各种颜色的线进行编结使用各种颜色的线进行编结, ,最常用的是红色线最常用的是红色线, ,因为红色代表好运和繁荣因为红色代表好运和繁荣 。 用途用途 用作装饰品用作装饰品, ,可挂于墙上、汽车或手机上。可挂于墙上、汽车或手机上。 现状现状 中国各地可见中国各地可见, ,备受人们欢迎。备受人们欢迎。 参考词汇参考词汇:中国结中国结Chinese knots;编结编结tie the knot;朝代朝代dynasty;繁荣繁荣prosperity;线线 thread;装饰品装饰品decoration 要求要求:1.可适当增加细节可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯以使行文连贯;

35、 2.词数词数80100。 A Special Form of Traditional ArtChinese Knots Chinese knots are a special form of Chinese traditional art. According to Chinese history, Chinese knots appeared in the Tang and Song Dynasties. Later,they became popular during the Ming and Qing Dynasties. Chinese knots are made of color

36、ful thread. The thread commonly used is red, because its the symbol of good luck and prosperity. They can be put on cars, walls or phones as decorations. Nowadays, the knots can be seen in different parts of China, and they are popular among the young and the old. 针对训练针对训练 假设你是李华假设你是李华,你发明了一种会讲话的垃圾箱

37、。请你写一篇英语短文你发明了一种会讲话的垃圾箱。请你写一篇英语短文 在英语课上向同学们介绍你的发明在英语课上向同学们介绍你的发明,并向你的同学们推销这款垃圾箱。并向你的同学们推销这款垃圾箱。 要点要点: 1.用途用途; 2.特别之处特别之处; 3.价格。价格。 注意注意:1.词数词数80100; 2.根据要点适当添加内容根据要点适当添加内容,以使行文连贯。以使行文连贯。 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Boys and girls, may I have your attention, please? Today I will introduce my new invention to y

38、ou. Its a special box which is used for holding waste. It can speak different languages. As soon as people throw away wastes on the street, they will be cleaned up by the box at once. At the same time, the box will tell people not to do that again. Of course, my box wont cost too much. In this way, more cleaners will do less work and much money can be saved. What do you think of my invention? Will it be helpful to improve the environment? If you want one, please come here.