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1、高三英语语法专题复习讲义高三英语语法专题复习讲义 一、一、冠词冠词 【要点点拨】【要点点拨】 一不定冠词中的主要用法:一不定冠词中的主要用法: 1.表“一个” “每一个” (=per) “某一个” (=a certain / some),如: eight hours a day; a Mr. Smith 2.a / an +抽象名词表示具体的人或物(如:a pleasure / success / failure/ comfort / shame 等); a / an +某些物质名词表示 “一阵” “一份”等,如: a heavy rain; 3. a / an +有些名词= the same

2、+ n. 如: The students standing there are of an age (= of the same age.) 二定冠词的主要用法二定冠词的主要用法: (一)1.特定的或上文提到的人或物(包括特指的不可数名词); 2.一些习惯用语及固定词组中; (二)1.世界上独一无二的物,或表示方位及发明物前: the universe; the sun; the moon; He invented the wheel; 2.乐器名词前: play the violin; 3.表计量单位的名词前,表示”按”: by the dozen / yard / hour; 4.与形容词

3、或分词连用表示某一类人或事(或某国家的人): the old / sick / Chinese; (三)1.用于姓的复数形式前表示夫妇两人或某一家人: the Browns 2.年代的名词前表示”某十年代” : in the 1990s (四)1.在表示江河,海洋,山脉,群岛,海峡,海湾等名词前: the Yellow Sea; the English Channel; the Rocky Mountains; 2.在由普通名词构成的表示机构、 国家、 建筑、 历史朝代、 三军、 报刊,、 杂志等名词前: the Song Dynasty ; the World Trade Center; t

4、he Peoples Daily; the Times; (五)1.用在序数词及形容词最高级前(但:my first visit to the Great Wall) ; 2.对两人/物间进行比较表示特定的一个时(the+比较级): He is the taller of the twins; 3.句型”the+比较级,the+比较级”中:The higher you stand, the farther youll see. 三不用冠词的场合三不用冠词的场合: (一)1.抽象和物质名词前(除非表示特定时); 2.星期,季节,月份的名词前(比较:in winter / in the winte

5、r of 2000 ; on Sunday / on a Sunday in May); 3.三餐饭前(比较:have lunch / have a big lunch); 4.球类或棋类名词前(play cards / chess); 5.表示学科的名词前;交通工具的名词前(by car =in a car); 7.表示节假日的名词前(但:the Mid-Autumn Festival 或可说成 Mid-Autumn Day); (二)1.在称呼语前及表示人的职位,头衔,身份的名词在句中作表语,补足语及同位语时(在 as 后也常省略); 2.指家中雇佣的 cook, nurse,

6、 teacher 等时不用冠词并且大写:He was made monitor of our class; Whats the matter, Grandpa? (三)1.动词 turn 后的名词前不用冠词(但 become 后接可数名词单数时要加冠词): turn doctor=become a doctor; 2.word 表示 “消息” “诺言”时不用冠词: leave word / keep ones word / a man of his word; 表示 “人类”时不用冠词; 4.连词 as(虽然)引导倒装句中的名词前不用冠词; (四)在一些表示街名,广场名,公园名,大

7、学名,国名,人名等专有名词前:Nanjing Road; Tian An Men Square; Hyde Park (但:the Peoples Park); Yale University ( the University of Yale) (五)下列短语中有无冠词意义大不一样: at (the) table; in (the) prison; at (the) sea; by (the) sea ; by (the) hand; go to (the) hospital; on (the) earth; out of (the) question; by (the) day; in (t

8、he) front of ; (the) three of us; the / a number of; have a word/ words with sb.; a singer and (a) dancer ; a knife and (a)fork ; a / the second time ; a / the most beautiful city 四冠词的位置四冠词的位置: 1.all / both / half / many / double / such / what / quite+ 冠词+(形容词)+名词: half the books ; many a student ;

9、such a fine day; What a lovely present! quite a big meal / so / how / too+形容词+冠词+名词: so fine a day; too difficult a problem; as clever a boy as you 二、二、名名 词词 【要点点拨】【要点点拨】可数名词的复数构成规则可数名词的复数构成规则: 1.规则变化:加-s, -es; 辅音字母加 y 结尾的去 y 加 ies;把 f/ fe 变成 ves; (1)keys , three Henrys; stomachs; safes; belief

10、s; proofs; roofs; gulfs; chiefs; heroes; potatoes; tomatoes; Negroes; dingoes (2) 缩写,数字,字母等在后面加 s 或s 都可,如: some VIPs (VIPs); in his 50s / 50s; in the 1990s / 1990s; There are two ts in the word “letter”. 2.不规则变化: (1) men , children , feet, teeth, geese, mice; oxen 等; (2) 单复数形式相同:sheep; deer; fish; m

11、eans; works(工厂); Chinese; Japanese; Swiss; (teas, fruits, fishes, metals 等表示种类); (3)只有复数形式:trousers, glasses(眼镜);remains(遗体/物);clothes; ashes; contents(目录); goods; customs(海关); arms(武器); (4)复合名词的复数形式: shoe shops; lookers-on; grown-ups; passers-by; daughters-in-law (5)表示某国人的复数形式:A:单复一样:(Chinese / Jap

12、anese) B: 把 man 变成 men : Englishmen; Frenchmen; C: 其它加 s (包括 Germans, humans) 不可数名词不可数名词 1.量的表示:用 some / a little / much 等表示数量的词(组)及单位名词(量词) ,用得较多的有 piece, article, bottle, head, loaf, bar 等:a piece of advice / bread / news / information / equipment / chalk / cloth / clothing / music / work / furnit

13、ure / paper / wood / baggage; a loaf of bread; a bar of chocolate ; two head of cattle 2.不可数名词具体化: These games are great successes; The party was a great success. 名词的所有格:名词的所有格: 1.表示有生命的名词后加s, 如一样东西为几人共有, 则在最后一个名词后加s: Jack and Toms room(两人共 有的房间); Jacks and Toms rooms(两人各自的房间) ;表示无生命的名词的所有格用 of 表示:t

14、he windows of the room; (但表示时间、距离、国家、城市、团体、机构等无生命的名词后也可加s: Chinas industry; todays paper; ten minutes walk) 2.表示 “某人家里”“某店铺” 等的名词所有格后省略所修饰的名词: at my aunts (house); at the doctors (office); go to the chemists (shop); 3.双重所有格:a / an / this / that / these / those / some / any / a few / no / every / sev

15、eral / such / another / which 等+名词+of +.s / 名词性物主代词(表示“部分”的概念或表示某种感情色彩,如:赞赏、讨厌等) ; 比较: a friend of her mothers 她母亲的一个朋友(强调她母亲的朋友中的一位,为双重所有格) a friend of her mother 她母亲的朋友(强调两人间的关系,为 of 所有格) a picture of his brothers(他弟弟的所拥有的照片中的一张,照片上不一定是他本人) a picture of his brother(他弟弟本人的一张照片,照片上就是他本人) 名词作定语修饰名词名词

16、作定语修饰名词:前一个名词表示后一个名词的特点、性质及用途; (1)一般前面的名词用单数形式, 复数加在后面主体名词上: shoe shop(s); story book(s); coffee cup(s); physics teacher(s); 个别名词修饰另外一个名词用复数形式: sales manager; sports meet; 由 man / woman 与另一个名 词构成复合名词两者都变复数:men/ women doctors; (2)比较名词作定语及形容词作定语的不同意义: a dust bag ( a bag for dust) 装灰尘的袋子/ a dusty bag 布

17、满灰尘的袋子 a chemical change 化学变化(具有化 学性质的变化)/ a chemistry teacher( a teacher of chemistry)一个化学老师 a gold watch 一只金表(表材质)/ a golden watch 一只金黄色的表 英语中英语中”很多很多”的表达的表达: 只修饰可数名词:quite a few / a great many (of) / many / a (large / small) number of 只修饰不可数名词: a great deal of / a great amount of ( great amounts

18、of) 既可修饰可数也可修饰不可数名词:plenty of / a lot of ( lots of ) / a (large) quantity of / large quantities of 三、代三、代 词词 【要点点拨】【要点点拨】 1、 在定语从句中, 当先行词是代词 he / she / those / anyone 等时, 从句的引导词指人时用 who, 指物时用 that。 e.g. Those who know the answer can go on with the other exercises. He who does not reach the Great Wal

19、l is not a true man. Anything that benefits the people will be accepted. 2、all ( both, every, each) not = not all ( both, every, each) 构成部分否定,他们的全部否定分别是:none, neither, no one ( nothing) e.g. Not all the students could understand his explanation. Each child can not go to school in the mountain villag

20、e. 3、 含有 else 的所有格有以下几种表示法:somebody elses, anybody elses, nobody elses ; who elses = whose else 4、定代词作主语,代词可用:it(指物) 、he(指人) 、they(指人、物) e.g. Everyone knows how to do it, doesnt he/ dont they? 4、 all 作主语时的数:代替可数名词,是复数;代替不可数名词,是单数;作“所的一切”解释时,不 可数,动词用单数。 5、 身代词:by oneself: 亲自、独自、自动地; of oneself: 自动地;

21、be oneself: 身体好 help oneself (to): 自助、自己拿; in itself: 本质上、就其本身而言。 e.g. The man is too old to live by himself. / The door closed of itself. Im not quite myself today. / The question in itself is not very difficult. 6. 用人称代词简略回答时,要用人称代词的宾格。 e.g. - Who is knocking at the door? - Me, Tom. 7. The rest、Th

22、e remainder 作主语时,谓语动词取决于它们所替代的名词。 e.g. I have read half of the book. The rest is to be finished in a week. Several people were saved, but the remainder were still inside the burning house. 区别以下几组词:区别以下几组词: 1、none, nothing, no one(nobody) none: (指三个以上之中)没有任何(人、物) ,常用来否定回答以 How many/ How much? 引起的疑问句。

23、可以后接介词短语 of;作主语时,谓语动词既可用单数也可以用复数。 e.g. - How many sheep did you see on the hill? - None. - Please give me some ink. - Sorry, there is none(no ink) left. None of the students could answer the question, which made the teacher disappointed nothing: (视为单数)没什么,无事 e.g. After the fire, nothing was left on

24、the hills. Nothing did he say and he went home silently. no one= nobody:没有一个人,只能指人,是单数,常用来否定回答 Who?的疑问句,后面不可接 of 介 词短语。 e.g. - Who broke the window? - No one. It broke of itself. 2、it / they, one / ones, the one / the ones ,that / those it / they:用来指前面所提及的名词本身,起替代作用,避免重复; e.g. He bought a pen. It co

25、st him 50 yuan. / He has two brothers. They are both workers. one / ones:用来指前面所提及的可数名词中的一个或几个,是泛指; 还可以泛指人。 e.g. - Do you have a camera? - No, but my father has one. A chair made of iron is usually heavier than one made of wood. One can not be too careful when crossing the road. the one / the ones:用来

26、特指前面所提及的可数名词中的一个或几个。 e.g. - Im looking for a pen. - How do you like the one in the box? - Who are the boys? - You mean the ones playing basketball? that / those: “that” 用来替代前面出现过的可数名词单数= the one 或不可数名词, 以避免重复; “those” 用来替代前面出现过的可数名词复数= the ones,以避免重复。 e.g. The price of a pen is often higher than tha

27、t of a pencil. The weather in Beijing is colder than that in Shanghai. The students in Class Two are more hard-working than those(the ones) in Class One. 3、some / any, everybody / anybody 习惯上,some 和 everybody 用于肯定句,any 和 anybody 用于疑问、否定句。 但当 some 用于疑问句时,表示对所涉及的名词持肯定态度,everybody 用于疑问句时,译为“大家、 每个人” 。

28、e.g. Is everybody pleased with the show? 试比较:Do you have any water? (对 water 持怀疑态度) - Do you like some more water? - No, thanks. (对 water 持肯定态度) any 和 anybody 也可以用于肯定句。当它们用于肯定句时,有很强的强调口气。 e.g. - When shall we meet again? - Any time you like. Anybody here knows how to treat a stranger. 4、 who / whoev

29、er , what / whatever , which / whichever, whom / whomever who / what / which/ whom 是疑问词,引起的句子具有疑问色彩;whoever / whatever / whichever /whomever 是代词,并不引起疑问句,而用来引导名词性从句或让步状语从句。 e.g. Who will teach us English is still unknown. Whoever did it will be punished. / Whoever did it, he will be punished. What wo

30、uld you do if you had that sum of money? / Whatever you do, do it well. 5、other / others; the other / the others ; another other:作代词时,一般不单独使用,而必须与 any, some, no 等连用。 e.g. He is no other but Tom. / These are all we have, we have no other(s). others:常与 some 连用,表示:一些其它的。 e.g. Some people like fishing,

31、some like boating, others skating. the other: 与 one 连用,构成词组:onethe other:指两者中“一个另一个” the others: 指在一定范围中的“其余的” 。 e.g. In our class some students are good at maths, some are good at Chinese, the others are good at physics. another: 是形容词, “另一个、在一个” ,一般作定语,既可以修饰单数名词,又可以修饰复数名词, 还可以修饰数词。 e.g. We stayed i

32、n New York for another three weeks. / Please have another apple. 当 another 修饰单数名词时,在上下文意思明确的情况下,可以把名词省略,这时 another 起 代词作用。 e.g. After eating an apple, I had another (one). 6、all ; both ; each ; every ; either all:指三者或三者以上的所有,可以作形容词修饰名词复数,作代词,可作主语、宾语或同位语;后 可接 of 介词短语。 both:指“两者都” ,可以作形容词修饰名词复数,作代词,可作

33、主语、宾语或同位语;后可接 of 介 词短语。 each: “每一个” ,一般指两者中的每一个,也可指许多中的每一个;可以作形容词修饰名词单数,作 代词,可作主语、宾语或同位语;后可接 of 介词短语。 e.g. There are trees on each side / both sides of the river. Each of us has a chance to go to university. We each have a dictionary. every:指三者或三者以上中的每一个,是形容词,只能作定语,后面不能接 of 介词短语。 either:指“两者中一个”或“两者

34、中无论哪一个” ,可以作形容词修饰名词单数,作代词作主语、宾 语;后可接 of 介词短语。 e.g. If you keep still, you can sit on either end of the boat. I dont like either of them. Do you have any other blouse? 四、四、介介 词词 【要点点拨】复习时要把握三点:【要点点拨】复习时要把握三点: A. 要注意理解情景意义:同一介词可表达多种意义,同一场合意义不同则介词不同。要注意理解情景意义:同一介词可表达多种意义,同一场合意义不同则介词不同。 He hasnt come fo

35、r a month .(for 持续时间) The day is warm for April .(for 就而言) B. 要突破几个关键介词要突破几个关键介词 in , on , at , with , by , from , of , to , for . 1 . 表示时间的:at; in ; on , since , from , to , after , within , during , throughout , towards , over , by , till ; 2 . 表示穿越的:through , across , over 3表示地理位置的:in ; on; to ;

36、4 表示原因、目的的:for ;with ; from ; 5. 表示关于的:about , concerning , regarding , with regard to , as for ,as to ; 6. 表示根据:on ; according to ; 7. in the corner ;on the corner , at the corner 的区别 8between 和 among 9besides ;except ; but ;except for 10in 和 with C. 要注意介词搭配,集中归纳,反复练习。要注意介词搭配,集中归纳,反复练习。 1. 固定与 to 构

37、成搭配的名词:key , answer , visit , apology , introduction ,note , etc. 2. 与 on 有关的:mercy , congratulations 3. 与 at 有关的:angry , good , bad , clever , terrified , surprised ; 4. 与 of 有关的:afraid , sure , full , tired , fond , proud , worthy , certain ; 5. 与 with 有关的:angry , strict , careful , busy , poplar

38、; 6. 与 to 有关的:next, good , polite , kind , cruel , rude , known , anxious , married , close , near , similar, due ; 7. 与 for 有关的:sorry , good , free , fit , unfit , eager, anxious , hungry ; 8. 与 from 有关的:far , different , free, safe , absent , tired . 五、形容词和副词五、形容词和副词 【要点点拨】【要点点拨】 一一: 形容词形容词 1 作定语作

39、定语 1). 多个形容词修饰名词时,其顺序为: 限定词(冠词、指示代词、人称代词、数词等)描绘性形容词(beautiful, interesting)大小、长短、 高低形状年龄、新旧颜色国籍、地区、出处材料性质用途、类别名词中心词。 a charming big round new black French wooden writing desk the mans first two interesting little red French oil paintings 2) 定语后置 A)形容词短语作定语 a language difficult to master, a leaning t

40、ower about 180 feet high B)表语形容词(afraid、alike、alone、asleep、awake、alive 等)作定语,定语后置。如 a child asleep, the greatest man alive C) 修饰由不定代词 one、no、any、some 和 every 构成的复合词如 anything、something 等时 eg. Is there anything interesting in todays newspaper? D)else 常用作疑问代词和不定代词的后置定语。What else do you know? E)enough、

41、nearby 修饰名词前置或后置,但修饰形容词、副词时,必须后置。 2. 作表语作表语 1)系表结构。 与系动词 be,grow,get,become,feel,appear,prove,seem,look,keep. smell,taste, sound,turn,remain , go, come, stay, stand, run, prove 等连用 2)表语形容词。 常见的有以 a-起首的 afraid、 alike、 alone、 asleep、 awake、 alive 以及 well , ill(生病) , fond, sorry, unable, worth, glad, s

42、ure 等 注意:以 a-起首的词除了作后置定语外还作补语。eg. Keep the fish alive 修饰以 a-开头的形容词, 多有特殊的修饰词: quite alone, very much alone, wide awake, fast / sound asleep, very much afraid 3. 作状语作状语 形容词或形容词短语表示伴随状况、原因、结果等。例如: He went to bed, cold and hungry. Afraid of troubles,he would not accept the duty. 4. 复合形容词复合形容词 1)形容词 + 名

43、词 + ed kind-hearted 好心的,fair-haired 金发的 2)形容词 + 形容词 red-hot 炽热的,dark-blue 深蓝的 3)形容词 + 现在分词 good-looking 好看的,easy-going 随和的 4)副词 + 现在分词 hard-working 勤劳的,fast-moving 快速转动的 5)副词 + 过去分词 hard-won 得来不易的,newly-made 新建的 6)名词 + 形容词 life-long 终生的,world-famous 世界闻名的 7)名词 + 现在分词 peace-loving 爱好和平的,fun-loving 爱开

44、玩笑的 8)名词 + 过去分词 snow-covered 白雪覆盖的,hand-made 手工的 9)数词 + 名词 + ed four-storeyed 4 层楼的,three-legged 3 条腿的 10)数词 + 名词(名词用单数) ten-year 10 年的,two-man 两人的 二:副词二:副词 1频度副词如 often, always, usually, sometimes, seldom, never, rarely, frequently, occasionally 等在 be 动 词、助动词、情态动词后,行为动词前。eg. We usually go shopping

45、once a week./ He is always ready to help others. 2。多个副词同时出现的顺序 方式副词地点副词时间副词 / 小的时间/地点大的时间/地点 三:比较形容词和副词三:比较形容词和副词 1. 形容词ly, 有时会构成意义完全不同的副词 hard(困难的)hardly(几乎不) dead(死的)deadly(致命的) late(晚的)lately(最近) fair(公平的)fairly(相当) 注意:有些副词有两种形式,一个与形容词同形,一个以 ly 结尾,但它们的含义是不同的例 如: l) close 接近地 closely 仔细地,密切地 2) fr

46、ee 免费地 freely 自由地,无拘束地 3) hard 努力地 hardly 几乎不 4) late 晚,迟 lately 近来 5) most 极,非常 mostly 主要地 6) wide 广阔地,充分地 widely 广泛地 7) high 高 highly 高度地,非常地 8) deep 深,迟 deeply 抽象意义的“深” 9) loud 大声地 loudly 大声地(含有喧闹的意思) 10) near 邻近 nearly 几乎 .以-ly 结尾的形容词:lively、lonely、lovely、deadly、friendly、ugly、silly、likely、brothe

47、rly、manly、 timely 等。eg. () He spoke to me very friendly.() He spoke to me in a very friendly way. 四:比较级和最高级四:比较级和最高级 1. 构成 : 大部分双音节词、加后缀构成的词(如 slowly, useful) 、源于分词的形容词(如 tired) 、所有的多音 节词,加 more 构成比较级,加 the most 构成最高级, 副词的最高级可省去 the.请注意:作表语的形 容词最高级前,如果不是和别人、他物相比,常不加 the. eg. We are busiest on Monday

48、. 2修饰比较级、最高级的程度词 1) even / still / rather much / far/ a lot/ a great deal 比较级 a little/ a bit We are working still harder now. 现在我们工作更加努力。 2) 数词+ 名词比较级 eg. He is two inches taller than his father. 他比他爸爸高两英寸。(或说 He is taller than his father by two inches. ) She could not take a step further. 她一步也不能走了。 3) 比较级by far 在前面,应在二者中间加“ the” 如: He is taller by far than his brother. He is by far the taller of the two brothers. 4) the second/ third 最高级 by far 3. 无比较级和最高级的形容词 有些形容词本身含义无程度差别,因此没有比较级和最高级常见的有:right, wrong, perfect, possible, impossible, mistaken, dead, favo