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本文(2021年中考英语书面表达高分作文攻略11:难忘记忆)为本站会员(hua****011)主动上传,七七文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知七七文库(发送邮件至373788568@qq.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、11 11 难忘记忆难忘记忆 20212021 年中考英语书面表达高分作文攻略(全国通用版)年中考英语书面表达高分作文攻略(全国通用版) 素材储备与写作指导素材储备与写作指导 “难忘记忆”是典型的事件描述类文章,“时刻” 规定了内容是有关于当时发生之事,“难忘”要求了语言 要生动形象,能够突出有力地说明让人难以忘怀的原因。比如,因为见到了某个重要人物而尖叫疯狂,你 们又有些什么样的互动?因为参与了某个有趣的活动而心情激动, 你在活动中又获得了什么?因为获得了别人 的表扬而骄傲自豪,你又对未来有着怎样更雄伟的计划?总的来说,这类事件描述部分完成后,结尾还要抒 情以明志,使主题得到更好的体现。另外

2、,历年模考中出现过的类似题目不仅仅涉及“难忘”,诸如“一-次快 乐的记忆”、“一 次珍 贵的会面”等也是属于这个话题的变式文章。 下面,我们就以“难忘”为切人点,来具体谈- -谈这个话题的写作。 实践案例实践案例 题目题目 Write a composition in at least 60 words on“An unforgettable first for me. (写一篇题为“对我来说非常难忘 的第一次”的短文,字数不得少于 60 个词。) 提示提示:每个人生活中都会有难忘的第一次,例如第一-次见到某个重要人物, 第一-次参与某项活动,第 一-次尝试做某件事情,第一次获得某种荣誉等等,

3、 请按题目要求写出对你来说非常难忘的第一次。 这箱全命题文章主题突出“难忘”和“第一次”,题目要求并不复杂,要求学生能完恭描写出“第次”(仰按 照记叙几大要素再现事件始末),并点明其“难忘”(写出真情实感。因此这篇文章选取的内容不能太随意,要 选择有意义、写得出“难忘”的理由才行,比如某个“第次”让你学会了自立所以难忘,让你收获了友谊所以难 忘,让你得到了教训所以难忘,让你受到了表扬所以难忘等等。另外,中文题目还给出了可写话题的参考: 见到某人、参与某活动、尝试做某事、获得某荣普等,就更为学生提供了选择,降低了难度。语言方面, 要用生动形象的文字突出该事件对人影响颇深、令人感悟良多,这样才能契

4、合“难忘”的主题。 段落结构段落结构 虽然这算作文可写的话题不限,可发挥性强,但是也不能杂乱无章,还是有规矩可循的,叙事最起码 要交代清楚人物、 时间、 地点、 还有事情发生的前因后果(即 who/ when 1where /what,最后还要点明这样的“第 一次”为何“难忘”、有何重要性(即 how).根据题目要求,可以参考以下结构进行写作: 第一部分 The lst part 点题-我曾经历的_ _(事情)是我人生中很难忘的第一一次。 My first time to . is important for me. I will never forget the moment when I

5、. for the first time because it is so. for me. 第二部分 The 2nd part 描述这个“第一次发生的几大要素,包括时间、地点、参与的人物、事情如何发展和结束等。 It happened on . in . When I was at the age of . 第三部分 The 3rd part 结尾一打发感情, 这个“第一次”令我难忘,对我影响重大。 This was such an unforgettable experience that I would remember it forever. This moment will be t

6、he most precious memory for me because it makes me . 核心语汇核心语汇 an unforgettable experience 一次难忘的经历 officially meet somebody 正式会见某人 leave 1 make a deep impression 留下深刻印象 precious memory 珍贵记忆 at that moment 在那一刻 from then on 从那时起 Have a great influence on .影响重大 try doing something 尝试做某事 win honor for.获

7、得.的荣誉 to ones surprise 令.惊奇的是 have some difficulties in doing 做.有困难 make me excited and thrilled 令我万分激动 参考句型参考句型 Its the first time for me to.这是我第一-次. I still remember doing .我依然记得我做. I didnt realize . until that moment 直到那-刻我才意识到. I will never forget that.我永远不会忘记. . It is this unforgettable first t

8、hat helps me .正是这难忘的第一次帮助. Its a great honor to do 很荣幸做. The reason why I think it unforgettable is.我认为其难忘的理由. It wont be forgotten because it teaches me .我不会忘记它因为它教会. 1 I will cherish this precious memory forever.我将永远珍藏这段珍贵的回忆。 习作习作 1 I always think Im not good at maths. But I changed mind since 1

9、won my scholarship for the first time. When I was at 7 grade, I studied very hard every day. One day, my maths teacher encouraged me to take part in the maths competition. But I refused her because I told her that I wasnt good at maths at all But she said that she believed me I can do it. Then I agr

10、eed to have a try. I was very nervous during the competition. But I didnt give up. And I said to myself: you can do it Come on! As a result, to my surprise, I won the first prize. And I got a scholarship of300 yuan as a reward. Though it was not a lot of money, I was satisfied enough.From then on, 1

11、 am more confident by myself. 点评点评: 这篇习作洋洋酒酒有 150 多字, 但其实大部分都是偏离主题的, 因为该生对“第次”的描述虽有一气阿成 的感觉, 但细细读来会发现太过繁琐, 抓住主线“七年级一 我第一次参加数学竞赛一出人意料地获奖了” 就 可以,但作者描述得太详细,导致结尾的感想没有花费什么笔墨,让人感受不到为什么“难忘”,没有很好地 点题。而且,由于水平、时间都有限。简洁明了的文章往往是考场上更好的选择,有时候写得多反而错得 多。这篇文章的话法错误就不少,如第句的否定转移没有注意,应为 1 dont think 1 am god a.在七年级应为 in

12、 Grade Seven 或 in the seventh grade; 另外还有 I have changed my mind since./she believed that I could do it /I am confident by myself 等。 修改稿修改稿 In my mind, Im always poor at maths. But I have changed mind since 1 won my scholarship for the first time. When I was in Grade Seven, my maths teacher encourag

13、ed me to take part in a maths competition. I refused at first. But she said that she believed I could do it. Then agreed to have a try.1 was very nervous during the competition. But I didnt give up. To my surprise, 1won the first prize. And I got a scholarship of 300 yuan as a reward. Though it was

14、not a lot of money, I was satisfied enough. It was an unforgettable and important first for me, because it made me realize that 1should believe in myself and be more confident, As long as Im not afraid of trying, I know 1can do everything. 习作二习作二 As a fan of bullet, I make progress every day, and I

15、never forget this is all because of my first performance on the stage. When I was only 5, I was a shy girl but crazy about ballet. After 3 years hard training,I was finally offered a chance to perform in front of over 500 people. I felt nervous and was about to give up, but somehow I found myself al

16、ready on the stage, dancing - - and dancing well At that moment, I knew I was born for this! I love dancing ballet! A that moment, I decided never to doubt my capability of being a ballet dancer! With my efforts and perseverance, I believe I will realize my dream, and that unforgettable moment- my f

17、irst performance will be my most precious memory forever and will always urge me to do better. 点评点评: 这篇习作在开篇引人话题一最难忘的是 “舞台上的第一次芭蕾舞表演”。 中间部分对难忘的表演时刻进 行详细到位的描写,在交待清楚了时间和前因后果的前提下,形象的描写让人切身体会到她第一次表演时 的紧张激动, 如 finally / nervous 1 be about to give up/ be born for this 等。 最后点明这一难忘经历对 自己的重 要影响。可以说文章结构安排合理,切

18、合题意。语言方面表达通顺,会灵活运用被动句,会恰当使用 make progress 1somehow / be born for / effort / perseverance / precious 等词汇,句子之间逻辑紧密,紧扣主旨,充分 体现了这令人难忘且意义非凡的“第一一次” 。 相关话题满分范文解析相关话题满分范文解析 假如下面是你们班教室里的照片墙,墙上记录了中考前学习和生活的点点滴流,以及考前老师的温馨 提示。 忘不了备战中考时充实而快乐的时光, 请你以“Preparation for High School Entrance Exam” (备战中考) 为题,写一篇 80-100

19、词的短文。 1. 请阐述图中信息,可适当发挥; 2. 文中不得出现真实的人名、校名和地名; 3. 字迹工整,语言流畅,表达正确。 学 习 区 Listen to the teacher 生 活 区 Eat healthy food 提 示 区 Avoid making mistakes Take notes Exercise Learn to relax Finish doing Have enough sleep Be on time Preparation for High School Entrance Exam _ _ _ _ _ _ 【写作思路写作思路】 这篇作文要求我们以Prepa

20、ration for High School Entrance Exam为题,介绍备战中考的时光。题目中用照 片墙的形式呈现了备战的具体内容,并给出了一些关键词,学生们应依据这些图片和关键词,展开合理的 想象,充实细节内容,并用正确的英语表达出来。审题可知,这篇短文的主要内容应包括三个方面:分学 习、生活和提示三个方面解析介绍,注意分清层次和结构,合理安排各个方面的信息,注意上下文的衔接、 过渡应自然。短文应以第一人称为主来叙述,时态应为一般过去时,注意谓语动词的正确形式。写作时应 注意英语表达习惯和汉语的不同,不要根据汉语思维逐词翻译,应从句子的整体结构出发,写完整的句子。 可以简单句结构为

21、主,清晰、准确地表达自己的意思。而为了提升作文档次,应在文中穿插并列句、复合 句以及其他复杂句式和结构。同时注意语句之间使用恰当的连接成分,使文意连贯,表达流畅。 【参考范文参考范文】 Preparation for High School Entrance Exam High School Entrance Exam is arriving. I still remember the days when our teachers and students worked together to prepare for it. In order to get a good grade, we a

22、ll listened to the teachers carefully in class and took notes at the same time. After class, we finished our homework on time. If we had some difficult problems, our teachers would explain to us in details. All the teachers encouraged us not to give up and keep on studying. Besides, to study well, h

23、ealth comes first. Our teachers told us to eat healthy food, such as eggs, meat, vegetables and so on. We also did exercise every day and had enough sleep. The teachers told us not to feel stressful and learn to relax. We must be careful in the exam and avoid making mistakes. Whats more, we must be

24、on time. We all felt tired and nervous, but what a full and happy time! 这是一篇比较不错的作文,短文作者根据题目要求,回忆了自己和老师们一起备战中考的一段充实、 快乐的时光。题目以照片墙的形式展示了备战的过程和内容,非常新颖独特,分析照片墙可知,文章应从 三个方面进行介绍:学习、生活以及老师对学生的提示。这篇短文也正是按照这个思路进行展开叙述的。 短文层次很清晰,叙述也很清楚。短文主要使用了一般过去时态,符合表达的需要,语法规范,注意了动 词过去式的变化,尤其是不规则动词的过去式形式。语句通顺,句式结构完整,符合英语的表达

25、习惯。句 子以简单句为基础,也使用了宾语从句、状语从句等复合句句型,调整了文章的节奏。短文中使用了一些 较好的短语和句型, 如 I still remember the days when our teachers and students worked together to prepare for it.、 If we had some difficult problems, our teachers would explain to us in details.、 Besides, to study well, health comes first. Our teachers told

26、us to eat healthy food, such as eggs, meat, vegetables and so on.、We must be careful in the exam and avoid making mistakes.等等。 相关话题满分作文必背相关话题满分作文必背 (一)(一) Write at least 60 words about the topic“An unforgettable experience. (以“一次难忘的经历”为题,写篇不少 于 60 个词的短文,标点符号不占格。) 初中生活即将结束,三年的初中生活一定给你留下 了很多难以忘怀的经历。请谈

27、谈令你难忘、值得回 忆的-次经历。 Phrases for reference (以下短语仅供参考): graduate from . a meaningful activity enjoy oneself remember . forever (注意:短文中不得出现考生的姓名、校名及其他相关信息,否则不予评分。) 范文范文 An unforgettable experience Im one of the members of our schools volleyball team. Last month, my teammates and I entered for the teenage

28、rs volleyball league and we made it to the finals. It turned out to bean unforgettable experience. Facing our strong opponents, we made joint efforts to take hold of every opportunity in order to beat them. In the last round, when everyone was excited to wait for the result, I succeeded in getting o

29、ne key score and our team won! But my ankle was injured. However,I thought it was worth it and I felt thrilled. My teammates were also proud of me and hugged me. This experience is unforgettable not only because of all the praise I received but also because I know about one thing better: it is happy

30、 to make contribution to the team. (二)(二) In 60 to 120 words, write about the topic Meeting a special friend for the first time. (以“与一个特殊朋友的 第一-次相见为题,写篇 60- -120 个词的短文,标点符号不占格。)The following are for reference only. (以下 问题仅供参考。) 1. When and where did you meet the friend for the first time? 2. Why do

31、you think the friend is special? 3. What made your first meeting so impressive 1 unforgettable? 4. How are you getting along with each other? (注意:短文中不得出现考生的真实姓名、校名及其他相关信息,否则不予评分。) 范文范文 Meeting a special friend for the first time In the coffee shop near my home last week, I met a special friend, Mary

32、, for the first time. She was special because we met on the Internet and we never met in person. Just as she told me through the Internet, she shared the same interest with me. Both of us like travelling and taking photos. We talked about places of interest we had visited and shared some of our best

33、 photos. I found she was kind and patient and I expected to know her more. This first meeting was so impressive and unforgettable because I made one more friend.Besides, it made me realize that meeting net friends were not that frightening as long as we paid attention to telling the real information

34、 from the false and treating people with honesty. (三)(三) Write a passage on“A happy memory in my junior high school in at least 60 words according to the given situation. (以“我初中时期的一次快乐的回忆为题,写-篇不少 于 60 个词的文章。) 提示:初中时期留给我们很多快乐的回忆,你可以结合学习或生活中的某一个情 景或具体事例,例如: 一次班会、一次活动等等,谈谈初中时期曾经留给你的一次快乐的回忆。1Phrases for

35、 reference (以下短语仅 供参考): a spring outing a class meeting a party take part in play with be happy A happy memory in my junior high school Last summer, I went to Australia to visit our sister school for getting an unusual experience in a foreign country. I stayed there for about ten days and there were

36、 a lot of things that impressed me. I noticed the lifestyle there was very different from ours. They have a bin in the house to separate and recycle the daily rubbish. I think its really useful and necessary. My host family was very friendly. Susan (my host mother) treated me as her own daughter. Sh

37、e made cookies and other delicious food for me. Shes really nice! I also had classes there. Their educational system is different from ours. Therere only 5 classes each day, but some courses are offered in the school earlier than ours and they cover a really wide range of subjects.Their class is attractive and of great fun. This experience is a happy memory and I learnt a lot that couldnt be learnt from the books. I improved my English and learn the importance of independence. I also made lots of Australian friends.