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1、 1 七七年级下册年级下册 Unit Unit 1111 单元检测试卷单元检测试卷 .单项选择单项选择 1.The girl didnt arrive home. We worried _her so much. A.about B.of C.for D.from 2.Boys and girls, well have a three-day holiday next week. Great! What _ news! A.exciting B.excited C.excite 3.The watch is too expensive. Well, Ill show you some _ on

2、es. They are over there. A.heavy B.light D.small 4.The little mouse in a red hat is really _ . Who painted it? Tom did. He is good at painting. A.lovely B.easy 5.There is a flower on the floor. Would you please_ ? A.pick up it B.pick up them C.pick it up D.pick them up 6.Did you find

3、 _ funny in the book? Yes. It talks about how to be a good kid. A.nothing B.something C.anything D.everything 7.Tom _ for a walk with his father every weekend, but last Saturday he _ . A.go;did B.went;didnt C.goes;does D.goes;didnt 8.Was there a sports meeting in the hall last night? _ . 2 A.Yes, th

4、ere was B.No, there was C.Yes, there were D.No, there werent 9.Gao Shan, be careful with your bags on the train. _ . I can look after them well. A.I think so B.Good idea C.Dont worry D.Of course 10.How was your last trip? The food was not delicious. The hotel was terrible. _ , I didnt enjoy my trip.

5、 A.At first B.All in all C.Not at all D.All the time .完形填空完形填空 Hi, my name is Johnny. Last summer I had a 1_ vacation. I went through the USA with my parents by 2_ . We drove for six to eight hours a day. We often stayed 3_ big hotels at night. The food there was delicious. 4_enjoyed it very much. M

6、any hotels had swimming pools and game rooms. I was very happy to 5_ there. There were many people in the hotels and the rooms there were expensive. 6_ we often had to sleep in one room. We stayed in a small cabin(小木屋)in the mountains for five 7 _. I loved it so much!The cabin was 8_ and quiet. I ha

7、d my own(自己的)room there, so I could get up late in the morning. But I always got up 9_ because I wanted to go swimming. There was a beautiful 10_ near the cabin. We also went fishing and cooked food outside the cabin. I had much fun during the vacation. 1.A.scary B.great C.terrible D.difficult 2.A.c

8、ar C.boat D.train 3.A.on D.for 4.A.I B.He C.She D.You B.sleep 6.A.But B.So C.If D.Because 3 7.A.minutes B.months C.years D.days 8.A.big B.dirty C.clean D.noisy 9.A.late B.hard C.really D.early C.lake D.flag .阅读理解阅读理解 A I was traveling alone

9、in the UK. To reach places that were off the public transportation map, I bought an old car, which cost most of my money. I couldnt afford to stay in the hotel, so I had to sleep in my car for the rest of the trip. One morning I awoke in my old car on a country road in Ireland(爱尔兰) and saw a single

10、house. The water in my vacuum bottles(保温瓶) had gone cold, so I knocked on the door of the house. A woman opened it. I asked her for some hot water. But she didnt let me get away with just that! I was invited indoors. She asked me to sit at the table and have breakfast with her family. They filled my

11、 bottles before I left. I was greatly moved. And I decided to pass the kindness on. The other day I met a young man who had been driving around to look for a parking lot. He looked increasingly upset. I was glad that I was able to point one to him. His thankful smile was the largest reward (奖赏). 1.T

12、he writer bought the car in order to _ . more money more easily C.take the trip alone 2. Why did the writer sleep in his car? A.He was short of money. B.It was his habit. C.It was warm in the car. 3.The writer asked the woman for _ . A.breakfast B.a vacuum bottle C.some hot water 4.H

13、ow did the young man feel at last? A.Funny. B.Thankful. C.Disappointed. 5.Whats the main idea of the passage? 4 A.A smile is important to everybody. B.Sharing food is a pleasure. C.Kindness is the sunshine in life. B Jenny is from New York. Her uncle works as a teacher in Qingdao, China. Last summer

14、, Jenny went to China to visit her uncle and spent a week in Qingdao. Tina, her uncles daughter, took her to many interesting places. They went to May Fourth Square(五四广场). They went shopping in the shopping mall there. Jenny bought some clothes, books, CDs and some gifts for her friends. Then they c

15、limbed Laoshan Mountain. Jenny liked the beautiful flowers and enjoyed the warm weather there very much. She was tired but happy. They also went to the night market on the last day. There Jenny ate lots of nice food. It was really delicious and Jenny liked it very much. Jenny really enjoyed her stay

16、 in Qingdao! 1.What does Jennys uncle do? A.Hes a doctor. B.Hes a policeman. C.Hes a teacher. D.Hes a farmer. 2.How long did Jenny stay in Qingdao? A.Three days. B.Four days. C.Five days. D.Seven days. 3.Whos Tina? A.Jennys classmate. B.Jennys cousin. C.Jennys friend. D.Jennys aunt. 4.What did they

17、do on the last day of the trip? A.They visited May Fourth Square. B.They climbed Laoshan Mountain. C.They went to the night market. D.They bought some gifts for Jennys friends. 5 C Dear Linda, 1_ As I told you yesterday, I am in Rome today. Tomorrow we are getting the train down into the south of th

18、e country and then the ship across to Greece. 2 _ We started in England and we spent two days in London and another day in Canterbury. We saw a lot of great history and the only bad thing was the weatherit rained for the whole time we were there. Can you believe it? 3 _ Well, I have to say I prefer

19、the American Disneyland. But we met some nice people from Canada and spent two great days with them. One of them,Clive,is going to your university next year. Hows that for a coincidence(巧 合)! 4 _ After that, we went south into Switzerland. It was very expensive and we couldnt stay as long as we want

20、ed to, so thats why were in Italy now! 5 _ See you soon. Mike 根据材料内容,从下面五个选项中选出能填入文中空缺处的最佳选项,使文章意思通顺、内容完整。 A. OK, thats enough from me for now. I want to post this letter now so you can get it by the weekend. B. I cant wait to arrive in Athens to see all that history. Let me tell you something about

21、 where we have visited so far. I know you want to come here on vacation too one day! C. Clive and his wife left us once we got to Germany by train. They went up into Denmark but we continued to Munich. Wowwhat a great city! I bought you a surprise gift there. I hope you like it. D. At least when we

22、got to Paris, the sun was shining! We only stayed for one afternoon in the French capital because my friends really wanted to visit Euro Disney which is to the east of Paris. 6 E.How are things with you? It was great talking to you yesterday by phone. .任务任务型阅读型阅读 请仔细阅读下面材料,根据所提供的信息,完成信息卡。 Jenny went

23、 to Jamaica(牙买加)with her parents this summer holiday. This was their first trip to Jamaica. They stayed there for a week. Jamaica was beautiful and the people there were very friendly. They went to a beautiful and clean beach. The beach there was very calm(平静的). This was great for children. She play

24、ed beach volleyball with some boys and made friends with a boy from England. They had pizza and ice cream in a small restaurant. She really enjoyed it. Sam and his friends went on a trip to Brazil(巴西)this summer holiday. They saw waterfalls(瀑布)and went cliff(悬崖)diving. A guide became Sams good frien

25、d. She is an American. She had lived in Brazil for nine years. She really liked Sam. They ate spaghetti and seafood in a roadside restaurant. They also went boating down the river. It was very exciting. Information Card .单词单词填空填空 从方框中选出适当的单词填空,使短文内容完整、通顺。每个词只用一 次。 staying,weather,visit,lovely,free,o

26、ften,can,relax,milk,her Jennys grandparents are healthy and they live in the countryside. The 1 _ there is always great. It is sunny all year round(全年). Jenny likes to 2 _ them on weekends. Her grandparents are happy to see 3_ . Students Summer Trips Jenny Sam Where to go Jamaica 1 What to do 2 ,pla

27、yed beach volleyball 3 ,went cliff diving, went boating down the river Food to eat pizza and ice cream spaghetti and 4 New friend an 5 an American guide 7 Last Sunday, she went there again. In the morning, she helped her grandparents 4 _ a cow and feed chickens. She loved to do them because the anim

28、als were 5 _ . After that, she went to the supermarket with her grandfather. They 6 _ go shopping together. Its far from their house so they 7_ only get there by car. Jenny loves 8 _ in the countryside. Its a good place to 9_ . And she thinks the best things in life are 10_ like sunshine and the cle

29、an air. .口语交际口语交际 根据下面的对话情景,选择能填入每个空白处的最佳选项,使对话的意思连贯、完整。注意:方框中有两个 多余选项。 A:Hi, Lucy. How was your trip? B: 1 _ A:Well, where did you go? B: 2 _ The sea was really clean and blue. A:Did you play volleyball on the beach? B: 3_ I felt very good after playing it. A:Did you eat seafood? B:Yes, of course.

30、It was very delicious. A: 4 _ B:My parents, sisters and brothers. A:Did you swim in the sea? B: 5 _ A:Oh, thats wonderful. A.It was great. B.I went to the beach. C.Who did you go with? D.No. I wasnt good at it. 8 E.Were there any beaches? F.Yes. I played it after dinner. G.Yes. I was tired but still

31、 enjoyed it. VII.根据汉语意思完成句子 1.昨天我和我哥哥骑马了。 I _ with my brother yesterday. 2.我爸爸去山里拍了许多照片。 My father went to the mountains and took _ photos. 3.如果你在外面逗留得太晚,你的父母亲会为你担心。 If you stay out too late, your parents will_ you. 4.我和我奶奶喂鸡了,真好玩。 I _ with my grandma and it was so much fun. 5.昨天晚上他们做什么了? _they do l

32、ast night? 6.露西把书捡了起来并且放在桌子上。 Lucy_the book and put it on the desk. 7.在公园里我们看到了许多美丽的花并拍了一些照片。 In the park,we _ lots of _ and_ some photos. 8.对我们来说,遇见明星是一件很难的事。 Its too _ for us _ stars. 9.总的说来,我们的旅行是很棒的。 _ , our trip was great. 10.我一点儿都不喜欢这部小说。 9 I dont like the novel _ . 11.我们还没有决定什么时候探望爷爷奶奶。 We ha

33、vent decided _ our grandparents VIII.书面表达书面表达 假如李明是你的好朋友,请根据以下提示写一篇介绍他的短文。 内容要点如下: 1.圆脸、短发,戴眼镜; 2.学习刻苦,喜欢运动,擅长打羽毛球; 3.上周末风和日丽,他和家人一起骑车去了一个农场; 4.骑马、喂鸡,还摘了一些草莓带回家,学到了很多知识。 注意: 1.开头已给出,不计入总词数; 2.6080 词。 参考词汇:badminton n.羽毛球;pick v.摘;knowledge n.知识 Li Ming is my good friend. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 答案答案 I.1-5AACA

34、C 6-10CDACB II.1-5 BACAD 6-10BDCDC III.A:1-5 BACBC B:1-4CDBC C:1-5EBDCA 10 IV. 1.Brazil 2.went to a beach 3.saw waterfalls 4.seafood 5.English boy 2.visit 3.her 4.milk 5.lovely 6.often 7.can 8.staying 9.relax VI. 1-5 ABFCG VII. 1.rode a horse 2.quite a lot of 3.worry about 4.fed

35、the chickens 5.What did 6.picked up 7.saw;beautiful flowers;took 8.difficult;to see 9.All in all all 11.when to visit VIII. Li Ming is my good friend. He has a round face and short hair. He wears a pair of glasses. I think hes smart and handsome. He studies very hard. He likes sports and hes good at playing badminton. Last weekend, it was warm and sunny. He went to a farm by bike with his family. There he rode a horse and fed some chickens. He also picked some strawberries and took them home. He got a lot of knowledge about farming. He felt a little tired but very happy.