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本文(【语法专项突破】第17讲 完形填空2020-2021学年中考英语复习针对性研究(全国通用))为本站会员(hua****011)主动上传,七七文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知七七文库(发送邮件至373788568@qq.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

【语法专项突破】第17讲 完形填空2020-2021学年中考英语复习针对性研究(全国通用)

1、返回导航 上一页 下一页 第三部分第三部分 中考题型突破中考题型突破 题型二题型二 完形填空完形填空 中 考 加油 D R EA M 返回导航 上一页 下一页 01 解题技巧盘点 PART ONE 02 精选考题测评 PART TWO 目 录 CONTENTSCONTENTS 奋斗中考 精彩未来 返回导航 上一页 下一页 一、通读全文一、通读全文,了解大意了解大意 跳过空格通读文章跳过空格通读文章,理顺大意理顺大意,切忌读一句填一句切忌读一句填一句,因为完形填空里因为完形填空里 所给的大多数选项填入单句后都可成立所给的大多数选项填入单句后都可成立,但有些并不符合全文语境。切勿但有些并不符合全文

2、语境。切勿 纠结个别生词或难懂的句子。纠结个别生词或难懂的句子。 返回导航 上一页 下一页 二、分析判断二、分析判断,逐个击破逐个击破 做题时应遵循先易后难的原则做题时应遵循先易后难的原则,先把有把握的题选定先把有把握的题选定,对于没有把握对于没有把握 的题可暂时跳过的题可暂时跳过,等填完有把握的空后等填完有把握的空后,再再回过头来做前面的回过头来做前面的“难难”题题, 如此反复如此反复,各个击破。要善于发现和利用文中没有留空的句子各个击破。要善于发现和利用文中没有留空的句子,从字里行从字里行 间寻找隐藏信息。做题时根据选项的设置特点来进行选择也很有必要:间寻找隐藏信息。做题时根据选项的设置特

3、点来进行选择也很有必要: 返回导航 上一页 下一页 1动词:动词搭配先后顺序。动词:动词搭配先后顺序。 联系上下文联系上下文,选出与本句的主语选出与本句的主语或宾语搭配最恰当的动词。在有多个动词或宾语搭配最恰当的动词。在有多个动词 的情况下的情况下,考生要根据动作的先后逻辑顺序考生要根据动作的先后逻辑顺序,选出最恰当的动词。选出最恰当的动词。 2名词:名词复现名词:名词复现(具体名词具体名词)具体解释具体解释(抽象名词抽象名词)。 名词分为具体名词和抽象名词。 如果考查具体名词名词分为具体名词和抽象名词。 如果考查具体名词, 考生需要联系上下文考生需要联系上下文, 在文中找出与选项一样或一类的

4、名词在文中找出与选项一样或一类的名词,这叫作名词复现;如果考查抽象名词这叫作名词复现;如果考查抽象名词, 考生需要联系上下文考生需要联系上下文,一般在下文中一般在下文中,会出现该名词的具体解释。会出现该名词的具体解释。 返回导航 上一页 下一页 3形容词、副词:情感态度正负一致。形容词、副词:情感态度正负一致。 形容词、副词的情感色彩分为正态度和负态度两种。它们体现了考生形容词、副词的情感色彩分为正态度和负态度两种。它们体现了考生 对整篇文章的情感把控。考生可以根据整篇文章及上下文的情感色彩判断对整篇文章的情感把控。考生可以根据整篇文章及上下文的情感色彩判断 本本题的情感色彩题的情感色彩,进而

5、选出答案。进而选出答案。 4代词:前后一致。代词:前后一致。 必须根据前后所指代部分的单复数、性别等确定。必须根据前后所指代部分的单复数、性别等确定。 返回导航 上一页 下一页 5连词:逻辑关系连贯、通顺。连词:逻辑关系连贯、通顺。 常见的逻辑关系分别为:并列、递进、转折、因果、让步等。考生需常见的逻辑关系分别为:并列、递进、转折、因果、让步等。考生需 要联系上下文要联系上下文,选择恰当的连词使文章连贯、通顺。选择恰当的连词使文章连贯、通顺。 返回导航 上一页 下一页 6介词:固定搭配符合原文。介词:固定搭配符合原文。 除了考查介词与其他词的搭配外除了考查介词与其他词的搭配外,对于考查时间介词

6、、地点介词、方对于考查时间介词、地点介词、方 式介词等式介词等,要根据文章正确选择。要根据文章正确选择。 河南中考的完河南中考的完形填空文体多为记叙文。一般来说形填空文体多为记叙文。一般来说,记叙文的情感走向记叙文的情感走向 有两种:第一种:负有两种:第一种:负正;第二种:正正;第二种:正负负正。了解整篇文章的情感走正。了解整篇文章的情感走 向对于考生答题是非常重要向对于考生答题是非常重要的。首先的。首先,建议考生把已练习过的所有完形填建议考生把已练习过的所有完形填 返回导航 上一页 下一页 空题整理出来空题整理出来,利用早读时间把每篇文章的正确答案带到原文中大声朗读利用早读时间把每篇文章的正

7、确答案带到原文中大声朗读, 这有利于提升考生的语感这有利于提升考生的语感,对做完形填空题也是非常有帮助的。其次对做完形填空题也是非常有帮助的。其次,考考 生应多练习教育、哲理和情感等故事类和事物介绍类的文章生应多练习教育、哲理和情感等故事类和事物介绍类的文章,熟悉话题特熟悉话题特 点点,轻松备考。轻松备考。 返回导航 上一页 下一页 三、认真复查三、认真复查,适当调整适当调整 对填完空的短文应从头至尾再读一遍。根据复读的语感和对整篇短文对填完空的短文应从头至尾再读一遍。根据复读的语感和对整篇短文 的理解的理解,再再次将较明显的错误改正次将较明显的错误改正,个别需要推敲的再作调整个别需要推敲的再

8、作调整,尽可能少尽可能少 出错。复查时应注意:正确的必须坚持出错。复查时应注意:正确的必须坚持,一时拿不准的也不要轻易改动一时拿不准的也不要轻易改动(明明 显的错误除外显的错误除外),要相信自己的第一感觉。要相信自己的第一感觉。 返回导航 上一页 下一页 【注意】【注意】 1重视首尾句。重视首尾句。 完形填空首句一般不设空完形填空首句一般不设空,往往是文章的主题句。往往是文章的主题句。 尾句往往是文章的灵魂。理解首尾句对统观全文有很大的帮助。尾句往往是文章的灵魂。理解首尾句对统观全文有很大的帮助。 2做题时应先易后难做题时应先易后难,绝不要将大量时间花在一两个难题上。绝不要将大量时间花在一两个

9、难题上。 3如果遇到个别生词不用紧张如果遇到个别生词不用紧张,根据上下文尽量猜测词义。根据上下文尽量猜测词义。 4 “ “熟词新义熟词新义”的情况要注意灵活处理的情况要注意灵活处理,猜出它的引申义或转义。猜出它的引申义或转义。 5跳过空格跳过空格,灵活灵活应答。在下文中思路会受到启发应答。在下文中思路会受到启发,恍然大悟恍然大悟,跳过跳过 去的空格也将迎刃而解。去的空格也将迎刃而解。 返回导航 上一页 下一页 【方法技巧】【方法技巧】 通览全文通览全文,把握大意。上下连续把握大意。上下连续,前后贯通。前后贯通。找准时态找准时态, 辨析词语。再读文章辨析词语。再读文章,整体把握。细心检查整体把握

10、。细心检查,避免疏漏。避免疏漏。 返回导航 上一页 下一页 Cloze 1 话题 词数 建议用时 慈善3287 Recently Steve had a car accident and his car was broken.So until the car was1,he had to go to work by subway.One day,he noticed a 2guy at the station at night.He felt3for him,so he gave him some money. 返回导航 上一页 下一页 The homeless guy thanked him

11、 for it.The next day again, he noticed the homeless guy at the same place.This time Steve 4 him a meal.The homeless guy thanked him for his 5 But Steve got curious(好奇的好奇的) and asked, “How did you get to this 6 ”? 7 a smile,the homeless guy said, “By showing love.”Steve didn t 8 it,so he asked him, “

12、, “What do you mean by that?”The homeless guy replied, “, “In my whole life,I made sure that everyone was happy.No matter what happened in my life,I always helped everyone.” 返回导航 上一页 下一页 Steve asked him, “, “Do you 9 it?”To which the homeless guy replied, “, “No.It just broke my heart that the very

13、people I gave money to wouldn t give me a coin 10 I was in need.Son, it is better to build your own house and invite someone in for shelter(庇护庇护) than to 11 them your bricks(砖砖) while you are building yours.Because one day when you turn around and look at the place where you planned to build your ho

14、use,it will be an empty 12 Then you are the one looking for bricks.” 返回导航 上一页 下一页 Steve understood what the homeless guy meant and thanked him for the good 13 Helping others is a good thing.But sometimes,while we are helping others,we 14 our own problems and needs.One must remember that sometimes sh

15、aring is better than giving away.You can do a lot more by being in a 15 position instead of bringing yourself into a weaker situation. 返回导航 上一页 下一页 1Aold Bcheap Cready Ddirty 2Arich Bhomeless Csmart Dhandsome 3Ahappy Bsorry Cangry Dexcited C B B 返回导航 上一页 下一页 4Atold Blent Csold Dbought 5Ashyness Bsad

16、ness Ckindness Dillness 6Apoint Bhotel Cstation Drestaurant D C A 返回导航 上一页 下一页 7AFor BFrom CWith DAbout 8Afinish Bdiscuss Cdescribe Dunderstand 9Aregret Bneed Cstudy Dplan C D A 返回导航 上一页 下一页 10Asince Bbefore Cwhen Dunless 11Aorder Boffer Cshow Dthrow 12Alot Broom Cstore Dhouse C B A 返回导航 上一页 下一页 13A

17、meal Badvice Cgift Dquestion 14Aforget Bbelieve Cprotect Dremember 15Adifficult Bstrange Cspecial Dstrong B A D 返回导航 上一页 下一页 Cloze 2 话题词数 建议用时 社会行为3197 Body imagethe way people feel about their looksis a big problem for many young people today.According to a1,more than half the teenage girls in the

18、US think2should be on a diet(节食),and almost one in five teenage boys are3about their bodies and their weight. 返回导航 上一页 下一页 But what s the cause?In the study,many blame(责备责备) the media(媒媒 体体)Turn on the TV and you ll 4 see beautiful models,handsome actors and fit sports stars. 5 a magazine or a newsp

19、aper,look through the Internet,and it s usually 6 Many young people feel pressure to 7 these “perfect” people.But for most,this is just not possible.In the US,the average(平均的平均的) woman is 163 cm tall and weighs 64 kilos, 8 the average model is 180 cm tall and weighs 53 kilos. 返回导航 上一页 下一页 When peopl

20、e don t look the way many 9 people look, they may become less confident.Some stop eating 10 in order to lose weight.Students can lose so much confidence that they start to 11 taking part in classroom activities at school. Body image problems don t 12 as we get older,either.In the UK, for example,wom

21、en over 50 spend more money on cosmetics(化妆品化妆品) than any other 13 group.Older men spend a lot of money trying to 14 hair loss(损失损失) 返回导航 上一页 下一页 Is there a solution to the problem?A 2016 study in the UK suggested that body image should be provided in 15 Others believe it s a problem that all of the

22、 society needs to deal with.As Meaghan Ramsey says, “We need to judge(评判评判) people by what they do,not what they look like.” 返回导航 上一页 下一页 1Anewspaper Bmagazine Cstudy Dbook 2Awe Bthey Cyou Dshe 3Aconfident Bsure Cworried Dhappy C C B 返回导航 上一页 下一页 4Aprobably Bhardly Cnever Dfinally 5AGet BOpen CTake

23、DFind 6Athe same Bdifferent Cspecial Dinteresting A B A 返回导航 上一页 下一页 7Alook after Blook for Clook at Dlook like 8Abecause Balthough Cbut Dor 9Akind Bstrong Cyoung Dfamous D C D 返回导航 上一页 下一页 10Aearly Bproperly Cslowly Dcarefully 11Aenjoy Bstop Cfinish Dforget 12Acome Bcontinue Cdisappear Dhappen B B

24、C 返回导航 上一页 下一页 13Aage Bjob Chobby Dman 14Amake Bavoid Crefuse Dprotect 15Asupermarkets Bstreets Cparks Dschools A B D 返回导航 上一页 下一页 Cloze 3 话题词数 建议用时 保持冷静2496 Ray had a wonderful family and lived very happily.He had four grandchildren,and they all came to see him1their holidays.One day, Ray was prepa

25、ring to welcome them as usual:cleaning the house and 返回导航 上一页 下一页 cooking delicious food. 2 he was working,he lost his favorite watch which was a 3 from his deceased(已故的已故的) wife.Ray loved the watch very much,and he was very sad. When his grandchildren arrived,they 4 him they would find the watch.On

26、e granddaughter asked, “, “Grandpa, where did you see the watch last 5 it went missing?” 返回导航 上一页 下一页 Ray replied, “, “Maybe in the barn(谷仓谷仓)!”The children searched there for more than two hour 6 they could not find it. 返回导航 上一页 下一页 One of his grandsons wanted to search the barn 7 ,and Ray asked wh

27、y he was going there.The little boy didn t explain but asked 8 not to follow him.A moment later,he rushed back to his grandfather.“I found it!”he shouted.Ray was 9 and asked how he made it.The little boy replied,“,“I stood in the barn 10 making any noise, and tried my best to keep silent.After a few

28、 11 ,I heard the sound of tick tick At last, I 12 the watch from the hay(干草干草)”After hearing his words,Ray hugged(拥抱拥抱) the little boy and 13 him very much. 返回导航 上一页 下一页 The story tells us if we 14 calm(冷静的冷静的),we can find a solution.This shows the power of 15 返回导航 上一页 下一页 1Abetween Bduring Camong D

29、past 2AUnless BOver CWhile DStill 3Areport Bgift Cletter Dmessage B B C 返回导航 上一页 下一页 4Asuggested Bdoubted Cexpected Dpromised 5Aafter Bbefore Cuntil Dsince 6Aand Bso Cor Dbut D B D 返回导航 上一页 下一页 7Aever Bagain Calready Dalways 8Aother Banother Cthe other Dthe others 9Aangry Bbored Cunhappy Dsurprised

30、B D D 返回导航 上一页 下一页 10Awithout Bby Cabout Dexcept 11Aweeks Bdays Chours Dminutes 12Alooked up Bturned up Cpicked up Dmade up A D C 返回导航 上一页 下一页 13Aaccepted Bthanked Csaved Dprotected 14Astop Bsend Cstay Dseem 15Ahabit Bdecision Csilence Dsuggestion B C C 返回导航 上一页 下一页 Cloze 4 话题词数 建议用时 学会如何学习2967 Here

31、 are the materials you need to have a successful study period. 返回导航 上一页 下一页 Water and Healthy Snacks Nowadays, you may spend much time studying.In the middle of a study period,you must be a little tired.It can be 1 to tell yourself that you have to stop.You may go to the 2 because you re so hungry o

32、r thirsty.How can you save time?Solve this problem 3 keeping a bottle of water and healthy snacks at your desk.These 4 will give you what you need for the long hours of studying ahead of you. 返回导航 上一页 下一页 The Internet If you are not clear about what you have learned,you ll probably use your class no

33、tes to 5 What happens if there s a topic that you still don t 6 understand?You d better have a website or two that you can 7 to search for a subject.You can find explanations(解释解释) in the website.These can be very 8 in making sure that you understand the material. 返回导航 上一页 下一页 Highlighters(荧光笔荧光笔) a

34、nd Sticky(黏性的黏性的) Notes Learn wisely.As you 9 your textbook and notes,use highlighters and sticky notes to 10 yourself of which key information you need to remember. 11 even the strictest teachers won t make you 12 your whole textbook for your exam.In order not to lose those very important 13 ,you c

35、an use some bright,fun color signs to record these materials. 返回导航 上一页 下一页 Notecards Finally,we suggest keeping some notecards in your study 14 you can make flashcards for coming tests.These are a useful tool for 15 subject that requires memorization. Good luck with your test. 返回导航 上一页 下一页 1Astrange

36、 Beasy Cdifferent Dprivate 2Agarden Byard Ckitchen Dpool 3Aby Bin Con Dat B C A 返回导航 上一页 下一页 4Atroubles Bshapes Cprices Dthings 5Apraise Bthrow Cstudy Dpromise 6Anormally Bgradually Ccompletely Dpolitely D C C 返回导航 上一页 下一页 7Aimagine Buse Cknock Ddivide 8Apeaceful Bbeautiful Cthankful Dhelpful 9A. re

37、ad Bperform Cargue Dtreat B D A 返回导航 上一页 下一页 10Areflect Bremind Creceive Drepeat 11ABecause BBefore CAfter DThough 12Acancel Battend Ccelebrate Dmemorize B A D 返回导航 上一页 下一页 13Ainterests Bpoints Csizes Dstyles 14Aas if Beven if Cso that Dsince that 15Aeither Banother Csome Dany B C D 返回导航 上一页 下一页 Clo

38、ze 5 话题词数 建议用时 难忘的事情2847 I drove back to my villa( 别 墅) one day.Just as I entered the living room, I heard a sound from the bedroom upstairsthe sound of my favorite 1 返回导航 上一页 下一页 “Thief!” I went upstairs and saw a little boy 2 my violin.And I found a new pair of shoes on the bed missing.I was very

39、3 But when I saw his eyes full of fear, I smiled at him and asked, “, “Are you Mr. Ram s nephew(侄子侄子), Rubens?I m 4 butler(管家管家) Mr. Ram said his nephew would come.It 5 be you.You re really like him!” 返回导航 上一页 下一页 On hearing my words,the boy was first 6 ,but then he said nervously, “, “Has my 7 gone

40、 out?I would like to stay with him.” I nodded and said when the boy 8 the violin, “, “Do you like to play the violin?” “Yes,but I m so poor that I can t 9 one, ”, ”the boy replied. 返回导航 上一页 下一页 “Well,I can give it to you, ”, ”I said.The boy couldn t believe his ears, 10 he picked up the violin anywa

41、y.When going out,he suddenly stopped before a huge 11 of me performing in the Grand Theater of Sydney.He looked at the photo for a while and then rushed out.I knew he had realized 12 I was. 返回导航 上一页 下一页 A few years later,I was 13 to attend a violin competition of high school students.A player called

42、 Merritt won first prize.After the 14 ,he came to me holding a violin box, “, “Mr.Brian,do you remember me?You 15 me this violin which I ve been treasuring!Now,I can give it back to you without regret ” 返回导航 上一页 下一页 1Aguitar Bviolin Cpiano Ddrums 2Abreaking Bpeeling Cfilling Dtouching 3Aangry Bexcit

43、ed Crelaxed Dembarrassed B D A 返回导航 上一页 下一页 4Ahis Byour Cher Dour 5Acan Bcan t Cmust Dmustn t 6Amad Bthankful Cupset Dsurprised A C D 返回导航 上一页 下一页 7Afather Buncle Cbrother Dcousin 8Aput down Blooked for Cpaid for Dtook away 9Ashare Bchoose Cafford Dinvent B A C 返回导航 上一页 下一页 10Aso Bbut Cif Dbecause 11A. note Bletter Cphoto Dticket 12Awho Bwhich Chow Dwhere B C A 返回导航 上一页 下一页 13Ainvited Brefused Cstopped Dordered 14A. game Binterview Cprogram Dcompetition 15Alent Bgave Csold Dmade A D B