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1、2021 高考英语话题专项复习(高考英语话题专项复习(九九) 目录目录 内容内容 Part 1 话题相关词汇话题相关词汇 Part 2 话题相关短语话题相关短语 Part 3 话题相关句式话题相关句式 Part 4 话题相关写作话题相关写作 Part 5 话题相关阅读话题相关阅读 学生默写版学生默写版 一:一:相关词汇相关词汇 1 v.完成;达到;实现 2 v.获得;取得;学到 3 adj.入了迷的,上了瘾的 4 v.承认;许可进入 5 v.劝告;建议 6 n.雄心 7 v.申请 8 v.安排 9 n.安排;布置 10 n.努力;尝试;企图 11 n.态度;看法 12 adj.意识到的;知道的

2、 13 adj.有益的 14 n.职业;生涯 15 n.机会 16 v.对比;比较;比喻 17 n.冲突;争执;矛盾;分歧 18 v.咨询,请教;商量 19 n.文化 20 vt.宣布;声称;声明 21 v.有做的欲望 16. 得到做某事的许可 17. 总之;简言之;一句话 18. 怀看.的希望 19. 渴望 20. 渴望/希望/想做 21. 看不见 22. 努力做某事 23. 计划做 24. 参加 25. 实现某人的梦想 26. 采取行动 27. 从事 28. 带看目的 29. 为了做某事 30 学生会 31. 制订计划 32. 设立目标 33. 实现目标 34. 课外活动 35. 打算做

3、36. 发表演说 37. 去野餐/烧烤 38. 在海边郊游 39. 挙行运动会 40. 举行毕业典礼 41. 通知 42. 为做准备 43. 迎接挑战 44. 做义务劳动 45. 做兼职工作 46. 加社会实践 47. 想要做某 事 48. 下定决 心做某事 49. 宁愿(不)做某事 50. 报名参加比寒 51. 开阔眼界 三:相关句式三:相关句式 (1) 1 意识到本次活动的益处和重要性,我强烈希望参与其中。 2 小时候我总是希望自己快点长大,以便于我能为祖国的建设做贡献。 3 我决心成为一名医生。医生不仅能挽救人们的生命,而且他们做的是一份受 人尊敬的工作。医生也可以用他们的专业知识来帮助

4、人们过更好的生活。 4 今年夏天高中毕业后,我将去美国进行为期 10 天的观光旅游,这将是一次 体验美国文化、练习英语口语的好机会。 5 我想报名参加园艺课程,因为我从小就喜欢花和草。 6 如果 6 月 1 日您事先没有别的预约,我们期盼与您共度美好时光。 (2) 1. 如果我在高中更加努力学习,现在我会正在大学里享受看丰富多彩的生活。 2. 我认为,微博就好像一个真正的世界,人人都应该遵守法律和道德标准,在 那个世界没有绝对的自由。 3. 首先,我们要努力聆听别人的观点。如果他犯了错误,用礼貌的方式指出而 不是责备他。其次,不要把你的观点强加于他人。 4. 我将尽力尽快地适应大学的时间安排。

5、 5. . 他计划出国学习深造。 6. 因此,我准备迎接挑战。 7. 本周我们学校有一场足球比寒。 8. .三思而后行。 9. 伟大的抱负造就伟大的人。 10. 抱最好的愿望,做最坏的打算。 11. 为了提高我们的环 保意识,我们将会邀请中山大学的李教授给我们开展一个关 于环境问题的讲座。 12. 这次活动将在越秀公园举行,时间为:下周日上午 9 : 30 到下午 4 : 00。 13. 我们的户外活动将持续 3 个小时,大约 11 点返回。 14. 如果你有兴趣,请在下周四下午五点前到办公室报名,以便我们作必要的安排。 15. 换言之,我 会尽最大的努力去实现目标。 16. 如果能实践这三点

6、,他肯定能过上 幸福的生活。 四:相关写作四:相关写作 一家英语报社向中学生征文,主题是“十年后的我”。请根据下列要点和你 的畅想完成短文。 1家庭; 2工作; 3业余生活。 注意:1.词数 100 左右; 2可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3开头语已为你写好。 五:相关阅读五:相关阅读 A The Pharos,the great lighthouse of Alexandria,was one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World.It stood on the island of Pharos,in the harbor of the ci

7、ty of Alexandria.In 290 B.C,Ptolemy I Soter,the ruler of Egypt,ordered the building of the lighthouse.Twenty years later,it was finished the first lighthouse in the world and the tallest building on Earth,besides the Great Pyramid of Egypt. The Pharos was designed by Sostrates,a Greek architect.Sost

8、rates wanted to leave his name on the base of the lighthouse.But Ptolemy refused,ordering that only his own name appear on the building.But Sostrates found a way to do that.At the base of the Pharos,Sostrates left a message containing his own name.Then he covered it with plaster (建筑石膏) and left Ptol

9、emys name over it.After many years,the plaster disappeared and people knew the true architect of the lighthouse. In 1302 and 1323,two strong earthquakes hit Alexandria,damaging the lighthouse.In 1326,it finally fell into the sea.Much of what we know about the lighthouse comes from the writings of Ar

10、abs who once visited the Pharos. The Pharos was about 384 feet tall,the same height as a modern 40-story building.At the top of the lighthouse stood a large statue of Poseidon,the Greek god of the sea.Under it was a beacon,the source of light for the lighthouse.The Pharos used two kinds of beacons.A

11、t night,a large fire created the light.During the day,a huge mirror made use of the sunlight to create the light. It was said that the mirror was also used to set enemy ships on fire as they entered the harbor by directing the suns rays (sunlight) at them.While the idea is interesting,it is also cle

12、arly impossible. 1.Why did Sostrates use plaster at the base of the Pharos? A.To follow Ptolemys orders. B.To hide his name left on the base. C.To protect the base from damage. D.To make the lighthouse more beautiful. 2.How long had the Pharos stayed standing? A.For about 800 years. B.For about 1,00

13、0 years. C.For about 1,600 years. D.For about 2,000 years. 3.What does the underlined word “it” in Paragraph 4 refer to? A.The statue. B.A large fire. C.A huge mirror. D.The lighthouse. B Dalmatian Coast,Croatia Its no secret that summers on the Dalmatian Coast in Croatia offer clear blue waters for

14、 swimming,beautiful sunsets,historic buildings and picture-perfect beaches.The best way to see the Dalmatian Coast is from your own sea kayak (皮划 艇).But the temperature is far too high to be comfortable in the high season,so you need to wait until it drops but the sea is still warm. Mykonos,Greece M

15、ykonos is usually very crowded with visitors in July and August,but the Greek meltemi winds can be a real problem in high summer.Later in the season,they are much calmer and you can spend your time lying on the beach without being angry with the sand.The best address is the Hotel Belvedere,but the c

16、heapest hotel is the Grace Mykonos,which is good value in September,but even better a month later. Aeolian Islands,Italy Sicilys beautiful seven islands often attract Oscar-winners like Robert De Niro and Russell Crowe.September is the time to visit the Aeolian Islands,as the tourists have gone.Dont

17、 miss Panarea,where the only way of getting around is on foot,and make sure you include the greenest island,Salina. St Tropez,France St Tropez in high season is full,but coming to the end of August,it soon returns to being the French Provencal fishing town of the 1960s.You can walk through its stree

18、ts in peace and drop into its popular stores without the crowds.Its also much easier to get a meal at places such as Alain Ducasses Spoon,or to drop into bars like Nikki Beach for a drink.The best places to stay are Hotel La Ponche or Le Beauvallon,a 10-minute boat ride across the bay in St Maxime.

19、4.Where can you go if you are interested in historic buildings? A.Mykonos,Greece. B.St Tropez,France. C.Aeolian Islands,Italy. D.Dalmatian Coast,Croatia. 5.When is the best time to stay in the Grace Mykonos? A.In July. B.In August. C.In October. D.In September. 6.Why does the author say September is

20、 the time to visit the Aeolian Islands? A.There are fewer tourists. B.The weather is quite good. C.Theres a chance to meet stars. D.Green can be seen everywhere. 7.Which word can best describe St Tropez at the end of August? A.Hot. B.Quiet. C.Busy. D.Green. C It could happen anywhere at any time. 1

21、Most people,at one time or another,have been on the receiving end of a random act of kindness.In a sometimes cold world where people can be so focused on what theyre doing,a random act of kindness can make all the difference. They can be relatively insignificant.Hannah Bailey from London,for example

22、,told the Metro newspaper about how she was given her fruit and vegetable shopping for free.The seller did her a kindness when it appeared she didnt have any change to pay. 2 The city of Naples has long had a tradition called “caff sospeso”.When buying coffee,a person who has recently been lucky wou

23、ld purchase two cups but only drink one,leaving the second one anonymously(匿名),out of the goodness of their heart,for a poor person to claim for free. 3 However,in some cases,these little acts can be a matter of life and death.Take,for example,the unnamed commuter,who in June 2018 fell off a station

24、 platform onto an electric railway track in Toronto,Canada.A quick-thinking,but even now unknown,bystander selflessly leapt down to pull him to safety. So,why do it? 4 The people never meet again.According to UK charity The Mental Health Foundation,acts like these can “give our lives new purpose,sho

25、w us other perspectives on our own problems and even make us feel content.” 5 Hold open a door for someone,deliver a complimenteven give up your seat on a bus.Help someone who is in need.It takes all kinds.It neednt be anything huge.One day,whether you need it or not,someone might help you in your h

26、our of need. A.So give it a try. B.Be brave to face challenges. C.Often,the acts arent paid back. D.She was happy about it all day. E.She was in low spirits the whole day. F.This tradition is now more common worldwide. G.Its often unexpected,but almost never unappreciated. 2021 高考英语话题专项复习(高考英语话题专项复习

27、(九九)教师版教师版 一:一:相关词汇相关词汇 1accomplish v.完成;达到;实现 2acquire v.获得;取得;学到 3addicted adj.入了迷的,上了瘾的 4admit v.承认;许可进入 5advise v.劝告;建议 6ambition n.雄心 7apply v.申请 8arrange v.安排 9arrangement n.安排;布置 10attempt n.努力;尝试;企图 11attitude n.态度;看法 12aware adj.意识到的;知道的 13beneficial adj.有益的 14career n.职业;生涯 15chance n.机会 1

28、6compare v.对比;比较;比喻 17conflict n.冲突;争执;矛盾;分歧 18consult v.咨询,请教;商量 19culture n.文化 20declare vt.宣布;声称;声明 21delay v.有做的欲望 16.have permission to do sth.得到做某事的许可 a word 总之;简言之;一句话 the hope of 怀看.的希望 19.long for 渴望 20.long/hope/wish/want to do 渴望/希望/想做 21.lose sight of 看不见 22.make efforts to d

29、o sth.努力做某事 23.mean/plan/intend to do 计划做 24.participate in 参加 25.realize one* s dream 实现某人的梦想 26.take action 采取行动 27.take up 从事 28.with the purpose of 带看目的 order to do sth 为了做某事 30.the Students Union 学生会 31.make a plan 制订计划 32.set goals; set a goal 设立目标 33.achieve one s aim; reach/attain ones

30、 goal; realize the goal 实现目标 34.after-school/extracurricular activities 课外活动 35.mean/plan/intend to do 打算做 36.deliver a speech 发表演说 37.have a picnic/barbecue 去野餐/烧烤 38.have an outing at the seashore 在海边郊游 39.hold a sports meet 挙行运动会 40.hold the graduation ceremony 举行毕业典礼 41.make an announcement 通知 4

31、2.make preparations for; get ready for 为做准备 the challenge 迎接挑战 voluntary labor 做义务劳动 45.take part-time jobs 做兼职工作 46.take part in the social practice 参加社会实践 47.feel like doing sth; would like to do sth; want to do sth 想要做某 事 determined to do sth/make up one s mind to do sth 下定决 心

32、做某事 49.would rather (not) do sth 宁愿(不)做某事 50.sign up for a match/contest/competition 报名参加比寒 51.broaden ones horizons 开阔眼界 三:相关句式三:相关句式 (1) 1Realizing the benefits and importance of this activity, I have a strong desire to participate in it. 意识到本次活动的益处和重要性,我强烈希望参与其中。 2As a child I always hoped that I

33、 could grow up as soon as possible so that I could contribute to the construction of our country. 小时候我总是希望自己快点长大,以便于我能为祖国的建设做贡献。 3Im determined to be a doctor. Not only can doctors save peoples lives but also they are doing a respectable job.Doctors can also help people to live a better life with th

34、eir professional knowledge. 我决心成为一名医生。医生不仅能挽救人们的生命,而且他们做的是一份受 人尊敬的工作。医生也可以用他们的专业知识来帮助人们过更好的生活。 4I will make a 10-day tour of America after my graduation from senior high school this summer, which will be a good chance for me to experience American culture and practice my oral English. 今年夏天高中毕业后,我将去美

35、国进行为期 10 天的观光旅游,这将是一次 体验美国文化、练习英语口语的好机会。 5I want to register to attend a course about gardening because I have liked flowers and grasses since I was a child. 我想报名参加园艺课程,因为我从小就喜欢花和草。 6If you do not have any prior appointment on June 1, we look forward to the pleasure of your company. 如果 6 月 1 日您事先没有别

36、的预约,我们期盼与您共度美好时光。 (2) 1.Had I worked harder in high school , I would be studying in university and enjoying the colorful life now.(虚拟语气) 如果我在高中更加努力学习,现在我会正在大学里享受看丰富多彩的生活。 2.I think , microblogs are just like a real world , where everybody should obey the laws and moral codes , and no absolute freedo

37、m should exist there at all. 我认为,微博就好像一个真正的世界,人人都应该遵守法律和道德标准,在 那个世界没有绝对的自由。 3. Firstly, we should try to listen to others opinions.If he makes mistakes , try to point them out in a polite way rather than blame him.Secondly , never force your ideas on others. 首先,我们要努力聆听别人的观点。如果他犯了错误,用礼貌的方式指出而 不是责备他。其

38、次,不要把你的观点强加于他人。 4.I will try to get used to the college schedule as soon as possible. 我将尽力尽 快地适应大学的时间安排。 5.He planned to go abroad for further studies.他计划出国学习深造。 6.So I am determined to meet the challenge.因此,我准备迎接挑战。 7.There ll be a football game in our school this week.本周我们学校有一场足球 比寒。 8.Think twice

39、 before you do.三思而后行。 9.Great hopes make great man. 伟大的抱负造就伟大的人。 10.Hope for the best but prepare for the worst. 抱最好的愿望,做最坏的打算。 11.In order to arouse our awareness of environmental protection, we will invite Dr. Li from Sun Yat-sen University to give us a wonderful lecture about the environment prob

40、lem.为了提高我们的环 保意识,我们将会邀请中山大学的李教 授给我们开展一个关于环境问题的讲座。 12.This activity will be held in Yuexiu Park from 9:30 am to 4:00 pm next Sunday,这次活动将在越秀公园举行,时间为:下周日上午 9 : 30 到下午 4 : 00。 13.Our outdoor activity will last 3 hours, and we II be back at about 11:00.我们 的户外活动将持续 3 个小时,大约 11 点返回。 14.If you are interest

41、ed, please sign up at the office before 5: 00 pm next Thursday so that we will make necessary arrangements. 如果你有兴趣, 请在下周四 下午五点前到办公室报名,以便我们作必要的安排。 15.In other words, I will try my best to gain my goal.换言之,我 会尽最大的努 力去实现目标。 16.If one can really put the three points into action(practice), he will surely

42、 be able to live a happy life.如果能实践这三点,他肯定能过上 幸福的生活。 四:相关写作四:相关写作 一家英语报社向中学生征文,主题是“十年后的我”。请根据下列要点和你 的畅想完成短文。 1家庭; 2工作; 3业余生活。 注意:1.词数 100 左右; 2可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3开头语已为你写好。 I often imagine what my life will be like in the future.I think my life will be very different in ten years.I will be twenty eigh

43、t years old by then.I will have my own family, probably with a lovely child. I hope Ill work in a computer company as a program designer. Ill enjoy my work and get along well with my colleagues. Whatever I do, Ill do a good job. In my free time, Ill continue to take regular exercise, such as swimming, running and various ball games. On my holidays, Ill travel around the