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1、 第 1 页 共 6 页 牛津译林九年级上册牛津译林九年级上册 U Unitnit8 8 提优拔高错题再练(有答案)提优拔高错题再练(有答案) 一一 单项选择单项选择 1. The police have offered a(n) _ of $5,000 for any information about the murder. A. review B. reply C. reward D. revision 2. He was _ with breaking _ several computer systems A. charged; on B. to charge; in C. charg

2、ed; into D.charges; to 3. Mary devoted as much time as she could _for the elderly. A. care B. caring C. to care D. to caring 4. The machine needs _. Youd better _. A. repaired; to have it fixed B. to be repaired; to have it fixed C. repairing; have it fix D. repairing; have it fixed 5. The fire star

3、ted _ between 9 p.m. and 10 p.m. last night. A. sometimes B. some times C. some time D. sometime 6. Not only the engineer but also his enemies _breaking into several computer systems last year. A. was guilty of B. were charged with C. were guilty with D. was charged of 7. So many people are sitting

4、in the stands. _ will the speech begin? _ nine thirty. A. How soon; Not until B. How long; Not until C. How soon; Until D. How long; Until 8. .He was killed at the place _ he lived. A. which B. where C. that D. who 9. I thought the job would be a success. But it _ to be a mess! A. turned into B. tur

5、ned out C. turned away D. turned off 第 2 页 共 6 页 10. The police believe that the kidnapping 3p.m. and 5p.m. yesterday. A. was happened at B. happened at C. was taken place between D. took place between 11. -Tom Cruise came to China for his new film Mission Impossible5! - _ great surprise he gave his

6、 fans! A What B. How C. What a D.How a 12. - What language is that guy speaking? I can hardly catch a single word ! -_. Hes from India, so I guess it is Hindi. A. Neither I can B. Neither can I C. So I can D. So can I 13. WeChat is a useful communication tool _ can help people talk to friends, share

7、 photos, ideas and feelings freely. A. whom B. who C. whose D. which 14. People who_ information for the police should contact them _5550-1212. A. offers ; with B. provides; at C. offer; on D. provide; on 15. They say_ and mine is on Saturday, when I was chosen to be the host of the art show. A. the

8、 early bird catches the worm B. many hands makes light work C. it never rains but it pours D. every dog has its day 二、动词填空二、动词填空 (A)(A)根据根据括号里面词汇提示括号里面词汇提示写出写出动动词的正确形式。词的正确形式。 16. The students were told that they _(have) another exam the next week. 17. -Sue, can I borrow your book The Adventures of

9、Tom Sawyer? -Sorry, I _ (lend) it to Jerry. 18. The clean water _(provide) for the people in the disaster areas as soon as it arrive. 19. - Why not show the book A brief story of Time by the greatest scientist Stephen Hawking to your classmates? 第 3 页 共 6 页 - Of course I have. I myself (show) them i

10、n the first class. 20. The sun _ (rise) in the east, every body knew it. 21. My grandfather _ (shake) the bottle twice before he took the medicine. 22. The god makes anyone that tries his best _ (succeed) in improving himself. 23. - Since I have spent so much time playing computer games these days,

11、I would rather work 24. harder than before (pass) the exam. - Well, I hope so. 动词填空动词填空(B) 根据根据括号里面词汇提示括号里面词汇提示写出写出动动词的正确形式。词的正确形式。 25. He was seen _ (clean)his office at about 5:30, and after that, nobody knows where he has gone. 26. The woman you _ (swim) with yesterday will come here the day afte

12、r tomorrow. 27. Listen! The song the girl is singing _ (sound) beautiful. 28. More than one man _(charge) with theft last year. 29. I hope all these problems _ (deal) with as soon as possible. 30. People should try to save electricity by _ (not leave) lights on when they are not needed. 31. Agatha C

13、hristie was a female writer who _ (consider) the queen of crime novels. 32. How clean and tidy your classroom is! 33. Thank you. It _ (clean) every day. 34. The driver _ (try) every possible way, but still cant get the taxi started. 35. It was raining heavily, but none of them said they _ (stop) to

14、have a rest. 36. It seems necessary _ (report) this to the boss, because the situation is out of control. 37. The problem the leaders paid attention to _ (solve) next week. 38. I cant find him because I_ (forget) where he lives. 39. We try our best to prevent the air pollution _ (live)a happy life.

15、40. There _ (be) little rain this summer, will there? 第 4 页 共 6 页 三三、词汇运用、词汇运用 (A) 根据句意和汉语注释,写出单词的正确形式。根据句意和汉语注释,写出单词的正确形式。 1. What he said and what he did made him some _ (敌人). 2. Can you think of any _(安全)tips to protect yourselves against crimes? 3. This term will _(大概)end on 7th February. Then w

16、ell begin winter holiday. 4. She would like to go _ (某处) out of town for a walk when she is free. 5._(假设) you see somebody stealing things on a bus. What should you do? (B) 根据句意,写出括号内所给单词的适当形式。根据句意,写出括号内所给单词的适当形式。 1. It was raining really _ (heavy) at that time and we had to wait for some time. 2. D

17、ont look at me like that! Im telling you the _ (true). 3. He was sent into prison because of_ (steal). 4. His nose is _(blood). Maybe he should go to see the doctor. 5.A man of great _ (wealthy) doesnt always mean a man with good manners. (C)动词填空动词填空 1.The radio says there _( not be) much snow in th

18、e past five years. 2.It is said that the girl saw the train accident _(happen) on a cold rainy night. 3.I am told that the film that _( direct) by him last year is a great success. 4.The scientists told us a kind of new medicine _(come)out the next year. 5.You can never think of the difficulty I had

19、 _(explain)the problems to them. 6.The fans will give flowers and gifts to the superstar as soon as she_(appear). 7.Keep quite! Your mother as well as your sisters_(sleep)in the bedroom. 8.There _(be)little pollution in the near future in China, is there? 六、完成句子六、完成句子 (每小题 2 分,共 12 分) 1.令大家惊讶的是,这个犯罪

20、嫌疑人结果和本案无关。 第 5 页 共 6 页 To everyones surprise, the suspect _ this case. 2.据说那位三十几岁的老板和父母关系一直很好。 Its said that the boss _ his parents. 3.去年这个电脑工程师被指控入侵了他人的电脑系统。 Last year, the computer engineer _ computer systems. 4.父母必须防范孩子们周边任何可能的危险。 Parents must _ their children. 5.我们现在正在现场查找更多能有助于破案的线索。 We are no

21、w _. 6.在中国,普通人持有枪支是违法的。 in China. 参考答案参考答案 一一 单项选择单项选择 1-5CCDDD 6-10 BABBD 11-15 CBDDD 二、动词填空二、动词填空(A)(A) 16-24 would have have lent will be provided showed rises shook succeed to pass 动词填空动词填空(B) 第 6 页 共 6 页 25-40 cleaning swam sounds was charged will be dealt not leaving is considered is cleaned h

22、as tried would stop to report will be solved have forgotten to live will be 三、词汇运用、词汇运用(AB) enemies safety probably somewhere Suppose heavily truth stealing bleeding wealth 动词填空动词填空(C) 1.hasnt been 2.happen 3. was directed 4.would come 5.explaining 6.appears sleeping going to be 四四、完成句子:、完

23、成句子: 1. turned out to have nothing to do with 2. in his thirties gets along / on well with 3. was charged with breaking into others 4. guard against any possible danger around 5. checking the scene for more clues that / which help solve the case. 6.It is against the law for common people to keep guns