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本文(2019-2020学年译林牛津版九年级上英语期中复习专题练《书面表达》)为本站会员(理想)主动上传,七七文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知七七文库(发送邮件至373788568@qq.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、2019-2020 学年第一学期九年级英语期中复习专题练学年第一学期九年级英语期中复习专题练书面表达书面表达 (A) 成长像一次长途旅行,成长过程中有收获,也有困惑。请以“My growing up”为题, 用英语写一篇短文,谈谈你成长过程中的点滴和你的感受。 如何了解世界 1、书本 2、父母 3、. 如何解决问题 1、问题 2、解决方式 我的感受 . 注意: 1. 文中不得出现你的真实姓名和学校名称; 2. 语言通顺,意思连贯,条理清楚,书写规范; 3. 词数 80 左右,邮件的开头已经给出,不计入总词数。 My growing up Growing up is like a journey

2、. Ive learned a lot on the way. Learning about the world is part of growing up. (B) 中学生在成长过程中经常会碰到一些烦恼。假设你是李华,请根据下表提示,用英语写 一篇发言稿,在班会上谈谈你遇到的烦恼及你自己的做法。 初三是重要的学年之一, 针对两个多月以来的初三学习生活, 众多学生有喜悦也有失意, 某英语报将开展“How to Face Grade Nine”征文比赛,请你根据提示的内容,简要描述并适当 发表自己的观点,写一篇英语短文。内容要点如下表: 鼓足信心 一切皆有可能; 灰心泄气,则一事无成; 勤奋细心

3、 勤奋,终将进步; 学会细心,因为“失之毫厘,谬以千里”; 反之,则导致低分; 管理时间 规划好时间; 劳逸结合很重要; 适当解压 有烦心事时, 注意事项:1. 短文须包括表格中所有提示内容,要求语句通顺、意思连贯; 2. 表格中“适当解压”一栏须用 1-2 点作适当发挥; 3. 词数在 90 个左右,短文的开头、结尾部分已给出,不计入总词数。 How to Face Grade Nine We have been here in Grade Nine, one of the most important years for us students, for over two months.

4、Some of us feel good, while some do not. How should we face this year? First of all, _ (C) 在每个人的生命中都有对自己影响很大的人, 你当然也有, 请根据下面的提示用英语写 一篇短文,介绍一下对你影响很大的这个人。 要点如下:1. 叔叔是对我的人生影响很大的人。他四十多岁,现在是公司的经理。 2. 他工作总是高标准,但他很谦虚,容易共事。 3. 乐意接受新的挑战。有足够的创造力为公司提出新主意。每当面对困难,决 不放弃。 4. 他充满爱心。上周 自从他工作以来 5. 我以他为骄傲。我们应该向他学习。 要求

5、: 1. 短文中必须包含以上所有要点。 2. 词数 90 左右。 3. 第 4 点须发挥 2 句。 The person who has influenced me most is my uncle._ (D) 下一期校报的 English Corner 版块计划讨论青少年的生活方式,事先在同学们中间开展 了一个调查。假设你叫李华,请根据调查结果的表格,以 Growing Healthier and Happier 为 题,用英语写一篇短文投稿。 青少年生活方式问题 你的建议 1. 花太多时间玩游戏,经常熬夜 2. 压力问题 3. 不愿与家人交流 4. 不注重锻炼,有健康问题,如 自 拟 注意

6、:1. 短文须包括所给内容要点,要求语句通顺、意思连贯; 2. 左栏内容可适当发挥,右栏自拟建议; 3. 词数 90 个左右,左头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。 Growing Healthier and Happier Id like to talk about teenage lifestyles today. According to the survey, _ (E) 学校要推荐一个年度最佳学生, 你想推荐你们班的 Sam, 请按照提示写出你的推荐理由。 1. Sam 很自信,不会害怕在众人面前做演讲的。 2. 他最喜欢红色。他认为如果你身心需要力量,红色也许对你有帮助。 3. 他与父母

7、亲没有沟通障碍,他也很自豪于他的课业。 4. 他最崇拜的人是他的父亲,因为 5. 他是一个充满爱心的人,他想要帮助那些贫穷孩子过像我们一样的幸福生活。 注意:1. 字数不少于 90.开头结尾已经给出,不计入总字数。 2. 第四点用自己的话补充一到两句。 I want to recommend Sam to be the Best Student of this year. Because I hope he can succeed in winning this award. (F) 假如你是学生会主席王林, 你想推荐李老师获得今年的最佳教师, 根据提示和要求用英 文写一封推荐信。内容提示见下

8、表。 基本信息 李老师 今年四十多岁 优秀品质 工作高标准,物品摆放井井有条。 从不嘲笑学生,乐于分担他们的烦恼。 个人想法 作为一个教师,再仔细都不为过。 希望能帮助更多学生取得学业进步,有一次他曾 评价感想 注意注意: 1. 推荐信须包括所有内容要点,要求语句通顺、意思连贯; 2. 省略部分共需用 34 句话作适当发挥; 3. 词数 90 个左右,推荐信的开头和结尾句已给出,不计入总词数。 Dear Sir or Madam, Im writing to recommend Mr Li for this years Best Teacher Award. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ You

9、rs sincerely, Wang Lin, Chairperson of the Students Union (G) 假如你是 Sandy, 一名初三学生,初三是重要的学年之一,针对两个多月以来的初三学习 生活,有信心也有困惑,请你根据提示内容,给你的老师 Mr Wu 写封电子邮件,汇报自己 目前的情况, 内容要点如下: 内容要点 梦想 考上南菁高级中学 现状 别无选择只能熬夜做作业,但确信花如此多时间在作业是值得的。 关注细节,因为“失之毫厘,谬以千里”。 永不放弃就能做好任何事。 努力 学着给所有课业列清单,以便更好地管理时间 每当有压力时,偏爱用蓝色来镇定因为.(阐述理由) 困惑

10、父母在学业上对我要求太严厉 其它(自拟 1-2 点) 要求: 1. 内容须包含所有要点,语句通顺,意思连贯; 2. 词数 90 个左右,开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数; 3. 第 4 点的内容需展开合理补充。 参考词汇:南菁高级中学 Nanjing Senior High School Dear Mr Wu, Im very glad to write to you. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ What should I do? Can you offer me some valuable advice? I hope to hear from you soon. Best wishes.

11、Sandy (H) 初三学生课业繁忙,时不时感到压力山大。某英语报开展“How to Deal with Our Stress Problems” 的征文比赛, 请你结合自己的观点, 用英语写一篇短文参加比赛。 内容提示如下: 1. 我们应该用适当的方式来减压,比如,我们可以在日记里表达自己的感情; 2. 课堂上我们要仔细听讲,因为失之毫厘,谬以千里; 3. 我们最好花一些时间在兴趣爱好上,父母和老师都不希望我们太关注分数; 4. 也许我们可以交些知己,和他们一起分担烦恼; 5. 颜色可以影响心情,我建议 注意事项: 1. 短文须包括所给内容要点,要求语句通顺,意思连贯; 2. 第 5 要点须

12、用 1-2 句话展开合理想象,作适当发挥; 3. 词数在 90 个左右,短文的首尾已给出,不计入总词数。 As students in Grade 9, we are busy with our schoolwork and feel very stressed from time to time. We should_ _ _ _ _ _ Face the year bravely. It is we who shape our life and our future. 参考答案 (A) One possible version: My growing up Growing up is li

13、ke a journey. Ive learned a lot on the way. Learning about the world is part of growing up. I like reading books which can help me learn about the people in different times and places. At home, my parents taught me how to be a kind person. At school, I have learnt how to get along with my classmates

14、 and teachers. I tried my best to learn every subject well and to be a useful person to our society. However, on the journey to the grown up world, I had my problems. For example, I couldnt achieve a balance between my schoolwork and hobbies. Then my head teacher told me to make a study plan and wor

15、k out the time I could spend on my hobbies. Finally I solved the problem. Growing up is hard. I think we should never give up whenever we meet with difficulties. And we should have a good relationship with our parents, teachers and classmates. They can help us a lot when we grow up. (B) One possible

16、 version: How to Face Grade Nine We have been here in Grade Nine, one of the most important years for us students, for over two months. Some of us feel good, while some do not. How should we face this year? First of all, be confident. We should believe nothing is impossible. Dont lose heart, or you

17、can achieve nothing. Second, be hard-working. If we work hard enough, we are sure to make progress. We should also learn to be careful because a miss is as good as a mile. Carelessness leads to low marks. Third, we should plan our time well. And its important to keep a balance between work and play.

18、 Finally, we should know how to deal with our stress. When having worries, remember to share them with others. Keeping your worries to yourself can make them worse. Face the year bravely. It is you who shape your life and future! (C) The person who has influenced me most is my uncle. Hes in his fort

19、ies. Now he is the manager of the company. He always works to high standards, but hes modest and easy to work with. Hes ready to take on new challenges. Hes creative enough to come up with new ideas for the company. He never gives up whenever he faces difficulty. He has a heart full of love. (Last w

20、eek he donated some blood to the patients. He has cared for the children who have lost their parents since he began to work.) Im proud of him. We should learn from him. (D) Growing Healthier and Happier Id like to talk about teenage lifestyles today. According to the survey, some teenagers dont have

21、 healthy lifestyles. They spend too much time playing games and often stay up late. Some teenagers feel stressed. Some prefer chatting with friends to communicating with their families. The survey also shows that some teenagers hardly take any exercise. Some even have health problems. For example, m

22、any of them have poor eyesight. To solve these problems, I think teenagers should change their unhealthy lifestyles, such as giving up games and spending more time with families. I also think teenagers should do more exercise to keep fit. In this way, we can live a healthier and happier life. (E) Sa

23、m is so confident that he isnt afraid of making a speech in front of many people. He likes red best. He thinks if you require/need strength in either body or mind, red may be of some help/helpful to you.He has no difficulty talking with his parents. He is also proud of his schoolwork. He admires his

24、 father most./the person he admires most is his father. Because he has decided to donate his body for medical research after his death. He has a heart full of love. He wants to help the poor children enjoy a happy life just as we do. (F) Dear Sir or Madam, Im writing to recommend Mr.Li for this year

25、s Best Teacher Award. Mr Li is in his forties. He has many strong qualities for this award. He always works to high standards and keeps everything in (good)order. He never laughs at his students and is willing to share their worries. He thinks as a teacher, he cant be too careful. He hopes he can he

26、lp more students make progress in their study. He once helped me with my lessons when I was absent from school because of illness. I think Mr. Li is the most suitable person for the award. I hope you will agree with me. Yours sincerely, Wang Lin, Chairperson of the Students Union (G) My dream is to

27、enter/attend Nanjing Senior High School. As a Grade 9 student, I have no choice but to stay up late to do my homework. But Im sure its worth spending so much time on homework. I pay attention to every detail because a miss is as good as a mile. I can do anything well if I never give up. To make my d

28、ream come true, I learn to make a list of all the schoolwork in order to manager my time better. Whenever I feel stressed, I prefer to use blue to calm down because blue can bring peace to our mind and body. However, I have some problems .My parents are too strict with me in my schoolwork. I am not

29、good at sports. (H) As students in Grade 9, we are busy with our schoolwork and feel very stressed from time to time. We should reduce stress in proper ways. For example, we can express our feelings in our diary. We should listen carefully in class because a miss is as good as a mile. Wed better spe

30、nd some time on our hobbies. Neither the teachers nor our parents hope that we will care too much about our marks. Maybe we can make close friends so that we can share worries with them. Colours can influence our moods. I suggest that we should wear white or blue to create a calm and peaceful feeling. Face the year bravely. It is we who shape our life and our future.