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1、 1 武昌区八校武昌区八校 2019-2020 学年第一学期期中联考九年级英语试卷学年第一学期期中联考九年级英语试卷 二、选择填空(共 15 小题,每小题 1 分,满分 15 分) 从题中所给的 A,B,C,D 四个选项中, 选出一个最佳答案。 将代表该答案的字母在答题卡上相应的位置涂黑。 26. Thanks so much for helping a lot. _. A. Its very nice of you to say so. B. Thats right. C. With pleasure. D. Dont mention it. 27. Would you like this

2、TV set or that one? Im not sure. This one has better sound, _ the picture is better on the other one. A. but B. and C. although D. because 28. Shall we try some homemade ice-cream for dessert? _. A. It doesnt matter. B. Let me pay for it. C. Thats fine with me. D. You are welcome. 29.The old buildin

3、g_ down to make room for the city library last year. A. has been taken taken C. would be taken D. was taken 30. Alice, your room is really in a mess. It needs_. Sorry, Mom. Ill do it right away. A. be cleaned clean C. cleaning D. clean 31. The little elephant is afraid to go alone. It alwa

4、ys walks_ its mother. A. along B. besides C. beside D. close 32. Because children really require lots of parental energy and money, DINKs dont want children. But a child will_ a family, I think. A. complete B. produce C. polish D. guard 33.There were 200 people_ at the meeting. A. attend B. convenie

5、nt C. present D. strange 34.Young people are_ not to smoke or drink both in and out of school. A. suggested B. hoped C. requested D. invited 35.Very little of the car_ after the accident. A. stayed B. remained C. kept D. left 36.In Britain today, women _ 40% of the workforce, and nearly half the mot

6、hers with children are in paid work. A. build up B. make up C. pick up D. set up 37.Look at the young kids!_ they are having now! A. How fun B. How a fun C. What fun D. What a fun 38. I dont like_ of the books. Please show me a third one. OK, wait a moment. A. neither B. either C. both D. all 39. Ex

7、cuse me, how can I get to the train station? Turn left and go straight along the road. You _ miss it! A. shouldnt B. cant C. mustnt D. neednt 40. Pardon me. Can you tell me_? Of course. 2 A. where is a good place to eat B. where a good place is to eat C. where is there a good place to eat D. where t

8、here is a good place to eat 三、完型填空(共 15 小题,每小题 1 分,满分 15 分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项 A,B,C,D 中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 Standing on the top of a tower, Dad said to me, “Look down, Elsa.” I gathered all my courage and looked down. I saw many turning streets_41_ to the square in the center of the town. Dad continu

9、ed, “See, there is more than one way to the square. Life is just like that. If you cant get where you want to go, try _42_.” Now I understood why I was there. Earlier that day, I had begged my mom to do something about the_43_ school lunch. But she refused because she could not believe the lunches w

10、ere so bad. When I_44_ to Dad, he said nothing. Instead, he brought me to the tower. When I got home, I had a plan. At school the next day, I secretly _45_ my lunch soup into a bottle. When I brought it home, I asked Mom to drink. She swallowed one spoonful and sputtered (喷溅), “The cook _-46_ have g

11、one mad!” At once, Mom promised that she would _47_ the matter of the school lunch the next day! The plan worked _48_. In the years that followed, I often remembered the _49_ Dad taught me. I once dreamed of being a fashion designer, but I found the road blocked-while I was _50_ working for my winte

12、r fashion show, the sewing girls went to strike(罢工). I felt_51_ and was ready to call off the show because the clothes were unfinished. Just then, an idea came into my mind: why not show the unfinished clothes? We worked hurriedly and the show tool place as planned. Some coats had no sleeves; others

13、 had only one. But we _52_ to tell people what the clothes would be like when they were finished. It was such a(n) _53_ show that it caught the attention of the public. Soon _54_ for the clothes poured in. Dads wise words had _55_ me once again. ( )41. A. turning B. leading C. striking D. tying ( )4

14、2. A. others B. other C. the other D. another ( )43. A. fascinating B. awful C. special D. delicious ( )44. A. turned B. mentioned C. cried D. went ( )45. A. divided B. performed C. poured D. entered ( )46. A. can B. need C. may D. must ( )47. A. pick up B. set up C. make up D. take up ( )48. A. wid

15、ely B. smoothly C. badly D. exactly ( )49. A. sense B. purpose C. chance D. lesson ( )50. A. busy B. absent C. spare D. patient ( )51. A. relaxed B. down C. ashamed D. bored ( )52. A. succeeded B. failed C. managed D. dared ( )53. A. unusual B. common C. meaningful D. valuable ( )54. A. designs B. o

16、rders C. deals D. wars ( )55. A. lifted B. praised C. guided D. suggested 四、阅读理解(共 15 小题,每小题 2 分,满分 30 分) 阅读下面三篇材料,从每篇材料后各题所给的四个选项 A,B,C,D 中,选出最佳答案。 A 3 56. The material is probably_. A. a festival poster B. a fairy-tale book C. a childrens magazine introduction to a haunted house 57.The event

17、is organized by_. A. Camp James B. btb C. Company 7 D. Newport Dunes 58.If Alan decides to go there alone on Oct. 27th, he needs to pay at least_. A.$10 B.$20 C.$30 D.$100 59.We can infer that_. A. the activity will last for a week B. each scene will contain six kinds of characters C. the house migh

18、t be located by a sea D. only families are allowed to join in the activity 60.According to the material, SUV is probably_. A. a kind of transportation B. a character in the scene C. a family experience D. a fairy tale B On the first day of my second grade, my father asked me if I could read well, “Y

19、es, I can.” I said. So he gave me a hand-painted map with street names and directions on how to walk to school- the school was miles away, and I never walked to school by myself. He handed me the map with my lunch box and jacket and simply said to me, “Everything you need do know is written on the m

20、ap, so you should just read the map and follow the directions.” I was standing in doubt, terrified to death, but he just kissed me goodbye and sent me out of the door. I didnt know how long it took me to get there, or how many fearful and anxious moments I had, but I did remember forever how I felt

21、when I came around the last corner, and saw my school. I was happy and finally laughed. I was proud that I had made it! I jumped up and down. I wished I could tell him right then that I had done it. 4 When I got home, I didnt see my father. I couldnt wait for him to come back and tell him what had h

22、appened. But when he came back, he didnt ask me anything. “He didnt care about me at all!” I thought. Years later, I finally got the courage to ask him why he did that and why he didnt care about what had happened since I was so young then. He said, “I didnt have to ask you, I knew. I followed you t

23、he whole way in the car, but far enough back so that you could not see me. I saw you jump up and down at the last street corner. I felt what you felt.” At the moment, I understood everything. Then I couldnt help crying. 61. Why did the authors father ash her whether she could read well? A. Because h

24、e wanted to know if the author studied hard at school. B. Because he wondered if the author wanted to go to school alone. C. Because hed like to make sure that the author could find the way to school. D. Because he planned to let the author make a map herself. 62. The word terrified could be replace

25、d by “_”. A. excited B. puzzled C. hungry D. scared 63. When the author got home, she wanted to tell her father that_. A. she noticed that he followed her all the way B. she was happy to go to school alone C. he didnt care about her at all D. she was glad that she made it to get to school all by her

26、self 64. According to the passage, we can know that_. A. the authors father was too busy to send her to the school B. the author experienced some terrible feelings on the way to the school C. the authors father was very sure that she could go to school by herself D. the author never understood what

27、her father had done for her 65. Whats the best title of the passage? A. I felt what you felt B. I can make it C. My mean father D. Just follow the directions C Nikola Tesla is said to have invented many things. He is regarded as the father of modern technology. Tesla was born in Serbia in 1856, and

28、was educated in Europe. He was a strange child but very talented. He loved science and mathematics and was always creating things around his house. He could speak seven languages. He eventually moved to New York in 1884, at 28, and worked with Thomas Edison. Tesla had lots of ideas that were very ad

29、vanced for the times. He was really interested in alternating current(交 流电). According to the idea, energy can flow in different directions. This is really good for transmitting(传输) electricity, because it becomes lighter, and therefore can be carried father and faster. He also made great progress i

30、n the fields of wireless communication. And he even tool the first X-ray photograph. He dreamed of creating a system that transmitted energy without using wires(电线).To test his idea, he used a huge tower that is called the Tesla Tower. This tower later became a subject for discussion. Some wanted to

31、 save this symbol of Teslas work. Finally, a project to protect the tower succeeded in buying it in 2013. there are plans to build a museum there. “Its hugely 5 important to protect this site,” said Marc Seifer, author of Teslas biography(传记). The President of the Tesla Science Centre, Jane Alcorn,

32、agreed. “A lot of his work was way ahead of his time,” she said. The story of Nikola Tesla is a sad one. Although hi patents(专利) made him rich, he spent most of his money. Larry Page, the founder of Google, said that “in fact, Tesla could hardly afford his own research.” Largely forgotten, he died a

33、t the age of 87 with nobody around. Perhaps the preservation (保存) of Teslas tower would give the inventor the respect he deserves. 66. According to the article, which of the following is NOT true about Tesla? A. Tesla was famous for discovering X rays. B. Tesla caught tittle public attention in his

34、late years. C. Tesla was a pioneer in science and technology at his time. D. In 1884, Tesla moved to New York and the worked with Thomas Edison. 67. Why did people want to save the Tesla Tower? A. Because Teslas idea are largely forgotten. B. Because they wanted to test Teslas theories. C. Because i

35、t is the symbol of Nikola Teslas work. D. Because there were plans to build a museum there. 68. It is clear that Nikola Tesla_. A. travelled to 7 countries. B. was rich and lived a happy life. C. was always respected and remembered during his life. D. was smart, but many people couldnt understand hi

36、m when he was a child. 69. Which of the following can best describe Nikola Tesla? A. the founder of Google B. the president of the Tesla Science Centre C. the inventor of electricity D. the father of modern technology 70. The best title for the article is_. A. Nikola Tesla and his tower B. Was Nikol

37、a Tesla a genius? C. Greatest inventions of Nikola Tesla D. The person who deserves a Nobel Prize 五、词与短语填空(共 5 小题,每小题 2 分,满分 10 分) 仔细阅读下面五个句子,然后用下面方框中所给的单词或短语填空,使每个句子在结构,句意和逻辑 上正确。 (提示:选项中有一个是多余的。 ) 71. Each different part of China has its own special _ of traditional art. 72. The Chinese are _ the

38、ones who best understand the nature of tea. 73. People are usually required to give a _ self-introduction in a job interview. 74. When he was a little boy, he _ caused any problems. 75. In many countries, it is often not polite to ask very _ questions when you meet someone for the first time. 六、阅读理解

39、填词(共 10 小题,每小题 1 分,满分 10 分) 先阅读短文,再在其后空白处写出各单词的正确形式,单词的第一个字母已给出。 When it comes to shopping, packaging(包装) is important. Beautiful boxes, bright colors, fascinating bottles-they all help c_ make a choice. But this is about to change. The market is being c_ by a British company. Lush is a cosmetics(化妆

40、品) company with direct / seldom / forms / nearly / general / without doubt 6 hundreds of shops around the world. They claim(宣称) to be an environmentally friendly b_. And in packaging, they do keep their p_. Thirty-five percent of their p_ are sold naked(无包装的), with no packaging. It isnt very attract

41、ive but its very green. Most things in the shop are sold in bottles, and these plastic bottles can be recycled (回收利用). A person can return five clean bottles to any Lush store in e_ for a free face mask. One of their packaging. But Lush is different. They use recycled cardboard for the exterior(外部的)

42、 packaging, and popcorn to protect the product inside. At first, they had used paper pieces, but later m_ on to popcorn. So why? Because popcorn is 60% l_ than paper pieces, which means it takes less energy for transportation. And there is no need to pack the products in thin plastic any m_. So, nex

43、t time you order something online, check if theres any popcorn packaging a_ your product. But dont eat it! 七、书面表达(共 1 大题,满分 15 分) 加入你是班长李明,你班外教老师的儿子 Alex 计划近期到汉旅游,你将迎接他的到来并未他安排在武 汉期间的活动。请你用电子邮件告知他详情。写作要点如下: 1. 参观湖北省博物馆,了解当地历史与文化; 2. 去东湖划船,欣赏美景; 3. 体验特色美食,知晓风俗习惯; 4. 走进学校,交流彼此的学习方法; 5. 补充一两点你的想法或建议。 注

44、意: 1. 文中不得透露真实的人名校名; 2. 80 词左右,开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数; 3. 内容连贯得体,不要逐条翻译。 参考词汇:the East Lake 东湖; custom (n.)风俗; view(n.)风景 Hi Alex, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Sincerely yours, Li Ming 7 武昌区八校武昌区八校 2019-2020 学年第一学期期中联考九年级英语试卷学年第一学期期中联考九年级英语试卷参考答案参考答案 二、单项选择: 26-30 DACDC 31-35 CACCB 36-40 BCBBD 三、完型填空: 41-45 BDBAC 46-50 DDBDA 51-55 BCABC 四、阅读理解: 56-60 ADACA 61-65 CDDBA 66-70 ACDDB 五、词与短语填空: 71. forms 72.without doubt 73.general 74.seldom