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【冀教版】英语八年级上:Unit 8《Lesson 43 What Makes You Unique》课件

1、,Unit 8 Celebrating Me! Lesson 43 What Makes You Unique?,Think about it,Are you proud of yourself? What are you good at? What makes you unique in your class?,Language Points,1. No problem! Problem作名词,意为“问题,难题” 辨析:problem & question problem侧重难以解决的“问题”或“难题” question指提出并有待回答的“问题,疑问” e.g. Whats your pro

2、blem? Can you solve it by yourself?May I ask you a question?,2. We are supposed to describe ourselves in a report. be supposed to “应该”,相当于should,表示建议、义务或责任等。 bnot supposed to相当于should not或not allowed to “不应该;不被允许” e.g. You are supposed to arrive here at 6 a.m.,3. I find it a little hard. find+ n./代词

3、+adj. It作宾语,hard作宾语补足语 find sb doing sth 发现某人正在做某事 find sb do sth 发现某人做了某事,强调动作发生的过程。 e.g. I find English very interesting.The teacher found Lucy reading English when she came in.,4. and I think Im a good person. person具体的“个人”,侧重于个体,无男女性别之分。 people集体名词,泛指“人们”,做主语时,谓语动词用复数形式。 man“男人”,有时也泛指“人”,无性别之分,R

4、ead the lesson and write true(T) or false(F). 1. Jenny and Li Ming are talking on the phone. ( ) 2. Jenny can write the report for Li Ming. ( ) 3. Li Ming doesnt know how to describe himself in the report at first. ( ) 4. Li Ming is a good student and has many friends. ( ),Answers: 1. T 2. F 3. T 4.

5、 T,Make sentences using the given information. Example: We are supposed to describe ourselves in a report. 1. Danny/ meet Steven at 8 a.m. in the library (be supposed to)Danny is supposed to meet Steven at 8 a.m. in the library. 2. I/ do my homework tomorrow evening (be supposed to)I am supposed to

6、do my homework tomorrow evening. 3. Celina/ perform on Christmas Day next week (be supposed to)Celina is supposed to perform on Christmas Day next week. 4. Tina/ finish the work before lunch (be supposed to)Tina is supposed to finish the work before lunch. 5. she/ look after her little sister (be supposed to)She is supposed to look after her little sister.,.,