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【冀教版】英语九年级上:Unit 2《Lesson 10 Touch the World》课件

1、Touch the World,Lesson 10,教学目标,1. 掌握词汇 : planetary, Helen Keller, writer, educator, blind, deaf, illness, ability, Anne Sullivan, progress, community, greatly 2. 学习 Helen Keller 不畏艰难的精神。,Warming up,Do you like to be blind or deaf?(体会无光, 无声世界),Play game,Helen Keller,请点击看视频,New words,planetary Helen K

2、ellerwriter educator blind deafillness ability Anne Sullivan progress community greatly,planetary,Helen Keller,writer,educator,blind,deaf,Useful words and expressions,blind,形容词 ( blinder; blindest)瞎的,盲的 eg. He is blind in one eye. 他一只眼睛失明。,(as) blind as a bat 看不清的;不易看清的;看不见的(别人却看得见的),Venetian blind

3、活动百叶窗,blind alley 死胡同;没有前途的职业 .,和 blind 相关的短语用法,blind as a bat 看不清的;不易看清的;看不见的(别人却看得见的),blind spot (视网膜的)盲点, (驾驶车辆等视力以外的)盲区, 无知,偏见;未知领域,blind to 无视于;对.漠然,deaf,形容词 ( deafer; deafest) 聋的 eg. She is deaf in one ear. 她一只耳朵是聋的。,不愿听的 eg. He was deaf to her warning. 他不听她的警告。,deaf to 不听;不理,deaf-and-dumb 聋哑的

4、,deaf-mute 聋哑者,stone deaf 完全聋的,stone-deaf 耳朵聋的,完全聋的,tone-deaf 音盲的,turn a deaf ear to 不愿听 .,word-deaf 患语聋症的,Phrases about deaf:,greatly,极其,非常,大大地 eg. I was greatly moved by his kindness. 他的好意令我极为感动。,Reading and listening,THE PLANTARY POST JUNE 2, 1968,Helen Keller Dies at 88,Helen Keller, the well-kn

5、own writer and educator, died yesterday at the age of 88. Helen Keller was a model for people around the world. Helen was born in 1880 in the United States. When she was nineteen months old, Helen fell ill. She had a high fever that made her blind and deaf. Before her illness, Helen had been a brigh

6、t and happy girl. After she lost her ability to see and hear, she became difficult and wild. She often shouted and cried.,In 1887, a young teacher named Anne Sullivan, began to help Helen. She spelled words on Helens hand with her fingers. At first, the words didnt mean anything to Helen. Then, one

7、day, Helen was playing in some water. Anne Sullivan spelled W-A-T-E-R onto Helens hand. Suddenly, Helen understood. That day, she learned many more words: mother, father, sister and teacher.,As Helen grew older, she made a lot of progress and learned to read. She had special books with letters that

8、she could feel with her fingers. She also learned to write and even speak. When Helen studied at university, Anne sat beside her. She listened to the professors words, and spelled them on Helens hand.,After Helen finished university, she visited many countries. She spoke about her life. She was very

9、 famous for her courage and hard work. She did her best to help other in the community who were deaf or blind. She tried to live her life without any regret. She will be greatly missed.,Group work,What do we learn form Helen Keller?,Free talk,1. What would your life be like if you couldnt see or hea

10、r? 2. How do you feel the world if you are blind?,Exercises,根据汉语提示完成单词。,1. He cant hear anything because he is _ (聋的). 2. Most of the _ (盲人) work hard. 3. I can see the blackboard clearly because my _ (视力) is good.,deaf,blind,sight,What do you want to be?I want to be an _ (education).His _ (ill) is

11、very serious. Hed better go to see a doctor. 3. He is a _ and he is _ for the newspaper. (write) 4. She will be _ (great) missed forever. 5. The little girls _ (see) and _ (hear) are very poor.,根据汉语提示完成英文句子。,educator,illness,writer,writing,greatly,sight,hearing,Homework,The remaining exercises in the Activity Book.The next reading in the student book.,