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本文(浙江省温州市南浦实验中学、广场中学、绣山中学等2020届初三学业水平检测英语试题(含答案))为本站会员(画**)主动上传,七七文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知七七文库(发送邮件至373788568@qq.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、 2019 学学年年第第二二学期学期九九年年级级学学业业水平水平检测检测英英语语试试卷卷 一、单项选择(本题有 10 小题,每小题 2 分,共 20 分) 请从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 1. Do you still remember experience of studying abroad? Yes, I will never forget about that. A. a B. an C. the D. / 2. Mary couldnt help laughing when a gentleman appeared on the stage and i

2、ntroduced as the Monkey King. A. myself B. herself C. himself D. itself 3. The weather report says its going to rain tomorrow. Really? I think it is to take an umbrella when we go out then. A. strange B. stupid C. interesting D. necessary 4. The apple pie is so delicious. Can you tell me the of maki

3、ng it? Just follow the instructions and you are able to make it too. A. ability B. secret C. value D. result 5. I hadnt been in touch with Alice for a long time, but I heard from her. A. recently B. immediately C. hardly D. quickly 6. I want to keep a pet, but I dont have too much time. Why not keep

4、 a parrot? You feed it, because it can feed itself. A. neednt B. mustnt C. cant D. shouldnt 7. After being punished by his mother, the boy sat without a word. A. in danger B. in person C. in silence D. in trouble 8. I hear that your computer failed to work. Yes, but I it and now it works well again.

5、 A. am repairing B. repair C. will repair D. have repaired 9. The famous singer Eason is going to hold a concert in Shanghai. Wonderful. Lets find out so that we can add it to our holiday plan. A. what he thinks of his concerts B. if he is interested in Shanghai C. when the concert will be held D. h

6、ow he will come to Shanghai 10. I am so excited to be chosen for an exchange program in the US. Im sure you will make greater progress there. A. Pardon me? B. Congratulations. C. Its nothing serious. D. It was great fun. 二、完形填空(本题有 15 小题,每小题 1 分,共 15 分) 阅读下面短文,掌握大意,然后 从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。 I

7、n 2000, I was around seven years old. My parents, sister and I were coming back from a ball game, which had been our 11 weekend adventure since I was two. When we stopped in our driveway, we spotted two adult geese and a small goose. The adults were startled by our return and flew away, but their ba

8、by was still too young to 12 and couldnt follow. Hours passed, and night fell. With it came a deep 13 and a fear of watchful predators*. The small goose was walking around our yard, and it was clear that it needed warmth and 14 to make it to the morning. We all slept 15 one eye open till morning cam

9、e. And then another morning. And still another. Each morning, we would try to scurry* the little thing over to its parents, who kept coming back to our yard. However, it wouldnt go to them and 16 wouldnt come close enough to claim* it. By then, the young goose had clearly decided we were its 17 fami

10、ly, so we had to give it a name. My sister called the little guy Peeper, 18 it would follow us around the yard making a peeping noise. Days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months 19 almost a year passed. We settled into days 20 with feathery* hugs. My dad threw Peeper up into the air every

11、day so that it could learn to fly. One evening, my uncle came over, and my dad wanted to show him Peeper. He threw it up in the air, but this time Peeper just 21 . We looked for it for days, but it didnt come back. Twenty years passed, and Peeper became a fond memory for my family. Geese live to be

12、around 25 years old, are very loyal*, and 22 forget their first home. Even so, it came as a total 23 to me when in 2019 an aging adult goose made its way back to my family home. After two weeks of the goose coming back 24 , it became clear to me that this wasnt any unknown goose. It did all of the s

13、ame things Peeper used to do. In addition, this goose also 25 to the name Peeper. Much to my amazement, my old best friend had come back, 20 years later. 11. A. latest B. serious C. final D. usual 12. A. walk B. run C. fly D. pull 13. A. sleep B. hole C. cold D. wound 14. A. instruction B. protectio

14、n C. communication D. ti 15. A. with B. without C. in D. through 16. A. I B. it C. they D. we 17. A. old B. new C. same D. different 18. A. so B. though C. because D. but 19. A. until B. when C. after D. since 20. A. compared B. stored C. remembered D. filled 21. A. gave up B. went off C. fell down

15、D. came back 22. A. never B. sometimes C. often D. always 23. A. pleasure B. shock C. regret D. shame 24. A. rapidly B. quietly C. repeatedly D. separately 25. A. pointed B. changed C. belonged D. replied 三、阅读理解(本小题有 15 小题,26-28 小题 3 分;40 题 5 分;其余小题 2 分,共 36 分) 阅读下面短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。 A 2

16、6. What is the Smart Ocean Chair made of? A. Plastic bottles. B. Fishing nets. C. HDPE ocean plastics. D. Recycled furniture. 27. What makes Lo but to the expert, which is any Chinese person, green tea is different in many ways. There is this years crop, last years crop, the spring crop, the autumn

17、crop, north tea, south tea. To understand those differences, you just have to be born into that knowledge. The process of making green tea is no secret. You just put a few leaves into a cup and pour in hot waterthe hotter, the better. The key is in drinking itdrinking that hot tea without getting yo

18、ur teeth full of leaves. The only other secret is to keep adding hot water every time the guest takes a sip. In Chinese culture, the poor host is one who lets the tea get cold. As a native born U.S. southerner, I found this especially interesting. The Chinese, world-class experts on the subject find

19、 the whole idea of iced tea to be unthinkable. Some drink their tea cup by cup. Some make tea in a bottle every morning and carry it with them all day, just adding hot water sometimes. Whatever the style is, they drink their tea. Its more than a part of their diet. Its a part of their lifestyle. The

20、y claim great value in this drink. It calms them down, controls the heartbeat, heals sore throats, and clears the mind. All this may or may not be true, but the real value of green tea is ceremonial. Chinese society and business develops around the cup of tea. 29. According to the passage, green tea

21、 is different in its to a Chinese. A. picking time B. color C. cooking way D. smell 30. According to the passage, whats the right way to drink the green tea? A. Drink the green tea with the leaves. B. Drink the tea when it is cool enough. C. Sometimes add some ice into the tea. D.Pour hot water and

22、keep the tea warm. 31. What kind of value of the green tea is NOT mentioned in the passage? A. Social value B. Historical value C. Medical value D. Ceremonial value 32. Whats the best title for the passage? A. Green Tea drink of choice B. Green Tea a popular drink C. Green Tea an eastern secret D. G

23、reen Tea a Chinese lifestyle C There is a new kind of glasses that helps people considered legally blind to see again. The company E-Sight created these unusual glasses. They are electronic, and work by providing the users with huge amounts of visual* information. But how do they work? A high-speed,

24、 high resolution camera is set in the middle of the glasses. It gets video images of whatever is before it. The computer in the glasses immediately processes the video and shows it on two screens in front of the users eyes. The video is improved by the glasses technology so that the user is able to

25、see the image. The glasses also autofocus* extremely quickly between short, medium, and long distance vision. This helps the user to move easily from reading a book, to watching TV, to looking out a window. “The device is almost bombarding the eyes with so much information to send to the brain throu

26、gh the eye that it can present them with a picture that is pretty much what you would see or I would see. It is a true wearable breakthrough for those who are living with vision loss.” Jeffrey Fenton, the marketing director for E-Sight, said. The company says the glasses have what it calls “bioptic

27、tilt abilities”. With these abilities, users adjust* the device so they have the clear and steady* video. Such balance in vision helps users avoid feeling sick. Users are advised to take time to get used to the glasses. In the beginning, they should wear them just a few hours at a time while their e

28、yes adjust. The World Health Organization says about 285 million people are visually_impaired, including 39 million who are blind. Among that group are the sisters of E-Sight founder Conrad Lewis. Lewis, an engineer, decided to help his sisters see. The glasses are costly, however, user Julissa Marq

29、uez says they are worth the money. Marquez lost most of her eyesight in 2013 and after more than ten operations she was left with about thirty percent vision in one eye. Through the glasses, however, she says her vision is “amazing.” 33. The glasses catch video images with the . A. glass B. computer

30、 C. screens D. camera 34. The glasses have all these advantages EXCEPT that . A. users do not need to focus by themselves B. it only takes a few hours to get used to the glasses C. the pictures presented are as clear as the real things D. “bioptic tilt abilities” help the users feel comfortable 35.

31、The underlined phrase “visually_impaired” probably means . A. unable to see B. pain in eyes C. poorer in health D. weaker in eyesight 36. The passage is mainly about . A. how the glasses effectively work to help get normal vision B. how E-Sight works to create the glasses to satisfy the blind C. why

32、 vision loss has become a common problem nowadays D. why these unusual electronic glasses are created by E-Sight D During the Christmas season, a large number of delicious puddings are sold in this store. Here you are allowed to sample them before coming to a decision. I often wondered if someone wh

33、o had no idea of buying, would take advantage of this privilege*. One day I asked this question of the shop girl and I learned it was indeed the case. “Theres an old gentleman, for example,” she told me, “he often comes here and samples the puddings, though he never buys anything.” She was still spe

34、aking when an elderly gentleman appeared and began looking closely at the puddings with great interest. “Thats the very gentleman Ive been telling you about,” whispered the girl. Then she turned to him, “Would you like to sample them, sir? Heres a spoon for you.” The elderly gentleman, who was poorl

35、y but neatly dressed, accepted it and began eagerly to sample the puddings. It was obvious that he sincerely believed that he might finally buy some. But I believed he wouldnt. Among the crowd of happy Christmas shoppers, the man seemed pitiful and out of place. Then I went up to him and said, “Sir,

36、 may I buy you the puddings? It would give me such pleasure.” He jumped back as if he had been stung and the blood rushed into his wrinkled face. “Excuse me,” he said, with more dignity* than I would have thought possible considering his appearance, “I wonder if you have mistaken me for someone else

37、.” He quickly turned to the shop girl and said in a loud voice, “Kindly pack me up this one here. I will take it with me.” He pointed at one of the largest and most expensive puddings. The girl took down the puddings, while he pulled out a worn little black wallet and counted the pennies. To save hi

38、s “honour”* he bought them which he could not possibly afford. How I longed for the power to unsay my words! It was too late though, and I felt that the kindest thing I could do now would be walking away. “You pay at the desk,” the shop girl was telling him, but he didnt seem to understand and kept

39、putting the coins into her hand. And that was the last time I saw or heard him. Now he can never go there to sample puddings any more. 37. What was the writer curious about at the beginning of the story? A. Why some people liked to sample puddings in this store. B. Why many delicious puddings were s

40、old during Christmas. C. Whether people would try puddings without buying finally. D. Whether people tried puddings before coming to a decision. 38. Why did the old man jump back when the writer offered him help? A. He was so moved by the writers kindness. B. He was shameful and didnt want to lose f

41、ace. C. He was excited to get the puddings that he wanted. D. He was afraid the writer wanted him to buy puddings. 39. How might the writer feel in the end? A. Satisfied. B. Cheerful. C. Disappointed. D. Regretful. 40. What does the writer want to tell us by writing “I felt that the kindest thing I

42、could do now would be walking away.”? 四、词汇运用(本题有 15 题,每小题 1 分,共 15 分) A用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,每词限用一次。 paint our against secretary absent 41. The boy when his sister returned home. 42. Though their house is bigger, is a lot cleaner. 43. Tina was from the meeting so I didnt see her then. 44. A main job is to

43、 deal with letters and telephone calls for the boss. 45. Im personally building a factory here, because it causes too much pollution. B根据短文内容和所给中文提示,用单词的正确形式完成以下短文。 Birthdays are celebrated all over the world. Some traditions are fairly 46 ( 相似的) from country to country: cakes, 47 ( 蜡烛), birthday wi

44、shes and birthday games. Other customs are not 48 (准确地,确切地) the same. Here are a few. In Argentina, a girls 49 ( 第 十 五 ) birthday is quite special. Some parents hold a party for their child 50 (度过) the wonderful day. Girls usually dance the waltz first with their father, and then the boys at the par

45、ty. In China, friends and relatives 51 (邀请) to lunch and noodles are served to wish the birthday child a long life. And some parents may give their child a big 52 ( 惊喜), like his or her favorite toys. As for the 53 ( 印度的) children, they wear white to school. However, 54 ( 每当) their birthdays come, c

46、hildren wear coloured clothes to school and give out chocolates to classmates. In Japan, the birthday child wears new clothes to mark the occasion. Certain birthdays are much 55 ( 重要的) than others and these are celebrated with a visit to the local shrine. These are the third and seventh birthdays fo

47、r girls and the fifth for boys. 五、书面表达(本题有 1 题,共 30 分) 56. 线上课堂是时下热议的话题。请以 Online Learning 为题向校刊投稿,谈谈你对线上课堂 的看法并介绍你的学习经验。 要求:(1) 不能出现真实的个人身份信息。 (2) 词数:110 词左右。 Online Learning adjust v.调整 autofocus v.自动对焦 ceremonial adj.礼仪的 claim v.认领 commission n.佣金 dignity n.尊严 feathery adj.毛茸茸的,轻软 honor n.名誉 loyal adj.忠诚的 predator n.捕食者 privilege n.特权 scurry v.疾跑 steady adj.平稳的 visual adj.视觉的,视力的