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2018年秋牛津译林版七年级上册 Unit3 Grammar 学案

1、七年级上册 Unit 3 Grammar 学案主备: 谈德欢 审核: 日期:2018-8-2学校_ 班级_ 姓名_ 家长签字_【板块要点】一、教学目标1. 了解相关人称代词的主格形式及其相应的 Be 动词。2 . 掌握人称代词主格和宾格的用法。教学重点、难点1. 用正确的人称代词及其相应的 Be 动词进行对话表达。2. 正确使用主格和宾格来进行表达。二、词汇、短语 三、句型(语法)1This is ? Is that ?2Let me tell you about3I want to say hello to4Pardon? I cant hear you well on the phone.

2、5I am. You are. She/he/It is.We/You/They are.不同的人称代词所接 be 动词6About it; like him; play with them; help me; say hello to her 动词/介词后用宾格1 let me see 让我想想 let us; lets 让我们2 phone= telephone(n.) on the phone 通电话; by phone 通过电话。3 after class 下课后; before class 课前。 4 pardon (excl.) 什么 请再说一遍 pardon please?1【课

3、前导学】一、写出下列短语的英语表达1. 看我朋友们的照片_ 2. 在墙上 _3. 让我看一下_ 4. 帮助我们_5. 不能听清你(的声音)_ 6. 告诉祖父关于它的情况 _7. 我们英语老师_ 8. 和他们一起玩耍_ 9. 向她问好_ 10.在电话中_二、概念 人称代词是用来代替指_或_的名词。在英语中,第一次提到某人或某物时用名字或名词,下文再提到该人或该物时,用人称代词来代替,一般不再重复名字或名词。e.g. (1)Tom 是一名学生, 他十七岁。Tom is a student. He is seventeen.构成 人称代词有_和_两种形式,当被代替的词作_时,用主格形式; 当被代替的

4、词作_时,用宾格形式。I see her at the meeting.人称代词还有_人称、_人称和_人称及数的变化 单数 复数我 你 他 她 它 我们 你们 他们主格宾格形容词性物主代词【课堂学习】Step 1. One-minute talk. Introduce your family with personal pronouns.Step 2. Watch and find Have a look at the table on page 35, paying attention to the bold words. Ask the students when to use prono

5、uns (subject form)/ (subject form).Step 3. Discuss and work out the rules Work in groups to find out the rules of the pronouns.用法 (1) 做主语用主格;做宾语用宾格,宾语在动词或介词后 a. 我喜欢乒乓球。他喜欢网球。_ like table tennis. _ likes tennis.b. 你认得他吗? Do you know_? c. 请和我一起来吧!Come with _, please.(2) 如果主语是几个并列的人称代词,习惯顺序是:2a. 我们、你们、

6、他们 - we, you, and they b. you, he and I - 你、他、我注意 单数通常把 I 放在最后 ,一般顺序为:you, he/she, I。 e.g.You, he and I are all in this class. 译成:你、我、他都在这个班里。复数的顺序一般为:we,you,they e.g.We,you and they will go there together.译成:我们,你们和他们将一起去那。两个第三人称同时出现时,一般把男性人称代词放在前面:e.g.He and she are both good at swimming. 译成:他和她都善长

7、游泳。(3) 中性人称代词 it 除了可指动物、事物外,还可指看不出性别的人、时间、天气、距离等.a. Who is the baby in the picture? Its me. 译:_b. What time is it? Its 5:00. 译: _c. How is the weather today? Its sunny. 译: _Step 4. PracticeDo the exercises on page 35-36【课后拓展】一、用括号中人称代词的适当形式填空.1. Her sister is helping _(we ).2. John and I are in the

8、same school._(we)go to school together.3. Everyone likes_(she), and _(you)?4. Danny gives the book to _ (you).5._(I) have many friends. Some of_(they )are good at English.6. Jim is English. _ (I) like playing with _(he).7. I love _(they)very much. 8. Miss Li often looks after_(she).9. They are waiti

9、ng for_(they).10. Do you like Li Ming? No, _(I) dont like _(he).二选择题( )1.-What colour is the_ of the hospital(医院)? -Its white.A. name B. phone C. wall D. picture ( )2.-Can you help me? -_? I cant hear you clearly.A. What time B. When C. How D. Pardon( )3.Look_ the girl on the ground. She is crying.A

10、. on B. in D. for( )4.Your drawings are very great. I like _ very much.A. it B. them C. they D. its( )5. They often _about their new school.A. look B. talk C. listen D. speak( )6. Let me _. I often put my books on the bookshelf.A. look B. see C. watch D. read3( )7.Kate is good at swimming. _wan

11、ts to go swimming today.A. They B. Them C. Us D. She( ) 8.My friends will go to the zoo tomorrow except_.A. David and me B. I and David C. David and I D. me and David( ) 9._is good to watch CCTV news every day.A. That B. It C. This D. He( )10.I would like to go to the zoo with_.A. he B. she C. you D

12、. they( ) 11. One of_is a member of the club.A. you B. we C. they D. it( ) 12. -_ your teacher? -Yes, you are.A.I am B. Am I C. Are you D. Are they( ) 13. His son looks like_ very much.A. he B. her C. him D. them( ) 14.They are my friends._are in Grade7.A. You B. We C.Us D. Them( )15. My aunt is ill

13、. I have to look after_.A. she B. him C. her D. He三、用所给词的适当形式填空。1. Mr Liu teaches _(I) English.2. This is Sandys school. Let _(she) tell _(we) about _(it).3. _(their) are my new classmates. I like playing with _(they) after class.4. Is_ (Sandy) grandma at home?5. He cant hear _(you) _(good).6. The _

14、 _(parents) meeting begins at 2 p.m. Let _(we) hurry. 7. Mike is my classmate. _(him) is good at English.8. These are my new friends. Do you want to know _(they)?9. His name is Thomas, but w e usually call _Tom.(he)10.-Do you know everyone from Class One?-Er, I know some of _.(they)四、句型转换1. They oft

15、en talk on the phone.(对划线部分提问) _2. He wants to say hello to his grandpa.(改为一般疑问句)_3. I often play football with them after class.( 对划线部分提问)_4. I like Biology best( 改成同义句) My is Biology45. Our class begins at 8:00 in the morning. (改成否定句)Our class at 8:00 in the morning五、短文填空Look! This is our school.

16、It is big. There are 30 classes and 1,500 s_(1) in our school. There are two c_(2) buildings and one office building. In f_(3) of the office building, you can see a g_(4). There are some flowers and grass in it. They m_(5) the garden beautiful. A library and a school hall a_(6) behind the classroom

17、buildings. There are l_(7) of books in the library. We can r_(8) books in the library when we don t have lessons.O_(9) the right of the library is a big playground. Every day many students play different (不同的) kinds of s_(10) there after school.六、阅读理解Lin Tao and Chen Hai are good friends. They are i

18、n the same class. Lin Tao sits behind(在后面 ) Chen Hai. They are both in the school basketball team.Now it is four oclock. School is over. They often go to play basketball after school. They cant look after their things very well. So their mothers dont give them watches. They dont have watches. They d

19、ont know the time. But they can ask a man under the big tree. His watch is very nice. They can also see the clock on the wall of the classroom. Now its about five in the afternoon. Its time to go home. They put on their clothes and go home.( ) 1. Where do Lin Tao and Chen Hai sit in the classroom?A.

20、 They sit in the same team. B. Chen Hai sits behind Lin Tao. C. They sit in the same row. (排) D. Chen Hai sits in front of Lin Tao.( ) 2. What do they do after school?A. They play basketball. B. They do their homework C. They look after each other D. They go home( ) 3. Why dont they have watches?A.

21、Because they dont need watches. B. Because they cant look after things well.C. Because their watches are in their desks. D. Sorry, I dont know.( ) 4. How can they know the time?A. They can see their teachers watch. B. They can ask the woman under the big tree.C. They can ask their home and ask their mothers. D. They can see the clock on the wall of the classroom.( ) 5. What time do they go home in the afternoon?A. At about 10 a.m. B. At about 5 a.m. C. At about 5 p.m. D. At about 4 p.m.